Linkin Park to play at BlizzCon 2015

Which currently popular band should perform at Blizzcon 2016?

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A Thousand Suns > The Hunting Party > Hybrid Theory = Living Things > Meteora > Minutes To Midnight

come at me
i enjoy them all

I dunno about all that, but you are correct in that A Thousand Suns is their best.

I remember that came out the same day as Halo: Reach & its soundtrack. What a great day that was.


Linkin Park is still very much a thing, but they're so generic sounding now that they might as well not be.


Gold Member
I couldn't get into their last album. I bought it before release. It just wasn't good. I really hope they don't play anything from the Hunting Party.

I liked their old stuff. Even Thousand Suns was good. Even Living Things was better than the Hunting Party.

I remember when they first appeared on TRL with One Step Closer and on the radio. I was a freshman in high school.

They lost that image with Medal of Honor lol
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly

Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly

Such a sexy,sexy flying little thing
Fierce fairy dragon got me sprung with your Brightwing
and I ain't gonna lie cause your healing gets me paid
So with you by my side there's nothing that I won't raid
Big phat lewt in her eyes and looks so smug
Fight is draggin I'm asking is this shit bugged
Cause I can't sleep, the patch is this morning
Today we're OP but tomorrow we'll be boring


Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly

Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly

Such a sexy,sexy flying little thing
Fierce fairy dragon got me sprung with your Brightwing
and I ain't gonna lie cause your healing gets me paid
So with you by my side there's nothing that I won't raid
Big phat lewt in her eyes and looks so smug
Fight is draggin I'm asking is this shit bugged
Cause I can't sleep, the patch is this morning
Today we're OP but tomorrow we'll be boring

Crazy Town... omg... too far man.
If you were a middle schooler in the early 2000s, chances are you fucking loved Linkin Park. I know I did.

Meteora is still one of my favorite albums of all time even though I know it is not on the quality level of the actual greatest albums of all time haha.
I was a middle schooler in the early 2010s and was the biggest LP fan I knew... A Thousand Suns was my favorite :p

Can't say I'm a fan anymore, but this is cool for anybody who is.


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