Hi !
In a first time I'm sorry for my English, I'm French and I'm better to translate English in French...
I just want you to discover "Parlons Jeu Video" ("Let's talk about video game" in English), it's a website dedicated to the video games creators interviews. Most of the interviews are in English too (and in a better English than this message) so maybe you will be interested. It is open from the end of March. For this time the interviews are with :
- Adrian Chmielarz (game designer, creative director, game director / Painkiller, BulletStorm, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/03/adrian-chmielarz.html
- Thomas Grip (game designer, creative director, game director / Penumbra, Amnesia : The Dark Descent, SOMA) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/03/thomas-grip.html
- Toby Gard (legend, Tomb Raider's dad, game designer, creative director, game director / Tomb Raider, Galleon, Ninja Gaiden Z : Yaiba, Daedalus) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/toby-gard.html
- Cory Davis (level designer, lead designer, creative director of the best war game ever Spec Ops / FEAR extraction Point, FEAR 2, Condemned 2, Spec Ops : The Line, Daedalus) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/cory-davis.html
- Chris Avellone (game designer, RPG's genius, game director, writer of too many things / Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, KotOR 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout : New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Torment : Tides of Numenera, pen and papers game, TV Series etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/chris-avellone.html
- Klaus Lyngeled (art director, game director, game designer / Slam Tilt, Ignition, The Kore Gang, Enter the Matrix, Stick it to the Man etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/klaus-lyngeled.html
- Ken Levine (legend, game designer, game director, writer / Thief, System Shock 2, BioShock, BioShock Infinite, the movie remake of Logan's Run) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/06/ken-levine.html
- John Carpenter (movie director, legend, horror master, video games nerd / Escape From New York, Big Trouble in Little China, Halloween, Assaut, The Thing etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/07/john-carpenter.html
- Peter Molyneux (legend, game designer, studio director, game director / Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, Magic Carpet, Black & White, Fable etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/08/peter-molyneux.html
- Jeremy Yates (lead animator / Uncharted saga) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/08/jeremy-yates.html
And you also can read in French or in English with google traduction (on the right of the website in the roll) the interviews with :
- Philippe Morin (game designer, creative director, camera designer, I.A. designer / Prince of Persia, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Outlast etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/philippe-morin.html
- Donald Reignoux (French dubber) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/donald-reignoux.html
- Frédéric Coispeau (game designer of the fucking badass Mother Russia Bleeds) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/frederic-coispeau.html
- Olivier Leonardi (art director, game director, chief creative officier / Rainbow Six Vegas, Shaun Write Snowboarding, Brink etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/olivier-leonardi.html
- William Pugh (programmer of The Stanley Parable) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/06/william-pugh.html
- Alan Gershenfeld ( E-Line Media President) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/06/alan-gershenfeld.html
Thank you ! I hope you will enjoy the reading !
In a first time I'm sorry for my English, I'm French and I'm better to translate English in French...
I just want you to discover "Parlons Jeu Video" ("Let's talk about video game" in English), it's a website dedicated to the video games creators interviews. Most of the interviews are in English too (and in a better English than this message) so maybe you will be interested. It is open from the end of March. For this time the interviews are with :
- Adrian Chmielarz (game designer, creative director, game director / Painkiller, BulletStorm, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/03/adrian-chmielarz.html
- Thomas Grip (game designer, creative director, game director / Penumbra, Amnesia : The Dark Descent, SOMA) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/03/thomas-grip.html
- Toby Gard (legend, Tomb Raider's dad, game designer, creative director, game director / Tomb Raider, Galleon, Ninja Gaiden Z : Yaiba, Daedalus) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/toby-gard.html
- Cory Davis (level designer, lead designer, creative director of the best war game ever Spec Ops / FEAR extraction Point, FEAR 2, Condemned 2, Spec Ops : The Line, Daedalus) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/cory-davis.html
- Chris Avellone (game designer, RPG's genius, game director, writer of too many things / Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, KotOR 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout : New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Torment : Tides of Numenera, pen and papers game, TV Series etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/chris-avellone.html
- Klaus Lyngeled (art director, game director, game designer / Slam Tilt, Ignition, The Kore Gang, Enter the Matrix, Stick it to the Man etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/klaus-lyngeled.html
- Ken Levine (legend, game designer, game director, writer / Thief, System Shock 2, BioShock, BioShock Infinite, the movie remake of Logan's Run) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/06/ken-levine.html
- John Carpenter (movie director, legend, horror master, video games nerd / Escape From New York, Big Trouble in Little China, Halloween, Assaut, The Thing etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/07/john-carpenter.html
- Peter Molyneux (legend, game designer, studio director, game director / Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, Magic Carpet, Black & White, Fable etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/08/peter-molyneux.html
- Jeremy Yates (lead animator / Uncharted saga) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/08/jeremy-yates.html
And you also can read in French or in English with google traduction (on the right of the website in the roll) the interviews with :
- Philippe Morin (game designer, creative director, camera designer, I.A. designer / Prince of Persia, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Outlast etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/04/philippe-morin.html
- Donald Reignoux (French dubber) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/donald-reignoux.html
- Frédéric Coispeau (game designer of the fucking badass Mother Russia Bleeds) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/frederic-coispeau.html
- Olivier Leonardi (art director, game director, chief creative officier / Rainbow Six Vegas, Shaun Write Snowboarding, Brink etc) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/05/olivier-leonardi.html
- William Pugh (programmer of The Stanley Parable) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/06/william-pugh.html
- Alan Gershenfeld ( E-Line Media President) : http://parlonsjeuvideo.blogspot.fr/2014/06/alan-gershenfeld.html
Thank you ! I hope you will enjoy the reading !