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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Mac uses EFI but it emulates BIOS as well, that's how they used to achieve compatibility with Windows.

I think your best bet is finding out the specific model of your Mac and help.ubuntu.com should have full instructions. I wouldn't get an external DVD drive as I hear some Mac's can't boot from those either.

peakish's suggestion is great, if you just want to learn some stuff using a VM is much easier.

Yea well I didn't install Ubuntu using normal bootcamp so maybe theres the problem, I don't know. I borrowed an external DVD drive from work so I'm going to try it out. If it doesn't work I'll just run VM like you guys say.

My other option was to just keep booting up Ubuntu using the Live CD partition I made that lets me "Try Ubuntu", but I don't think that would save my work or whatever I do on it.


That's where Debian's different versions come in. There's the current 'stable' release where stable means it's been thoroughly tested and only receives critical bug fixes and security updates. It's comparable to an enterprise level distribution like RHEL. Using that version means nothing will break on your system, its updates don't change the user experience, don't break programs or scripts, or anything like that. It's the most conservative you can get.

Then there's 'unstable' which means it constantly receives newer versions of programs (unstable refers to its always changing nature, not the quality of the user experience). Ubuntu is based on this version, for example.



I'm forced to use the discrete graphics card under Ubuntu for my late-2013 Macbook Pro. Does it normally take some time for the community to get this sort of thing working or is it likely I'm going to be stuck with poor battery life under Ubuntu forever?

I have one last day to return it. I could 'downgrade' to an otherwise identical system that's pure Intel integrated graphics (Iris Pro), though it would actually cost me a few bucks. Is the idea lunacy or...?

Young Magus

Junior Member
On which OS? ;) on Linux I use Clementine, foobar2000 on Windows and Beam Player on Android.

Linux and right now I'm using banshee, loving it but its a drag when I switch to a new distro and I have to re-edit/catagorize all the files and albums that have various and featuring artist again.

Any media player out there that has an opition to catalogue music by album?


Spotify and ... Gnome Music!



I used to use Clementine, but I have some music that requires gapless playback (Chicago performance of Mahler's 8th) and Clementine's support for it at the time was poor. Not sure how it is now.
Switched from ATI to Nvidia and holy cow!!! How can ati drivers suck so bad? I put up with them because I thought it was just a Linux problem and performance was just acceptable, but WOW!
GLX gears for example on ATI = 4000 ish, NVIDIA = 18000
Everything is so much smoother, colours are brighter, fonts so much sharper and games work flawlessly.
Switching was absolutely painless on opensuse too. I was preparing myself for disappointment and having to start all over again - pc booted into command line and all I needed to do was delete the etc/x11/xorg.conf file, reboot and one click install of nvidia drivers.


Switched from ATI to Nvidia and holy cow!!! How can ati drivers suck so bad? I put up with them because I thought it was just a Linux problem and performance was just acceptable, but WOW!
GLX gears for example on ATI = 4000 ish, NVIDIA = 18000
Everything is so much smoother, colours are brighter, fonts so much sharper and games work flawlessly.
Switching was absolutely painless on opensuse too. I was preparing myself for disappointment and having to start all over again - pc booted into command line and all I needed to do was delete the etc/x11/xorg.conf file, reboot and one click install of nvidia drivers.

Yeah it's a shame. Hopefully now that Valve is making inroads into Linux with Steam OS, AMD will get their thumbs out of their arses and do something about the situation. Nice to hear it was so flawless to switch though.

Gnome Music looks so good, wow.

That's terribly sexy!

I dunno. There's a lot of wasted space. Looks alright I guess.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Yeah it's a shame. Hopefully now that Valve is making inroads into Linux with Steam OS, AMD will get their thumbs out of their arses and do something about the situation. Nice to hear it was so flawless to switch though.

I dunno. There's a lot of wasted space. Looks alright I guess.

Sad because the app could not read of my External HDD nor pick up a good amount of the music I had ;-;

Always seems to be some type of problem when I try to find a music player :(


I dunno. There's a lot of wasted space. Looks alright I guess.
Personally I like white space in apps (well obviously I wouldn't like any modern Gnome design if I didn't), but what exactly would the remaining space be used for in that screen? :p

Still, the app is very limited (no playlist support yet for instance) and kind of buggy at the moment, but it's a prerelease for now. It suits me fine though since the only thing I do in media players is selecting and playing full albums.

Sad because the app could not read of my External HDD nor pick up a good amount of the music I had ;-;

Always seems to be some type of problem when I try to find a music player :(
I believe Gnome Music brings in audio files located by Tracker, make sure that it's indexing your external HDD (files might take some time to show up too).


I'm sort of having troubles figuring out just how I should be using pacman, and upgrading packages in Arch. I was reading that I should always do a full update whenever DL something new to prevent breaking dependencies between two versions. OR something to that extent... I'm not really sure.

At any case I really don't understand it. It seems the description of the different flags on their wiki don't really like up with what I actually need to be using to DL+install the packages.

I'm just so used to the windows way of installing things, that It's hard for me to wrap my mind about repositories, using them, and knowing what not to do to prevent dependency issues. Also is there a way to "search" with pacman. It seems that unless I already know what I want and have looked up the command online, only then will it actually find a repository for whatever I'm looking for.

I know deb would list a whole bunch of options to dl what you wanted. Different versions etc...


I'm sort of having troubles figuring out just how I should be using pacman, and upgrading packages in Arch. I was reading that I should always do a full update whenever DL something new to prevent breaking dependencies between two versions. OR something to that extent... I'm not really sure.

At any case I really don't understand it. It seems the description of the different flags on their wiki don't really like up with what I actually need to be using to DL+install the packages.

I'm just so used to the windows way of installing things, that It's hard for me to wrap my mind about repositories, using them, and knowing what not to do to prevent dependency issues. Also is there a way to "search" with pacman. It seems that unless I already know what I want and have looked up the command online, only then will it actually find a repository for whatever I'm looking for.

I know deb would list a whole bunch of options to dl what you wanted. Different versions etc...
The thing with Arch is that it's rolling, bar a few exceptions (python 2 & 3 coexist) there are only one version of every package in the official repositories. The reason to be up to date before installing a new package is that dependencies might have changed, as per the wiki: "It is possible that an already installed package which depends on an upgraded package is unable to function with the new version of the upgraded package. This can happen if the package list has been refreshed by the user but all installed packages have not been upgraded and it could result in a non functional system after reboot."

What are your problems with the flags? They're quite simple once you get to know them :) you have a main action flag that comes first and in capital letters, then follow with some other more specific flags.

pacman -S [package]: synchronise your (local) repository to the official repositories. A package name specifies which package to synchronise. Adding the flag -y updates your local list of packages available and -u upgrades all of your installed packages to their latest versions according to this list. pacman -Syu [package] to do everything in one line.
pacman -R [package]: removes a package, there are some additional flags to also remove redundant dependencies as well
pacman -Q: query your local database.

You can search for packages using pacman -Ss [package], I believe it checks both package names and descriptions. (To search your locally installed packages, use -Qs). More information about packages can be retrieved using -Si or -Qi.

Besides keeping your install up to date, the only warning that usually accompanies pacman use is to never force (-f) an install or upgrade if something fails. Well, that and keeping and eye on installation messages and of course the main web page to see if something requires user intervention (it's also recommended to keep an eye on some of their mailing lists to keep track of bigger changes that might affect you).



I'm forced to use the discrete graphics card under Ubuntu for my late-2013 Macbook Pro. Does it normally take some time for the community to get this sort of thing working or is it likely I'm going to be stuck with poor battery life under Ubuntu forever?

I have one last day to return it. I could 'downgrade' to an otherwise identical system that's pure Intel integrated graphics (Iris Pro), though it would actually cost me a few bucks. Is the idea lunacy or...?

Well, I did end up switching and discovered I could get $50 back. Not bad.

Unfortunately, there's a pretty awful Intel graphics bug which was fixed in kernel 3.12... Hopefully it was/is backported to the Ubuntu 13.10 kernel. If not, I'll have to use a custom kernel or use an Ubuntu 14.04 daily build.

The Apple Store let me boot an Ubuntu 14.04 daily build on a few of their machines. I discovered that the nouveau drivers are pretty awful for the late-2013 Macbook Pro. Lots of graphical glitches and abysmal benchmarks. I didn't get a chance to try the NVIDIA binary drivers, but I still don't feel bad about going back to the pure-Intel solution.

Macbook Pro 11,2 /w Intel (score: 3173, example fps: 3423)
Macbook Pro 11,3 /w nouveau (score: 105, example fps: 119)

Power consumption was another thing I checked. With Bluetooth disabled, the screen slightly dimmed and wifi enabled (browsing the web) I found that the 11,2 drew about 16W of power, while the 11,3 drew about 22W. That's a definite improvement in my books.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Crossover question with audiophile GAF:

Bought an AMP/DAC combo device and loving it so far, but I wonder how do I get the most out of it? The device in question is the ibasso d12 and has both usb slots and an audio jack to connect to the computer. Of the two slots which one would give me a better sound and how would I go and configurate that in the settings on the computer? OS is Linux Fedora 20


Crossover question with audiophile GAF:

Bought an AMP/DAC combo device and loving it so far, but I wonder how do I get the most out of it? The device in question is the ibasso d12 and has both usb slots and an audio jack to connect to the computer. Of the two slots which one would give me a better sound and how would I go and configurate that in the settings on the computer? OS is Linux Fedora 20

I'm not sure what you're asking.

You're asking whether to use USB or the audio jack (I guess this audio jack is analog 3.5mm and not optical?)

If so, use the USB. If you use the analog audio hack, then you're passing an analogy signal to your device and thus, not really even using the device's DAC at all....

As far as telling your computer which to use, you can use some audio control thing (depending on your DE) or pavucontrol if you use pulseaudio and select the port you want in the 'output devices' section.
So, Windows 7 stopped booting on my HP Pavillion DV7 and Recovery wasn't able to fix the problem. This is the same laptop that Ubuntu ran slow as hell on back when I tried to dual boot and would crash when I tried to install updated AMD/ATI drivers.

It has a Turian II Ultra dual-core mobile M620, with Mobility HD Radeon 4200...

I decided to give Kubuntu AMD64 a shot after some research. I was able to save most of my data from the windows partition by booting from USB before installing the new OS.

With Kubuntu I was actually able to install the Catalyst but it wouldn't let me sign in as an admin to make changes for my dual monitor setup. So I had to load it through terminal, that wasn't too big a deal, though.

That said, I have two questions.

I thought I'd be able to keep some of my games by booting them in WINE, but that's been problematic.

Has anyone had any with luck the Beamdog download of Baldur's Gate: EE? I was able to get the installer to run in WINE but the DATA file was empty. Luckily, I'd saved my install from the windows partition, so I was able to replace those, but WINE still does nothing when I try to start the game.

Also, Streaming video pushes my CPU usage up to 98-99%, how do I check to make sure it's using both cores?


With Kubuntu I was actually able to install the Catalyst but it wouldn't let me sign in as an admin to make changes for my dual monitor setup.
Also, Streaming video pushes my CPU usage up to 98-99%, how do I check to make sure it's using both cores?
The HD4200 should have hardware acceleration of video (at least according to wikipedia). The GPU is pretty old and no longer supported by the Linux Catalyst. You have to install the legacy driver (which is not compatible to the current version of X). Maybe you are better off with the open source driver. Which version of Kubuntu do you have installed?
The HD4200 should have hardware acceleration of video (at least according to wikipedia). The GPU is pretty old and no longer supported by the Linux Catalyst. You have to install the legacy driver (which is not compatible to the current version of X). Maybe you are better off with the open source driver. Which version of Kubuntu do you have installed?

I have 12.04. I am a true noob when it comes to Terminal, so I may need Barney style instructions if you have a fix. Thanks for your time in advance.


I have 12.04. I am a true noob when it comes to Terminal, so I may need Barney style instructions if you have a fix. Thanks for your time in advance.
First you would need to remove the (apparently not-really-functional) driver. Where did you get it? From the Ubuntu repositories or from the AMD website? If you got it from the repositories then you should be able to remove it like described here. If you got it from the AMD website I am not entirely sure. You could try the method described in this document.

Nevertheless, after you got it rid of it you have two options:
  • Upgrade to Kubuntu 13.10, which contains a much more recent kernel (which includes the open source driver). Of course, a system upgrade could break everything terribly ;)
  • Install the legacy driver from this PPA
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:makson96/fglrx
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install fglrx-legacy

Please be aware, that this PPA only supports Ubuntu up to version 13.04, so if you upgrade to 13.10 and later decide you want to use the Catalyst driver, you would pretty much be on your own.

PS: All of that assuming you don't want to do a fresh install.
First you would need to remove the (apparently not-really-functional) driver. Where did you get it? From the Ubuntu repositories or from the AMD website? If you got it from the repositories then you should be able to remove it like described here. If you got it from the AMD website I am not entirely sure. You could try the method described in this document.

Nevertheless, after you got it rid of it you have two options:
  • Upgrade to Kubuntu 13.10, which contains a much more recent kernel (which includes the open source driver). Of course, a system upgrade could break everything terribly ;)
  • Install the legacy driver from this PPA
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:makson96/fglrx
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install fglrx-legacy

Please be aware, that this PPA only supports Ubuntu up to version 13.04, so if you upgrade to 13.10 and later decide you want to use the Catalyst driver, you would pretty much be on your own.

PS: All of that assuming you don't want to do a fresh install.

I got the driver from the "additional Drivers" program in system applications, so I'm assuming it's from the repositories.

I've just recently installed this distro and am not overly attached, I still have my important files backed up on an external. But, from what I can tell from Google searches, earlier versions ran like ass on Turion II. This was the issue I had when I tried to dual boot Ubuntu last year, it took a full 2 minutes to open Firefox.

What other distros would you suggest? This is the laptop I use for school, so I need it in working order, lol.

Edit: Or were you talking about a fresh install to Kubuntu 13.10? Also, if these compatability issues are the cause of my earlier problem with the dual boot, would it be safe to install the newest Ubuntu? Or should i stick with Kubuntu?
Alright, I installed the legacy driver and it's being a pain as well.

Still couldn't log in to Catalyst, so I had to get to it through console. But now I have no 3D support. Videos are still killing my CPU and screen tearing all to hell.

I'm just gonna do a fresh install of 13.10.



I'm trying to use the sort command on this:
Rosemarie   Fifield     3131 N Nimitz Hwy  #-105     Honolulu      HI     96819 808-836-8966
Rosalind    Krenzke     7000 Bass Lake Rd  #-200     Minneapolis   MN     55428 763-537-4194
Essie       Vaill       14225 Hancock Dr             Anchorage     AK     99515 907-345-0962
Zackary     Mockus      286 State St                 Perth Amboy   NJ      8861 732-442-0638
Claudio     Loose       286 State St                 Perth Amboy   NJ      8861 732-442-8514
Cyril       Behen       1650 S Harbor Blvd           Anaheim       CA     92802 714-772-5050
Shelley     Groden      110 Broadway St              San Antonio   TX     78205 210-229-3017
Kerry       Evertt      337 S North Lake Blvd        Altamonte Spr FL     32701 407-332-9851
Ofelia      Sheffler    628 Pacific Ave              Oxnard        CA     93030 805-483-7161
Mamie       Mcintee     2810 Jacobs Ave              Eureka        CA     95501 707-443-0621
Bernard     Laboy       22661 S Frontage Rd          Channahon     IL     60410 815-467-0487
Deshawn     Inafuku     3508 Leopard St              Corpus Chron  TX     78408 361-884-8433
Colin       Altonen     1201 18th St                 Denver        CO     80202 303-292-5477
Cary        Mccamey     100 E Broad St               Columbus      OH     43215 614-225-0900
Rubin       Crotts      303 N Indian Canyon Dr       Palm Springs  CA     92262 760-327-0337
Haley       Rocheford   6030 Greenwood Plaza Blvd    Englewood     CO     80111 303-689-7729
Lottie      Voll        55 E 10th Ave                Eugene        OR     97401 541-342-7282
Sal         Pindell     1112 Se 1st St               Evansville    IN     47713 812-421-4804
Jacklyn     Emayo       101 Us Highway 46            Fairfield     NJ      7004 973-882-3960
John        Chipley     2 Horizon Rd  #-2            Fort Lee      NJ      7024 201-224-7741
Lyndon      Bellerdine  200 California St            San Francisco CA     94111 415-705-1956
Avery       Parbol      22343 Se Stark St            Gresham       OR     97030 503-666-1948
Karla       Ken         2135 11th St                 Rockford      IL     61104 815-968-0369
Kathie      Argenti     410 Front St                 Brainerd      MN     56401 218-828-9253
Jannie      Bowditch    1102 Main St                 Grandview     MO     64030 816-765-0961
Billie      Tinnes      28 W 27th St                 New York      NY     10001 212-889-5775
Cristina    Sharper     111 W 40th St                New York      NY     10018 212-719-3952
Eva         Seahorn     3 Northern Blvd              Amherst       NH      3031 603-673-6072
Dorothea    Sweem       100 Thanet Circ              Trenton       NJ      8648 609-896-5871
Davis       Brevard     6715 Tippecanoe Rd           Canfield      OH     44406 330-533-6346
Conrad      Lanfear     49 Roche Way                 Youngstown    OH     44512 330-758-0314
Gaston      Cieloszyk   1160 Wccs                    Homer City    PA     15748 724-479-0355
Valerie     Pou         7475 Hamilton Blvd           Trexlertown   PA     18087 610-395-8743
Winnie      Reich       1535 Hawkins Blvd            El Paso       TX     79925 915-771-2730
Luella      Pliner      3437 N 12th Ave              Pensacola     FL     32503 850-434-2521
Cruz        Roudabush   2202 S Central Ave           Phoenix       AZ     85004 602-252-4827
Mariano     Maury       1092 Saint Georges Ave       Rahway        NJ      7065 732-388-1579
Mandy       Mcdonnell   343 Bush St Se               Salem         OR     97302 503-371-8219
Fannie      Steese      926 E Park Ave               Tallahassee   FL     32301 850-222-8103
Roger       Seid        3738 N Monroe St             Tallahassee   FL     32303 850-422-1535
Justina     Dragaj      2552 Poplar Ave              Memphis       TN     38112 901-327-5336
Allyson     Gillispie   1722 White Horse Mercerville Trenton       NJ      8619 609-584-1794
Marianne    Earman      6220 S Orange Blossom Trl    Orlando       FL     32809 407-857-0431
Dollie      Daquino     1005 Congress Ave            Austin        TX     78701 512-478-9636
Lashonda    Derouen     101 Royal St                 Alexandria    VA     22314 703-684-3394
Boris       Catino      645 Church St                Norfolk       VA     23510 757-627-8408
Trudy       Worlds      24907 Tibbitts Aven  #-b     Valencia      CA     91355 661-257-3083
Lashawn     Hasty       815 S Glendora Ave           West Covina   CA     91790 626-960-6738
Sue         Haakinson   9617 N Metro Pky W           Phoenix       AZ     85051 602-953-2753
Henrietta   Cintora     1063 Fm Wzzw                 Milton        WV     25541 304-743-5440

I'm trying to sort by states, but for whatever reason the sort command isn't working. I can do 'sort addresses.txt -k1,1' (and k2,2 k3,3 k4,4 etc) and it works, but I can't get the cities or state columns to sort. Any ideas?

All of this information is fake btw, just trying to learn Linux.



I'm trying to use the sort command on this:

I'm trying to sort by states, but for whatever reason the sort command isn't working. I can do 'sort addresses.txt -k1,1' (and k2,2 k3,3 k4,4 etc) and it works, but I can't get the cities or state columns to sort. Any ideas?

All of this information is fake btw, just trying to learn Linux.
I think sort works on fields? The number of fields inside the address column varies which would screw up the later ordering. You would need to specify starting and end columns to extract the correct fields to sort by, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that with sort.

Looking at the man page online I see that --key=KEYDEF is specified as:

KEYDEF is F[.C][OPTS][,F[.C][OPTS]] for start and stop position,
where F is a field number and C a character position in the field;
both are origin 1, and the stop position defaults to the line's end.
If neither -t nor -b is in effect, characters in a field are counted
from the beginning of the preceding whitespace.  OPTS is one or more
single-letter ordering options [bdfgiMhnRrV], which override global
ordering options for that key.  If no key is given, use the entire
line as the key.

So --key=1.3 would start the sorting in field 1, third character. If no field is specified the entire line is used, perhaps that can be used to specify the absolute position of city or state fields in the line? I.e. --key=.40 or whatever that position is?

Edit: If that doesn't work you can change the field separator to treat every line as one field in total. By default the separator is a blank space but that can by changed using -t, so let's change it do some symbol that never appears in any line, then specifying the absolute column positions for the first line (which is the entire line) will work. Also an end position needs to be specified since otherwise the entries following your desired sort field will be included. E.g.:

sort -t \& -k1.40,1.60
where \& specifies that the ampersand will be used as a field deliminator, since that doesn't appear in any entry. 40 and 60 are the start and end positions of the field you want but needs to be changed to match yours.


I've been meaning to try Arch but I'm just worried how the transition for apps will be. Since I've always used debian-based distros I've stored all my apt-get installs in a file to make life easy. How does AUR compare in number of packages to the ubuntu repos?

Can I install:
32-bit libraries for android development
tlp (for battery saving)
microsoft fonts

in Arch? And would they all be in AUR?

I'm just worried about the more obscure ones since they're from ppas and stuff...


I've been meaning to try Arch but I'm just worried how the transition for apps will be. Since I've always used debian-based distros I've stored all my apt-get installs in a file to make life easy. How does AUR compare in number of packages to the ubuntu repos?

Can I install:
32-bit libraries for android development
tlp (for battery saving)
microsoft fonts

in Arch? And would they all be in AUR?

I'm just worried about the more obscure ones since they're from ppas and stuff...
Many of those are definitely in the official repos. Overall I'd say they're quite extensive although I don't know how they compare to the Ubuntu maintaned ones. If you're interested you can look up specifics on this page: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/

Or, if they're not there, check the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org
So --key=1.3 would start the sorting in field 1, third character. If no field is specified the entire line is used, perhaps that can be used to specify the absolute position of city or state fields in the line? I.e. --key=.40 or whatever that position is?

Edit: If that doesn't work you can change the field separator to treat every line as one field in total. By default the separator is a blank space but that can by changed using -t, so let's change it do some symbol that never appears in any line, then specifying the absolute column positions for the first line (which is the entire line) will work. Also an end position needs to be specified since otherwise the entries following your desired sort field will be included. E.g.:

sort -t \& -k1.40,1.60
where \& specifies that the ampersand will be used as a field deliminator, since that doesn't appear in any entry. 40 and 60 are the start and end positions of the field you want but needs to be changed to match yours.

Specifically with respect to the file given:

sort -k 1.50,1.67 <harson.txt
This would sort only by city.

sort -k 1.68,1.70 <harson.txt
This would sort only by state.

sort -k 1.68,1.70 -k 1.50,1.67 <harson.txt
This would sort mainly by state, but within each grouping of states it would sort by city.

You don't need to hunt for a delimiter, and you can specify "1" as the field, because it just treats it as the starting character position to offset from. It will definitely fail if you don't put a digit at the beginning of the key (as in the example of --key=.40).

Useless bonus:

perl -e 'print sort { (substr $a,49,17) cmp (substr $b,49,17) } <>;' <harson.txt

perl -e 'print sort { (substr $a,67,2) cmp (substr $b,67,2) } <>;' <harson.txt

perl -e 'print sort { (substr $a,67,2) cmp (substr $b,67,2) or (substr $a,49,17) cmp (substr $b,49,17) } <>;' <harson.txt

First line sorts by city, second line by state, third line mainly by state, but within each grouping of states it would sort by city.

I mainly did the above three because perl has a really powerful sort function that I've never really understood pristinely, so the exercise was helpful for my brain.

I considered trying it with awk, but my pedantometer is already reading off the scale.
Hey guys/gals.

I'd like to thank you for the help, it's greatly appreciated.

I now have Ubuntu 13.10 running with the Gnome Shell set to classic.

I had a small issue with HAL no longer being supported in 13.10 but some google-fu quick fixes helped with that.

I'm sure I'll run into other problems down the road and request help again. Until then, thanks.

Edit: Though, after some quick reading, it looks like I may need to consider the XFCE DE...


You don't need to hunt for a delimiter, and you can specify "1" as the field, because it just treats it as the starting character position to offset from. It will definitely fail if you don't put a digit at the beginning of the key (as in the example of --key=.40).
Ah, cool to know that the offset spans into other fields, I'm not very familiar with sort.
I guess there was an update or something recently because the new version of ScreenFetch only displays the Ubuntu logo in yellow instead of red, yellow, and white as it's supposed to. Is there a way to fix this?



I guess there was an update or something recently because the new version of ScreenFetch only displays the Ubuntu logo in yellow instead of red, yellow, and white as it's supposed to. Is there a way to fix this?

Afaik there is no fix because it's a feature&#8482; and not a bug. The Ubuntu logo is no longer multi-color.
Of course you could just checkout an older version of screenfetch from git, if you really wanted it back.
Ugh, no wonder.

In other news, is there any way to make the Linux version of Skype suck less?

I tried to no avail to install multiple versions of Skype for Windows using Wine (even specifically checked winehq to see which versions were rated as working) but none of them would install.

That being said, is there a way to get Skype to be more like the Windows version instead of using two windows and not having the Quote feature or "Mark as Read" or other basic features?
...or am I stuck with this terrible version?
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