ive tried and tried and i just cant beat the last boss. he's ridiculous. guess i have to go back to my previous save and get stronger.
I just realized there's paths that link the areas, but they seem blocked by a giant gate. Do I have to do something to remove that?
It seems like I need access to the one linking Dunes and Wildlands but I can't get to the actual path and see no quest about it.
ive tried and tried and i just cant beat the last boss. he's ridiculous. guess i have to go back to my previous save and get stronger.
Search for the monster on the bestiary, on "status" I think, says Common, Rare or Extinct. Rare is when a few more kills and it'll be extinct.How can I know if this monster will be extincted soon? I read something about datalog and yellow color but I couldn't find it.
So what does GAF make of this game?
I'm about to play tonight![]()
Aha @@.Search for the monster on the bestiary, on "status" I think, says Common, Rare or Extinct. Rare is when a few more kills and it'll be extinct.
Thanksfully, you can use an ability called "Chronostasis" in order to freeze time, allowing you nearly infinite time if you use it correctly. On the other hand, the game is definitly rigged so that you should end up with a game over on your first run and begin again in New Game+ (bosses gets tougher the more days pass by, so if you don't fight them early on they can get very very tough).
My advice? As crazy as it sounds, do not use Chronostasis at all on your first run, and do it knowing full well that if you do not use Chronostasis, you won't have the time to finish the main quests. That way you will be able to discover the world, find most quests, you will know what to do next time and you will have a equipement good enough to begin a new playthrough in which you will be able to tackle the ordeals more easily (since you will be able to keep your equipment and pretty much everything you won on your first playthrough).
Don't scare me, breh :/ I'll probably face him tomorrow or so. Gonna finish up some Canvas stuff tonight and the remaining few sidequests. Hope those will help me for the last boss.
There are Canvas of Prayers quests to open them on Day 9. There's nothing in them apart from a bunch of boxes and chaos zones though, so whatever you're looking for is somewhere else.
Didn't find it yet, how much does it cost?
I need money, I killed all the cactures already. T_T
ive tried and tried and i just cant beat the last boss. he's ridiculous. guess i have to go back to my previous save and get stronger.
So what does GAF make of this game?
I'm about to play tonight![]()
oh, I had a question about equipment... When you equip an accessory on Lightning, is it only effective for the schema you equip it on, or do its effects carry over to all three?
ive tried and tried and i just cant beat the last boss. he's ridiculous. guess i have to go back to my previous save and get stronger.
I'm still on Day 2. It's only about 1 PM, and so far I've:
- Gotten myself all set up for the Yusnaan palace "tour"
- Found all the code-numbers in Luxerion, except for one I can't get to until after midnight
- Nursed the "Angel of Valhalla" chocobo back to health. (Still need to fix his wings)
- Went to Dead Dunes, found a way around to the bandit settlement, and dispersed the sandstorm
- Explored quite a bit of the Dead Dunes ruins with Fang. Got sidetracked finding oil for Bhakti, as that's apparently a timed quest. Found 2/3 oil so far.
- Completed several side quests, and solved about a dozen requests on the Canvas of Prayers
You probably need more fire to be honest. I had 1 on all 3 of the garbs I had and it made him fairly easy.Can't seem to defeat snow, I die with his health down to 20-25%. I just have one fire spell that comes from the actress garb and that's about it, the other two I am using are Yuna's costume for the crashing wave attack and have a heavy slash attack equipped with it, then I have the cloud costume which is pretty much useless outside of the high health (due to the shield) and Slayer special attack.
You probably need more fire to be honest. I had 1 on all 3 of the garbs I had and it made him fairly easy.
I personally managed to grab a really nice fire garb from a rare forge which was stood just outside of the big gate into the square(the one you needed an ID card to get through).
So what does GAF make of this game?
I'm about to play tonight![]()
It's not an outfitter, they're actually called "Forge (Rare)". However it sells garbs. The store may not have spawned for you mind, as I hear they only pop up sometimes.I checked with all outfitters in Yusnaan (3 in total) and I didn't find the garb you mentioned.
ive tried and tried and i just cant beat the last boss. he's ridiculous. guess i have to go back to my previous save and get stronger.
There's no shame in dying then retrying from the beginning, as a bonus you've already suffered through the 'story' once and you can skip all the cut-scenes...
the stat bonuses will be lesser than what you got the first time through, but a second run through the entire thing will most def. buff you enough to easily tackle the final boss.
It's not an outfitter, they're actually called "Forge (Rare)". However it sells garbs. The store may not have spawned for you mind, as I hear they only pop up sometimes.
Edit: Found a map of the spawn spots
I must have just got lucky that he happened to be there as I was doing the 2-2 mission.
I feel like this would have been a great balance and would have made the idea of replays so much more intriguing, especially if on your second game you know that the 14th day unlock is coming, and while it would be at the end of the game, you're a powerhouse savior that can swiftly plow through the main quest and get there; which would be fun, and you'd have something to anticipate. But no. You either have to do it all in one go, or do it all over again in your next playthrough and hope you meet the requirements. This makes the sidequests, again, feel like nothing but chores and bitch work. Again this would not be a problem if they were good, but they're terrible, and not something I would like to ever partake in again. Because of this, I've spent most of my first playthrough ass-deep in online quest guides because I'm being hurried and because I don't want to have to repeat all those boring ass sidequests again. Once more, I realize that this isn't mandatory, but if you want to see all the game has to offer, that's another story.
It's not an outfitter, they're actually called "Forge (Rare)". However it sells garbs. The store may not have spawned for you mind, as I hear they only pop up sometimes.
Edit: Found a map of the spawn spots
I must have just got lucky that he happened to be there as I was doing the 2-2 mission.
First question, just intense time management/use of chronostasis. I've not played in a few days, but as I mentioned earlier in the thread I was at the end of day 6 with all main quests done and 43 side quests complete. I'd not really call it a chore, no, because most of the time you just get that EP naturally anyway. It's also worth noting that if you're on normal, it can be worth saving before mobs which you may not be high enough level for, so you can just reload if you aren't strong enough.I see people say that they had 2-3 days left and yet managed to finish the game, how are they managing this? Doesn't it becomes a chore to use chronostasis every 75 seconds and travel AND farm EP in this time all throughout the length of the game?
Also, why does the game started with only 7 days left if it was suppose to be 13 days in total? Is the extension story dependent? Cause it seems so as chronostasis doesn't extends time anyway.
I don't think having time is inherently bad. The time limit wasn't a good idea though, no. They went to the trouble of making a surprisingly detailed world, ignoring the graphical issues, and you can't really explore it quite as much as you would like without chronostasis spamming.Great, even more time based stuff. Why???!! Why can't I just run around town without once caring about losing time or EP?
Good, I'll try to get it then go directly to Aeronite, I think it gives good strength states.Once you talk to an Outerworld NPC named LRFF13 it's available for free in the Rewards Barter Shop.
I'm stuck at, he is so difficult at normal on day 7 (or was it 8?). Any tips? I tried different schemata but still so strong, especially after you take away 50% of his HP tends to become impossible. And the funny thing is that until now I thought that game was way too easy. What's happening? :\ I almost fear I'll have to restart a new game importing my save files... but also losing all my sidequests and achievements -.-'Caius
I'm stuck at, he is so difficult at normal on day 7 (or was it 8?). Any tips? I tried different schemata but still so strong, especially after you take away 50% of his HP tends to become impossible. And the funny thing is that until now I thought that game was way too easy. What's happening? :\ I almost fear I'll have to restart a new game importing my save files... but also losing all my sidequests and achievements -.-'Caius
Good, I'll try to get it then go directly to Aeronite, I think it gives good strength states.
My strength and magic are both around 3800.
Had the exact same problem and fear when I tried him on Day 7 or 8 (can't remember), but then I went and did some more sidequests, Canvas stuff and all the other Main quests before returning to him. After that I finished him in 2min with one Overclock and Army of One, 5-staring him easily![]()
Try to use overclock and stagger him when you can, use ether too if you have.I'm stuck at, he is so difficult at normal on day 7 (or was it 8?). Any tips? I tried different schemata but still so strong, especially after you take away 50% of his HP tends to become impossible. And the funny thing is that until now I thought that game was way too easy. What's happening? : I almost fear I'll have to restart a new game importing my save files... but also losing all my sidequests and achievements -.-'Caius
It's my second playthrough, you will be able to upgrade your sword, shield, and accessories.How did you get the values so high? I can have 2000 max, right now. First run, on Normal, Day 11.
My fear is that if I lose more time with sidequests and still end up failing, I lost hours of things I will have to do AGAIN in the new game plys to unlock the 14th day. I'm doing themission now, hoping it gives me the proper boost to confront this boss, but I have little hopes... if I fail again I think it'll be easier to INN until the end and start anew.sazh