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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I see Mark Shuttleworth is now claiming Unity existed before GNOME Shell. Jackass.


Unity only exists because significant work was already going into Gnome 3 and Marky took his ball and went home.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook

Unity only exists because significant work was already going into Gnome 3 and Marky took his ball and went home.

I think it's bullshit to but to be fair you have to remember Unity originally existed as the Ubuntu Netbook Remix which was Gnome 2 based.


maxrunner, can you do a quick

uname -a ?

I can't tell if you have a 32-bit install or a 64-bit install.

What could be happening is that Grimrock is a 64-bit executable (no clue if it even has one) and is looking for 64-bit libopenal, but you have 32-bit libopenal only installed.

Otherwise, it probably would have found libopenal without modifying the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

uname -a
Linux maxrunner-Qosmio-F60 3.5.0-25-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 25 18:26:58 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Im considering reinstalling ubuntu again, and do this guide:


Also should i remove the nouveau drivers?


ok this seems to be a problem with the fact that steam is installed over a previous installation. is there a way to fix this?

grimrock and kentuckry zero route are running pretty nice.


uname -a
Linux maxrunner-Qosmio-F60 3.5.0-25-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 25 18:26:58 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Im considering reinstalling ubuntu again, and do this guide:


Also should i remove the nouveau drivers?

So, yea. You're actually don't have 64-bit openal installed.

I don't have Ubuntu, so I'm not sure, but I think you just need to do

sudo apt-get install libopenal1

EDIT: Oh, grimrock is working OK now? I guess it is a 32-bit executable then


I've reinstalled Linux Mint and everything works well with the open-source drivers except everything is laggy as fuck. Is there any distro/desktop environment that will work with the AMD proprietary drivers?

I'm using the proprietary drivers from the website, whatever the beta was as of 3 days ago. Steam works fine for me, running Cinnamon on Ubuntu. Radeon HD7870.

Steam wasn't working for me until I installed the proprietary drivers.


Soooooo ummmm GAF....


must resist urge to go distro hopping this evening...

help me stay strong GAF!!!

i'm about to check out these distros:

Elementary OS

maybe some of you guys have tried these? thoughts on them?


So, umm, I thought that the integrated Intel graphics in my MBA just wasn't powerful enough to make Gnome Shell super snappy. Turns out that adding
Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
to my Xorg driver configuration enabled a newer and more modern acceleration which fixed everything. (Apparently this is still "experimental" so I'll keep an eye out for stability)

Another lesson in not being lazy and assuming stuff is well configured out of the box.


So, yea. You're actually don't have 64-bit openal installed.

I don't have Ubuntu, so I'm not sure, but I think you just need to do

sudo apt-get install libopenal1

EDIT: Oh, grimrock is working OK now? I guess it is a 32-bit executable then

i installed the 32bit libs, but any game from steam isn't launching. I assume that the steam config files from the previous version might be to blame here?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Yeah Ubuntu is a pain in the arse to install a lot of shit if you roll with the 64bit version.

Sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

That basically becomes a must to get a shit ton of things working.

PS: I'm proud of myself. I didn't go down the rabbit hole of distro hopping. :p


i'm about to check out these distros:

Elementary OS

maybe some of you guys have tried these? thoughts on them?

I've tried Manjaro and I can say that its pretty good.

Also if you haven't tried Xubuntu yet, I would recommend you to give it a go on it. FYI 13.04 Beta is out now.

Xfce is the new Gnome 2.x now and most of the users haven't realised it yet.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
That's not Gnome Shell.

Nope. It's what I originally wanted to try out again a month or so ago, but I ended up trying out Crunchbang with Openbox instead (since Crunchbang is Openbox only now default anyways).

But nope tis not Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell. :p


GAF you have inspired me to try Linux before my new parts for my rig get here(got Windows 8 disk today anyways so if I don't like it I can go back to that). I am just following the directions on installing it from the official website, I shall see how it goes!


Ubuntu 12.10 installed. This is totally different, but extremely awesome. It's doing a big update right now and then I am in need of sleep, this weekend I plan to fire up some games and see how they fair as my new rig will be primarily used for gaming. Although I am enjoying this very much I may just bomb my laptop completely(what I am on now with win 7) and do a fresh install of this or another distro, although I may stick to this for now to get the hang of everything then go from there.


So after the update, rebooted.... And it's dead lol.

Check battery ok
Submitting bug report ok

I forget the exact phrase because I'm at work, something like xxxxx V xxxxx compatibility.

Searching last night I have determined it may be my gpu in the laptop, Radeon 5400m series.

Tried various suggestions I found and kept getting error, read only file errors.

I'm going to tinker more tonight and see what's up. Any possible suggestions?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So after the update, rebooted.... And it's dead lol.

Check battery ok
Submitting bug report ok

I forget the exact phrase because I'm at work, something like xxxxx V xxxxx compatibility.

Searching last night I have determined it may be my gpu in the laptop, Radeon 5400m series.

Tried various suggestions I found and kept getting error, read only file errors.

I'm going to tinker more tonight and see what's up. Any possible suggestions?

At what point does it not work? Does it turn on at all? Get through the Bios? Does it try to load?


At what point does it not work? Does it turn on at all? Get through the Bios? Does it try to load?

I fixed it by using the advanced menu and loading .15 generic instead of .25. Now when I boot up I get to the desktop, can open the terminal, but the desktop is blank. I think the proprietary drivers are installed and I am going to revert those to the open source.

As a side note. I am primarily a gamer and my new PC is for gaming. How is it on Linux? Better? Worse? Would it be best served to use windows for gaming and Linux for everything else?


I fixed it by using the advanced menu and loading .15 generic instead of .25. Now when I boot up I get to the desktop, can open the terminal, but the desktop is blank. I think the proprietary drivers are installed and I am going to revert those to the open source.

As a side note. I am primarily a gamer and my new PC is for gaming. How is it on Linux? Better? Worse? Would it be best served to use windows for gaming and Linux for everything else?
Sad to hear of your problems, Ubuntu still not getting these things right is what will keep Linux from being bigger with the mainstream.

But as for gaming, there's no comparison between Windows, which has everything, and Linux, which even if Valve sticks to and eventually breaks through it will take a generation or more to catch up. Currently graphics drivers are worse than their Windows counterparts as well.

I appreciate games we get and do play what I can, but you will most likely want to run Windows if you want to game for real.


Sad to hear of your problems, Ubuntu still not getting these things right is what will keep Linux from being bigger with the mainstream.

But as for gaming, there's no comparison between Windows, which has everything, and Linux, which even if Valve sticks to and eventually breaks through it will take a generation or more to catch up. Currently graphics drivers are worse than their Windows counterparts as well.

I appreciate games we get and do play what I can, but you will most likely want to run Windows if you want to game for real.

I dunno man. The Linux library is growing pretty fast and the Valve Steambox is still at least 6-8 months away. I think we'll a whole lot of developers adding Linux and full controller support between now and then, although I don't disagree that Windows is a far superior choice for the time being and will be for sometime yet.

As a side note, it really grinds my gears that Telltale still haven't announced any Linux support.


Sad to hear of your problems, Ubuntu still not getting these things right is what will keep Linux from being bigger with the mainstream.

But as for gaming, there's no comparison between Windows, which has everything, and Linux, which even if Valve sticks to and eventually breaks through it will take a generation or more to catch up. Currently graphics drivers are worse than their Windows counterparts as well.

I appreciate games we get and do play what I can, but you will most likely want to run Windows if you want to game for real.

Thank you. I did a fresh install on a fresh partition last night, updated, got an error, rebooted, black screen, hit ESC, and apparently there were some problems with the disk so I let it fix itself, reboot. So far so good. I am loving this all around.

Using the AMD Mobility on my laptop, and doing some searching, kinda bothered me because it says the graphics are unknown, but going into System Sources it says I am using the correct, tested, driver. Apparently there is no work around for this to what I found on the net because of legacy support or something or another. Either way, using this solely for school and web surfing, email etc. Totally wicked!


Sad to hear of your problems, Ubuntu still not getting these things right is what will keep Linux from being bigger with the mainstream.

I think Ubuntu should get its title of "Linux for Human Beings" taken away from it.

From what I've been hearing, it seems way more annoying than any distro I've run recently...

Is it bad that I'm this close to switching back to Gentoo from Arch?


I'm back on GNOME shell. It sucks there's no distro that really matches its vision, but I can live with Fedora for now.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Ubuntu Gnome Remix sounds like the best of both, but I'm going to just using normal 'Buntu with Gnome Shell installed.

At least, until Gnome OS. That's gonna be awesome.


Fedora isn't really designed as a desktop distro for end users. It's Red Hat's testing ground for RHEL and it shows. If you peruse the GNOME OS concepts you'll see what I mean.

I did that, and apparently GNOME OS is mostly for testing purposes, so I don't get what you mean.


Neo Member
I fixed it by using the advanced menu and loading .15 generic instead of .25. Now when I boot up I get to the desktop, can open the terminal, but the desktop is blank. I think the proprietary drivers are installed and I am going to revert those to the open source.

As a side note. I am primarily a gamer and my new PC is for gaming. How is it on Linux? Better? Worse? Would it be best served to use windows for gaming and Linux for everything else?

Linux closed-souce graphic drivers sucks. Besides the far better 3D-Performance (in comparison to the open-source-drivers) they aren't really good. And thats actually a big thing. The problem of the Linux-DE-developers is, they want that fancy effects (Gnome 3 ie), but the performance is horrible. As I mentioned before in this thread I'm on OSS-Ati-Radeon drivers, using a rolling release distro. And the 3D performance sucks. I don't have the fastest GPU, but the performance *should* be far better. For example I can run Quake 2 (Yamagi Quake 2 source-port) with enabled retexturing support in 1680x1050 (native resolution) at 30 frames per second! Yeah - 30!
Yamagi Quake 2 uses older (now deprecated) OpenGL-functions (just like Q2 did), so it's using immediate mode. If I run something I written myself (using vertex arrays or VBOs) it's faster. I mean - VA/VBOs *are* much faster in generall, but it seems that the OSS-drivers don't like immediate mode that much...

I can't play the most games at native resolution at "normal" fps (>60)

I don't play much on my pc anyway

Is it bad that I'm this close to switching back to Gentoo from Arch?

and why exactly? I don't wan't to emerge ever again :D
and arch have been stable for me for the past ... 4 (?) years...

I'm back on GNOME shell. It sucks there's no distro that really matches its vision, but I can live with Fedora for now.

what vision?
yeah, I'm using it myself, but what vision do you mean?

it's okay. And I pretty sure I'm using vanilla-gnome3 (as Arch-people don't patch THAT much, it's mostly the same software as you get from compiling the original source; the bug-reports they find go upstream - this is there Ubuntu-guys just suck at)


and why exactly? I don't wan't to emerge ever again :D
and arch have been stable for me for the past ... 4 (?) years...

I'm not the biggest fan of pacman. Unless I'm grossly wrong, there isn't really that much per-package control.

Like, I can say "take this package from community-testing, but take this one from community", for example.

I also don't think I can say "keep this package at version 1.4" in a non-annoying way.

I'm also a masochistic pervert.


I did that, and apparently GNOME OS is mostly for testing purposes, so I don't get what you mean.

what vision?
yeah, I'm using it myself, but what vision do you mean?

it's okay. And I pretty sure I'm using vanilla-gnome3 (as Arch-people don't patch THAT much, it's mostly the same software as you get from compiling the original source; the bug-reports they find go upstream - this is there Ubuntu-guys just suck at)

All Linux distributions pretty much suck. The closest we've come to perfection was Ubuntu 9.10 (I think! The last one with GNOME 2.x) The idea behind GNOME OS is not to replace existing distributions, granted, but rather to improve vertical integration. And it makes a lot of sense. If there was a solid GNOME reference platform it would encourage other distributors to up their game and also provide an easier option for hardware manufacturers. I have been a Linux user since 1998 (Red Hat 5.2!) and while there has been an incredible amount of progress across the board, but one thing that remains an Achilles' heel is that lack of vertical integration, so GNOME OS is a welcome initiative.

As for Fedora, it's a jack-of-all-trades distribution. It's not developed exclusively for desktop users and that often shows (an overly aggressive SELinux policy is an example from previous releases, as is the lack of an app store interface on par with the likes of Ubuntu). I like it OK, it's better than it was in past, but it remains Red Hat's proving ground for new technologies.


Anyone ever do any gaming with wine? I'm thinking of downloading Sim City 4 Deluxe, but I'm not sure it's going to be worth it if it's broken. WineHQ shows it as 'gold'


Platinum ranked stuff has almost always worked just fine for me. (Except Guild Wars, though I haven't tried it in a while.) For Gold, in my experience at least, it'll either fail horribly or work pretty much perfectly with seemingly no inbetween.

The Gold rating for SC4Deluxe is on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit and says:
What works
Everything seems to work perfectly for me. I am using wine 1.5.21, the game was easy to install with no errors and it ran out of the box.

What does not
Playing in full screen mode (that is, using wine without emulating a desktop) gives a weird light/gamma alteration on the screen after I close the game, but it can easily be fixed by applying new settings from nvidia control panel.

What was not tested
I believe I tested everything and it worked for me.

Additional Comments
GPU: NVidia 560ti (304.64 drivers)
There's also an older entry from an earlier version that also gave it a Gold with no serious problems so it sounds like there's a good chance it'll be fine.

There's also a Gold rating for the Steam version of the game.

I'd say give it a shot.


Anyone ever do any gaming with wine? I'm thinking of downloading Sim City 4 Deluxe, but I'm not sure it's going to be worth it if it's broken. WineHQ shows it as 'gold'

I was literally just playing this. You just need to change launch options. Mine are like this:

-CustomResolution:enabled -r1920x1200x32 -d:eek:pengl -CPUCount:1

To the above: I think that kind of happens with any game. It's really annoying. I have to re-apply my colour settings everytime I launch a game with wine...


I was literally just playing this. You just need to change launch options. Mine are like this:

-CustomResolution:enabled -r1920x1200x32 -d:eek:pengl -CPUCount:1

To the above: I think that kind of happens with any game. It's really annoying. I have to re-apply my colour settings everytime I launch a game with wine...

Nice. Thanks. I haven't played sim city in forever. I foolishly downloaded it on Amazon, and the downloader .exe doesn't work with wine..so I'll have to hook up a virtual box with windows to get the real file. But it sounds like it'll work when I get there. Can't wait!


I'm not the biggest fan of pacman. Unless I'm grossly wrong, there isn't really that much per-package control.

Like, I can say "take this package from community-testing, but take this one from community", for example.
# pacman -S community/clementine
# pacman -S community-testing/clementine
but I'm not sure if this will look for updates if you install it from testing but have set the repository priority as regular community, if that's what you want? You'll probably have to update that manually then. Idunno.

I also don't think I can say "keep this package at version 1.4" in a non-annoying way.
IgnorePkg in /etc/pacman.conf should work for this, except that it holds the current instead of a specified version?


# pacman -S community/clementine
# pacman -S community-testing/clementine
but I'm not sure if this will look for updates if you install it from testing but have set the repository priority as regular community, if that's what you want? You'll probably have to update that manually then. Idunno.

IgnorePkg in /etc/pacman.conf should work for this, except that it holds the current instead of a specified version?

Thanks for the tips. I like the Portage way better, though, where I can use =, <,> signs and package versions to mask/unmask packages.


I'm also a masochistic pervert.

The true reason to go to Gentoo :p

I just can't bring myself to leave Ubuntu.. I tried out ElementaryOS but wasn't thrilled with it. I tried to install Arch a while back but there were loads of issues with it. Then there's Debian, and I'm honestly not too sure of what advantage there would be to going with Debian over Ubuntu.

Those of you on Arch - how long does it take you to get things to a point where you're happy and can do everything with your setup? Hours-wise.. or days.... I couldn't even get fonts looking the way I wanted to with Arch, and I'm just not sure of why people opt for it (and it has gained a ton of popularity in the last 2 years or so).


Those of you on Arch - how long does it take you to get things to a point where you're happy and can do everything with your setup? Hours-wise.. or days.... I couldn't even get fonts looking the way I wanted to with Arch, and I'm just not sure of why people opt for it (and it has gained a ton of popularity in the last 2 years or so).

Did you use the wiki? The good documentation is part of why I like it. I agree that fonts can be a pain though.


Unconfirmed Member
I keep flip flopping between Gnome and Unity.

I figure I'll just stay with Unity once I get Ubuntu Phone; it'll make things easier, though I will admit Gnome is pretty nice but I'm finding Unity more useful when using the dash and hud features. Hard to decide, but oh well.

Also I was wondering if anyone here has seen a desktop wallpaper similar to that of Ubuntu Phone? The default for 12.10 is pretty ugly.


Did you use the wiki? The good documentation is part of why I like it. I agree that fonts can be a pain though.

I did.. and when I hit a point where I had to work to get fonts going - I just said "fuck it."

Maybe there's a greater experience to be gained by using Arch, but I just don't see it. Same goes for Debian or Gentoo, although I'd imagine in terms of ease of use it would be Debian > Arch > Gentoo.

So if something seems to take all this effort, the underlying question is "what's the point?"
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