Linkin Park to play at BlizzCon 2015

Which currently popular band should perform at Blizzcon 2016?

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Tom Petty, bitches!

The waiting is the hardest part.
Every day you see one more card.
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The way-ay-ting is the hard-est part.
Saw it on Twitter, thought it was cool.


This makes me happy.

I didn't think there was anyone who had aged more poorly than I had, but I was wrong.

Dr. Buni

Their drummer on the far right looks like Keanu Reevs now.][/QUOTE]
Indeed. I can see the resemblance!
[quote="Imperfected, post: 182372555"]I didn't think there was anyone who had aged more poorly than I had, but I was wrong.[/QUOTE]
Chester looks like he is nearing his 50 in that pic.


As great as Tom Petty would be, at least Linkin Park is a step up from the usual music acts at press conferences. Ubisofts effort at e3 with Jason Derulo was such a gong show, fucking terrible musician.


As great as Tom Petty would be, at least Linkin Park is a step up from the usual music acts at press conferences. Ubisofts effort at e3 with Jason Derulo was such a gong show, fucking terrible musician.

That is a very low bar you set there, my friend!
File this next to Blink-182 as a name I might have heard schoolmates bring up in the 1990s. I doubt I'd have a hope in hell of identifying any of their work by ear.

The aesthetic Blizzard has pursued for most of its existence in art and narrative as well as music is Accessibly Rockin' Nineties American Teenage Boy, and the sooner one understands that, the sooner one understands them. I'm more surprised that the flash-in-the-pan bands they dig up from the era are still active; Metallica I can understand, but for the rest of them, is this normal? Is it sustainable for all of them to coast on reunion tours?

(Voted for Cake as I think I might actually own a record of theirs.)


Hybrid Theory is still one of my favourite albums ever.

They sounded so unique at the time. You could hear a song and instantly know it was from LP. But then they ruined it all by turning into every other band.

It would be great if they just did one HT-style throwback album.


No god! No god please no! No! No! Noooooo!


Fuck me that sucks. Ugh. From Metallica to this shit. I thought Blizzard staff were metal, but this is just crap news.

Ah well, the show floor will still be open I guess. Fuck.
Now I'm rapping again
You thought that I was done
Just like rap/rock back in 2001.
We never sold out, we had nothing to sell
Is your CD on repeat?
You can't tell.
It's all the same
We gotta DJ even we don't know his name
You do what you can when your a TRL band
And 12 year old girls are your number 1 fans
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