Infighting happens in all OS communities. The difference being our infighting can actually lead to change. Also projects forking is the beauty of free software IMO. As for standards not having them has always been a plus for me.
Well, I have no problem with forking in general. It just feels like it many times leads to both projects suffering.
As far as having no standards go, maybe it's because I'm more of a HW person, but it seems like not having standards makes everything difficult for almost everybody.
Just so we're clear, when I'm talking standards, I really only mean the interfaces between programs. As in, I want systems to be more like having many blocks (from a user standpoint) than anything else.
So, regular users can use some default set of blocks (say, Gnome) while other uses can replace some of the blocks in Gnome for something else. That would be my ideal world XD Turning a desktop environment more into the SoC approach
EDIT: As far as distros go, I actually don't really understand them that much. Like, for example. Let's say I have a Gentoo base system (so, I basically, just a terminal), what's the technical reason I wouldn't be able to grab something like Ubuntu's package manager (I forget the name), and installing a bunch of binary packages from that and have something almost indistinguishable from Ubuntu? I'm guessing there's some fundamental differences between the two distros on the lower level?