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London riots spreading through UK

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SmokyDave said:
Pisses me off. I know it's a joke but ultimately, it's only going to annoy the idiots that were somehow already blaming the Polish. It's also a bit of a spit in the eye when you think that rather than forcing the rioters to clean up their own mess (saving money and giving them vocational training), we'll be losing money from the economy (assuming they don't spend the money in England and send it home for Xmas).

I thought it was a badly timed jab in poor taste.

I saw it as a jab at those blaming the Poles for the riots


rather than forcing the rioters to clean up their own mess

Oohh. That sounds good.


Meus Renaissance said:
I saw it as a jab at those blaming the Poles for the riots
Me too but if you kick an angry dog, you'd better watch your feet.

Just bad timing. I actually appreciate the joke, I just think it's too soon.
Facism said:
Has anyone reported this filth, irregardless of whether it's a joke or not? Her twitter paints her as a massive bellend with no morality.

[edit]nm linked and reported to a policeman friend in Kingston.

If you read the rest of his tweets it's just some American 4chan guy.
MmmSkyscraper said:
The majority of those surveyed by YouGov on the weekend supported the idea. Would have been embarrassing for the govt though.

Of course they supported the idea.

The the upper and middle classes love the idea of the working class to going off to fight wars for them, none of them ever join afterall..

How many Army personal do you think would like the idea of fighting against people from their own background?.

Put it this way, put the Army on the streets here and you can kiss recruitment goodbye.

It's bad enough already with as many as 1 in 11 prisoners being ex-army, around about 8500 ex-servicemen. You don't want to go there, seriously. We already use them and then spit them out. They get fuck all support once they leave. And trust me you don't want some of them restoring order on the street, because once a mistake is made, it's all over for this country.
nib95 said:
Respect to the Muslim and Sikh brothers. I have massive respect for them. With those numbers and the three deaths, they could have easily reacted and hit the street with vengeance. Glad they stood above it.

Respect? they were a farts whisper away from "cutting heads off" and "feeding them to their dogs" It was so close they forced a man out of grieving basically tell them to get a grip.


It's sad that people now get respect for doing what they should do.

It's as if completely losing yourself in faux rage is the new norm.


Deku said:
It's sad that people now get respect for doing what they should do.

It's as if completely losing yourself in faux rage is the new norm.
They got respect for turning out and defending their communities where others hid and hoped that the police saved them.

As for 'faux rage', what's the appropriate amount of rage for seeing your friends and relatives killed in front of you?

fizzelopeguss said:
Respect? they were a farts whisper away from "cutting heads off" and "feeding them to their dogs" It was so close they forced a man out of grieving basically tell them to get a grip.
Yep, some of them were straining at the leash after being provoked. I find that understandable and ultimately, they didn't riot.


SmokyDave said:
They got respect for turning out and defending their communities where others hid and hoped that the police saved them.

As for 'faux rage', what's the appropriate amount of rage for seeing your friends and relatives killed in front of you?

Yep, some of them were straining at the leash after being provoked. I find that understandable and ultimately, they didn't riot.

I'm not aware you can classify an entire community as having a family interest this situation.

Assuming you misunderstood what I said, but I stand by it.


fizzelopeguss said:
Respect? they were a farts whisper away from "cutting heads off" and "feeding them to their dogs" It was so close they forced a man out of grieving basically tell them to get a grip.

What and you wouldn't be like that if your friend was murdered in cold blood so indiscriminately? I would have been exactly the same. Good on them for defending themselves but without needing to actually partake in violence.

It's the brave defiance that counts. Unlike most who just cowered and waited for the Police to do their shitty job.


Deku said:
I'm not aware you can classify an entire community as having a family interest this situation.
The people whose grievances were quelled by Tariq Jahan were present or local when the killings took place as far as I can tell. There were crowds present at the incident and hundreds more at the hospital. These are tightly knit communities.

Assuming you misunderstood what I said, but I stand by it.
If you're using 'faux outrage' to describe anybody but the initial looters, you're crazy. There's a very real reason to be outraged here.


P.S, I say good on all the groups around the country that took to the streets to fend off these looters and rioters, or at least show defiance and strike some fear. At the end of the day, if the Police can't do the necessary job, then you have to defend your own keep, or at least make a stand.
Posted? 97 people from Manchester/salford have been charged already
The page lists about 20 of them detailing how long they have to serve - a lot of them still in custody waiting for sentencing. Some get like 8 weeks and some get 8 months
nib95 said:
P.S, I say good on all the groups around the country that took to the streets to fend off these looters and rioters, or at least show defiance and strike some fear. At the end of the day, if the Police can't do the necessary job, then you have to defend your own keep, or at least make a stand.

Can't help but be amused when I said people should do this, yet basically just got insulted on here for my troubles, even had one call to perma ban me.
I was just reading about a case someone sent to me on IM, a 19 year old student has turned herself in to the police after stealing a 24" monitor from Currys on Monday. She has returned the monitor to Currys and been bailed.

I think the police should make an example of her case and have an amnesty for people who got caught up in the heat of the moment. If they turn themselves in and return the stolen goods (subject to a search of their homes to make sure they are being honest) they can get off with a warning and no lasting damage like jail time or a criminal record.

On the other side they should also make clear that people who don't turn themselves in will face harsh sentencing and the full force of the law.


fizzelopeguss said:
Respect? they were a farts whisper away from "cutting heads off" and "feeding them to their dogs" It was so close they forced a man out of grieving basically tell them to get a grip.

They were told to stand their ground, and allow officials handle the situation, to which they complied. It was blind rage, completely understandable, but reason prevailed thanks to the elders, people they not only respect but see as authorities.

SmokyDave said:
Pisses me off. I know it's a joke but ultimately, it's only going to annoy the idiots that were somehow already blaming the Polish. It's also a bit of a spit in the eye when you think that rather than forcing the rioters to clean up their own mess (saving money and giving them vocational training), we'll be losing money from the economy (assuming they don't spend the money in England and send it home for Xmas).

I thought it was a badly timed jab in poor taste.

Sounds like an idea id back. Need a petition.
SmokyDave said:
They got respect for turning out and defending their communities where others hid and hoped that the police saved them.

There is nothing wrong with staying out of the way and not panicking. Hoping that the police will save you turned out to be a fair strategy since those fatalities were people who decided to stand out on the streets. Although protecting their homes and communities is totally fair play and respectable it's not worth losing lives for.

Some of the worst people are those who just find the situation exciting then either turn up to watch and laugh like idiots, or use the excitement to gang up and engage in some sort of violence that they normally think is not allowed.


Prine said:
Must say, that Polish swipe made me chuckle... but these renovations should go out to whoever can deliver in a timely and cost effective fashion. Thats Polish by default i think.

Didn't Poland or another Eastern Europe country recently get undercut for road surfacing by a Chinese contractor?

Then as Chinese living standard and wages go up, they'll be undercut by the Phillapinos - and man, it's when they advance on Reykjavík, that's when you got to worry.

Love the chain gang idea. Get the bastards out cleaning up with "I LOOTS, IZ LOSE, LOLWTFBBQFTW!"shirts.
SiriusTexra said:
Just the timing of it, it's too perfect.

This is probably just a coerced training drill for police to get them prepared for the real riots that are about to occur once the economy accidentally all over the floor.

I'm not buying some anarchists are pissed at some random fuck being dead. No way. Police have been known to pretend to be anarchists. That's fact.
These are the same anti riot cops who get thrills with batoning random women in crowds, now their favorite punching bags, scumfuck junkies are running around and they're NOT doing anything?

Are they waiting for the public to demand full on martial law or something? What's the game here? Is it just to demonize protesting in the future? Seeing the governmental policy reaction to this should be interesting.

Create a problem and everyone will beg for a solution. More guns, more rights taken away, please protect us, more searches, everyone's a potential criminal. It's like watching how 1984 happens. People end up wanting their own suffocation, it's hilarious.

The real problem here, is that the police aren't doing anything, and now people are demanding ACTUAL BULLETS for these "rioters". Somethings fucking off. Did Dr Who recently feature a rioter stepping on a bunny rabbit or something.

You can't possibly be serious, Sirius.


zomgbbqftw said:
I was just reading about a case someone sent to me on IM, a 19 year old student has turned herself in to the police after stealing a 24" monitor from Currys on Monday. She has returned the monitor to Currys and been bailed.

I think the police should make an example of her case and have an amnesty for people who got caught up in the heat of the moment. If they turn themselves in and return the stolen goods (subject to a search of their homes to make sure they are being honest) they can get off with a warning and no lasting damage like jail time or a criminal record.

On the other side they should also make clear that people who don't turn themselves in will face harsh sentencing and the full force of the law.

Maybe we could offer them a free speedboat too? ;-)

I was wondering about whether they'd offer an amnesty the other day, but as you say it would require house searches to work (which would never be agreed to) and even then they could just hire a lock up to put the stuff in.


Unconfirmed Member
Dabanton said:
Also the MET would never allow it. You may as well scrap them if you're just going to have the military milling about.

The Met's opinion and ego is irrelevant, the army would be called in if the government decided it was necessary/appropriate. The Met could cry about it but it'd happen either way. Given the current reputation of the Met, the power vacuum at the top, and their inability to handle the looting (partly due to hands being tied, fuck ups in recent protests, cutbacks etc), they could only have welcomed the support, especially when the officers on the street were putting themselves at risk and getting a beatdown for their trouble. When there's anarchy on the streets, you don't hem and haw, you fix it.
Pazuzu9 said:
It's true, chavs don't like getting wet.

Lazy bastards, just laying around in the sun all day.


Unconfirmed Member
The Incarnation said:
Of course they supported the idea.

The the upper and middle classes love the idea of the working class to going off to fight wars for them, none of them ever join afterall..

The proportion of sign ups from the various classes is irrelevant. Public perception was that the police were either incompetent, inadequate or hand-tied. Army support was obviously a popular solution, i.e. more manpower to counter the chavscum, mostly through fear. The chavs don't give a fuck about the police.

How many Army personal do you think would like the idea of fighting against people from their own background?.

They'd be doing their job and following orders, it doesn't matter whether they like it or not. It's crowd control, not a tour of duty and sure beats being sent to a clusterfuck like Afghanistan.

Put it this way, put the Army on the streets here and you can kiss recruitment goodbye.

There's no evidence to support that. Anyone switched off by the idea of the army being used to restore security in their own country is a waste of space and can find employment elsewhere.

It's bad enough already with as many as 1 in 11 prisoners being ex-army, around about 8500 ex-servicemen. You don't want to go there, seriously. We already use them and then spit them out. They get fuck all support once they leave. And trust me you don't want some of them restoring order on the street, because once a mistake is made, it's all over for this country.

Wasn't aware of the prison statistics. The police have made plenty of mistakes over the years and so have the army in the past. Surely it's all over for this country already.
More Fun To Compute said:
I guess that most of them are repeat offenders. Mug shots on the database.

zomgbbqftw said:
CCTV and priors. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these fucks are already serving suspended sentences so the government knows where they are at all times with electronic tags or their movements being tracked.

But most who have been to the courts were first time offenders according to reports. I hope they're not able to find someone within a day just from video footage - that's kinda scary.
Meus Renaissance said:
How are they finding them so quickly?

CCTV and priors. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these fucks are already serving suspended sentences so the government knows where they are at all times with electronic tags or their movements being tracked.
Meus Renaissance said:
But most who have been to the courts were first time offenders according to reports. I hope they're not able to find someone within a day just from video footage - that's kinda scary.

Were they the ones they caught as it was happening? I'm guessing that they were more people who didn't have the experience to get in and out fast enough and didn't imagine the police might have an issue with their thieving.


Meus Renaissance said:
But most who have been to the courts were first time offenders according to reports. I hope they're not able to find someone within a day just from video footage - that's kinda scary.
Facial recognition software is being used by both cops and vigilantes. Some CCTV cameras also have behavioural recognition if I'm not mistaken.
Meus Renaissance said:
But most who have been to the courts were first time offenders according to reports. I hope they're not able to find someone within a day just from video footage - that's kinda scary.

I think they are catching the people who looted on the first two days in Enfield and Croydon, the ones who are currently being charged are probably people they caught two nights ago.
SmokyDave said:
Facial recognition software is being used by both cops and vigilantes. Some CCTV cameras also have behavioural recognition if I'm not mistaken.

This type of software is available to the public? Where did you read vigilantes are using it?




When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'm surprised more of them never wore gloves and masks.

One things for sure these guys are going to be hero's in prison.


SmokyDave said:
Facial recognition software is being used by both cops and vigilantes. Some CCTV cameras also have behavioural recognition if I'm not mistaken.
behavioural recognition? i just googled and that's hardcore.
The Convicted London rioters should loose all benefits e-petition has passed the 100,000 mark:
e-petitions website said:
The e-petitions site is having problems at the moment. We need to temporarily suspend the creation and signing of e-petitions to allow us to make sure everything is working properly for you.

We aim to re-open the e-petitions site by Friday morning (12th August).

We're very sorry for the inconvenience this causes you.

The e-petition entitled “Convicted London rioters should loose all benefits” has now passed the threshold of 100,000 signatures and has been passed to the Backbench Business Committee to consider for debate. It will continue to be available for signature once the site is re-opened.
Hopefully the site won't do this evey time theres a "winner".
SmokyDave said:
forcing the rioters to clean up their own mess (saving money and giving them vocational training)

Absolutely agree with this. Idiots need to take some responsibility for their actions aside from just being confined to a cell and do shit all.


But those who stood before the courts for bail hearings in London, many of them still in their jeans and hooded sweatshirts, included a graphic designer, a postal employee, a dental assistant, a teaching aide, a forklift driver and a youth worker.

One 19-year-old woman was listed on court documents as living in a converted farmhouse in a leafy, upmarket area of rural Kent that is part of what Londoners call the stockbroker belt. A 22-year-old woman gave her address as an upscale block of flats in a gentrified neighborhood of Hackney, one of the worst-hit riot areas in London. Local residents said that many of the residents of the apartments, which are valued at about $500,000, belonged to a community of affluent, middle-class people with jobs in London’s news media and art world.

Guess they just had to have that free stuff. Hope they have a conscience and are having serious regrets, as well as worrying about their jobs.
MmmSkyscraper said:
They'd be doing their job and following orders, it doesn't matter whether they like it or not. It's crowd control, not a tour of duty and sure beats being sent to a clusterfuck like Afghanistan.

The key thing is that they won't be doing the job they signed up for.

And putting the Army on the streets is only going to lead to the creation of domestic terrorists in the long run. The last thing we need is another IRA, but this time created on our very own doorstep.

Think of the bigger picture, and not just the quick fix.

The only time I want to see Army personal on the streets in city centres is when they're wanting to recruit people.

Class is very important when your main recruits come from the lower classes, you may just find them turning on you.

Afterall these are the people you call Chavs and worthless uneducated idiots before they put on the uniform. Who do you think they're going identify with the most?

Trust me you don't want to get your wish.


Manik said:
Worth reposting - I've chucked in a few quid for the poor guy. Hope it helps get him back on track!

It's at a incredible £14,000 now!

I'm sure it was only around £5,000 this morning.
The Incarnation said:
It's bad enough already with as many as 1 in 11 prisoners being ex-army, around about 8500 ex-servicemen. You don't want to go there, seriously. We already use them and then spit them out. They get fuck all support once they leave. And trust me you don't want some of them restoring order on the street, because once a mistake is made, it's all over for this country.

Talking as someone who works in the Defence community and who has family and friends in the services, I feel as though this is an antiquated point of view (the chew em up and spit them out viewpoint) -- things have improved immeasurably over the course of the Afghanistan campaign, we are building better housing for our soldiers, we are establishing an ethical covenant to provide for them and their families, we are protecting entitlements and pioneering new technology to protect them in theatre and help rehabilitate our injured. I'm thinking of tech like Boomerang III, our armoured vehicles like Foxhound, Andrew Garthwaite's bionic arm, the new housing we are building all of the time, support to help for heroes etc.

I do think they are underpaid in the lower ranks. And it is true that some members of the services find it hard to readjust to society once they have lived and worked in the services, is the 1/11 statistic current? And of course, thanks to the nature of the job some people come away with mental and physical scars that may never heal - but I do think we've been moving in the right direction and are starting to treat our men and women properly. My main regret is that they are facing cuts to their numbers much as us civilians are, and the private job market just isn't there to support any of us yet.
radioheadrule83 said:
is the 1/11 statistic current? And of course, thanks to the nature of the job some people come away with mental and physical scars that may never heal - but I do think we've been moving in the right direction and are starting to treat our men and women properly. My main regret is that they are facing cuts to their numbers much as us civilians are, and the private job market just isn't there to support any of us yet.

It's from 2008, it's probably worse now.

In 2009 there were 20,000 in prison or on probation..

Gods know how many are out there suffering with mental illnesses, who happen to be on sick benefits or the people we like to call benefit scroungers.

Last year they were saying 9.1% of the prison population were ex-army.


The Incarnation said:
The key thing is that they won't be doing the job they signed up for.

And putting the Army on the streets is only going to lead to the creation of domestic terrorists in the long run. The last thing we need is another IRA, but this time created on our very own doorstep.

Think of the bigger picture, and not just the quick fix.

The only time I want to see Army personal on the streets in city centres is when they're wanting to recruit people.

Class is very important when your main recruits come from the lower classes, you may just find them turning on you.

Afterall these are the people you call Chavs and worthless uneducated idiots before they put on the uniform. Who do you think they're going identify with the most?

Trust me you don't want to get your wish.

You my friend are so very wrong.
I served with the british army for 14 years and we are far from chavs and uneducated.
Sorry but I find you extremely ignorant and annoying with your remarks.
Marco1 said:
You my friend are so very wrong.
I served with the british army for 14 years and we are far from chavs and uneducated.
Sorry but I find you extremely ignorant and annoying with your remarks.

And I find you can't read. Keyword YOU in what I said. Not people who I called Chavs, but YOU call.

I used to be in the Marines myself.
radioheadrule83 said:
Talking as someone who works in the Defence community and who has family and friends in the services, I feel as though this is an antiquated point of view (the chew em up and spit them out viewpoint) -- things have improved immeasurably over the course of the Afghanistan campaign,

Didn't that really start up after the Falklands War? The stuff that happened to veterans after that was atrocious and that was kind of the turning point, am I correct.

I think before that the argument might have been valid about the soldiers being underpaid and spit out.

That said the Gurkha issue still needs to be fixed. I mean build those guys homes in England for them and their family, I have a feel most would have no problem with tax money on that.


dc89 said:
25 year old in court for looting Greggs.

I hope the free pasty was worth it dick head!

It's all so silly, was reading about another guy stealing three Burberry shirts and another a bottle of wine.
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