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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Tried googling and even ubuntu IRC =(

Sorry, I hope someone here with more knowledge can help you out :/


Has anyone else had the problem of the cursor highlighting stuff by accident semi regularly? It gets annoying after a while.

EDIT: Also I feel like the cursor is sluggish on the first touch if I don't use it for a while, but it's all good after that.
Okay so I uninstalled fluxgui and installed Redshift, but for some reason whenever I use the application, it just starts blinking the screen dimmer, than regular, then dimmer, then regular, on and off until it just stops and then will flicker every once in a while. What's wrong?

This interests me a little (not the problem, but the idea of the program). My eyes are fairly perfect now, but maybe in a couple decades when I get a little older, I'll be really sensitive to high photonic flux (oooh, now I sound like I'm on one of the lesser Star Trek shows!). Redshift is one of those rare Linux apps that refuse to work unless you're using specific desktop environments, which makes me sadface something awful (Arch also fails here in that it does not require any dependencies for it, and then it simply fails to work for that reason).

xflux seems pretty interesting, but all it does is change the colour temperature at a specified time based on your location. That's nice, but I would like total control of this system capability. I want to be able to put something like the following into a cron job or background loop:
h="$(($(date +%H)-12))"; ctemp "$((2500+100*${h#-}))"
This would set the temperature to 2500 at midnight and go up by 100 every hour until 3700 at noon then go back down 100 every hour. The only part of the above that fails to work is "ctemp", because I just made that up.

xflux seems to completely reset the monitor to its normal super bright mode then gradually simmer it down. So I can't have it gradually shift between two arbitrary temperatures.

Anybody know a program that just sets the color temperature to what you want, one that specifically doesn't require any special dependencies other than X itself?

edit: Oh hello, xgamma, what are you?

Having a separate home partition is good for reinstalls or upgrades of the same distribution.

Partitioning is really nice just in general. I've had problems in multiple operating systems -- mainstream and no -- where the system is operating slowly or crashily or sometimes barely at all, and the problem turns out to be the C: drive or the root partition has no space to put or change important system files.

My habit is now to take the directories that have a chance of running out of control and giving them each their own enclosed partition. That way, everything else ends up pretty safe. I tend to use the maximum possible amount of hard drive space out of terrible, terrible habit, so this has saved me many times. :)

So when I do an install, /var and /tmp and /home get their own special playground to play in. /home's playground is pretty gigantic. :D

There are other benefits to partitioning, but they don't apply to my situation too much, so I don't really bother with them.


Hey GameplayWhore, I've been trying out that extension for Chrome that let's you assign actions to buttons, and I easily set backspace to back a page, but now I can't hit back to delete stuff in text boxes. Any way to get around this?
Hey GameplayWhore, I've been trying out that extension for Chrome that let's you assign actions to buttons, and I easily set backspace to back a page, but now I can't hit back to delete stuff in text boxes. Any way to get around this?


That's pretty inconvenient. I don't actually use it, so I don't know. I'm an opera monkey (which coincidentally has backspace for back, as well, though that's disablable.

But I have a suspicion. If anybody knows javascript, is there a way to find out if "document.activeElement" is a text box? Because then it'll be easy to just conditionally do "history.back()" with an if statement. The extension being discussed runs any given javascript upon any given hotkey.

edit: It'd be something like
if( document.activeElement.tagName != "input" ) { history.back(); }
That doesn't quite work. Anybody with suggestions?


I think I've solved my Flash problem for now.

It's not very practical, but it involves VLC and gets the job done.
Well my annual Ubuntu install is due I can feel it ;)

Thing is I have the last years 11.04 beta still and GRUB (hope they still use GRUB for startup)
But I would like a clean install of the latest beta or 12.04 daily build so what is the most straight forward way of doing it? Do I clear mbr on my HF first or?


"...for human beings."

Mark Shuttleworth said:
...for human beings.
Our mission with Ubuntu is to deliver, in the cleanest, most economical and most reliable form, all the goodness that engineers love about free software to the widest possible audience (including engineers
). We’ve known for a long time that free software is beautiful on the inside – efficient, accurate, flexible, modifiable. For the past three years, we’ve been leading the push to make free software beautiful on the outside too – easy to use, visually pleasing and exciting. That started with the Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and is coming to fruition in 12.04 LTS, now in beta.

For the first time with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, real desktop user experience innovation is available on a full production-ready enterprise-certified free software platform, free of charge, well before it shows up in Windows or MacOS. It’s not ‘job done’ by any means, but it’s a milestone. Achieving that milestone has tested the courage and commitment of the Ubuntu community – we had to move from being followers and integrators, to being designers and shapers of the platform, together with upstreams who are excited to be part of that shift and passionate about bringing goodness to a wide audience. It’s right for us to design experiences and help upstreams get those experiences to be amazing, because we are closest to the user; we are the last mile, the last to touch the code, and the first to get the bug report or feedback from most users.

Thank you, to those who stood by Ubuntu, Canonical and me as we set out on this adventure. This was a big change, and in the face of change, many wilt, many panic, and some simply find that their interests lie elsewhere. That’s OK, but it brings home to me the wonderful fellowship that we have amongst those who share our values and interests – their affiliation, advocacy and support is based on something much deeper than a fad or an individualistic need, it’s based on a desire to see all of this intellectual wikipedia-for-code value unleashed to support humanity at large, from developers to data centre devops to web designers to golden-years-ganderers, serving equally the poorest and the bankers who refuse to serve them, because that’s what free software and open content and open access and level playing fields are all about.

To those of you who rolled up your sleeves and filed bugs and wrote the documentation and made the posters or the cupcakes, thank you.

Free software distils the smarts of those of us who care about computing, much like Wikipedia does. Today’s free software draws on the knowledge and expertise of hundreds of thousands of individuals, all over the world, all of whom helped to make this possible, just like Wikipedia. It’s only right that the benefits of that shared wisdom should accrue to everyone without charge, which is why contributing to Ubuntu is the best way to add leverage to the contributions made everywhere else, to ensure they have the biggest possible impact. It wouldn’t be right to have to pay to have a copy of Wikipedia on your desk at the office, and the same is true of the free software platform. The bits should be free, and the excellent commercial services optional. That’s what we do at Canonical and in the Ubuntu community, and that’s why we do it.

Engineers are human beings too!

We set out to refine the experience for people who use the desktop professionally, and at the same time, make it easier for the first-time user. That’s a very hard challenge. We’re not making Bob, we’re making a beautiful, easy to use LCARS
. We measured the state of the art in 2008 and it stank on both fronts. When we measure Ubuntu today, based on how long it takes heavy users to do things, and a first-timer to get (a different set of) things done, 12.04 LTS blows 10.04 LTS right out of the water and compares favourably with both MacOS and Windows 7. Unity today is better for both hard-core developers and first-time users than 10.04 LTS was. Hugely better.

For software developers:

  • A richer set of keyboard bindings for rapid launching, switching and window management
  • Pervasive search results in faster launching for occasional apps
  • Far less chrome in the shell than any other desktop; it gets out of your way
  • Much more subtle heuristics to tell whether you want the launcher to reveal, and to hint it’s about to
  • Integrated search presents a faster path to find any given piece of content
  • Magic window borders and the resizing scrollbar make for easier window sizing despite razor-thin visual border
  • Full screen apps can include just the window title and indicators – full screen terminal with all the shell benefits

… and many more. In 12.04 LTS, multi-monitor use cases got a first round of treatment, we will continue to refine and improve that every six months now that the core is stable and effective. But the general commentary from professionals, and software developers in particular, is “wow”. In this last round we have focused testing on more advanced users and use cases, with user journeys that include many terminal windows, and there is a measurable step up in the effectiveness of Unity in those cases. Still rough edges to be sure, even in this 12.04 release (we are not going to be able to land locally-integrated menus in time, given the freeze dates and need for focus on bug fixes) but we will SRU key items and of course continue to polish it in 12.10 onwards. We are all developers, and we all use it all the time, so this is in our interests too.

For the adventurous, who really want to be on the cutting edge, the (totally optional) HUD is our first step to a totally new kind of UI for complex apps. We’re deconstructing the traditional UI, expressing goodness from the inside out. It’s going to be a rich vein of innovation and exploration, and the main beneficiaries will be those who use computers to create amazing things, whether it’s the kernel, or movies. Yes, we are moving beyond the desktop, but we are also innovating to make the desktop itself, better.

We care about efficiency, performance, quality, reliability. So do developers and engineers. We care about beauty and ease of use – turns out most engineers and developers care about that too. I’ve had lots of hard-core engineers tell me that they “love the challenges the design team sets”, because it’s hard to make easy software, and harder to make it pixel-perfect. And lots that have switched back to Ubuntu from the MacOS because devops on Ubuntu… rock.

The hard core Linux engineers can use… anything, really. Linus is probably equally comfortable with Linux-from-scratch as with Ubuntu. But his daughter Daniela needs something that works for human beings of all shapes, sizes, colours and interests. She’s in our audience. I hope she’d love Ubuntu if she tries it. She could certainly install it for herself while Dad isn’t watching
Linus and other kernel hackers are our audience too, of course, but they can help himself if things get stuck. We have to shoulder the responsibility for the other 99%. That’s a really, really hard challenge – for engineers and artists alike. But we’ve made huge progress. And doing so brings much deeper meaning to the contributions of all the brilliant people that make free software, everywhere.

Again, thanks to the Ubuntu community, 500 amazing people at Canonical, the contributors to all of the free software that makes it possible, and our users.


Well my annual Ubuntu install is due I can feel it ;)

Thing is I have the last years 11.04 beta still and GRUB (hope they still use GRUB for startup)
But I would like a clean install of the latest beta or 12.04 daily build so what is the most straight forward way of doing it? Do I clear mbr on my HF first or?

Grub2 will overwrite itself just fine it's pretty mature these days.

Very honest about who the Unity desktop caters to. For the user who likes customisation there's not much to be found in unity just yet. Most of the themes I see are being made with gnome 3 in mind.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Well my annual Ubuntu install is due I can feel it ;)

Thing is I have the last years 11.04 beta still and GRUB (hope they still use GRUB for startup)
But I would like a clean install of the latest beta or 12.04 daily build so what is the most straight forward way of doing it? Do I clear mbr on my HF first or?

Install will take care of everything boot wise these days. Just get the beta, and then download the updates. Once your in the beta and get the updates your up to date with the daily anyways.

PS: I got a lot to say about the Shuttleworth post both positive and negative. Going to bed now though. I'll post in the morning over coffee.
"for human beings"
Very honest about who the Unity desktop caters to. For the user who likes customisation there's not much to be found in unity just yet. Most of the themes I see are being made with gnome 3 in mind.

Being customizable but having user-friendly defaults would be for more human beings than what they do currently.

This is like saying that Kinect is "for game players". :|
Holy crap!

kde-cp "http://source_server/some/path/some.file" "fish://user:password@destination_server/path/to/new/filename"

(fish is just an interface to ssh servers, not unlike sftp)

I never realized I could do this until now. This dramatically eases the steps needed when I find pictures that I want to be saved onto my personal web server. In general, this will allow copying of files via arbitrary protocols. You could even, for instance, do something like
kde-cp "imap://phil:12345@mailserver/7 RE: Linux Workstations" "ftp://phil@fileserver/home/phil/backedupmessage.txt"
(in that example, it'd pop up a window asking for your file server password)

Are there any equivalent non DE-specific ways of doing this?


So update manager popped up and is giving me 11 updates.

For some reason, one of the updates is the Chromium browser. Does that mean that they're suggesting I use the Chromium browser (I already have it installed) or could it possibly just be a 20.2 MB update?

EDIT: Never mind. Figured it out.


So I have decided to dual boot Ubuntu, and Windows 7. I just want to mess around with Ubuntu while I learn about Linux. I have a 1TB drive how much should I allocate for Ubuntu?


I feel dirty for linking to phoronix but here goes-- NVIDIA Is Joining The Linux Foundation


Just another reason to buy nvidia. I need to do some experimentation, but I will switch from ATI to nvidia if their propietary driver is better. ATI's poor performance is what made me switch from pure linux to dual boot with windows.

I need to install ubuntu 12.04 over my kubuntu 11.10. Sorta bummed that that canonical doesn't support it any more.


Just another reason to buy nvidia. I need to do some experimentation, but I will switch from ATI to nvidia if their propietary driver is better. ATI's poor performance is what made me switch from pure linux to dual boot with windows.

I need to install ubuntu 12.04 over my kubuntu 11.10. Sorta bummed that that canonical doesn't support it any more.

I don't think joining the Linux Foundation actually means anything of significance to the end-user, though.

Not sure, though.


So I have decided to dual boot Ubuntu, and Windows 7. I just want to mess around with Ubuntu while I learn about Linux. I have a 1TB drive how much should I allocate for Ubuntu?

I would go to the source with your question. Check this out - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Partitions.
Since you are just messing around, I wouldn't bother doing anything really complicated or that takes up a lot of disk space. After you decide how deep you want to go into the rabbit hole, you can either undo it all, or really think about a scheme that makes sense, reformat and install linux.


I don't think joining the Linux Foundation actually means anything of significance to the end-user, though.

Not sure, though.
I tend to jump to conclusions. The conclusion here is that NVIDIA puts more money into developing their linux drivers. I could certainly be incorrect.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Is there no Ubuntu derivative that just cleanly rips out Unity and replaces it with Gnome 3? Installing it into Xubuntu based on standard repositories wasn't netting me anything akin to how a standard Fedora install looks. I'll probably be going with Lubuntu for a 12.04 LTS installation. Mint just seems to be Gnome 2 with shell extensions.


Is there no Ubuntu derivative that just cleanly rips out Unity and replaces it with Gnome 3? Installing it into Xubuntu based on standard repositories wasn't netting me anything akin to how a standard Fedora install looks. I'll probably be going with Lubuntu for a 12.04 LTS installation. Mint just seems to be Gnome 2 with shell extensions.

Unity is just a layer on top of Gnome 3. Just install gnome shell on Ubuntu and you'll have a default gnome 3 install. Xubuntu uses it's own set of programs for the most part.

You can always play around on here and see what happens.



I tend to jump to conclusions. The conclusion here is that NVIDIA puts more money into developing their linux drivers. I could certainly be incorrect.
it most likely has to do with their ARM and CUDA stuff I'd say, and very little to do with anything desktop

fingers crossed, though
Is there no Ubuntu derivative that just cleanly rips out Unity and replaces it with Gnome 3? Installing it into Xubuntu based on standard repositories wasn't netting me anything akin to how a standard Fedora install looks. I'll probably be going with Lubuntu for a 12.04 LTS installation. Mint just seems to be Gnome 2 with shell extensions.

Is changing the desktop environment really that hard in Ubuntu? It's like the easiest thing in the universe on every other distro on the planet!

You can't just "apt-get install gnome-shell" or something?

edit: In case this comes off as a seeming attack on you, the user, it is not. I'm just genuinely incredulous that a completely normal activity for most of the Linux world sounds like it's a major chore in this particular case.


Is changing the desktop environment really that hard in Ubuntu? It's like the easiest thing in the universe on every other distro on the planet!

You can't just "apt-get install gnome-shell" or something?

edit: In case this comes off as a seeming attack on you, the user, it is not. I'm just genuinely incredulous that a completely normal activity for most of the Linux world sounds like it's a major chore in this particular case.

The problem I have with installing different desktop enviros is while it is easy, all of the sudden your DT/LT is subject to bloat and you have less control over it from a usability standpoint. I will install one shell try it and if I like it, remove the other completely so there is no weirdness, otherwise you can run into issues.

This is why there is somewhat of a cult following for the GNOME Remix Distro which is a custom baked Ubuntu variant without Unity installed. For the die hard people who don't want any Unity touching their system, it makes sense. For day to day stuff, Unity, GNOME, XFCE, LXDE, it's all the same, just which ever you prefer to interact with.

Me personally, I spend so much GD time in byubo that I don't even care what UI I have anymore. :)


I tend to jump to conclusions. The conclusion here is that NVIDIA puts more money into developing their linux drivers. I could certainly be incorrect.

The one that puts more money into Linux graphics is easily Intel. They are actually heavily involved in creating and maintaining the entire graphics stack and not just their drivers.

nVidia provides good quality proprietary graphics but they have pretty much zero involvement with anything else. AMD is somewhere in between; they contribute a little to the open source stack and have a poor quality proprietary driver.

The problem I have with installing different desktop enviros is while it is easy, all of the sudden your DT/LT is subject to bloat and you have less control over it from a usability standpoint. I will install one shell try it and if I like it, remove the other completely so there is no weirdness, otherwise you can run into issues.

This is why there is somewhat of a cult following for the GNOME Remix Distro which is a custom baked Ubuntu variant without Unity installed. For the die hard people who don't want any Unity touching their system, it makes sense. For day to day stuff, Unity, GNOME, XFCE, LXDE, it's all the same, just which ever you prefer to interact with.

Me personally, I spend so much GD time in byubo that I don't even care what UI I have anymore. :)

It certainly involves some work to turn an Ubuntu default install into an updated GNOME 3 interface, at which point you question why use Ubuntu anyway, when its selling point is things just working out of the box? And even installing gnome-shell manually you're still stuck with things like Ubuntu One, the overlay scrollbars and things like that.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
It certainly involves some work to turn an Ubuntu default install into an updated GNOME 3 interface, at which point you question why use Ubuntu anyway, when its selling point is things just working out of the box? And even installing gnome-shell manually you're still stuck with things like Ubuntu One, the overlay scrollbars and things like that.

Pretty much agree. At this point why not just install Fedora with all the extra hassle for switching to stock Gnome 3.

PS: Getting kind of bored, and might try out the live .iso of 12.04 on a usb stick later.


it most likely has to do with their ARM and CUDA stuff I'd say, and very little to do with anything desktop

fingers crossed, though

Given how wonky their drivers can be in Gnome 3, I would say this is true.

(Their latest releases, at least for me, have not been so great from a desktop perspective.)


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Honestly as much hate as I'll get this is a good reason to hope Intel really keeps knocking it out of the park with their integrated chip upgrades each year. Sandy Bridge was a nice upgrade over the previous, and Ivy Bridge seems to be another big jump.

Unless you are really trying to do a ton gaming which most don't on Linux for various reasons we all know about some of the new integrated intel chips we are going to get over the next few years will be great for Linux since intel handles their driver stuff so well. Then you'd only have to worry about support from Nvidia or AMD for major work stuff that might involve things like CUDA.


I'm conflicted as to whether to upgrade to the 12.4 beta or not. I feel like I've finally nested in Ubuntu, I got everything just right, and I don't want to mess it up, right? On the other hand though, all those Unity improvements look absolutely awesome.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm conflicted as to whether to upgrade to the 12.4 beta or not. I feel like I've finally nested in Ubuntu, I got everything just right, and I don't want to mess it up, right? On the other hand though, all those Unity improvements look absolutely awesome.

Just wait it out. I mean you only have a month + a little bit till the official release anyways. Last thing you want is an upgrade sullying your current experience.


Just wait it out. I mean you only have a month + a little bit till the official release anyways. Last thing you want is an upgrade sullying your current experience.

You're right. 12.4 will be that much sweeter in April, I suppose.

I have to say, the experience so far has been great. Ubuntu is really a lot easier than I expected, and I like learning stuff about how it, and Linux overall, work.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
You're right. 12.4 will be that much sweeter in April, I suppose.

I have to say, the experience so far has been great. Ubuntu is really a lot easier than I expected, and I like learning stuff about how it, and Linux overall, work.

I wouldn't say that much sweeter, but it'll be better. Main thing is the beta gets updated daily, and sometimes things have been known to fix certain issues while breaking others. So I'd just wait it out. :p


I wouldn't say that much sweeter, but it'll be better. Main thing is the beta gets updated daily, and sometimes things have been known to fix certain issues while breaking others. So I'd just wait it out. :p

The Unity bar not popping up half of the time when I go to hit the back arrow in Firefox or Chromium is as sweet as cherry pie to me! :p

EDIT: For anybody using VLC Player in Ubuntu. Does your video and audio lose sync sometimes? It's not that big of a deal, it usually fixes itself if I pause the video, then hit play again, but its still odd as to why it's happening.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
The Unity bar not popping up half of the time when I go to hit the back arrow in Firefox or Chromium is as sweet as cherry pie to me! :p

EDIT: For anybody using VLC Player in Ubuntu. Does your video and audio lose sync sometimes? It's not that big of a deal, it usually fixes itself if I pause the video, then hit play again, but its still odd as to why it's happening.

What version of VLC are you running?


Upgrade to 2.0 and see if that fixes things!

Link I found on how to upgrade!

It says that there are 0 new updates found, 0 installed, etc., so should I just uninstall (through the software center where I obtained it) and re-install the 2.0 version through the method listed in the article?

(Thanks by the way!)

EDIT: I uninstalled the VLC Player obtained through the software center, and installed the new one and updates from the terminal.

I noticed that a weird bug in 2.0 is that the sound gives feedback when you adjust it in VLC. Only like if you hold on the sound slider and slide it around. It goes away right after that though, or if you just adjust the volume by pressing it instead of sliding it. It also doesn't do that if I skip to a further part in the video. I can slide it around and everything and it won't give feedback.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
It says that there are 0 new updates found, 0 installed, etc., so should I just uninstall (through the software center where I obtained it) and re-install the 2.0 version through the method listed in the article?

(Thanks by the way!)

EDIT: I uninstalled the VLC Player obtained through the software center, and installed the new one and updates from the terminal.

I noticed that a weird bug in 2.0 is that the sound gives feedback when you adjust it in VLC. Only like if you hold on the sound slider and slide it around. It goes away right after that though, or if you just adjust the volume by pressing it instead of sliding it. It also doesn't do that if I skip to a further part in the video. I can slide it around and everything and it won't give feedback.

This appears to be a VLC bug, and not an Ubuntu thing. A lot of people mentioned this in the official VLC 2.0 thread. Volume slider just is wonky.

They were suppose to have the first round of bug fixes out last week, but they seem to be behind schedule (Mainly a bunch of Mac stuff since they redid the OSX interface). Hopefully they can push an update this week.


This appears to be a VLC bug, and not an Ubuntu thing. A lot of people mentioned this in the official VLC 2.0 thread.

They were suppose to have the first round of bug fixes out last week, but they seem to be behind schedule (Mainly a bunch of Mac stuff since they redid the OSX interface). Hopefully they can push an update this week.

Yeah, I Googled it after I posed and that seems to be the case.

I forget, will updates come through the Update Manager with applications obtained through the terminal, or do I have to update them manually through the terminal?


Yeah, I Googled it after I posed and that seems to be the case.

I forget, will updates come through the Update Manager with applications obtained through the terminal, or do I have to update them manually through the terminal?
It's the same system so yeah, they'll come in the Update Manager (if you're talking about apt-get installs).

BTW MPlayer is great if VLC keeps screwing up. Gnome MPlayer gives a nice, basic UI.
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