Is it a good idea to play in chronological order if you've never played the series?
perhaps a hot take but i don't think so; just play what interests you. outside of the IGA games a lot of the "canon" is improvised.
Is it a good idea to play in chronological order if you've never played the series?
Real reason for CoM not being canon is that Igarashi did not work on it.
deja vu from 2009 threads on gamefaqs
If anyone cares here is my top 10
1. Order of Ecclesia
2. Rondo of Blood
3. Aria of Sorrow
4. Symphony of the Night
5. Dawn of Sorrow
6. III: Dracula's Curse
7. Castlevania
8. Bloodlines
9. Super Castlevania IV
10. Simon's Quest
Is it a good idea to play in chronological order if you've never played the series?
It probably is not best to play through the series in chronological order (in terms of timeline)! In fact, if you play it in that order it may end up being both jarring and uneven for you.
In an ideal world, I would recommend a newcomer (who can handle a challenge) check out Dracula X Chronicles on PSP or Vita. This game has a remake of Rondo of Blood and an unlockable original Rondo of Blood and unlockable Symphony of the Night.
If you love Rondo and not Symphony, then there is a clear path forward for you. If you love Symphony but not Rondo, then there's also another 6 games in that exact style that are all good to amazing. If you love both then congratulations you are in for a big treat!
Depending on which consoles you have there are always good entry points, but I would not say this is a series that should be played in either order of release or order of timeline.
Agreed.Portrait of Ruin has one of the best soundtracks imo.
I'd say the best way to experience the series is starting with Castlevania 64, Lords of Shadow 2, then the gameboy games, because then it's all uphill from there
CV 64 gets way too much hate. Tech issues aside, it has the most staggering variety and interesting level concepts of all the 3D games(Lords 1 excepted maybe).
Handily rank it well above dull nonsense like the PS2 games. Best title screen in the series too.
Yes Order of Ecclesia is stunning. Very underrated within the franchise. Love and miss Castlevania on the whole.
Underrated? It's one of the most beloved Castlevania games ever (and deservedly so).
Great OP, I agree with most of your assessments. If you haven't yet, please play Yoko / Julius / Arikado mode in Dawn of Sorrow, to me it's even better than the base game!
I'd say the best way to experience the series is starting with Castlevania 64, Lords of Shadow 2, then the gameboy games, because then it's all uphill from there
Thanks for the tip! I haven't tried different character modes in either DoS or OoE so I'll be sure to check them out as soon as I can![]()
So despite being a numbered entry, Super IV is non-canonical? It just counts as a re-telling over for first game? That's a downer, I love it, diagonal whip and all.
If anything Portrait is unddrrated 🖼 amazing soundtrack presentation and mechanicsUnderrated? It's one of the most beloved Castlevania games ever (and deservedly so).
Great OP, I agree with most of your assessments. If you haven't yet, please play Yoko / Julius / Arikado mode in Dawn of Sorrow, to me it's even better than the base game!
Play Rob then Sotn then AOS , will be good if you played any of the old Castlevania before handWhich of the Canons have the best story?
It's a goddamn pity we will never get the final battle of 1999 with Julius Belmont slaying Dracula for good. Then again even if IGA was with Konami he would have held off making it because he knew he could not make it grand.
Simon's Quest is unfairly maligned! I've played through it a few times now and while it is assuredly improved in the *REDACTED* version it is still eminently playable in its original incarnation.
No! The only way to legally play Bloodlines is to own the original cartridge and a Genesis which is ridiculous. This game needs a port more than any other in the franchise.Is Castlevania Bloodlines available on any service, virtual console, PSN, Live, Steam or anything?
I just started Aria on an emulator and my DS4. It's a bit dated for a large screen but it works. xBRZ does its best to make it look good though.
Where should I go after Aria GAF?
Dawn is a direct sequel, so if you want more, go into it next.
That 1999 A.D game is never gonna happen is it?
You left out The Adventure Rebirth, BTW, which replaces the original Adventure.
I think the fanbase considers it, at the least, the best of the Igavanias (not counting SOTN because, 1- it's a classic, and 2- it wasn't made by Iga completely.
Nice to see OoE get recognized by everyone. I feel like people were fatigued of Igavania when it came out and there is a few very loud Iga haters on this site that kind of ruined the threads back in the day. I need to track down a DSi XL so I can play it in its native res again.
I think the fanbase considers it, at the least, the best of the Igavanias (not counting SOTN because, 1- it's a classic, and 2- it wasn't made by Iga completely.
Nice to see OoE get recognized by everyone. I feel like people were fatigued of Igavania when it came out and there is a few very loud Iga haters on this site that kind of ruined the threads back in the day. I need to track down a DSi XL so I can play it in its native res again.
Source?Iga was the one who made it into a Metroidvania when he came on board, setting the main pattern for the rest of the series.
Super weird that Bloodlines doesn't seem to get any kind of re-releases anywhere. Didn't even hit Virtual Console back in the Wii days when even games like Rondo were getting a release.