Warning: This may be a poorly thought out rant thread. This is not an I hate my life thread but I suck in the way of processing and reliving my stress in a productive manner thread =)
Life keeps taking shots at me, I've always gotten back up and back at it with no issues. But as I get older that just seems harder and harder to do. There's plenty about my life that's great such as my Wife and Kids. I have a great older sister that was almost a mother to me, yet I have two other siblings that are useless and we don't really talk to them. I've never really thought about all the shots life was taking until yesterday. Either I was aloof before or I was just more spry and rebounded better. As I detailed in
JareBear: Remastered
thread I had a struggle with anxiety for a while. When I go back over some of the shit since I was 18 that I have dealt with its quite amazing how the human mind and body processes that. I personally think my Mind takes it out on my Body. So maybe I am just writing this as a way to vent and feel better. So low and behold, my list of shitty things I can remember.
* When I was 18 I was involved in a car accident. A Semi broadsided me at 50 mph in my driver door. I was cut out of my car and bay-flighted where I woke up days later. I had Brain Bleeding, Basiliar Skull Fracture (Bottom of my skull was torn off from the whipping motion), Ruptured Spleen, Loss of Hearing from broken bones in my ear (which came back), skull laceration, spinal fluid leakage from my eyes and nose, vomiting blood and spinal fluid, fractured ribs. Luckily I walked out of the hospital a week later without surgery, my doctor was amazed and said I am lucky to survive. Same day as my car accident on the same road, a young guy my age died in a fender bender. So that was another crazy twist.
* Got married at 19, which lead to a lot of stress during the first few years until my Wife got pregnant which somehow fixed all of our issues.
* Got laid off from a job
* Wrecked a car while laid off
* Got a new job that was going ok until the owner started letting success go to his own head.
* My cousin died right when I turned 30 which freaked me out and led me to have some serious issues that were detailed in another thread but basically I freaked out about my own health and developed weird phobias, which I no longer have thankfully.
* Had my second child right after my cousin died.
* Developed Afib from the stress, was put on beta blockers and 325mg asprin daily which led to the next line. Luckily I stopped those meds.
* Developed Ulcerative Colitis which luckily wasn't fully developed, spent 6 months trying to get a doctor to take me seriously on this.
* Quit that Job after asked to fire someone at random to prove a point. Luckily I landed a much better job and relived a lot of stress. Led to healing of UC from less stress.
* Started building a house, my dog got cancer and died during that.
* Finished the house, had some marital issues after 13 years which we worked out and became stronger for, adopted a new dog during that process. During this I decided to try some anti-depressants which just made things much worse for a while. I really don't do well on meds.
* Landed in the hospital from an Afib attack that wouldn't go away. Was in afib for a week. Took a huge dose of Taurine and within an hour I was back to normal, Which leads me to believe my Afib is stress and possibly electrolyte driven.
* One of my best friends got rushed to the hospital. He was fine then he wasn’t. He died in the hospital from Acute Lukemia that no one was aware of. This was during our marriage issues and actually pushed us to resolve them. He left behind 3 kids. One of them was 3 weeks old.
* Celebrated our 14 year anniversary as a family in NY. Contracted EKC (Crazy Eye Infection)
* Took Antibiotics which kicked off a full Pan-Colitis flare and lost 30lbs in 2 weeks. Still fighting that flare up to this day. On all sorts of meds but I am taking myself off of them and using natural way of healing and so far it seems to be working.
* Had one of my sisters hang herself but luckily was saved by her boyfriend last week.
* My kids are starting to have some GI issues so I am hoping they don't get anything like I have.
* Almost one year to the day of adopting the dog, he died yesterday from complications of a heart murmur and a Kidney Infection in a very disturbing and unexpected way.
The last 6 bullet points was the last 6 months.
Like seriously, Life likes to kick me in the ass but up until losing my Dog yesterday I hadn't really thought about how much we deal with mentally/physically during life.
I know this is a woe is me thread which I don't usually like but in my reading lately on how to deal with things, writing about them and talking about it was encouraged. So sorry for the rant.
To make this productive, what do you all do to deal with and process stress? Maybe I don't really know how to deal with it and I have just buried it and kept moving.
Today’s update:
Ha. Can’t help but laugh at my bad luck lately.
The dog we adopted has a Upper Respitory Infection and has been coughing and doing some of the same things my other dog that died last week did. So have an appointment tomorrow for her.
Then last night at midnight all of the smoke detectors went off in the house. I jumped up from a dead sleep and ended up tossing my heart into afib. About an hour later it went off again. Figured out one may have gone bad. Unplugged it. Went to sleep in afib.
Got to work and around 10:30 AM I took the pills that knock me out of afib. I usually can get myself out without meds but this time it wasn’t stopping and I don’t like to let it go. I was out of afib within 20 mins.
About 11 I started to notice my tongue was numb. Then my ears were ringing. Followed by flashing in my eyes. I managed to turn my chair to my buddy and said to get me to the ER. After that I was gone. Luckily I work at a medical facility. They called 911 and the local nurses came and tossed me on the floor and started working on things. I came to once I was flat and started to get blood back to the brain. Naturally the first thing I did when I came to was crack a joke about them throwing me on the dirty floor.
Ambulance took me to the ER. They did chest X-rays and labs. Apparently my blood pressure tanked from those meds. I was also low on Magnesium and Potassium which they said probably led to the afib. They tossed me on some IVs to balance things out. I get released and go on my way.
Come to find out my mother in law was also rushed to the ER 10 mins before me for almost the same exact thing. So needless to say my wife was super stressed.
At this point im just chuckling and staying positive.
Life keeps taking shots at me, I've always gotten back up and back at it with no issues. But as I get older that just seems harder and harder to do. There's plenty about my life that's great such as my Wife and Kids. I have a great older sister that was almost a mother to me, yet I have two other siblings that are useless and we don't really talk to them. I've never really thought about all the shots life was taking until yesterday. Either I was aloof before or I was just more spry and rebounded better. As I detailed in

* When I was 18 I was involved in a car accident. A Semi broadsided me at 50 mph in my driver door. I was cut out of my car and bay-flighted where I woke up days later. I had Brain Bleeding, Basiliar Skull Fracture (Bottom of my skull was torn off from the whipping motion), Ruptured Spleen, Loss of Hearing from broken bones in my ear (which came back), skull laceration, spinal fluid leakage from my eyes and nose, vomiting blood and spinal fluid, fractured ribs. Luckily I walked out of the hospital a week later without surgery, my doctor was amazed and said I am lucky to survive. Same day as my car accident on the same road, a young guy my age died in a fender bender. So that was another crazy twist.
* Got married at 19, which lead to a lot of stress during the first few years until my Wife got pregnant which somehow fixed all of our issues.
* Got laid off from a job
* Wrecked a car while laid off
* Got a new job that was going ok until the owner started letting success go to his own head.
* My cousin died right when I turned 30 which freaked me out and led me to have some serious issues that were detailed in another thread but basically I freaked out about my own health and developed weird phobias, which I no longer have thankfully.
* Had my second child right after my cousin died.
* Developed Afib from the stress, was put on beta blockers and 325mg asprin daily which led to the next line. Luckily I stopped those meds.
* Developed Ulcerative Colitis which luckily wasn't fully developed, spent 6 months trying to get a doctor to take me seriously on this.
* Quit that Job after asked to fire someone at random to prove a point. Luckily I landed a much better job and relived a lot of stress. Led to healing of UC from less stress.
* Started building a house, my dog got cancer and died during that.
* Finished the house, had some marital issues after 13 years which we worked out and became stronger for, adopted a new dog during that process. During this I decided to try some anti-depressants which just made things much worse for a while. I really don't do well on meds.
* Landed in the hospital from an Afib attack that wouldn't go away. Was in afib for a week. Took a huge dose of Taurine and within an hour I was back to normal, Which leads me to believe my Afib is stress and possibly electrolyte driven.
* One of my best friends got rushed to the hospital. He was fine then he wasn’t. He died in the hospital from Acute Lukemia that no one was aware of. This was during our marriage issues and actually pushed us to resolve them. He left behind 3 kids. One of them was 3 weeks old.
* Celebrated our 14 year anniversary as a family in NY. Contracted EKC (Crazy Eye Infection)
* Took Antibiotics which kicked off a full Pan-Colitis flare and lost 30lbs in 2 weeks. Still fighting that flare up to this day. On all sorts of meds but I am taking myself off of them and using natural way of healing and so far it seems to be working.
* Had one of my sisters hang herself but luckily was saved by her boyfriend last week.
* My kids are starting to have some GI issues so I am hoping they don't get anything like I have.
* Almost one year to the day of adopting the dog, he died yesterday from complications of a heart murmur and a Kidney Infection in a very disturbing and unexpected way.
The last 6 bullet points was the last 6 months.
Like seriously, Life likes to kick me in the ass but up until losing my Dog yesterday I hadn't really thought about how much we deal with mentally/physically during life.
I know this is a woe is me thread which I don't usually like but in my reading lately on how to deal with things, writing about them and talking about it was encouraged. So sorry for the rant.
To make this productive, what do you all do to deal with and process stress? Maybe I don't really know how to deal with it and I have just buried it and kept moving.
Today’s update:
Ha. Can’t help but laugh at my bad luck lately.
The dog we adopted has a Upper Respitory Infection and has been coughing and doing some of the same things my other dog that died last week did. So have an appointment tomorrow for her.
Then last night at midnight all of the smoke detectors went off in the house. I jumped up from a dead sleep and ended up tossing my heart into afib. About an hour later it went off again. Figured out one may have gone bad. Unplugged it. Went to sleep in afib.
Got to work and around 10:30 AM I took the pills that knock me out of afib. I usually can get myself out without meds but this time it wasn’t stopping and I don’t like to let it go. I was out of afib within 20 mins.
About 11 I started to notice my tongue was numb. Then my ears were ringing. Followed by flashing in my eyes. I managed to turn my chair to my buddy and said to get me to the ER. After that I was gone. Luckily I work at a medical facility. They called 911 and the local nurses came and tossed me on the floor and started working on things. I came to once I was flat and started to get blood back to the brain. Naturally the first thing I did when I came to was crack a joke about them throwing me on the dirty floor.
Ambulance took me to the ER. They did chest X-rays and labs. Apparently my blood pressure tanked from those meds. I was also low on Magnesium and Potassium which they said probably led to the afib. They tossed me on some IVs to balance things out. I get released and go on my way.
Come to find out my mother in law was also rushed to the ER 10 mins before me for almost the same exact thing. So needless to say my wife was super stressed.
At this point im just chuckling and staying positive.
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