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Let's put it to bed. Your last word on the current console generation.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Microsoft was all over the place for most of the generation. Xbox One is by far their weakest product they have done in the Xbox legacy but I admire their willingness to stick it out and pivot as much as they have. Their strongest games for me were Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Ori 1 and 2,Gears 4 and 5 and Forza Horizon 2-4.

Sony obviously had the better generation but a lot of their games were a swing and a miss for me. God of War and Spiderman are easily my favorite games from them but other games like Days Gone, Last of Us Part 2, Uncharted 4 and Detroit become human just did not hit for me at all.

Third Parties have been all over for me as well. While you have Zenimax and Bethesda putting out stuff that I really enjoyed like Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Evil Within 2, and the rebirth of Wolfenstein, you have the other side of that coin with stuff like Fallout 76 and I would even throw Fallout 4 into that mix of being totally underwhelming.

EA was a total shit show minus Respawn?

Ubisoft has morphed almost all of their games into the same template. While I still enjoy them, Minus Black Flag and Mario Kingdom Battle, most of their games were fine at best for me. As someone who really enjoyed most of their games during last gen, this was a bit shocking.

Take 2 was a big miss for me. Did not like Read Dead 2 at all. Not a Civ person. Borderlands 3 was worst in the series for me.

Obviously there are more but perhaps my tastes have just changed? I think I can look back on this gen and pick 5 games I really enjoyed and would recommend as some of the best of all time. Just doesnt seem like a lot after 7 years.


A lot of people had fun with both consoles over the last 7 years. This generation was more "meh" for me. With that said, my last words for this generation of consoles are...

Die, trash.


A mix of good games, but also a mix of derivative games, crappy politics and business practices. Extensions of terrible things from the previous console gen, overhyped games that didn't live up to expections with a review-score shield (Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania) VR kind of thrived but without a single game making use of it's advantages, ps4 was a pretty good system that felt like a Renaissance of game variety but gave Sony a thick skull to start forcing left-leaning authoritarian decisions in recent months, and this is the same people that let Senran Kagura on their console.

Not prepared for the next console gen, probably getting a gaming pc. but gaming is already heading down a bad path.

Edit: but hey at least the generation gave us, Tales of Beasria!
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This generation really sucked. Like, really sucked - a real nadir for gaming. I feel bad for the kiddos who never played games on PS2 or even early Xbox 360.

Why did this gen suck?
-Bad hardware and bad user experiences
-GAAS as a business model
-Total collapse of once good studios like Blizzard, Bioware, and all of EA.
-MS fucked up both Halo 5 and MCC, and virtually every other game until Flight Sim 2020
-Sony abandons a lot of interesting properties they had on PS3.
-Nintendo releases two brilliant games on Switch then proceeds to just remake their entire Wii and Wii U library into perpetuity.
-Studios lean on remakes and ports to bolster their financials because they can't make new games anymore.
-phrases like "quality of life" and "gameplay loop" enter the lexicon
-rise of woke developers leading to massive self censorship

There were some good games, of course, but it's like a $70B industry, how could there not be.

Rocket League, Dota 2, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch, Minecraft, Destiny, PUBG, Super Smash Bros, Monster Hunter World, Diablo III, Halo 5, Dead by Daylight, League of Legends...

Some of the best games this industry has to offer.

Every single one benefitted enormously by being GAAS.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
After thinking about it I have more than a word to say about this gen.

IMO this generation started off pretty great but the last few years have been awful.

My issues with this generation of consoles:
- Sony's best game was Bloodborne (2015)
- The best shooter was Battlefield 4 (2013)
- Microsoft's best game was.... Forza Horizon 3 (2016)??!?!
- The witcher 3 was the best game of the gen (2015, played on PC)
- No GTA
- No Elder Scrolls
- The Last of Us IP was destroyed
- Mass Effect was dug up from its grave and shit on
- Everything was GAAS but not actually good.
- Sony started censoring stuff
- SJWisms infected everything
- I seriously had nothing to play but a bad PUBG port for two years because nothing Sony put out spoke to me at all.
- People cheating with Keyboard & Mouse, or strikepacks (macros) ruined PS4 shooters for me.

I have always played PC for RPGs and other multiplat single player games, but this gen was the first time I permanently moved to PC for everything. Honestly, gamepass made the switch pretty easy, and it helps that the types of games Sony makes don't really interest me outside of bloodborne and Horizon Zero Dawn. With HZD now on PC, and likely more Sony games to follow, I expect I will not have to buy a console, or deal with Sony censorship, ever again.
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This generation was the first time I played a console on a modern 4K HDTV, complete with HDR! I had been on CRT, so it was a huge leap for me. Picked up a PS4 Pro to get the most out of it, and in addition to all that, there have been great games to go along with it. I am so content I am not all that pumped about adopting the PS5. The Pro does great!
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Started out rough in the first few years, with a couple exceptions. But the second half really turned things around, 2017 is up there with 1998 and 2004 in the conversation for best year in gaming ever.

The best way to put it, this gen ended up polished much like how the SNES polished 2D games. I think that polish matters a lot when talking about a game’s legacy. There were so many standout titles from huge franchises and across all genres

And VR finally hit a milestone where it might be kind of rough, but people can actually enjoy it. Much like the N64, rather than previous attempts that were nice but painful (3D on SNES).

The only real knock I have is that PC gaming became very expensive and took a step back in the last few years with all the different digital storefronts/services. The one huge exception being Game Pass PC (when it works).


My favorite generation so far, and I’ve been around since the beginning. Between the PS4 and the Switch, I’ve played some of the best games of all time. Looking forward to finishing my PS4 backlog on the PS5.


The generation where metal gear solid died to me... fuck mgsv now and forever what a trash ass game and a complete disconnect from the series and a shame the series ive loved for over 2 decades ended on such a shit game.


It feels like this generation of gaming became more comfortable with just being 'gaming' again.

In the PS3 generation, it struck me that gaming took itself too seriously, at least in terms of how it presented itself. It seemed like many developers were too obsessed with creating realism, probably because of what they could now do in terms of visuals and in particular physics. Many games had to have a gritty aesthetic and I lost count of how many had a dreary brown color filter. It also felt like there was a big push to mainstream the idea that gaming was some highbrow artistic pursuit for adults, which resulted in some cringe worthy attempts at being deep and meaningful. I think a lot of the pearl clutching we still see today was also born from that idea of making gaming more 'grown up'.

In the late PS3 / PS4 era until now, it felt like there was more of a focus on being fun again. It feels like we have more colorful games which put gameplay center stage - for as much hate as Fortnite gets, it's as good an example as any. Even though graphics are getting objectively better, developers seem more interested in using it to create more fantastical worlds than more photo real ones. There is also a lurch away from realism for realism's sake. For example, GTA5 may look more realistic than GTA4, but the former also doesn't control like mud in an attempt to match the visuals. It seems like developers have realized it's okay to have a mismatch of realistic visuals with arcade-y controls and game mechanics.
Pretty great gen overall to me. Last year I played more games in one year than I ever have in a single year, and I really enjoyed almost everything I played. This year I've played several longer games, but have been enjoying almost all of them as well.

Nintendo made the right call and pulled the plug on the WiiU. The Switch came out and has been the best console I've owned in a long time. Some of my favorite games ever are on the system.

Xbox started making their games available on their PC platform and more recently Steam, and now all Xbox exclusives will be on the platform. Because of this I can own my PC and my Switch and still cover almost every exclusive Nintendo and Xbox console game aside from a handful of titles. Gamepass was introduced and has been amazing.

Sony sold a lot of consoles.

Really everyone won this gen, regardless of what you played on, there was always a lot of good games to play.
This is gonna be all over the place.

I have an Xbox One, and even though they went an entire generation without any must-have exclusives, they have always been more accessible and "warmer" to me than Playstation, if that makes any sense. Yeah they stumbled at the start with the One, but once they fixed some stuff I was convinced it was enough back then to get a One..they've been stumbling this entire gen exclusives- wise though.

I've had some great experiences on the Xbox, mostly on the 360. I think it's due to personal preference. I went with the One mostly on the hopes that multi-player experiences would be as amazing as they were in the 360 days. The online community just felt more accessible to me in those days, but it wasn't exactly the same experience on the One. With additions like party chat, I feel like everyone was always in their own chats instead of communicating during game matches. PS3 didn't entice me with their exclusives back then, so it was easy to go from 360 to One.

I ended up missing out this gen in retrospect, because I could have been playing all of the games I enjoy on Xbox on Playstation, in addition to their exclusives..Playstation has really, undoubtedly, been dropping killer exclusives this gen. I look forward to playing them on my PS5. Xbox has been Innovative this gen with some of their decisions. I wouldn't be able to play my games on the go without Xbox's spectacular accessibility, my Razer Kishi is fantastic. Game Pass really is a landmark achievement for them that has seen a steady increase in value since it was first introduced. The good news is that Game Pass will only get better.

Playstation has some work to do when it comes to certain things like accessibility and features, but I'm ultimately glad Xbox is there to offer what Playstation does not at this point in time. With Microsoft's recent acquisition, it seems like they are gearing up for a monster generation and a massive improvement exclusives-wise. They will only get better and could even possibly reign supreme this gen, but that will take a lot of time. Sony is already on top with their games so they will only improve as well, there really is no denying they have built quite the brand for themselves with Playstation.

I think this new spark in competition will force both PS and XB to give us the best console generation in some time. So excited to see what comes of it. Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Ratchet and Clank, Suicide Squad Kills the JL, RE Village, Halo infinite, Final Fantasy, Avowed, Infinity Ward's next CoD, God of War Ragnarok, Hogwarts Legacy, Starfield and more games coming in the next few years! There are literally unlimited possibilities. A new Half Life or Left 4 Dead? GTA 6? Splinter Cell? Sly Cooper revival? Next-Gen is already introducing itself as a beast, in my opinion.
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Last gen I vastly preferred my xb360 to my ps3 . Gears , Halo , Halo wars and the L4D series blew the ps3 offerings out of the water imo. This gen I found the xbone to be pretty lackluster and much prefer my ps4 , especially with psvr added into the mix . But Bloodborne , resident evil 7 vr , Days Gone , God of War are all as good as it gets to me. I still need to play Ghosts of Teshuma , Spiderman and Last of us 2 as well.

Was going to just go Ps5 next gen but MS Bethesda acquisition has me convinced I will probably just get both systems again . But not getting either for a while due to the piss poor launch of both systems. Gears tactics and Demons souls remake are the only launch titles to peak my interest.


After dedicating my life to WoW during the previous generation, I gravitated toward the PS4 mostly due to the hype of my friends. While for me the launch started off lukewarm with CoD Ghosts and not really much else, soon came Infamous Second Son and Destiny which, along with Destiny 2, would scratch that WoW itch and steal another 3k hours of my life.

Then the hits just kept on coming from both first and third party. TitanFall 2, Monster Hunter World, God of War, Horizon, Spider-man, The Forest, Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima and so many more.

At this stage in my life I don't have time to play everything but I like to gravitate towards deep games I can really sink myself into, ones with deep combat to master and long end games or generally lot's of replay-ability. That means I still have so many games I have yet to enjoy.

That said, while there have been some truly amazing experiences this generation, I feel especially toward the end of the generation that many compromises in gameplay were made and game design started to become predictable. I believe this was mostly due to weak CPU/HDD performance limiting things like deep AI character behavior, world size and scope, simulations of all kinds, good physics, destruction, multiple branching paths in story telling and so much more.

Those are areas this next-generation will surprise us again. Visuals have already reached a level many of us have dreamed of for decades, but with much better lighting thanks to RT and software GI techniques along with better SSS, texture filtering, and much higher resolution assets thanks to SSDs we will see even greater leaps in visuals still with incredible performance to boot thanks to excellent per frame cost saving rendering techniques and just beefy hardware in general.

So while this current generation has been amazing, I don't know if I've ever looked forward to a new generation more than now.
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Gold Member
I've met a good group of friends and really enjoyed this generation overall.
Siege became my most played game ever (1500 hours and counting).
Hitman series continues on and is amazing.
Battlefield series has fallen quite a ways.
PS4 never getting audio multi-output like the PS3 has is super lame.
I've gone through more DS4 controllers than any controller before.
In for TheLastWord's last word on the subject.

Kidding aside, I think this gen provided a good amount of great new IPs. It's also the gen that finally was able to reasonably fake CGI level graphics in real time in some titles. Even though it was a disappointment, The Order 1886 really floored me the first time I went through the game. Truly felt next gen as well as a milestone in real time graphics. The hardware felt under-powered before the console even came out, no matter the company (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo), but they still managed to pull off some incredibly good looking games nonetheless on each platform. Finally, there are always exceptions, but I feel like sustaining 30 fps was much more frequent this gen compared to last gen. At the same point in time, average fps in games overall seem better than what we had on 360 PS3 at equivalent moment. The last 2 years on the 7th generation consoles weren't exactly stunning. Games like Far Cry 3 struggled to even get fps above 25 fps, while huge AAA games such as The Last of Us kept dropping below 30 fps during many sequences. Compared to current gen where we have stunners like The Last of Us 2, Spider-Man, Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4 where they all maintain their target FPS on base consoles without any issue.

Overall, I really enjoyed this gen.


I had a good time with it, though majority of my time was spent on PC.

Wild to think it started with an Xbox One and a PS4. Then I sold both. Then eventually got a PS4 again, haha. All while my Switch was just chillin'.

Felt weird because with all of the consoles, I only ever owned <15/20 games. Because I was only purchasing the exclusives I couldn't get anywhere else. Everything else was on PC.

I'm hoping this next-gen will move more, but we'll see! 🤷‍♂️


As a gamer of 30 years, this gen has been just ok. I've had both the standard ps4, now back with me again, and the ps4 pro which I'm hanging onto also and will carry on with until about 6 months after the ps5 launch. As apposed to previous generations, there has been less quality overall but we have seen some fuckin belters. I enjoyed it overall and will remember it as the generation that Sony went normal with pc architecture..😅


Hardware is overheating trash and games are designed around popularity and monetization.

A handful of quality games came out of it at least. Tsushima is fucking dope.


PS4 dominated and PS5 will continue, Nintendo beautiful and impressive as always, the 180 Xbox did since 2013, pretty impressive in its own regard, great generation overall!


Hmm thought about it and all i can say is:

Loved the games. Titanfall 2 deserved way more love, you peasants.

Very true. I bought it at launch due to the fuck up ..it was £20 in hmv. Probably the best £20 I've ever spent. My 2nd favourite game this generation.


Maybe its due to nostalgia, but the 360/PS3 generation had more memorable new IPs and games in general imo

Bioshock was a WOW moment in 2007 that was never replicated during this gen

In that year alone (2007), we had: Crysis, COD 4, Halo 3, Portal, The Orange Box, Mass Effect, Assasins Creed, Uncharted, Team Fortress 2, Mario Galaxy and more

I had way more games to play during this gen, but the last one was way more memorable to me.
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Writes a lot, says very little
More positive then negative.

Sony. Funny enough is one of the few companies that didn't really change all that much outside of making their system more user-friendly for Developers by opting to use x86 architecture. The rest of their setup is pretty standard as they typically bring out lots of new intellectual properties like Knack days gone Horizon zero Dawn ghost of tsushima, death stranding, The Last Guardian etc along with classic properties like Gran Turismo Ratchet & Clank, God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted etc

I'm missing lots of properties and even what's listed is enough to give them an amazing victory. Solid generation, can't complain.

Nintendo their decision to change things up by no longer putting out a standard Home console is not really surprising as a long time ago I even predicted the failure of the Wii U was very likely to cause Nintendo to Simply make a handheld with an HDMI out option in simply Focus their efforts on the portable market and allow those who want to play on the television to Simply have an option similar to what you saw with the PSP 3000 I'm not really surprised that I wasn't that far off.

Them putting all their eggs in one basket on one system and not simply splitting the install base like they've done for multiple generation I believe helped them greatly because no one was left out you didn't need to feel that one system or the other left you out of one property all their games were put on one device regardless of where the fuck you wanted to play. From my perspective you don't really have a lot of Slam Dunk games that are not Wii U ports like breath of the wild Mario Kart 8 Pikmin etc , but in my opinion they didn't really need any because I would argue so many people did not buy the Wii U those games might as well been brand new games to that handheld community. Going forward I think they should continue this concept like a switch 2 etc

I think it would be very very very fucking stupid to go back to splitting the install base because from what I see just not enough people really play those games on the television for that market to ever really take away money from them it makes complete sense to just make the portable and give the option to those who want to play on the television because I don't believe they're really losing that many sales because of graphics.

Microsoft easily the worst generation for the Xbox brand. starting off this generation was very very bad in terms of how the system was revealed But ultimately I believe a lot of the decisions this generation that continued is what actually really cost them in sales. Putting all the games on PC is a very smart move by Phil Spencer and regards to them getting more sales on software but it's also a move that begs to question the existence of the Xbox it simply puts it in a category to be an option and not really something needed by Gamers to play that content. I also believe them being very stagnant with only focusing on the same properties over and over failed to get them new consumers because if these same people decided they were not going to buy the system the previous generation because of these properties it's not as if they're going to change their mind the Next Generation.

Xbox One failure in my opinion is very similar to the Wii U it's a failure where the company can take a look at what they're going to do better than next time around and Microsoft recent purchases go to show they very much intend to do much better. I believe ultimately they will sell more Xboxes but I believe PlayStation 5 likely is still going to move the most units. Once that multi-platform cat is out of the bag, it might be an uphill battle for them to gain new consumers by simply selling the system as simply an option to play those games and not a necessity.

So people like me who own multiple systems like a gaming PC have less reasons to buy the next Xbox but I'm sure there's someone that will purchase it that has no interest in PC.
This year's almost non-existent AAA lineup by Microsoft goes to show just how terrible this generation has been for them

Capcom on a brighter more positive note developers that have made big turnarounds like Capcom. They went from being open to be sold in 2014 to releasing back-to-back Blockbusters with monster hunter World Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil remake 2 Resident Evil remake 3 Devil May Cry 5 etc they are behaving the way I believe they probably would a few years ago very conservative sticking to establish properties and not making much new intellectual property etc The fact that next Generation they have a big major AAA IP tells me they feel comfortable enough to take at least some risk which I think is very good for them now.

Konami my God where the fuck do we start with this dumpster fire? So many things could have been done with the Metal Gear Solid property this generation with the core teams absence in my personal opinion if they know the community may not believe they can make a new metal gear solid game at the very least make a fucking remake with an established team like bluepoint games or something or even Port The Collection or something like this. Konami has done so poorly this generation they might as well have sold those fucking properties.....

Sega made some very good moves this generation the best move I would say is purchasing Atlus. Like Capcom the rest of their releases are pretty predictable like the Sonic games Yakuza etc as Sega is very conservative on their releases they don't put out much new intellectual property, when they do with stuff like Fist of the North Star and judgement it's usually using Concepts that are existing and I'm imho safe.

Surprises this generation, I would actually say I'm generally surprised only one Rockstar game released in regards to a brand new title. I'm very surprised at the strange Mission structure coming from a developer known for giving lots of freedom and free agency on how to complete missions, but I think the biggest surprise is easily the acquisitions by Microsoft I knew because of the loss they were going to make some purchases but I don't know of anybody really predicted this large number of purchases.

New IP Notable mention is definitely lots of new intellectual properties as I feel people neglect this they complain about something new and then disregard all the new properties that released so stuff like For Honor, Watch Dogs, the division, ghost of tsushima, Days Gone, Dying Light, Titanfall Sekiro Shadows die twice, The Last Guardian, bloodborne, destiny, Cyberpunk 2077.

In total I can't really complain about this generation I got lots of new experiences and played lots of genres I have not played in a long time. I would say I have a large enough backlog to show I got more than my fill this generation with exciting games.

If next generation is even near what I got with this one, I'm completely fine with how things will go.


It was better when the Pro/X consoles came out and 4K HDR TV's helped make it worth it.

The industry learned a lot of lessons the hard way.
-Death of Kinect and motion controls, although I think there is still a market for this stuff but they have to figure out the right way to do it.
-People fought back and actually won some battles against microtransactions and loot boxes in Battlefront and Forza. There's been some less scummy releases, for now.
-Fad genres like Battle Royale, MOBA, Overwatch, 3v3, 5v5 multiplayer games coming up bust for many trying to make them. Well it seems that not everyone is learning yet.

I learned this gen about devs purposely making characters look uglier than the humans they're based on. Mee too, diversity, sjw, politics, censorship all being shoehorned into more and more games this gen and it might only get worse.

This gen was cool, but it's hopefully all going to play on next gen even better via backwards compatibility.


This gen killed console gaming for me after having 2 game consoles every gen since NES and MasterSystem. I moved to PC primarily to avoid paywalls, now I'll never go back due to the high FPS and my love (obsession) with all things PC hardware....and kb/m. Don't ever want to play a FPS without kb/m again.


It kinda felt like the same as the previous generation, just with more processing power. Which is what the next generation is pretty much looking like. No significant innovations besides Nintendo being Nintendo with the Switch.


Writes a lot, says very little
It kinda felt like the same as the previous generation, just with more processing power. Which is what the next generation is pretty much looking like. No significant innovations besides Nintendo being Nintendo with the Switch.

Outing to a tv with a portable is not a "significant innovation".

keep in mind, I believe its the job of the developer to innovate and I believe Sony and MS give those developers the tools to do so, they don't try to fucking force crap like motion junk like you saw with Nintendo. VR on PS4 is optional, just like Kinect is optional. I see no reason to literally ignore those features on those devices and only cherry pick "processing power" (ignores VR is a thing...)

I got enough new experiences this gen with VR with RE7, games like Dreams, No Man Sky, Knack, Death Stranding, The Last Guardian etc So its a developers job to make that new experience, to try to limit that to only talking about a video out on a portable is very questionable.

It would be like if Sony came out with a PSP in 2020 and they just used a video out like they did with PSP 3000 and this time it simply uses HDMI and you tried to tell people THAT is the new, huge, EPIC "significant innovation"......and not VR. The thing the did over 10 years ago is the "significant innovation" and not literally playing Resident Evil 7 in Virtual Reality......
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Do we include the WiiU?


The PS4, the only console I owned this gen, was great and will be dearly missed.
Bloodborne and The Talos Principle definitely made it into my top 5 list of all time as far as games go. My hype for next gen is tragically low somehow. I guess it is the combination of being older, having A LOT less time and the console war this year being more shit throwing and less funny memes.


Hard to Kill

The PS4, the only console I owned this gen, was great and will be dearly missed.
Bloodborne and The Talos Principle definitely made it into my top 5 list of all time as far as games go. My hype for next gen is tragically low somehow. I guess it is the combination of being older, having A LOT less time and the console war this year being more shit throwing and less funny memes.
Agreed even though I liked God of War more but that's the franchise that helped me and occupied me through months of hospital bed so I may no be objective there.


I would say overall disappointment, GOW and the Witcher 3 were standouts. The only real thing that utterly shocked me was VR. I'm definitely a believer now. PSVR was a great introduction and I've since went full PCVR. It's really the only "leap" in gaming I've experienced since 2d to 3d.
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Wii u had some phenomenal games but warmed over Wii/DS concepts and bullshit leftist censorship marred its last days.

PS4 was a big step up from the PS3 but leftist censorship also hurt its last days.

Xbox never showed up the party outside of its later BC efforts.


  1. PS4 was better than PS2 by a mile.
  2. PS5 has the best launch games of any generation.
  3. Xbox Series X has the worst launch line-up of any console I've ever seen.
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