List of PS5 Pro enhanced games


Gold Member
Right, thing is, he still has the right to express himself just like all the other guys LITERALLY spamming comparison pics/gifs - do you also have a problem with them ?
In regard to "right", that's a revolving door. If I came here every chance I got to tell you how great the system was, you'd rightfully be tired of it as well, because I already told you this pages and pages ago. Sure, it's my "right", but that doesn't make it any less annoying and off-topic.

The "spamming" of pics/gifs? Share examples of people who have done this nearly every chance they get (and not with something new) and maybe I'll concede to that point.
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In the case of SH2 there could be image artifacts related to PSSR and ones related to Lumen and denoiser. Game is unstable on all platforms but from what we have seen from comparisons it's worse with PSSR.

Why they just didn't switch it back to TSR is beyond me (or at least update PSSR, maybe it works better in newer version like in JS).
This was the one game that disappointed me on pro.
I bought it at launch and waited to play.
It was just bad. They reverted the performance mode back to standard, which is a massive improvement over the pssr implementation. Even that has some issues with ghosting I notice.
And I still think the start of the game looks visually poor on ps5 with all the reflections in the puddles.
Once you get inside the buildings, game starts to look great.
Overall a very poor pro implementation


I strongly disagree.

He, I or whoever spent 800 Eurodollars on something has a right to express his/her dissatisfaction just like you or someone else has a right to express his/her satisfaction - unless of course topics like these are only meant as a huge circle jerk.

Listen, I get what you're saying but I also see what FeelsLike42 is also saying and you know what ? He's not wrong - especially about the supposed "if you're not with us you're against us" tired shit.
This is Reddit behaviour and I personally find it to be inexcusable since we're supposed to be better/more tolerant in here when it comes to differing opinions.

It was the same exact shit when people tried to talk about the PS portal's 59.96Hz stutter - every time it would have been brought up they'd be met with the same type of ridicule in the form of "lol it must be your router", "lol, it's your McDonald's internet !", "sucks to be you, I don't have a problem whatsoever", "lol you guys are imagining things", "lol, you're a MS shill" etc etc - heck, I've been literally told by 1 guy in here to fuck off not once but 3 times a couple of months back and that I had "nefarious" reasons for bringing it up by another one telling me that the reddit guy that brought up the problem to begin with was full of shit and wrong, meanwhile. Sony DID fix the stutter so guess what, it was a real, existing thing.
There just no discussion to be had whatsoever...

At the very least, FeelsLike42 is a genuine guy, he's never trolled, he's never made hit n run posts, he's always polite etc etc, guy bought a product (like all of us) and he's being critical when it comes to its performance - why is that such a bad thing ? 'Cause he's repeating himself ? EVERYONE is repeating the same shit in here with the constant circle jerk and comparison pics/gif spamming ffs and yet, you people have a problem only with him ? C'mon man, you're better than this...

Meanwhile, AW2 still looks like shit, BM Wukong only looks better in its 40fps mode (40fps, in an action game, yeahhh), Heavy hitters like FF16 aren't even patched, Silent hill 2 looks...not good 3 months after its latest patch and the list goes on - are we not supposed to talk about these things ? If not, why ?
It's not our fault that you are somehow dissatisfied with your purchase. Why you think that we are obliged to read your(his) disgruntled moaning every day? Send letters to Sony, at least it will be the right destination.
Right, thing is, he still has the right to express himself just like all the other guys LITERALLY spamming comparison pics/gifs - do you also have a problem with them ?

It goes both ways Goomba, doesn't mean that I - or whoever else - has to also agree with the circle jerk, pic spamming or deferring opinions.

You and 42 simply don’t add anything constructive to the discussion. So yeah when you come in bitching about stuff that is not even true, it gets irritating. I backed off the first time we went at because I thought may have misspoke thinking you were someone else, which looking back I realized now it was indeed you.

Space Marine 2 : another fucking disappoinment, while it does look better now on performance mode (less blurry) the performance is fucking shit compared to the unpatched version averaging at 40-something fps whenever there's action involved, pretty much like the OG PS5 version did basically before the Pro, frankly, it's a joke at this point...

I just can't anymore with these "Pro" patches, and the worst thing is, you don't actually know if they'll make things better or worse, so far, many of them (most I'd say) are a complete and utter disappointment.

I just turned the game off in disgust, Sony HAS to fix this shit - PSSR ain't cutting it and apparently is not "free" as it's severely affecting performance, I'm tired of games that actually perform WORSE than on the base PS5.

A "few lost frames" isn't the same as the game's bad performance on the base console which averages at 40-something fps.

I play games, not watching still pictures.

Non patched version was fine on the pro performance wise.

DF video did come out and disproved these statements straight up. So yeah when I asked what your motivation is coming to a thread to spread misinformation yeah I’m going to call you out.

Man, what the fuck is happening 😬

Sony seriously needs to do something about it at this point, it can't be a coincidence that most games ain't looking good - unless all devs out there are "lazy".

Question: Since I know fuck and all about coding etc, what could be done about it ? What would be Sony's best action right now ?

It really feels like we got Xbox'd/Microsoft'd here lads - we spent 800 big ones for what amounts (so far) to BS hype cause the "gains" are definitely not there for the most part...
Weekly reminder that a Silent Hill 2 patch is STILL M.I.A.

Bloober team still remains to this day technically incompetent
Why, what the fuck is the point of this? You just come into a thread to bitch about a patch that doesn’t exist, calling out the technical incompetence when in captured post above you state that you know dick all about programming. With “weekly reminder”?!

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
You and 42 simply don’t add anything constructive to the discussion. So yeah when you come in bitching about stuff that is not even true, it gets irritating. I backed off the first time we went at because I thought may have misspoke thinking you were someone else, which looking back I realized now it was indeed you.

DF video did come out and disproved these statements straight up. So yeah when I asked what your motivation is coming to a thread to spread misinformation yeah I’m going to call you out.

Why, what the fuck is the point of this? You just come into a thread to bitch about a patch that doesn’t exist, calling out the technical incompetence when in captured post above you state that you know dick all about programming. With “weekly reminder”?!

I also was pretty mild with you the last time but, it's like talking to a wall, you take things too personal and also the "leave the multi billion company alone" meme comes into full effect with the likes of you (unfortunately).

Gonna quote my last reply to you :

This is a forum, people in forums discuss things whether you agree with them or not.

If you get triggered or annoyed by...whatever, it means 2 things : A) You should take some days off of it and B) You may be emotionally investing yourself way too much which would bring you again at looking at point (A).

This is no dig and/or a "gotcha" towards you btw, I'm dead serious.

These kind of discussions should not make someone's blood boil, if it does, means there's some other, underlaying problems with said individual, video games should not be a "serious business" where people see boogie men or "agendas" around the corner each and every time.
I also was pretty mild with you the last time but, it's like talking to a wall, you take things too personal and also the "leave the multi billion company alone" meme comes into full effect with the likes of you (unfortunately).

Gonna quote my last reply to you :
no, you can talk about multi billion dollar company all you want but you need to actually have factual representation behind the shit you’re saying I don’t give a shit about Nintendo Sony or Microsoft. They all are out to make money and representation of the consumers interest is not high at all. That’s not any groundbreaking science that you’re telling us here but this is a thread representing what games have been updated and the things around it not coming in and just randomly bitching about shit that is or is not actually true based off your impressions which you take to be factual, even though they have been counterintuitive and disproven times over again

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
I tried this angle. You will just be ignored and/or have personal justifications thrown at you about rights, etc.

Really, with every new post, I'm hoping to hear something on Silent Hill 2 or an upcoming game that will have Pro enhancements.

Agreed, I'd never take things to DMs, not worth it.

Regarding the 2nd paragraph, if you wish for new patches to appear as to make us some of us shut up, trust me, I'd be the 1st in line since I actually spent money on X product which doesn't perform as it should 😉

Having said all this : it's all bullshit man, I don't see the reason why people are popping veins, again, these are frigging video games we're talking about, I get the "repetion" thing but you and others should also try to "get" the reason for the dissatisfaction that over people have.

Maybe it's my age, maybe I'm not emotionally invested nor unhinged like others but, what really displeases me is the fact that once again, you're faced with the fact that people just want to disagree and/or are always in search of the proverbial bogeyman, there's just no middle ground, no kindness, no actual point of discussion, everything has to be a Vs and everyone is quick to throw accusations, epithets etc etc.

And it's not about the internet either, it's just a human thing, everyone just wants to say their piece and they'll happily disagree over agreeing (or trying to find a middle ground) with others, it's a shame...

Anyway, Monkey guy is once again upset 😁, I'll kindly fuck off myself from the thread since I actually have games to finish and today is Sunday after all.

Have fun


Gold Member
Agreed, I'd never take things to DMs, not worth it.

Regarding the 2nd paragraph, if you wish for new patches to appear as to make us some of us shut up, trust me, I'd be the 1st in line since I actually spent money on X product which doesn't perform as it should 😉

Having said all this : it's all bullshit man, I don't see the reason why people are popping veins, again, these are frigging video games we're talking about, I get the "repetion" thing but you and others should also try to "get" the reason for the dissatisfaction that over people have.

Maybe it's my age, maybe I'm not emotionally invested nor unhinged like others but, what really displeases me is the fact that once again, you're faced with the fact that people just want to disagree and/or are always in search of the proverbial bogeyman, there's just no middle ground, no kindness, no actual point of discussion, everything has to be a Vs and everyone is quick to throw accusations, epithets etc etc.

And it's not about the internet either, it's just a human thing, everyone just wants to say their piece and they'll happily disagree over agreeing (or trying to find a middle ground) with others, it's a shame...

Anyway, Monkey guy is once again upset 😁, I'll kindly fuck off myself from the thread since I actually have games to finish and today is Sunday after all.

Have fun
The issue remains one of quantity. You keep telling me that you should be able to voice your concerns/opinions, but you've done that. A lot. There isn't a lack of you getting your point across. We get it that some are dissatisfied, they've already told us. Many, many, many times! It's simply reached an "enough is enough" point and people are ready to move on and hear/read about something else, particularly as it pertains to the games. Everytime there's a new post, I'm hoping it's about an updated or upcoming Pro game, not someone's familiar feelings. That's all.
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Right, thing is, he still has the right to express himself just like all the other guys LITERALLY spamming comparison pics/gifs - do you also have a problem with them ?

It goes both ways Goomba, doesn't mean that I - or whoever else - has to also agree with the circle jerk, pic spamming or deferring opinions.
Nope you don't, but when overwhelming evidence supports it, don't be shocked to get backlash on it.


Gold Member
I’m currently playing through Lies of P for the first time (it’s definitely no Bloodborne killer but it’s a decent enough game) and it looks clean and performs really well on the Pro. Not sure how much it has been improved from the base PS5 version though, or if it uses PSSR.
At the very least, FeelsLike42 is a genuine guy, he's never trolled, he's never made hit n run posts, he's always polite etc etc, guy bought

Oh really?

And you are a fucking idiot to assume that.
.where do I even begin? First of all you are the biggest fanboy/shill for Sony and the Pro, consistently, throughout this thread. Every time someone points out a bad patch there you are trying to damage control and even going as far as to spread blatant misinformation

Sorry, he's not the saint you think he is. And spreading blatantly false information, highlighting minor issues and making them out to be larger than the overarching improvements is doing a disservice to anyone interested in potentially picking up a PS5 Pro. All he's doing is taking the cons from DF videos, magnifying them, and not even listening to their own conclusions at the end that talks about how good the improvements are overall.
Since Resident Evil 3 is leaving PS Plus in about a month I decided to play it. Never bought it because it's the shortest RE. I had only played the demo previously and it had a lot of framerate issues.

Looks brilliant on the PS5 Pro. Ray tracing enabled, solid 60 fps. High resolution. Looks fantastic. Oh, and this is my first time playing RE3 at all and it's actually pretty awesome. Reminds me of a 90s era action film. Love that you get to explore around Raccoon City, lots of very stylish visuals. Well paced too, even if it's short, it's very very sweet.
Oh really?

Sorry, he's not the saint you think he is. And spreading blatantly false information, highlighting minor issues and making them out to be larger than the overarching improvements is doing a disservice to anyone interested in potentially picking up a PS5 Pro. All he's doing is taking the cons from DF videos, magnifying them, and not even listening to their own conclusions at the end that talks about how good the improvements are overall.
He was calling me a PC gamer disguised as a Pro owner. He was not only calling me a liar but literally slandering me and you think me losing my temper is proof I'm a "mean" guy? Then you think I should have nice things to say about you?

You are showing yet again how disingenuous of a poster you are. You then proceed to act like I'm deliberately spreading misinformation when on the same page YOU are spreading misinformation about Silent Hill 2 in your desperate attempts to defend the Pro. Lol, "only bad in the first 2 minutes" is a blatant lie. I remember DF mentioning an issue in DD2 with RT on Pro and they were correct. I was hoping they were exaggerating the issues of DD2 but the game in RT mode was even worse than i feared. Artifacting, just like the foliage in Jedi Survivor and RE4 Remake's trees. It's ugly and distracting in RT mode. Wasn't there at all on base PS5. You think some cherry picked screen shots prove I'm spreading misinfo? I never talked about Performance or non RT modes but oddly that's what you and the other guys who don't like my posts focus on.

You literally admitted you don't want my criticisms deterring people from buying a Pro. You have an agenda dude. I have no patience for people like you anymore who aren't capable of being honest with anyone including yourself.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
He was calling me a PC gamer disguised as a Pro owner. He was not only calling me a liar but literally slandering me and you think me losing my temper is proof I'm a "mean" guy? Then you think I should have nice things to say about you?

You are showing yet again how disingenuous of a poster you are. You then proceed to act like I'm deliberately spreading misinformation when on the same page YOU are spreading misinformation about Silent Hill 2 in your desperate attempts to defend the Pro. Lol, "only bad in the first 2 minutes" is a blatant lie. I remember DF mentioning an issue in DD2 with RT on Pro and they were correct. I was hoping they were exaggerating the issues of DD2 but the game in RT mode was even worse than i feared. Artifacting, just like the foliage in Jedi Survivor and RE4 Remake's trees. It's ugly and distracting in RT mode. Wasn't there at all on base PS5. You think some cherry picked screen shots prove I'm spreading misinfo? I never talked about Performance or non RT modes but oddly that's what you and the other guys who don't like my posts focus on.

You literally admitted you don't want my criticisms deterring people from buying a Pro. You have an agenda dude. I have no patience for people like you anymore who aren't capable of being honest with anyone including yourself.

Mods, please step in. This is getting tiresome…
You are showing yet again how disingenuous of a poster you are. You then proceed to act like I'm deliberately spreading misinformation when on the same page YOU are spreading misinformation about Silent Hill 2 in your desperate attempts to defend the Pro. Lol, "only bad in the first 2 minutes" is a blatant lie. I remember DF mentioning an issue in DD2 with RT on Pro and they were correct. I was hoping they were exaggerating the issues of DD2 but the game in RT mode was even worse than i feared. Artifacting, just like the foliage in Jedi Survivor and RE4 Remake's trees. It's ugly and distracting in RT mode. Wasn't there at all on base PS5. You think some cherry picked screen shots prove I'm spreading misinfo? I never talked about Performance or non RT modes but oddly that's what you and the other guys who don't like my posts focus on.

There's no misinformation by stating that the current PS5 Pro version of Silent Hill 2 is superior to the base PS5 version. It runs at a higher resolution and framerate. It does not look bad or unplayable in any mode, performance or quality. Is it the best PS5 Pro enhanced game? Not at all, it's very weak. But my point is that it's still an improvement. And yes, there are some minor issues here and there that are mostly relegated to the first few minutes of the game. I have no issues with people voicing concern about the current PS5 Pro patch, but it's *not an unplayable disaster*. If you want to play Silent Hill 2, and you have a Pro, I would not wait. It looks excellent all the way through. It could look more excellent with a competent patch, but I would not hold my breath.

If you need helpful evidence, you can simply watch the latest Digital Foundry video.

You literally admitted you don't want my criticisms deterring people from buying a Pro. You have an agenda dude. I have no patience for people like you anymore who aren't capable of being honest with anyone including yourself.

You weren't comprehending my original comment correctly. I am not against criticism of the platform, or highlighting issues with the current technology and how it's implemented in games. However, your comments needed to be taken with a very massive grain of's largely hyperbolic and extremely negative on almost every aspect of every game. You're free to have your hyperbolic opinions that can't see the forest from the trees, but simply shouting the loudest doesn't make your point the most valid. And it's fair for others to rightfully push back against your aggressive claims.

But when you start saying things like Dragon's Dogma 2 and Jedi Survivor are not significantly improved on the Pro, and you cherry pick relatively minor negatives without recognizing the overwhelming positives, you've clearly lost any sort of objective reality.

AI/ML technology is not without its pros/cons. That's how the technology works. It can, in many cases, look sharper than native 4K despite some temporal instability but where the motion clarity is also greatly improved in many cases. But when you take a 5% negative aspect of it, and blow it up and not even discuss the 95% improvement to be had in many cases, it's not an accurate representation of the experience most people are having. I think it does a disservice to tell people only how bad games like Jedi Survivor and DD2 allegedly run, when *most* users are not coming away with that sort of negative experience, and are in fact enjoying the pretty substantial improvements on offer despite some tradeoffs.
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AI/ML technology is not without its pros/cons. That's how the technology works. It can, in many cases, look sharper than native 4K despite some temporal instability but where the motion clarity is also greatly improved in many cases. But when you take a 5% negative aspect of it, and blow it up and not even discuss the 95% improvement to be had in many cases, it's not an accurate representation of the experience most people are having.
Just block him. Goes a long way to cleaning up the thread, now if only people would stop replying to him.
What’s the consensus regarding the best mode for GT7?

Lol. That's a very tough one.....I never settled on an answer, but I haven't revisited in a long time.

I think I turned PSSR off and just kept it at 60 fps. Mainly because PSSR caused more shimmering on things like fine lines.

If you want higher frames, turn PSSR on
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Since Resident Evil 3 is leaving PS Plus in about a month I decided to play it. Never bought it because it's the shortest RE. I had only played the demo previously and it had a lot of framerate issues.

Looks brilliant on the PS5 Pro. Ray tracing enabled, solid 60 fps. High resolution. Looks fantastic. Oh, and this is my first time playing RE3 at all and it's actually pretty awesome. Reminds me of a 90s era action film. Love that you get to explore around Raccoon City, lots of very stylish visuals. Well paced too, even if it's short, it's very very sweet.

I was hoping that Capcom would patch it so that it and RE2 could have RTX and high frame rate enabled at the same time.


What’s the consensus regarding the best mode for GT7?
Been going through the modes lately. I used to use the Graphics mode with pssr off.. keeping it at 4k. But the mode seems to have a bug where the RT will fail and drop back to cube maps?
Ive since switched it to performance mode with pssr off. Yeah, i lose RT reflections but it does get a slight lod boost.

If they fix the bug i mentioned. id go back to that.

i dont see any pros to using pssr yet, unless you want interior RT.
Pssr off in both modes has a solid frame rate so thats a non issue.
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Since Resident Evil 3 is leaving PS Plus in about a month I decided to play it. Never bought it because it's the shortest RE. I had only played the demo previously and it had a lot of framerate issues.

Looks brilliant on the PS5 Pro. Ray tracing enabled, solid 60 fps. High resolution. Looks fantastic. Oh, and this is my first time playing RE3 at all and it's actually pretty awesome. Reminds me of a 90s era action film. Love that you get to explore around Raccoon City, lots of very stylish visuals. Well paced too, even if it's short, it's very very sweet.
All the resident evil games are a big improvement for me.

That's a good assessment of re3, that's how I feel about it
I feel a lot of the negativity for it came because it is fairly short.
For me it's the perfect length, I think I've completed it 6 times now and I'll still go back to it


Gold Member
What’s the consensus regarding the best mode for GT7?
For visuals, 60hz mode, PSSR and ray tracing.
If you prefer 120hz, turn ray tracing off. There's a big difference in RT from 60 to 120, and to me, the one at 60 looks decent enough overall.
And if you're racing properly, you won't be able to notice any of the PSSR downsides 😆
Real best mode is PS VR2 though :messenger_smiling_hearts:

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Since Resident Evil 3 is leaving PS Plus in about a month I decided to play it. Never bought it because it's the shortest RE. I had only played the demo previously and it had a lot of framerate issues.

Looks brilliant on the PS5 Pro. Ray tracing enabled, solid 60 fps. High resolution. Looks fantastic. Oh, and this is my first time playing RE3 at all and it's actually pretty awesome. Reminds me of a 90s era action film. Love that you get to explore around Raccoon City, lots of very stylish visuals. Well paced too, even if it's short, it's very very sweet.

And Jill has a great ass

Low-key one of the better RE’s due to its pacing and length. Doesn’t overstay whatsoever.

And Jill has a great ass.
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Gold Member
What kind of TV do you use? Because I can think of no modern TV that runs a 30fps game without the slideshow effect. These TVs don't exist.

Older LCD models hide the 30fps negatives because of how the frames are presented on the screen. Sample and hold etc.

There are no modern TV'S that run 30fps games without the slideshow effect.
A 32 inches Sony 1080p and a 43 inch LG 4K. Not that I'm saying 30 fps is better, because I still prefer 60 fps, but my point is its not that bad as some is saying. Some are stable, playable and have good IQ quality.


From my experience 30fps on oled tv's 55" and smaller looks acceptable, but on larger screens 65" and up it's terrible. 40 fps is a really good substitute on an oled but both 30 and 40 fps looks alot better on an Led tv even on larger 75" and up.
All the resident evil games are a big improvement for me.

That's a good assessment of re3, that's how I feel about it
I feel a lot of the negativity for it came because it is fairly short.
For me it's the perfect length, I think I've completed it 6 times now and I'll still go back to it

I just finished the Zombie siege in the hospital, not sure how much longer but I suspect I’m at the end.

So far this is the *best* RE action game I’ve played. Best mechanics, awesome pacing (nothing drags on), really impactful weapon upgrades, a dual protagonist split that actually don’t mind at all since you’re not overly invested in character progression (unlike TLOU2).

The story is just straight up serious 90s action, no cartoony cornball anime stuff like the series devolved into (I don’t mind it at times for some games but please keep it out of my RE series)

Full stop the most cohesive RE experience yet, other than RE1.

I do tend to prefer RE has a bit more puzzles, inventory management, and some backtracking but it does kill the pacing and repeat playthroughs somewhat…I found that I didn’t enjoy certain areas of RE2 and RE4, which slows the game down. There’s not an area I don’t like in RE3

On the Pro it looks like a CGI movie at times. Carlos is an awesome character and Jill is great too. Dialogue has no childish crap in it
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Does Wukong run noticeably better?

I don’t think its frame rate across all its modes is much better than the base PS5 but the image quality is quite a lot better in the Quality and Balanced modes. Essentially the base PS5’s Quality and Balanced modes look approximately like 1440p while those same modes on Pro look around 4k (with Balanced mode being a tad worse than Quality mode wrt image quality).

Unfortunately the Pro’s Performance mode is the same as the base PS5 which is ridiculous. It’s still using FSR and frame generation to produce a “60fps” output using a base frame rate of 30fps. I have also found that the frame rate in the Balanced mode on Pro can drop significantly when fighting some enemies. And there is a particular spell that you can use which can massively drop the frame rate of the game on Pro especially if you’re fighting an enemy whose attacks also hammer the frame rate. Sometimes it does appear that the frame rate drops into the teens or at least the low 20s. But I would say around 85% of the time the frame rate is fine in Balanced mode. But I’m only about half way through so it may get even worse with some of the bosses later on.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
One of the best things Sony could do for PS5 and PS5 Pro would be to enable AMD Freesync at the system level. Even if they made it an experimental option.


Can’t Git Gud
But an OLED expert has a fix for this. Add motion blur.😉🤣😂🤦🏼‍♂️
Of course. Motion blur is amazing and really helps with 30. Always did since 360 games like lost planet started doing good per object motion blur.
Really enhances animations. If you knew how photography works, motion blur is a replacement for shutter speed.
If done well, it makes 30 or 60fps look way smoother.
Each frame should look like it’s containing movement data from the time it was on screen for. Like at 30fps, each frame should show 33ms of movement.
Animation is not a collection of still time freezes. It’s a collection of moments in time captures.

So yes. Good motion blur is more correct to how we perceive stuff in real life and a good help for low fps. We wouldn’t need it if you ran at like 240fps/hz.


Gold Member
Of course. Motion blur is amazing and really helps with 30. Always did since 360 games like lost planet started doing good per object motion blur.
Really enhances animations. If you knew how photography works, motion blur is a replacement for shutter speed.
If done well, it makes 30 or 60fps look way smoother.
Each frame should look like it’s containing movement data from the time it was on screen for. Like at 30fps, each frame should show 33ms of movement.
Animation is not a collection of still time freezes. It’s a collection of moments in time captures.

So yes. Good motion blur is more correct to how we perceive stuff in real life and a good help for low fps. We wouldn’t need it if you ran at like 240fps/hz.
Can't believe we got to the point where we're defending 30 over 60. 30 looks shit in motion compared to 60 (especially on modern TV's) and that's the end of it.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Can't believe we got to the point where we're defending 30 over 60. 30 looks shit in motion compared to 60 and that's the end of it.

Yeah, generally speaking I'm not going back to 30 fps with rare exception. Too many games to play to waste time playing a game at 30 that I could wait to play on next-gen at 60.

I see 30 fps today as basically early access.

That's why I bought the PS5 pro so that I could play the same games that I'm playing at 60 but with increased fidelity. People nitpicking a game because a shadow breaks on a windmill in the distance are laughable to me, while I'm enjoying a game at like 80-85 fps with VRR...


Can’t Git Gud
Can't believe we got to the point where we're defending 30 over 60. 30 looks shit in motion compared to 60 (especially on modern TV's) and that's the end of it.
I am doing that! No.
Of course 60 is better.

But 30 if fine and I will take 30 with some better graphics over 60 in some games. Like I did with ff16 and sh2.
I just don’t disable motion blur and then complain that it’s jittery lol.
All I a saying to keep motion blur on when playing at 30. I keep it on 60 too


Gold Member
I am doing that! No.
Of course 60 is better.

But 30 if fine and I will take 30 with some better graphics over 60 in some games. Like I did with ff16 and sh2.
I just don’t disable motion blur and then complain that it’s jittery lol.
All I a saying to keep motion blur on when playing at 30. I keep it on 60 too
There is not a single game, except Balatro, where 30fps is "fine" on a OLED. It's not the game or the technique behind the game or visuals, it's how the TV's project the frames. Motion blur just hides the awfulness of 30fps more. It's like putting a bag over your ugly ass girlfriend. She'll still be ugly mate.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
There is not a single game, except Balatro, where 30fps is "fine" on a OLED. It's not the game or the technique behind the game or visuals, it's how the TV's project the frames. Motion blur just hides the awfulness of 30fps more. It's like putting a bag over your ugly ass girlfriend. She'll still be ugly mate.

I might be fine with 30 fps in some like turn-based RPGs that might benefit from the boost in fidelity, but they really need to push the envelope. Still would probably prefer 60 though.


It's not the game or the technique behind the game or visuals, it's how the TV's project the frames
Motion blur on an Oled just means instead of staring at a crisp image for almost the entire 33ms frame, you stare at a blurred one. It will still be a slide show, just a little less obvious because the image is bad all the time and you can't tell what you are looking at. I don't see motion blur as a solution at all on an Oled. The only way 30fps works on an Oled is if the camera is fixed almost all the time. If most of the image is static then the portions that do move aren't quite as noticeable.


Can’t Git Gud
Motion blur on an Oled just means instead of staring at a crisp image for almost the entire 33ms frame, you stare at a blurred one. It will still be a slide show, just a little less obvious because the image is bad all the time and you can't tell what you are looking at. I don't see motion blur as a solution at all on an Oled. The only way 30fps works on an Oled is if the camera is fixed almost all the time. If most of the image is static then the portions that do move aren't quite as noticeable.
Exactly right. Each image is blurred to represent movement and velocity.
A capture in time.
And yes. Of course it’s a cheat for our brains. Works great and really helps to make 30fps feel way smoother.
You trade in jittery but sharp but blurry and appearing smoother.
There is not a single game, except Balatro, where 30fps is "fine" on a OLED. It's not the game or the technique behind the game or visuals, it's how the TV's project the frames. Motion blur just hides the awfulness of 30fps more. It's like putting a bag over your ugly ass girlfriend. She'll still be ugly mate.
Absolute nonsense.
We said it already. There are some games like sh2 or ff16 that so 30fps pretty well and are fully fine and playable.
Of course motion blur hides the awfulness of 30fps. That it’s job. It’s still 30fps and you feel it.
But it’s ok and you get used to it depending on a game.
It’s worth it for some few game.

I don’t know why we are even talking about this. There are like 2-3 30fps games this gen. It’s essentially non existent topic…


Gold Member
Exactly right. Each image is blurred to represent movement and velocity.
A capture in time.
And yes. Of course it’s a cheat for our brains. Works great and really helps to make 30fps feel way smoother.
You trade in jittery but sharp but blurry and appearing smoother.

Absolute nonsense.
We said it already. There are some games like sh2 or ff16 that so 30fps pretty well and are fully fine and playable.
Of course motion blur hides the awfulness of 30fps. That it’s job. It’s still 30fps and you feel it.
But it’s ok and you get used to it depending on a game.
It’s worth it for some few game.

I don’t know why we are even talking about this. There are like 2-3 30fps games this gen. It’s essentially non existent topic…
Earlier on in the thread we have already concluded that you're not sensitive to the ugliness of 30fps. We understand why you're "ok" with it. Most people aren't. Modern TV's don't handle 30fps like older TV's did. Back then they smeared the frames together. Today they throw in motion blur to hide the awfulness of it.

30fps is not a consumer friendly framerate.


Works great and really helps to make 30fps feel way smoother.
Here's the thing, it doesn't 'work great'. Working great would mean masking the shudder, which is still very present with motion blur. Maybe our brains just resolve the image at different speeds. For me I still perceive a slide show effect with motion blur on. Yes it's a bit better, especially without much camera motion, there it can do a reasonable job (assuming targeted blur and good frame pacing), but the instant you have panning shot, its game over so to speak. Motion blur only masks very localised regions. Starfield was an excellent example of good 30fps blur. Still didn't cut it though.
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