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Let's Rank The E3 Press Conferences!

Which upcoming 2021 to Summer 2022 games shown this E3 are YOUR favorites (Choose 3)?

  • Plague's Tale: Requim

    Votes: 14 13.5%
  • Battlefield 2042

    Votes: 26 25.0%
  • Redfall

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • Halo Infinite

    Votes: 42 40.4%
  • Metroid Dread

    Votes: 27 26.0%
  • Shin Megami Tensei V

    Votes: 20 19.2%
  • Forza Horizon 5

    Votes: 45 43.3%
  • Mario Golf

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • Guardians of the Galaxy

    Votes: 10 9.6%
  • FarCry 6

    Votes: 11 10.6%
  • Advance Wars 1 & 2 Reboot Camp

    Votes: 10 9.6%
  • Other (mention in comment)

    Votes: 29 27.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It has been about a week now since E3 kicked off, and there was quite a lot to be had. Some good, some bad, but at least it was entertaining the whole way through and that's good enough in my book.

So, with enough time to reflect on things, I thought it'd be fun to rank the conferences. Now, I'm personally only going to rank the ones I watched, but I'll have honorable mentions for any that I didn't see but were noteworthy enough to comment on. You all can list your conference picks as well from worst to best, best to worst whatever. However, let's keep it strictly on E3 stuff here; it gets too messy when working the Summer Games Fest stuff into this.




So, not gonna beat around the bush here. This one was AWFUL, borderline insulting and offensive even, ironically enough. An hour of, LITERALLY, HR department diversity/sensitivity training QnA corporate discussion, in the most abrasive way possible. Let's make it clear; this was NOT an E3 conference. No one watches E3 for this, we watch it for new game announcements, hardware reveals, gameplay reveals, that sort of stuff.

That Take-Two had the gall to do this as a presentation feels like a complete insult to their fanbase; the funny thing is, I can agree with some of the initiatives they mentioned (particularly investing in resources and education for youth in low-income neighborhoods to learning game development, programming etc.)...but a conference like E3 being advertised for its entertainment value to gamers, IS NOT the right place to talk about it!!!

That said, Take-Two knew what they were doing, so I know what I'll be doing: boycotting GTA6, and I suggest the rest of you do the same. They are not infallible unless we make them that way, and that "conference" was a fail not so much because of the topics being addressed, but the manner in which they were addressed and the timing of their addressing. Everything has a time and place; E3 was not the time nor place for a conference like that.




Capcom's was automatically better by virtue of focusing on gaming products. However, that's about all they brought to the table. Honestly, this is a conference that could've been scrapped because outside of the Monster Hunter update there wasn't anything of note shown here. Hell, they had an announcement of just starting on DLC expansion content for RE Village as if that alone was a big thing. Well how could it be when there's no details on the DLC? Oh yeah, because you literally just decided to start on it maybe a couple weeks ago :LOL:

The eSports update was also pretty much worthless, and I actually follow the FGC tourney scene especially for games like SFV. The Ace Attorney stuff was neat but again, nothing new. So Capcom simply had some update announcements that could've been served in a blog post or video channel uploads. Hopefully they bring more next year.




Some might be wondering why I'm ranking this above Capcom's. After all, Square's conference had its own levels of cringe, it's about up there with Konami's 2010 conference for embarrassing moments and in Square's case, unfortunately that was in terms of how certain games presented. Between that and bafflingly stupid decisions like having the FF 1-6 collection on mobile and Steam but NO CONSOLES (not even Switch?) and, well, there's a reason their videos got ratio'd hard this E3.

...but at least they had NEW games to reveal and show off, and in that context, it was a good show. Strangers of Paradise (which, despite insiders trying to push a narrative of otherwise, was in fact multiplat the whole time), GOTG (which does actually look fun), Babylon's Fall (could be decent though the graphics look bad) etc. show potential. They just need to work on their presentation next year in terms of how it's presented because it was rough for 2021 :S




Now this is where we have a clear breakaway from the other conferences mentioned above. Nintendo did a lot more than I though they would, and made for a fun if not somewhat shorter-than-desired conference. The games presented well and among them there are easily several definitely worth keeping an eye on: Shin Megami Tensei V, Metroid Dread (about flippin' time!), Mario Golf (these games are always fun), and of course the behemoth that is BoTW 2, which for a lot of folks seems to be their game of the show and I can certainly see why. Looks like they'll be going in a darker tone/direction with that one and I'm interested to see how it does. And can't forget about some of the DLC content announced for existing games, like Kazuya in Smash Bros, which is pretty hype.

That said, even with other things like Advanced Wars reboot/remake, Fatal Frame etc. all putting in work, there was a strong sense of.... familiarity... with Nintendo's showing. Unless I'm missing something, there were actually ZERO new IP shown or revealed; all were either sequels, DLC for existing games, or reboots/remakes. As gamers we've always tended to ask for new IP but sometimes I wonder how much that's an actual desire versus some of us wanting to appear as if we want new IP so much when in reality we cling to sequels and sequels and essentially support the same industry practices we complain about but never take real stands on :LOL:

I don't say that to be harsh, but it's just odd for me, personally, that quite a few see this as the peak conference when if you stop to think, remove any nostalgia bias attached you honestly do have to ask..where were the new IP at? Does something like Metroid Dread really look as good as some of the other 2D action/adventure games shown throughout the week, or is it mainly my wanting a new 2D (in terms of gameplay) Metroid finally being served in what feels like forever pumping that hype?

It's probably not surprising that I don't have particularly large nostalgia for Nintendo from my childhood years, though I love many of their systems, especially the SNES/SFC (which these days I've been playing more of than any other retro system from that era tbh, even tho I grew up with a Genesis (it's mainly 'cuz I'm on a JRPG kick and outside of a small handful Genesis/MegaDrive doesn't have a lot of those games). However, I think that does help with being more objective of their showing. It was easily one of the strongest there , and for those with that massive nostalgia it probably drives them over the edge to make it their favorite conference. But with a more objective pair of eyes, I think it's pretty easy to see who the actual winner of e3 was, and that's...



More or less a typical Ubisoft conference, nothing offensive but nothing super-stimulating we hadn't seen before already, either. The new FarCry is looking mighty good but that's, for me, due mainly to Giancarlo Esposito playing the villain. This dude is a legend and seems like a great guy all around, it will be fun seeing what depravity his character puts others through in the game (and if they do bring his character to a demise, anything referencing Gus's death from Breaking Bad would be awesome).


Haven't really seen this one yet, except for some snippets with David Jaffe presenting. Dude is pretty hilarious and makes for a great presenter. I also commend DD for their initiative; we need publishers willing to push the envelope some on what type of games are published, since the vast majority of people consuming those games are rational, sensible, responsible adults who can separate fiction from reality and know better than to let our fiction influence our reality irresponsibly.




I have to say, this was quite a conference, and I mean that in a very good way. Leading up to the event I was even rather harsh in what things I felt Microsoft needed to do to make this E3 work. That was mainly from the perspective of getting people outside of the Xbox ecosystem to look in and take up interest with it and, going by the discourse I've been seeing on the internet, they've managed to do this in some very critical ways, while also satiating the vast majority of those already in the ecosystem.

That isn't to say the show was perfect: I'm still wondering where the hell Bright Memory Infinite and The Gunk are at, and when we can expect new gameplay showings from them, as IIRC they're supposed to be coming this year. There weren't quite as many Japanese games as I'd of liked (the Scarlet Nexus gameplay demostration at the Thursday show I guess essentially bleeds into the Sunday conference and was fun to see, though), literally no fighting games present, and in terms of massive 3P GamePass announcements (I mean "massive" in terms of general mainstream stuff, like Battlefield 2042), there wasn't anything mentioned IIRC, though something to that degree could be coming later down the line in following months.

However, outside of that and maybe confirmation of some of those rumors (though this and the leadup to it with "certain" rumors has also helped me finally come to ignore ALL gaming rumors from now on if they don't specifically involve hardware. Seriously, all that shit was killing the mood up to E3, glad I'll just be tuning it out from now on), Microsoft's conference hit a LOT of strong beats. Starfield is both looking great (not just from the trailer, but in potential of what we'll see in the future going from the concept art that was shared) and could be the type of space RPG right up my alley. Halo Infinite actually looks good now (would like to see more from the single-player though) and the multiplayer looks very fun, they managed to turn perceptions on that game around vs. late 2020 and that's a good thing.

STALKER 2 is another game that shot up a lot on my list after the show, both looking extremely impressive from a visual POV in the gameplay and having an atmosphere I could sink myself into, as someone who loves a lot of those foreign Eastern European/Soviet style dystopian sci-fi (STALKER (the movie, ironically), On the Silver Globe, Visitor to a Museum, and lighter fare like Kin Dza-Dza!, Goodbye 20th Century etc.). The Sea of Thieves DLC update actually looks interesting and should be a big hit with that fanbase and mainstream gamers, and Psychonauts 2 is yet another game that's gone up on my list of games I want to play after the extended preview at the Thursday showcase (and to think we'll be getting at least three high-quality platformers or platforming-based games this year: Rachet & Clank Rift Apart, Kena Bridge of Spirits and Psychonauts 2).

Meanwhile other games like Replaced and Automic Heart (another game with that sort of dystopian Eastern European/Soviet sci-fi vibe, tho more upbeat) automatically caught my attention, and seeing there will be a sequel to Plague Tale next year is extremely cool (also can't stress enough how talented of a studio Asobo have clearly proven themselves to be. Hope it leads to even more funding for collaborations in the future with Microsoft or hell even Sony & Nintendo as well), Some of the other new IP revealed, like Contraband, ,look like they could be interesting at the very least, tho there isn't a lot to go on at this time. Even for stuff like FS 2020, which is essentially a port, seeing it finally make its way to the consoles is a nice treat and getting content from upcoming films like Top Gun is pretty damn hype.

But I think the one thing that really elevated the conference for myself and plenty of others was Forza Horizon 5. You can think it's "just" a racing game or whatever, but that is easily one of the best looking games we've seen up to this point and will be contention for Best Graphics of 2021 by the time it releases. Remember when people said visual fidelity on par with the Unreal Engine 5 demo from last year was "years away"? Welp, that was never true :LOL: . In the console space we've already been getting games with bits and pieces approaching that demo in various aspects of fidelity since Demon's Souls Remake dropped last year, and gradually a bit more in a few other games, especially stuff like Rift Apart which quite literally look like a Pixar film in a video game. And if it can make release this year, I think Horizon: Forbidden West also comes scaringly close to that UE5 demo in many ways if not surpassing it in a few others.

That all said, Forza Horizon 5 really does feel like the first game I've seen that hits close to that demo in all the major aspects, including the end portion with high-speed asset streaming. They're using very similar techniques mentioned and shown in the UE5 demos, with the added benefit of being an actual game optimized to perform in real-time on actual hardware in a finished state. While the FH5 demo was playing I just couldn't stop being impressed with the full visual package, similar to when Horizon: Forbidden West was shown and Rift Apart before that. Yes, there are always "people" conveniently nitpicking these demos: those complaining about pop-in and "hero lighting" in FW (let alone the controversy with Aloy herself), and for FH5 the lack of RT (as if that automatically makes the game less "current/next-gen") or supposedly only having 30 FPS (knowing damn well there would be a 60 FPS option but fearmongering anyway :/). Honestly, I don't get these type of people and I think they are pretty miserable gamers to be that much of a Negative Nancy, and complain about small things which will be addressed by the time the games are ready to ship.

It was also neat to see Microsoft close things out with yet another new IP in Redfall; while it's not QUITE what I expected going off the rumored leaks (which, again, is another reason I'm not paying attention to that shit anymore. When it comes to the games themselves these dudes are wrong like 95% of the time), I'm intrigued to see more of it, see how it plays and how the game mechanics work, how the horror elements work into the gameplay etc. It's also not terribly far away if the Summer 2022 release is to be believed.

Again, I'm not saying Microsoft's conference was perfect. They still have more work to do to continue appealing to a broader range of folks not currently in the ecosystem, but can be persuaded to. However, this conference has IMO helped them make a big achievement on that front, and you can see it in the overall reception and air surrounding the brand following the conference. It's a lot more positive and optimistic now, which for those of us who have been asking for real competition and actually meant it, is amazing. For the first time in a long while we're about to have all the platform holders simultaneously thriving in ways both similar yet unique unto them, and I think real gamers, regardless of what brand you might prefer, are both eager and excited to see this happen. Because ultimately, that really does benefit us in the end, and it helps keep the Big 3 honest with not just each other, but with us.


So, there are my picks for the E3 conferences from Worst to Best, but I'm also interested in hearing what your thoughts are. Sound off below; keep it civil and keep it fun!


Halo Infinite, Battlefield 2042, and Psychonauts 2.

Halo is Halo and I'm ready to play that campaign and dive in to the multiplayer. I never had a 360 and only played Halo at friend's houses in their basement, so I missed out on the hype of playing a Halo game on release. Stoked to let this be the first.

Battlefield is always fun to me, and the maps and 128 players looks JUICY. DICE always delivers (I even enjoyed BFV on launch, sue me).

Psychonauts 2 looks fan-fucking-tastic, and during the extended showcase Schafer almost spoiled the damn thing he talked and showed new footage off like crazy. It has a beautiful art style, I know they will deliver on the writing and creativity, and it will look gorgeous in HDR on the big screen. Cannot wait to play it after finishing the first game a few weeks ago. I know it's not "exclusive", but IDGAF the more people that can play it the better. It is HDR and 120 fps, possible 4K only, too, on Series X|S though FYI.

FYI, Bright Memory Infinite was shown at Gamespot's conference a little after Xbox. Gunk was missing other than a small snippet during the Extended showcase during an ID@Xbox sizzle, so yeah still MIA. I was fine with them skipping the main conference though.
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Halo Infinite, Battlefield 2042, and Psychonauts 2.

Halo is Halo and I'm ready to play that campaign and dive in to the multiplayer. I never had a 360 and only played Halo at friend's houses in their basement, so I missed out on the hype of playing a Halo game on release. Stoked to let this be the first.

Battlefield is always fun to me, and the maps and 128 players looks JUICY. DICE always delivers (I even enjoyed BFV on launch, sue me).

Psychonauts 2 looks fan-fucking-tastic, and during the extended showcase Schafer almost spoiled the damn thing he talked and showed new footage off like crazy. It has a beautiful art style, I know they will deliver on the writing and creativity, and it will look gorgeous in HDR on the big screen. Cannot wait to play it after finishing the first game a few weeks ago. I know it's not "exclusive", but IDGAF the more people that can play it the better. It is HDR and 120 fps, possible 4K only, too, on Series X|S though FYI.

FYI, Bright Memory Infinite was shown at Gamespot's conference a little after Xbox. Gunk was missing other than a small snippet during the Extended showcase during an ID@Xbox sizzle, so yeah still MIA. I was fine with them skipping the main conference though.

It was? Damn, I'm gonna go give that a look thanks for the heads-up. Good picks btw; actually I don't think it's possible for anyone to go wrong with these picks, AFAIK there were no bad games shown this E3 (though some games were shown off very badly, like Strangers of Paradise :S)

Elden Ring was all I was waiting for. Seeing release date and some gameplay snippets got my ignited.
SMT5 gameplay shown along with November release is hype
lastly Forza Horizon 5 looks great. Excited for that too.

Rest were meh.
The one reason I didn't list Elden Ring is because it was technically not at E3. But yeah, that one is looking really good as well, I'm curious to see how it deviates from the Souls games at a deeper level while still coming from that lineage.

Other: Flight Sim for XsX
Another impressive one; only left it out because technically it came out last year (albeit on PC). The new content sounds interesting in terms of how it should ease in console players while not dumbing down the mechanics (something the fighting game genre should learn from tbh).

Best one out of all the E3 conferences this year was Xbox no doubt.
Yeah, pretty convincing win for them IMO. It'd of been interesting to see what Sony would've brought if they were a part of it, at the very least we can say they'd of had Forbidden West gameplay and maybe revealed Abandoned at the show.

Would've made for a closer/tougher choice but even with Ragnarok factored in there it'd be nowhere near a cakewalk for them given what Nintendo and especially Microsoft brought to the table, especially if simply focusing on 2021-2022 releases.


Same names, same games with different # boring as fck.

elliot5 probably hit something that looks somewhat fresh with Pysconaghts 2 but DF really doesnt hit homers like they used too.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
My top 3 are elden ring, diablo 2 r, and tales of arise. Surprised elden wasn't listed on there and had to use other for it.


1. Forza Horizon 5
Comes out soon and looks better and more fun than anything else out there. FH3 and FH4 were already among my favorite games last generation, also the highest rated racing games in two generation on metacritic, so to start off a new generation and then we get FH5 looking this awesome feels unreal. Slam dunk!

2. Starfield
This game speaks to me in so many ways, I love Bethesda’s RPG’s and I love sci-fi, the game already looks insane in the in-engine cutscene and the concept art makes me more hyped than I’ve been in years. Only reason it’s not my first choice here is because I haven’t seen gameplay yet. Should’ve been one of the main poll options in my opinion, seems unfair to hide it in the other checkbox.

3. Metroid Dread
It’s a new Metroid and it’s 2D at least in gameplay and Super Metroid is my best game of all time. What’s not to like? Looked amazing!

Regarding the E3 shows. Microsoft had the best one. Gamepass won.
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Where is elden ring and botw 2 options @.@
Top 3:
Elden ring
Botw 2

So Nintendo is the best one for me.

If MS doesn’t show Replaced i will rate it as C. Everything just cutscene or cg trailer. Just like every MS conferences lol.
Except forza but it’s racing game.
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Perpetually Tired
The ones who won are we, the community. The amount of quality titles that got shown, the passion from devs are clear and they didn't let the pandemic hamper their creativity. Forza Horizon 5, Metroid Dread, Elden Ring, Final Fantasy CHAOS Edition - so many fantastic titles that we will be able to play *soon*. Not counting all the fantastic titles that are coming next year as well.

Its a great time to be a gamer.
Same names, same games with different # boring as fck.

elliot5 probably hit something that looks somewhat fresh with Pysconaghts 2 but DF really doesnt hit homers like they used too.

There were definitely a lot of new IP at some of these conferences, if sequelitis was setting in for you.

Really looking forward to Psychonauts 2, DF seem like they have it well under control and it's been given the time and polish it needs.

no more heroes 3!

Missed this one, will have to take a look. Never played the 2nd one but quite enjoyed playing the original on the Wii.

My top 3 are elden ring, diablo 2 r, and tales of arise. Surprised elden wasn't listed on there and had to use other for it.

Couldn't list Elden Ring as it was technically part of the Summer Games Fest showcase. But obviously, it's a game myself and plenty of others are looking forward to with lots of anticipation.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2


This game has the potential to be huge; already contender for at least Best FPS of 2022 imo.

1. Forza Horizon 5
Comes out soon and looks better and more fun than anything else out there. FH3 and FH4 were already among my favorite games last generation, also the highest rated racing games in two generation on metacritic, so to start off a new generation and then we get FH5 looking this awesome feels unreal. Slam dunk!

2. Starfield
This game speaks to me in so many ways, I love Bethesda’s RPG’s and I love sci-fi, the game already looks insane in the in-engine cutscene and the concept art makes me more hyped than I’ve been in years. Only reason it’s not my first choice here is because I haven’t seen gameplay yet. Should’ve been one of the main poll options in my opinion, seems unfair to hide it in the other checkbox.

3. Metroid Dread
It’s a new Metroid and it’s 2D at least in gameplay and Super Metroid is my best game of all time. What’s not to like? Looked amazing!

Regarding the E3 shows. Microsoft had the best one. Gamepass won.

I really don't think anyone was expecting FH5 to show up and look & run as well as it did. It was a strong showing all around, I'll be having a lot of fun with the supercars in there in particular. Starfield has lots of promise and will likely be in contention for some GOTY awards, I'm just glad to see a massive AAA space sci-fi RPG making a debut as a new IP.

Metroid Dread, tbh it's not particularly high on my list but that's more to do with me not being a huge Metroid fan (I aught to try playing more Metroid games sometime tbh) and there, IMO, being at least one better-looking 2D sci-fi action/platformer/adventure game shown at E3 (Replaced). It does look like it will be a very fun game though and the hardcore of the fanbase are loving the fact it exists.

Where is elden ring and botw 2 options @.@
Top 3:
Elden ring
Botw 2

So Nintendo is the best one for me.

If MS doesn’t show Replaced i will rate it as C. Everything just cutscene or cg trailer. Just like every MS conferences lol.
Except forza but it’s racing game.

Elden Ring was at Summer Games Fest, not E3, and BOTW has not been confirmed for a release by or before Summer 2022 (basically, within a year of this E3).

Microsoft had a lot of games with snippets of gameplay in their conference tbh; Halo Infinite, STALKER 2, Replaced, Forza Horizon 5 as the standouts but several others too like Atomic Heart etc. some I could do a refresher with. I don't really get the concept of knocking a racing game because it's "just a racing game" tbh, that seems reductive and not too dissimilar to the similarly reductive rhetoric of calling, for example, Sony games "just 3P template-swapped walking simulator movies", for example, or Nintendo games "just kiddy stuff".

It's one thing if a certain type of game isn't for you but I don't see a need to be reductive about it, or dismiss the fact many other people are looking forward to that same game.

The ones who won are we, the community. The amount of quality titles that got shown, the passion from devs are clear and they didn't let the pandemic hamper their creativity. Forza Horizon 5, Metroid Dread, Elden Ring, Final Fantasy CHAOS Edition - so many fantastic titles that we will be able to play *soon*. Not counting all the fantastic titles that are coming next year as well.

Its a great time to be a gamer.

Absolutely. Doesn't even matter where you game (though the more places you do, the more you have access to), every platform looks like it's going to have a great 2021 for the rest of the year and definitely strong 2022 performances, all in terms of ecosystem exclusives, 3P support and fiscal performances. This is the kind of competition we need as an industry.

Davey Cakes

I’m pretty much done caring about “new IP” from Nintendo. For every smash hit like Ring Fit or Splatoon, you also get a flop like ARMS. Their back catalog is full of existing properties that are ripe for revival. It’s not just nostalgia; new audiences can enjoy old properties.

The only problem is that their heavy hitters are still Mario and Zelda. Metroid is big for fans, but it really needs a quality game (fingers crossed) like Dread to be the pitch and Metroid Prime 4 to be the grand slam that brings Metroid into the mainstream.

The competition is fierce but people are invested in story/lore/characters to the point where, for example, a 2.5D Metroid game doesn’t need to replicate the likes of Ori and Hollow Knight to be worthwhile.

Basically, I’d prefer if Nintendo worked on elevating their vast array of franchises as opposed to just pumping out brand new experimental ones. Imagine if they decided to take on Uncharted and Tomb Raider with StarTropics.
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The nicest person on this forum
1. Shin Megami Tensei V
2. Elden Ring
3. Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2
4. Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
5. Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp

The reason I'm not putting games like Great Ace Attorney and Tales of Arise on this list because already saw gameplay before E3 and already sold on it.
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Elden Ring was at Summer Games Fest, not E3, and BOTW has not been confirmed for a release by or before Summer 2022 (basically, within a year of this E3).

Microsoft had a lot of games with snippets of gameplay in their conference tbh; Halo Infinite, STALKER 2, Replaced, Forza Horizon 5 as the standouts but several others too like Atomic Heart etc. some I could do a refresher with. I don't really get the concept of knocking a racing game because it's "just a racing game" tbh, that seems reductive and not too dissimilar to the similarly reductive rhetoric of calling, for example, Sony games "just 3P template-swapped walking simulator movies", for example, or Nintendo games "just kiddy stuff".

It's one thing if a certain type of game isn't for you but I don't see a need to be reductive about it, or dismiss the fact many other people are looking forward to that same game.

Hey that’s just my personal taste. I just don’t like racing game and fps game. Don’t take it too serious.
Hey that’s just my personal taste. I just don’t like racing game and fps game. Don’t take it too serious.
I'm not dismissing that it's your gaming preferences and there's no problem with having preferences when it comes to gaming genres; we all have them. It was more about the tone used in describing the games that aren't to your taste, it can come off as mocking in tone or belittling to people who really enjoy those type of games, and there're lots who do.

For example I'm not big on sports games at all but if I saw one that was doing a lot of really neat things from a technical POV and looked really high-quality, I'll give it props and would try avoid saying something like "it's just a sports game" if it's not in a genre I tend not to play, because that come off like a backhanded compliment, like there's an insult or dismissiveness being attached to the compliment itself :/.

I’m pretty much done caring about “new IP” from Nintendo. For every smash hit like Ring Fit or Splatoon, you also get a flop like ARMS. Their back catalog is full of existing properties that are ripe for revival. It’s not just nostalgia; new audiences can enjoy old properties.

The only problem is that their heavy hitters are still Mario and Zelda. Metroid is big for fans, but it really needs a quality game (fingers crossed) like Dread to be the pitch and Metroid Prime 4 to be the grand slam that brings Metroid into the mainstream.

The competition is fierce but people are invested in story/lore/characters to the point where, for example, a 2.5D Metroid game doesn’t need to replicate the likes of Ori and Hollow Knight to be worthwhile.

Basically, I’d prefer if Nintendo worked on elevating their vast array of franchises as opposed to just pumping out brand new experimental ones. Imagine if they decided to take on Uncharted and Tomb Raider with StarTropics.

This is all contributing to a good point and I see what you mean here, but the risk you mention with new IP are just inherently present with new IPs. They're unproven, there is a chance they could be huge successes and chances they could fail. The thing though is that at one point the IP we know and love today were at one point themselves new IP where the same glass half empty/half full thought process could be applied in terms of "will it or won't it work?". We at least owe new IP a chance to prove themselves.

My thing with Nintendo is more to the fact gamers always make exceptions for them that aren't afforded to Sony and Microsoft (particularly the latter), and most of that is fueled by nostalgia rather than objective neutrality. Gamers continue to ask for new IP from platform holders yet some of those same people are giving Nintendo Best of Show for E3 when their conference had no new IP whatsoever. They demand visually impressive new stuff but don't specify what that really means to them nor whom they're really asking that of. Things like that, they irritate me.

We can get into the "why" of it, why some people keep asking for new IP from one company or another but don't necessarily ask of it from Nintendo nearly as much, and in most cases I think it's obvious the reason is due to a combination of nostalgia bias plus wanting more IP tuned specifically to the Nintendo ones they already play. But at that point, you are ironically asking for more of the same, it's just more of what you may personally like. And that's fine, but then some people take that to use it as means of an objective criticism at other companies (especially platform holders) who might objectively make great games, just not in the styling of their preferred stuff :/.

Like for example there are lots of people who use the Halo/Gears/Forza thing as a meme towards Xbox but if you wanted to be reductive across the board that could be Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/Smash for Nintendo, as example, all of those being even more long-running franchises to boot. It's not like both platform holders weren't bringing out new IP alongside this but the Halo/Gears/Forza meme's been used against Xbox since roughly 2014 or so, or especially into 2015, meanwhile we never really see an equivalent used against Nintendo even if you could technically do so.

Personally I don't like that type of stuff being used at all because again, it's incredibly reductive and belittling, but there's definitely some double-standards in this regard to Nintendo's benefit. However many of those are based less on objective truths and more on subjective emotional attachments built through nostalgia (which is built off long-term rapport).
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Gold Member
SRW 30
Fatal Frame 5
Diablo 2 R
Advance Wars
Mario Rabbids

Nintendo is my winner cause only one of them didn’t get featured in their conference.

The rest of the better ones are either years away, lack substantial gameplays, or cgi trailer and have no dates.
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