Red Liquorice
SOTFS adds more sconces to The Gutter, and a reason for lighting them!
You should try to do it again when you play SOTFS!
SOTFS adds more sconces to The Gutter, and a reason for lighting them!
You should try to do it again when you play SOTFS!
Hehe, okay, it just came across as rather dismissive. Still, you're severely gimped in stamina and HP (more than in DS1 I'd say, since DS1 has RoFaP quite early on) and you have no magic. Any range options other than knives? I guess you can two-hand a light crossbow maybe?
You could use the exploding barrel skeletons too.
The only place that really sucked and was unfair and had to be cheesed with a bow was the Iron Passage. That place legit sucks. But it's one optional passage, a tiny part of Brume Tower which is otherwise amazing.
I think blue smelter demon is optional so can someone tell me how far from fume knight am I. I'm tempted to at least fight him before dropping the game for good.
Withing the same zone as BSD or do I take a different path?Not far at all. he should be further down.
Yep yep always agree there. I'm utterly convinced that if that interview hadn't happened, if they had pretended Miyazaki were still directing, people would not have coloured all the discussions with negativity the way they have.
Goddamn, respect. Don't think I could do that. I did in DS1, since pyromancers are actually quite powerful, but isn't a level 1 in DS2 like, 6 str and 6 dex and can only use daggers or fists? xD Nope nope nope
The point of my post was to say that a SL1 run is not much harder than a normal playthrough, not that I'm a skilled player. The mace is a very strong weapon. If you couldn't use it the run would be significantly harder.
Comparing graphics between a last-gen game and a new-gen one. Uhhh.... dude
It's definitely a lot harder, especially in the later half. You can't use a shield (which makes some fights like Throne Defender and Watcher very challenging), you have like a third of the usual invincibility frames on a roll (which means you actually can't dodge through some slow attacks because you're not invincible long enough), you don't have much health so late game enemies can kill you in one hit. And yes you can stack on armour but it will reduce the length of your rolls so it's not like there's no tradeoff.
In fact it's by far harder than a Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 1 SL1 playthrough. In those games an SL1 playthrough is quite similar to a normal playthrough except you have access to less equipment, you do less damage and you have less health. But you can still play the exact same way. Bloodborne's first half as lvl4 is also fairly similar, but towards the end it becomes as hard or harder than DS2 because everything starts killing you in 1 hit.
Withing the same zone as BSD or do I take a different path?
Alright, you've convinced me. I'll give it another try. Did you do the DLC as well?
Fume Knight is one of the all time greatest boss fights; it is very difficult but very clever. If you're that far in you're close.
Never played Demons/Dark Souls for more than 10 minutes each but I am so hopelessly addicted to Bloodborne to the point where I keep playing it for so many hours after platinuming it, and to the point where I got excited about Dark Souls 3 since it's the same director of Bloodborne.
I kinda interested in playing Dark Souls 1 (through PS3) and 2 (through Scholar) now just to catch up with 3 so I can understand the lore and the world better but I wonder if I will burn myself out playing all the Souls game like that after so many hours playing Bloodborne, hahah.
It seems incredibly daunting, tbh. Hopefully if in the end I decided not to pursue this, DS3 can be understood/appreciated fully even if I have no experience playing the previous games.
Man some time spent with DS2 is making me realize how lenient dodging is in Bloodborne. I was able to get real sloppy with my timing in BB but I'm getting hit when I'm not concentrating in DS2. Gotta get back into that rhythm.
Never played Demons/Dark Souls for more than 10 minutes each but I am so hopelessly addicted to Bloodborne to the point where I keep playing it for so many hours after platinuming it, and to the point where I got excited about Dark Souls 3 since it's the same director of Bloodborne.
I kinda interested in playing Dark Souls 1 (through PS3) and 2 (through Scholar) now just to catch up with 3 so I can understand the lore and the world better but I wonder if I will burn myself out playing all the Souls game like that after so many hours playing Bloodborne, hahah.
It seems incredibly daunting, tbh. Hopefully if in the end I decided not to pursue this, DS3 can be understood/appreciated fully even if I have no experience playing the previous games.
Depending on how much do you like the games. I would say 70% of my gaming time this year has been split between Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2, an I'm not burnt at all.
Dark Souls 2 is a story about losing history in as much as it's losing yourself. When I got the pharis cap for the first time and it had a completely different legend attached to it, that keyed me in on what they might be doing with the lore.
With so much of the past completely lost after the chosen undead linked the flame (if they didn't pick the dark lord ending) no records of the past were kept, and the legacy of the world faded into soot as every succeeding kingdom did. Lordran's importance was lost on the world as time passed on and undead kept feeding the flame. We never really know for sure what the throne amounts to, or even if it has any tie to the actual first flame or not. The game's initial concepts were flimsy, but what they did to it with dlc's and updates later helped fix it's place in the story, and DS3 may be doing something interesting with a world where the flame is not allowed to go out.
The Dark Lord ending cannot lead into DS2 because the flame extinguishes, but the "eternal" twilight that is observed of the flame may just be the remains of "chosen undeads" and "monarchs" constantly being filtered into the flame one "cycle" after another, barely keeping it going as long as possible. To clarify, the cycle is not a magical state of the world, but a result of the actions of manipulators and the nature of the first flame being fed new souls for as long as possible.
Currently we don't know for sure if DS3 is going to pick up after a specific ending in DS2, or even if it will logically follow all 3 worldstats (Link the Fire -> Ascend the Throne, Link the Fire -> Abandon the Throne, The Dark Lord) Though the latter 2 could be said to both lead to a world of dark encompassing all light. I'm very interesting to see what they do with it, as they're explicitly throwing in the giant lord and ivory crown into trailers, so they have to exist after some state of DS2....???
But yeah. DS2 is cool. The individual stories are interesting and people oversold the "influence" of past lordsouls, or trying to match every single location to somewhere from DS1. The short answer is that possibly none of it is, and that Dranglaec is across the sea from Lordran, with the Lord Vessel possibly being stolen from Lordran by some past inhabitants of Majula, long before any of the events of DS2 lore. (Additionally, I believe the influence of DS1 lordsouls is more of a curse of possession, driven to actions and knowledge associated with the nature of the souls.
Lore rant for funsies:
The Lost Sinner possibly having created the old chaos that elleum loyce was built on, and being turned into a chaos bug and burrowing into the head of the prisoner kept in sinner's rise.
Additionally, the thing the old iron king met beneath his iron keep was a ruler of smelter demons (blue smelter is the artificial demon, red is the one that lept from below) his soul was taken by those that lurk below and he became the vessel to breed ichorus earth. It is likely that his lord soul is what gave him drive to become great and power to gain a great soul as he built his kingdom. Additionally, old iron king looks like a big molten smelter demon with a body.
I wouldn't say Duke's Dear Freja is a reincarnation of seath, but rather is colored by the soul it covets. The specific lore of najka and tark actually imply that they come from Tseldora, and the brightstone of Tseldora was likely created by the Ancient Dragon in times long past, with the soul giving freja a desire for soul magic, and affinity for immortal dragons in general. (Freja has a past prior to acquiring the lord soul, as a pet spider, and it grew in size from consuming souls)
Rotten may be Pharros, but the greater implication is that the gutter is also populated by remnants of shulva, The Rotten may actually be The Sunken King himself, as you never find his body, and the wretched rotten look good sitting next to Elana.
And then the actual stories of the 4 kings are all individually interesting tales of kingdoms falling to one tragedy or another. It's a cool game . Not a sheer work of art like DS1, but an interesting and good game in its own right, and one that gets thrown under the bus primarily by shoddy lore videos of the shoddy plot of the unpatched game. The ultimate result of the stories is much more interesting than what we had at launch, and I kind of wish we'd all had that more coherent and interesting story from the getgo. DS3 will likely do more to make people appreciate SotFS's story moreso.
I chickened out haha. I found the DLCs challenging with a lvl 120 character so I wasn't really feeling up to doing the same thing with a character that's way weaker. I can see Sir Alonne being very fun and tense to fight (although, the lack of invincibility frames on dodges might be fairly annoying considering you need to dodge a lot in that fight) but the other bosses would probably be quite frustrating considering how much damage they do and how much health they have. I'm sure it's feasible but it probably boils down to how long you're willing to hit your head against a wall until it breaks![]()
It is always good to keep your expectations in check. Dark Souls 2 was not a bad game just in my opinion not as goog as Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne.
Lack of atmosphere, real secrets (not that Bloodborne had many) and level designs were my biggest issues with the game. Making it for me worst game in the series.
At the very least, I can say the Pursuer's sword-based grab seems to be fixed. Haven't been accidentally caught by it in SotFS. Scholar seems like a much more complete game. Placement and difficulty just seems more thoughtful overall.^ No, dude, didn't you get the memo, DS2 has no lore and no story because reasons! xD
Me too, me too!
This stuff is effectively the wall chicken of the game. I like secrets but I think they expect people to use the internet nowadays and that's why these "secrets" are often so obfuscated.Bloodborne only appeared to not have secrets because of the internet age. If it wasn't for the internet, I would have never found Castle Cainhurst, an entire hidden area.
Guys, I have DS2: SotFS on PS4 but haven't been able to play the three Crowns expansions yet, that were originally DLC. Most people say they were really good and the best parts of DS2.
Do you guys feel Dark Souls III will get DLC that's equally good? I'm assuming DS3 will have DLC in the first place, maybe late 2016.
There are 3 'portals' that take you to DLC areas:
Sunken King DLCOld Iron King DLC(After beating the Rotten)Ivory King DLC(After beating the Old Iron King)(Shrine of Winter on route to Drangelic Castle)
There is an item located in the main game to unlock the main door in each one also IIRC.
I'm currently playing Crown of the Ivory King, and I was wondering ifAlso, man I'm bad. I think I've played the game 116 hours and still haven't beaten the game and it's my first playthrough.the enemies in Frigid Outskirts stop spawning after have killed them a couple of times? I think the first horse didn't show up the last two times I tried getting to the boss
The DLC is great, and adds 20 hours of gameplay at least!
That area sucks, but IIRC the horses only spawn a set number of times and then stop spawning. You could even just go around the area for a couple hours, while killing horses over and over, and de-spawn them all in a single run.
I think Dark Souls 2 is a better Action RPG, but Dark Souls 1 is more immersive and memorable. It's weird cause, overall, I like Dark Souls 1 more, but if I had to play one of them forever, I would have to choose Dark Souls 2.
I played Demon Souls and loved it, then played Bloodborne and loved it more
Then I tried an DS2 SOTFS and... can't get into it. Game feels more obtuse the BB, like a big step back (level) design and gameplay wise.
I beat the big giant, then in another area some boss fell into the water and died (lol glitch) and that's it.
Kind of has me not wanting to get DS3.