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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Aw, darn. Last year (so, maybe two pages back) I messed up my Crunchbang install pretty bad but was still able to fix it with the help of another member here. Blew me away how recoverable Linux is.

If you run into it again then search around for answers. I've run into it before and was able to fix it.

I did before consulting GAF, everything I listed in my previous post was all the methods I had tried from doing research. I love Linux, but I don't keep anything important on this laptop I have for Linux for this reason. Sometimes I bork to because I start messing with things I know little about, but hey, how else can you learn?
Peakish was right. Geary is pretty great. I haven't gotten around to that i3 install yet, but in the two days I've been using Geary I'm already in love with it. Everything you need with nothing else.

Current Thunderbird setup for contrast.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Problem is I just don't need a client for email on Linux. I like many just use gmail, and I haven't found the need for something else.

Outside of the gmail app for Android I haven't used an email client for personal use in years.
How is Geary in relation to resolution independence?
Just tried a couple different resolutions and the UI scaled accordingly. Doesn't seem to be an option to scale it independent of resolution though.
Maybe you should bring that crazy resolution down to something us plebians use? ;)

Problem is I just don't need a client for email on Linux. I like many just use gmail, and I haven't found the need for something else.

Outside of the gmail app for Android I haven't used an email client for personal use in years.
It's nice for multiple accounts. I don't have to have three tabs open in the web browser, I can move emails from one account to the next without having to email it to myself again, and I can Alt+TAB it all away and get on with my life.


I tend to only use web clients as a last result. I kinda find them all universally awful.

I'll check geary out, though it seems like there isn't a PGP implementation for it yet.


I tend to only use web clients as a last result. I kinda find them all universally awful.

I'll check geary out, though it seems like there isn't a PGP implementation for it yet.
No, looking at this bug it has been a release target for 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 but still hasn't made it in, heh.

For whatever reason my desktop freezes for one or two seconds when switching focus from Geary some times. No idea why that is and it's not a dealbreaker, but it's clearly still in development.

I think Gmail's web UI is perfectly fine, but a native solution is most always preferable to me: Notifications and not requiring additional open tabs is pretty handy. Still since I've never really found a client I'm happy with until now (bar OSX's email app which is great) I've stuck with it.


In windows I like to use WinSCP to open a session and then open remote files locally. When I save it will push the saves onto the server that I'm opening from. Super convenient if you need to use a more functional editor like Sublime or IDEA. Wondering what the equivalent sort of way to do this in linux. Mostly I want that functionality of automatically pushing my saves. I know there are some plugins for sublime, but it would be nice if the protocol handled to communication and could defer the reading to any select editor.
In windows I like to use WinSCP to open a session and then open remote files locally. When I save it will push the saves onto the server that I'm opening from. Super convenient if you need to use a more functional editor like Sublime or IDEA. Wondering what the equivalent sort of way to do this in linux. Mostly I want that functionality of automatically pushing my saves. I know there are some plugins for sublime, but it would be nice if the protocol handled to communication and could defer the reading to any select editor.

Filezilla autodetects when local files are updated and uploads them if a connection is open. I don't know if it works the same way as winscp, though.

You could also, of course, just run a frequent rsync loop in the background. That way, it would check the file every (for instance) minute to see if it's different than on the server, and it'd upload it if so. For a little more elegance, you could do something similar to "http://www.danplanet.com/blog/2012/05/09/low-latency-continuous-rsync/", though that requires some playing around with scripting and installing apps that I'm not personally familiar with. There are other apps (like tsync) that handle transparent synchronization in both directions, but I usually find that a bit of overkill.

Or you could mount the server-side directory over ssh and just edit the file directly. This'd be with, for instance, ssh:

mkdir /home/injurai/localtest
sshfs -o reconnect -o workaround=all -o follow_symlinks -C example.com:/home/injurai/test /home/injurai/localtest

After doing the above (if sshfs is installed and you have all the right keys in the right places), your server directory will be mounted on "/home/injurai/localtest". The "-o reconnect -o workaround=all -o follow_symlinks -C" part is optional.

Mind, if you find an editor that you particularly like, it couldn't hurt to see if it supports a direct connection. Kate, kwrite, gedit, and UltraEdit happen to do this best I can tell, and I suspect others do as well. Granted, I know you wanted to maximize your editor selection, and looking for editors that limit the selection kind of goes against that criteria, but I figured I'd mention it for completeness.


Filezilla autodetects when local files are updated and uploads them if a connection is open. I don't know if it works the same way as winscp, though.

You could also, of course, just run a frequent rsync loop in the background. That way, it would check the file every (for instance) minute to see if it's different than on the server, and it'd upload it if so. For a little more elegance, you could do something similar to "http://www.danplanet.com/blog/2012/05/09/low-latency-continuous-rsync/", though that requires some playing around with scripting and installing apps that I'm not personally familiar with. There are other apps (like tsync) that handle transparent synchronization in both directions, but I usually find that a bit of overkill.

Or you could mount the server-side directory over ssh and just edit the file directly. This'd be with, for instance, ssh:

mkdir /home/injurai/localtest
sshfs -o reconnect -o workaround=all -o follow_symlinks -C example.com:/home/injurai/test /home/injurai/localtest

After doing the above (if sshfs is installed and you have all the right keys in the right places), your server directory will be mounted on "/home/injurai/localtest". The "-o reconnect -o workaround=all -o follow_symlinks -C" part is optional.

Mind, if you find an editor that you particularly like, it couldn't hurt to see if it supports a direct connection. Kate, kwrite, gedit, and UltraEdit happen to do this best I can tell, and I suspect others do as well. Granted, I know you wanted to maximize your editor selection, and looking for editors that limit the selection kind of goes against that criteria, but I figured I'd mention it for completeness.

Hadn't heard of sshfs prior to this post, so thanks! That's pretty cool.


Yeah sshfs is definitely the way to go. Or just nfs shares if it's on the same network.

You can also use sshfs with windows, but it was kind of buggy last time I tried it.


Or you could mount the server-side directory over ssh and just edit the file directly. This'd be with, for instance, ssh:

mkdir /home/injurai/localtest
sshfs -o reconnect -o workaround=all -o follow_symlinks -C example.com:/home/injurai/test /home/injurai/localtest

After doing the above (if sshfs is installed and you have all the right keys in the right places), your server directory will be mounted on "/home/injurai/localtest". The "-o reconnect -o workaround=all -o follow_symlinks -C" part is optional.

This is perfect. Do I just remove my local directory that I mounted to in order to remove this?
Does anybody have any experience with multiple window managers installed? LightDM seemingly has an option to switch between WM but it still boots up Openbox instead of i3. I probably have to edit some X.org files don't I?


Does anybody have any experience with multiple window managers installed? LightDM seemingly has an option to switch between WM but it still boots up Openbox instead of i3. I probably have to edit some X.org files don't I?

The option is there before you log on. It's on the top right in the gtk-greeter. (looks like a wrench.)
What does the i3 file in /usr/share/xsessions say?

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=improved dynamic tiling window manager

openbox.desktop (currently using)
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Log in using the Openbox window manager (without a session manager)

The permissions were different (700 vs. 755) so I changed them but it still didn't fix anything.

EDIT: Ok, a reboot fixed it.
Shame on me for simply logging out!
Well, fixed it in that it starts i3 and I get the status bar. Nothing else works right now. I'll have to keep digging through the documentation.


Anyone notice any issues with digital cameras and SD cards on 14.04 recently? I plugged my camera in and it would not mount so I unplugged my camera and tried my USB card reader and it does the same thing.

I booted up my live disk with 13.04 and I can mount my camera without a issue but the card reader still doesn't work.
Ok, i3 is not making a great impression. phoenixyz have you ever had problems with i3 not reading your config file? Nothing changes despite checking permission changes and multiple config locations (as specified in their docs).


Where exactly is your config file?

Also, is it possible for you to post it somehow?

I could compare to mine.

I've personally never had problems with it not being able to read my config file (location is currently $HOME/.i3/config )

When you first used i3, it should have had a prompt for it so that it could ask what your mod key was and then created a config file in your $HOME somewhere. Do you find that it doesn't remember what your mod key is?

If it is remembering your mod key, then it is reading your config file.


Ok, i3 is not making a great impression. phoenixyz have you ever had problems with i3 not reading your config file? Nothing changes despite checking permission changes and multiple config locations (as specified in their docs).

Where exactly is your config file?

Also, is it possible for you to post it somehow?

I could compare to mine.

I've personally never had problems with it not being able to read my config file (location is currently $HOME/.i3/config )

When you first used i3, it should have had a prompt for it so that it could ask what your mod key was and then created a config file in your $HOME somewhere. Do you find that it doesn't remember what your mod key is?

If it is remembering your mod key, then it is reading your config file.

Pretty much what zoku said. Can you post the config here?
I ended up deleting my install and config directory. Every time I would quit a program the cursor would spin like something wasn't doing its job. Reinstalled, rebooted, and followed directions according to the docs (my config is in ~/.config/i3/) and things work now. When I reinstalled, i3bar displayed information by default which my previous install didn't do. Weird.


So far Ubuntu seems like a mix between Win 8 desktop mode and a smartphone OS -- light-weight with app icons. Is it just me or can you not move apps in the left-hand dock to the desktop?
Hey guys. I'm having an issue with my laptop charging on Lubuntu. A few days ago my battery would charge up to 100% no problem, but I installed the newest update recently and now it looks like it goes up to 72% and then stops. I searched and it seems like there has been issues like this with Ubuntu and Lubuntu in the past. I let it die completely the other day on accident but I'm not sure if that would make any difference. This battery is pretty new and hasn't been used for long also. Any ideas or has anyone had a similar issue?


Hey guys. I'm having an issue with my laptop charging on Lubuntu. A few days ago my battery would charge up to 100% no problem, but I installed the newest update recently and now it looks like it goes up to 72% and then stops. I searched and it seems like there has been issues like this with Ubuntu and Lubuntu in the past. I let it die completely the other day on accident but I'm not sure if that would make any difference. This battery is pretty new and hasn't been used for long also. Any ideas or has anyone had a similar issue?

Are you sure it's only being charged to 72%? Like, it's not a misreport or something?

Usually charging is controlled by the firmware and not the OS. You should see charge it as much as you can and then reboot and go into BIOS/UEFI to see what the actually percentage is, just in case.

You could also try calibrating your battery. Maybe it is reporting it's own charge badly.
Are you sure it's only being charged to 72%? Like, it's not a misreport or something?

Usually charging is controlled by the firmware and not the OS. You should see charge it as much as you can and then reboot and go into BIOS/UEFI to see what the actually percentage is, just in case.

You could also try calibrating your battery. Maybe it is reporting it's own charge badly.

Thanks, I'll give that a shot tomorrow. I just thought it was odd that this has only happened after an update.


I love how apt will give you program suggestions when you try to launch something that isn't installed. Is there a way to get that functionality on raspbian?


This is great, the new Safari that Apple showed today looks exactly like Gnome's Epiphany.

Unveiled today:



A lot of the spotlight stuff looked similar to the much bitched about Unity Search in Ubuntu.

Unity is clunky, slow, and ugly. I don't think it's design decisions are so bad as much as it falters on the front of human usability. There is something to be said about modular WMs but I'd prefer something that I have no control over when it is as slick in functionality as Explorer or Finder.

To date XFCE is the only thing I can use that doesn't make me want to throw a brick at me screen periodically. But it's far from where I would want it to be.
So Apple basically turned community projects into business projects without giving the community credit?

Gnome shell's new Nautilus is fantastic, design-wise. Favorite file manager.

What makes file browsers better? Design-wise, they all look similar to me. Faster file search or something?


So Apple basically turned community projects into business projects without giving the community credit?
Eh, good ideas deserve to be shared. Good on the Gnome and Epiphany team to see other projects aligning with them :3

What makes file browsers better? Design-wise, they all look similar to me. Faster file search or something?
Speed, looks, featureset. Thunar (of XFCE) has bulk renaming to mention one thing, while the Windows file manager doesn't even have tabs implemented (it's so terrible). Nautilus' updated UI matches Gnome 3 design which some don't like, and it defaults to actually searching your file system when typing, instead of jumping to files or folders inside the current folder. Took me some time getting used to, heh.


Yeah I don't get why they don't implement tabs in Windows Explorer. It's not like it's some monumental task. Hell even the simplest file managers like PCmanFM on the LXDE desktop has tab support and other things Explorer doesn't have.

Another thing I don't get why they won't implement in Windows is the incredibly useful "Always on top" feature that most (all?) Linux window managers have. Or multiple desktop spaces.

All these things seems like a no-brainer to me and would improve the Windows usage experience a lot.

Edit: Or maybe they do have an "Always on top" feature since the Task Manager window is always on top when you open that. So the functionality is clearly there but it seems that an end-user can't easily set a window to be always on top themselves.
Speed, looks, featureset. Thunar (of XFCE) has bulk renaming to mention one thing, while the Windows file manager doesn't even have tabs implemented (it's so terrible). Nautilus' updated UI matches Gnome 3 design which some don't like, and it defaults to actually searching your file system when typing, instead of jumping to files or folders inside the current folder. Took me some time getting used to, heh.

Tabs for file browsers? Seems useless, but I've never used them. Only thing I don't like about Thunar is that I can't change the defaults on the side panel without commenting out code and recompiling the source.

EDIT: Also, I had to start using Thunderbird over Geary again. Overall, it's a great client, but it still needs some polish. Couldn't detect when Gmail had too many connections and would boot me off (Geary thought I just needed to give my password again). Also, it doesn't yet have a feature to easily swap mail between different addresses. When one or both of those things are fixed I'll be back.
Definitely subscribing to this thread as my only experience with Linux has been Raspbian via the Raspberry Pi, so that OP has some good info.


As we are already talking about OSX, do you guys think elementary Isis will come out before Ubuntu 14.10?

That's a tough one. They're moving quickly, but they're still a small team.
It looks like they're close to beta1: Launchpad Beta1

Unity is clunky, slow, and ugly.

It's not slow anymore, and ugly is personal preference. But clunky yes.

Gnome shell's new Nautilus is fantastic, design-wise. Favorite file manager.

Yeah I'm trying out gnome 3.12 while I wait for eOS Isis and............ i'm quite impressed. I'm really liking the client-side decorations and it feels fresh.
I'm also using Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 but just with GNOME 3.10. It's the first time I've been satisfied using the version of Gnome Shell released with it and not using a PPA.
opensuse 13.1 prompted me to update my nvidia gfx drivers and after a reboot the pc boots into CLI mode. I can boot up normally into the kde gui by deleting/renaming xorg.conf but then I get no openGL acceleration and my steam games don't work.
inputing nvidia-xconfig command in terminal writes a new xorg.conf file and i get the following:

# nvidia-xconfig

WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.

Package xorg-server was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xorg-server.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'xorg-server' found
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'

A reboot after doing the above command boots into cli. There seems to be no way to load my desktop with graphics acceleration at all. :(
Anyone have any idea?
Might have to reinstall :*(
Does Gnome still have that silly hidden bar at the bottom? If I can't recover this installation I might give another distro with gnome a go. Although I really love openSUSE with KDE.
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