Can't say I was much of a Linkin Park fan but goddamn.
I can't honestly think of a celeb death that would hit me harder that you could announce right now.Whenever these celebrity deaths happen, there's always the ones that sting more for certain people than others for whatever personal reasons you might have.
This is one of those for me. Linkin Park was one of my top bands growing up and I still listen to them regularly today, sticking with them through all the different changes in sound.
And to know that he too, just like Cornell, one of the best voices in rock music, was fighting so many demons that pushed him to hang himself?
I'm absolutely heartbroken.
Shocked and heartbroken, but it's true. An official statement will come out as soon as we have one.
I'd be lying if I said I was still a fan but they were a staple of my teenage years. RIP.
Vicky Cornell
Just when I thought my heart couldn't break any more.....I love you T