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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs

Uhm, according to this, grub isn't probably installed on sda. When you install Windows, it usually wipes GRUB. You'll have to reinstall grub.

Yeah.. I installed Windows first and then tried installing Xubuntu. So, theoretically, GRUB should be installed and working. I tried installing Xubuntu again to see if something went wrong during the installation but still, no GRUB. After that, I tried the GRUB recovery images, neither of which helped. Also, I had Kubuntu installed on the same PC and it worked fine. I don't think it's the USB drive that I use, it worked fine when installing Windows.

Also, slightly different problem, but yesterday I tried installing Arch on my laptop and it wouldn't even boot from the USB drive. ("waiting for boot device" and then dropping me to a shell) I tried two other USB drives, but again, neither worked. I did find a workaround for that on some blog (soft-linking something in the filesystem to the actual USB drive) but it didn't help. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I just installed Fedora 16 to dual boot with Win 7 on my laptop. So glad to be out of Windows for day to day stuff.



I recently bought a new SSD (Crucial m4, 128 GB) and installed Windows on it and I intended to put Xubuntu on there as well. Installation went smoothly, but when I rebooted, there was no GRUB (booted straight into Windows 7). I tried installing again but still nothing. I just tried two different (BootRepair and Rescatux) live images that are supposed to fix GRUB, but neither worked. Is there any BIOS setting (or some quirk with SSDs in general) that I might have overlooked? I have my SSD selected as the default start drive.

Here's the log of the BootRepair application: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771254/
sda is the SSD, sda3 is the partition on which I installed Xubuntu.

Don't you need to hold shift down for grub to show?And maybe it has the time set too low to choose, so boots 7 right away.
I installed ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop recently which has an hdmi output on it but I cant mirror my laptop on a tv unless its at an incredibly low resolution. I was able to do this when i had windows 7 installed and the graphic card is an intel on-board card with 1gb memory. is there any way i can work around getting this to work?
Yeah.. I installed Windows first and then tried installing Xubuntu. So, theoretically, GRUB should be installed and working. I tried installing Xubuntu again to see if something went wrong during the installation but still, no GRUB. After that, I tried the GRUB recovery images, neither of which helped. Also, I had Kubuntu installed on the same PC and it worked fine. I don't think it's the USB drive that I use, it worked fine when installing Windows.

Also, slightly different problem, but yesterday I tried installing Arch on my laptop and it wouldn't even boot from the USB drive. ("waiting for boot device" and then dropping me to a shell) I tried two other USB drives, but again, neither worked. I did find a workaround for that on some blog (soft-linking something in the filesystem to the actual USB drive) but it didn't help. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed.
dont know if its related but...

i remember when i installed ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop i did it through a usb and was able to get to a startup screen but was unable to install correctly. i read that theirs a bug when installing from a usb that it reads the data as if running of a disk, which it wasnt, and i had to change a few settings to complete the installation so it ran completely on the usb. try using a disk i guess?


Yeah.. I installed Windows first and then tried installing Xubuntu. So, theoretically, GRUB should be installed and working. I tried installing Xubuntu again to see if something went wrong during the installation but still, no GRUB. After that, I tried the GRUB recovery images, neither of which helped. Also, I had Kubuntu installed on the same PC and it worked fine. I don't think it's the USB drive that I use, it worked fine when installing Windows.

Also, slightly different problem, but yesterday I tried installing Arch on my laptop and it wouldn't even boot from the USB drive. ("waiting for boot device" and then dropping me to a shell) I tried two other USB drives, but again, neither worked. I did find a workaround for that on some blog (soft-linking something in the filesystem to the actual USB drive) but it didn't help. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed.

I guess you could try installing it manually from a command line.


I'm not sure if you can use the grub-install command or not?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm good at doing banners. Examples of my previous threads:

Google Chrome |OT|
Super Mario 3D Land |OT|
Pokemon Community Thread

What kind of theme did you have in mind? Just straight up text like the Chrome one, or something different?

I like your Chrome Banner. Actually I'd like something similar to what we have in this topic, but with more up to date linux logos and relevant distros.

It's also one of the reasons I figure it might be good for a new |OT| with the changes we've had in terms of where distros are now. It also might be helpful to have a little info on the different distros as well as the different window manager choices in their more current states.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I like your Chrome Banner. Actually I'd like something similar to what we have in this topic, but with more up to date linux logos and relevant distros.

It's also one of the reasons I figure it might be good for a new |OT| with the changes we've had in terms of where distros are now. It also might be helpful to have a little info on the different distros as well as the different window manager choices in their more current states.

Agreed on all that.

Also, you should host the thread on Google Docs so anyone can update it. :D

Also I'd suggest "Linux |OT|" as the thread title. Simplicity yo!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Agreed on all that.

Also, you should host the thread on Google Docs so anyone can update it. :D

Also I'd suggest "Linux |OT|" as the thread title. Simplicity yo!

I always end up typing my threads in GAF so I can preview, but I copy and paste them into GDocs as I go so I can save them since I don't usually do my |OT| in one sitting. :p


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Well yeah, that's what I mean. Then people edit the Doc and you check the changes, then roll them into the actual thread.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Well yeah, that's what I mean. Then people edit the Doc and you check the changes, then roll them into the actual thread.

I know. I just was saying! :p

I'll try and start on it sometime next week post Xmas, and I'll share with any and all who would like to help create a new Linux |OT| for the up and coming year.


Also, slightly different problem, but yesterday I tried installing Arch on my laptop and it wouldn't even boot from the USB drive. ("waiting for boot device" and then dropping me to a shell) I tried two other USB drives, but again, neither worked. I did find a workaround for that on some blog (soft-linking something in the filesystem to the actual USB drive) but it didn't help. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed.

Did you change the USB drive name? I shit you not. The anme of the USB stick should be ARCH_$DATE where $DATE is the date of the iso release:

for example for the iso: archlinux-2011.08.19-netinstall-i686.iso
the usb stick has to be named: ARCH_20110819

Try to see if that works.

In other news, I just discovered an awesome linux hosting seller, perfect to do as much testing as you want.
It's a mini server, virtualized and it only costs 2€ per month. You have total access to the box because it doesn't matter what you do with it as it's virtualized :D
Also it has a nice control panel so you can reinstall Centos/Ubuntu/Debian/Suse with one click and have a fresh start.

Of course the thing is way too small for a big project so it's more like a sandbox playground.


I got myself one in order to test different shit and it's awesome to be able to 1-click refresh the machine and start over. Also I tried with apache2+mysql+php and idling at 67Mb which isn't bad at all.


root@itxaka:~# uname -a
Linux itxaka 2.6.32-042stab037.1 #1 SMP Fri Sep 16 22:18:06 MSD 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@itxaka:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 11.04
Release: 11.04
Codename: natty
root@itxaka:~# free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 262144 28264 233880 0 0 13928
-/+ buffers/cache: 14336 247808
Swap: 262144 3400 258744

Also it seems to have a nice download tube!

root@itxaka:~# wget --output-document=/dev/null http://speedtest.wdc01.softlayer.com/downloads/test500.zip
--2011-12-30 15:44:47-- http://speedtest.wdc01.softlayer.com/downloads/test500.zip
Resolving speedtest.wdc01.softlayer.com...
Connecting to speedtest.wdc01.softlayer.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 524288000 (500M) [application/zip]
Saving to: `/dev/null'

100%[===================================================================================================================>] 524,288,000 15.6M/s in 40s

2011-12-30 15:45:27 (12.6 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [524288000/524288000]


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Got busy with the Holidays and stuff and didn't do anything on a new |OT|. I'll start doing one tomorrow probably though.

On a side note Gentoo 12 just hit today to help ring in an early new year.

Plus Canonical has some secret design to show off at CES that is suppose to turn heads. I'll believe it when I see it though. Yeah consider me the person you all probably consider the Ubuntu fanboy skeptical of Canonical as of late. :p


Got busy with the Holidays and stuff and didn't do anything on a new |OT|. I'll start doing one tomorrow probably though.

On a side note Gentoo 12 just hit today to help ring in an early new year.

Plus Canonical has some secret design to show off at CES that is suppose to turn heads. I'll believe it when I see it though. Yeah consider me the person you all probably consider the Ubuntu fanboy skeptical of Canonical as of late. :p

Probably related to their announcement about bringing Ubuntu to phones.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm trying GIMP 2.7 now and it's pretty damn awesome. Inline text editing, single window mode, more logical save/export distinction, and some other improvements... just great all around. Don't know why it's taken so many years though. :p

It was supposed to come out officially last month but it slipped a bit, from what I can tell though 2.8 will definitely be in Fedora 17. Can't wait.


Last I checked the disappointment with Unity was still going strong. I've started to see why, it lacks a lot, is buggy and as a shell beaten by Gnome Shell any time of the day, despite having some nifty commands going for it (Win+1-9 for apps is magic). I still think it has potential, much more than G2 has in this day and age.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Well I'm certainly still disappointed by Unity. I like focusing my emotions more on my love of GNOME 3 than my hate for Unity, though. Still, it's a disappointment. If only Ubuntu had used G3 by default... would be heaven.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Well I'm certainly still disappointed by Unity. I like focusing my emotions more on my love of GNOME 3 than my hate for Unity, though. Still, it's a disappointment. If only Ubuntu had used G3 by default... would be heaven.

Hopefully it will continue to be easy to use gnome shell in Ubuntu at least.


Looks like theres a big chance the Ubuntu announcement is going to be a phone.

Although we couldn’t get a solid confirmation on what the device exactly is, we have a good idea from unnamed sources that it will be a tablet-like GSM phone device. The info we found says the device has a 4.5-inch screen and a Texas Instruments OMAP processor, and will not be sold through carriers when it officially launches. The device is said to run “armbuntu” (not its final name), as well as having the ability to run Android apps a la the BlackBerry PlayBook.

I don't like Ubuntu but if they made an 'ipod touch'-like (no use for a cell phone) model I'd buy one. Running GNU/Linux out of the box and not to mention how easy it would be to swap it out for another distro would make it a must buy.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Looks like Gnome 3.4 is going to have some exiting things. What caught my eye:



Gnome 3.4 is scheduled to be released on March 26/28. Gnome 3.4.1 follows on April 16/18.

I also just found out in Fedora you can start a screencast at any time with Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R. Pretty nifty that's built in. Speaking of Fedora, it's getting some kind of fancy new software renderer to Gnome 3 will run even on older systems and hopefully virtual images.

The release features list for Fedora 17 seems pretty tame, but including Gnome 3.4 is probably all it needs as far as the user-facing side goes. Fedora 17 will be released on May 8.


So Ubuntu TV...

Just checked it out.

I really like the interface.

I am installing Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop tomorrow. Finally got some space free. Been having problems with Mint, and I want to see what's changed with the newest Ubuntu.

Wasn't there a version of Linux specifically made for a home media server? That's what I first thought when you said "Ubuntu TV."
Just checked it out.

I really like the interface.

I am installing Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop tomorrow. Finally got some space free. Been having problems with Mint, and I want to see what's changed with the newest Ubuntu.

Wasn't there a version of Linux specifically made for a home media server? That's what I first thought when you said "Ubuntu TV."

MythTV, probably.

Also, this is the first interface-thing I've ever seen from Ubuntu that I really, really liked. I'm wondering how everything is handled under the hood, though, and what exactly it can do beyond what was shown.


Just checked it out.

I really like the interface.

I am installing Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop tomorrow. Finally got some space free. Been having problems with Mint, and I want to see what's changed with the newest Ubuntu.

Wasn't there a version of Linux specifically made for a home media server? That's what I first thought when you said "Ubuntu TV."

MythTV, probably.

Also, this is the first interface-thing I've ever seen from Ubuntu that I really, really liked. I'm wondering how everything is handled under the hood, though, and what exactly it can do beyond what was shown.

There's also LinuxMCE, though that's apparently an add-on for Kubuntu.


MythTV, probably.

Also, this is the first interface-thing I've ever seen from Ubuntu that I really, really liked. I'm wondering how everything is handled under the hood, though, and what exactly it can do beyond what was shown.

I think the distribution he's talking about is Mythbuntu


I think the distribution he's talking about is Mythbuntu

Yes. That's what I was thinking of.

I've been playing around with Ubuntu 11.10 today, and I'm glad I made the switch. It's an excellent OS, much faster than W7 and more stable than Mint.

Anyone know if there is a way to hide that Unity taskbar at the side? It auto hides when an app is opened, but I'd like to have it gone even when at my dekstop.


Yes. That's what I was thinking of.

I've been playing around with Ubuntu 11.10 today, and I'm glad I made the switch. It's an excellent OS, much faster than W7 and more stable than Mint.

Anyone know if there is a way to hide that Unity taskbar at the side? It auto hides when an app is opened, but I'd like to have it gone even when at my dekstop.

You can change the behaviour by installing ccsm (the settings manager for compiz), I think it's under the category Unity or something. It's in the software centre. Not sure if what you want is possible but maybe...


You can change the behaviour by installing ccsm (the settings manager for compiz), I think it's under the category Unity or something. It's in the software centre. Not sure if what you want is possible but maybe...

Yes, the option was there. Thanks.

Already had ccsm download to enable wobbly windows, but didn't realize there was a Unity option in there.


Alright Gaf. I'm running ubuntu 11.10, and the problem I'm having is with my guest account. Ever since I intstalled a Japanese keyboard and starded up anthy, my guest account will default to a Japanese layout. The @ and " symbols are located in different areas. I already tried going into the settings and setting the keyboard globally, but it doesn't work. The settings save fine on my admin account though


Alright Gaf. I'm running ubuntu 11.10, and the problem I'm having is with my guest account. Ever since I intstalled a Japanese keyboard and starded up anthy, my guest account will default to a Japanese layout. The @ and " symbols are located in different areas. I already tried going into the settings and setting the keyboard globally, but it doesn't work. The settings save fine on my admin account though

This is a long shot, but when I had keyboard layout problems it turned out that it was set to the wrong one on the login screen. Though that was with GDM. Anyway, just putting it out there.


This is a long shot, but when I had keyboard layout problems it turned out that it was set to the wrong one on the login screen. Though that was with GDM. Anyway, just putting it out there.

I'll look into that, thanks. I went into command line and looked at what the default was set to, but I could not figure out what it was telling me. There was no "US default" or anything of the sort that I could see. I'm thinking that might be the issue somehow. The settings are probably only being saved on my account, and not the system for some reason. I'll try doing another search on the ubuntu forums.


Alright I know this is the noob thread and all (maybe we should have a Linux guru thread too? :p), but since it seems they kind of ignored my thread on LQ, I'll just leave this here in the hopes that someone could at least point me in the right direction or something.


Edit: To summarize:

the computer had a geforce 4 in it before, running the nouveau drivers.
i install a GF6800GT in it and install the official nvidia driver and remove the nouveau driver.
now startx freezes whole computer completely
the nouveau driver seems to have an issue with the 6800 so that doesn't work.
the "nv" Xorg driver DOES work, and Xorg starts fine with that.

When the computer freezes, there's nothing in the logs afterwards. NOTHING. So I don't know what to even do. Obviously it must be a software issue somewhere seeing as the card works with the "nv" driver, right? But what?!


The nv driver working and nouveau before it means it's an issue with Nvidia's propietary driver. I can't really help with your specific issue since I use nouveau but I Nvidia driver issues can be due to things like running newer versions of X or not having the correct stuff turned on in your kernel. What's the specific issue you're having with the nouveau driver?


The nv driver working and nouveau before it means it's an issue with Nvidia's propietary driver. I can't really help with your specific issue since I use nouveau but I Nvidia driver issues can be due to things like running newer versions of X or not having the correct stuff turned on in your kernel. What's the specific issue you're having with the nouveau driver?

The nouveau driver did not work though. It worked on the Geforce 4. It doesn't work with the 6800. It prints this out when Xorg starts and then crashes:

[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: PFIFO_DMA_PUSHER - Ch 0 Get 0x04000000 Put 0x00001094 State 0xc0000000 (err: MEM_FAULT) Push 0x00000000

I was worried about the MEM_FAULT thing there but it appears to just be a bug from googling.

And I don't think there's any problem with the latest Xorg and the latest Nvidia drivers. I'm using the packaged 290.10 nvidia driver from Arch Linux's repository. The older legacy Nvidia drivers DO have issues with the newer Xorg but the GF6800 is still using the driver they update all the time.


Well it looks like MS got what they wanted at least on ARM laptops. They require that all ARM computers shipping with Windows 8 be locked down with secure boot with no way to disable it. Pretty damn digusting that it's even legal for them to do that.

The nouveau driver did not work though. It worked on the Geforce 4. It doesn't work with the 6800. It prints this out when Xorg starts and then crashes:

Only other suggestion I can think of is try building nouveau from the git repo.
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