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LTTP: Dark Souls II. What the hell is this?


DS 2 is bottom barrel of the souls series. Only souls game I didn't plat, in fact I didn't even beat it, it was bad. I'm not even going to buy DS3 day one because of it till I hear otherwise.


You should have played until Ruin Sentinels, ...
I completed the game 1 time, never killed the cheap dragon.

This game has ups and downs, but not as great as all their other games.


Second best Souls game after Demon's
The real hyperbole starts here!

Don't you know man? If a game doesn't live up to the prequel but is still a competent and well designed game it's actually, in fact, a horrible game......

Regardless of how you feel about the game, I disagree completely with the animations being "cringe worthy",(seriously what the fuck man, you wanna quantify that a bit more?), as they're literally just as high quality as they were in Dark and Demon's and several of them are actually more impressive. The online integration was fantastic, but the world design took a hit for sure. The stats are actually more balanced and there is more class and build variability than any of the other games. Granted I've only played Scholar of the First Sin, so I can't speak on Dark Souls 2, but so far I think it's damn good. If I had a complaint it's that the enemy design isn't as varied as it is for literally any of the other Souls/borne games, but I don't really consider that a big deal overall. It's not as good as Demon's, but it's an incredible game.


I don't disagree with anything you said OP, and you haven't seen the worst of the hitboxes yet. However there are some areas and bosses that are a cut above the rest. One boss in particular is one of the best in the series in my opinion. But, there's a lot more bullshit too.

Every time I read someone say, "you have to put 20 points into Adaptability before the game is good." It actually means, "I have to put 20 points into Adaptability to have fun because I am not very good at this game. "

You get i frames at base adaptability. There are less, which means that you have to time your roll more precisely. Everything can still be dodged. The game isn't sloppier, it's just not allowing you to be as sloppy.

Additionally, while the break point for fat roll is at 70% weight, your actual roll distance scales linearly inversely with weight. As such, with low weight, you character will roll further, allowing for less frames that could potentially intersect with an enemy's attack. So the potential variance on enemy attack dodging is more complex.

For instance, a heavy character with high adaptability could necessitate a more precise roll than a light character with low adaptability; if the enemy swings slow, the fat character could intersect for 7 frames, the light character for only 2 frames. In those circumstances, the fat character with 10 i frames would have to time their roll much more precisely than the light one with 6 i frames.

There are thousands of people who have SL1 beat DS2. Learn to roll.

Fuck your get good attitude. I did beat it SL1, in Company of Champions too, and without any kind of cheesy throwables or DLC stat boosting items. Can I say adaptability sucks now? You need the iframes more in this game than the others because the hitboxes are shit, and because enemy attacks track you to an insane degree. You know the black phantom outside Executioner's Chariot? I've started rolling past that guy as he initiated a jump attack, and he I SHIT YOU NOT turned almost 180 degrees in MIDAIR to track me. Dodge that. (He wasn't making a u-turn, he wasn't moving as hit hitbox was rubbing up against me for the entire jump).


Old hunters worse of after having the masterfully designed Research hall, shit ton of weapons better than anything in DS2 DLC and having three of the greatest bosses in Ludwig, Orphan and Maria? Yeah no. Ludwig alone beats every single boss in DS2's dlc. It is not in the same league as Old Hunters.
The Research Hall is like what, 10 minutes short and feels like it was part of Lecture Building. And come on, Old Hunters bosses were awesome but Fume Knight, Ser Allone and Ivory King are some of the most memorable as well.


Maxis Redwood
The real hyperbole starts here!

Hah, well played.

If someone tells me they love Bloodborne and hate DS2, it's a really quick way to tell their opinion of the Souls series doesn't align with mine in any way shape or form. DS2 is sublime - just a hair behind DS1, and a hair ahead of Demons for me.


Hah, well played.

If someone tells me they love Bloodborne and hate DS2, it's a really quick way to tell their opinion of the Souls series doesn't align with mine in any way shape or form. DS2 is sublime - just a hair behind DS1, and a hair ahead of Demons for me.



Really? I don't think you know what shit posting is.

I don't think you know what contributing to a thread is if you believe that dropping in here and typing some periods then hitting submit is somehow worthwhile. Grow up man. Contribute or don't, but don't be rude.


Can't take anyone seriously that thinks DS2 is better than Demon's.

That's ok, we can't take you guys seriously either :p


But seriously, it's down to taste, to me it's better than des because for one I don't have to grind if I want to upgrade, while in Des upgrading is a literal chore, which SEVERLY impacted my enjoyment.
Let's begin with the controls. What the hell? No really, what the hell is this? Why is the character moving like he's shitting on his pants? Why is every single animation worse than anything seen in previous games and cringeworthy for the most part? Why does the combat feel so clunky? Did they think it was a good idea to make the character move faster and sprint being instant but every goddamn swipe of any weapon have the recovery time of the fucking Logarius Wheel R2? Seriously, why I can't quickly roll away after attacking? What is this bullshit mechanic? Not every weapon needs such an enormous punish window. So I guess because I turn into a stone figure with every single attack I make, I am supposed to just wait for the one attack of the enemy that doesn't have a quick follow up that can fuck me after I attack? Because most enemies have inconsistent hit reaction so you can't know if your attack is gonna stop theirs or not.
I say it every thread but every criticism of DS2 comes second to this. This is what ruined DS2, and it was deservedly at the top of your list.


Point me to where I was rude?

You don't think it's rude to just type a couple periods and submit that shit? Rudeness goes beyond insults my man. You're purposely being dismissive and unproductive while adding nothing to the conversation. Say you disagree. Say why. Say that he's crazy. Give a reason. Say your underwear's too tight. Just say something man. Shit dude. Much love, I have no problem with you, but I can't stand that kind of drive by shit ya know? Just saying.


I still can't convince myself to finish DS2. I need to do it before 3, but that's my only motivation. It simply has none of the draw that 1 had. And that's without eve thinking of the control/combat changes.


If you're still at No Man's Wharf, you haven't seen nothing yet.

Anyone remember Brightstone Cove Tseldora? Me neither.

Or Drangleic Castle, that area sure was exciting. I love sprinting through a literal corridor of enemies every time I died to the boss.

Or Iron Keep, the lava level floating in the sky.

Or Black Gulch, another boss corridor with poisonous puddles.


Probably my favorite Souls game. Most criticism aimed at DS2 can be found in all of the Souls games really. World's not connected, elevator to Bowser's Castle makes no sense and yadda yadda lore nonsense, sure. Things like enemy hordes or bad hitboxes are in all of them. The lower iframes on rolls when starting out just make them more obvious. Watched my nephew play Bloodborne today, getting hit with nothing by Defiled Watchdog, Bloodletting Beast and some other bosses.


You don't think it's rude to just type a couple periods and submit that shit? Rudeness goes beyond insults my man. You're purposely being dismissive and unproductive while adding nothing to the conversation. Say you disagree. Say why. Say that he's crazy. Give a reason. Say your underwear's too tight. Just say something man. Shit dude. Much love, I have no problem with you, but I can't stand that kind of drive by shit ya know? Just saying.

I can understand why it was perceived that way. Wasn't what I intend to convey, admittedly horribly as I don't post much. Anyway I don't want to squabble in a post. I think you might have taken it as ill itent.


I can understand why it was perceived that way. Wasn't what I intend to convey, admittedly horribly as I don't post much. Anyway I don't want to squabble in a post. I think you might have taken it as ill itent.

Alright then, actually sorry for my misconception. It was my bad :)
I also came to Dark Souls II after Bloodborne. My initial reaction was akin to yours OP.

My adivce? Stick with it. It's never as good as the other three souls games but it's a TON better than what you've seen so far.

The problem is adaptability. Until you get this up to 20 the game plays like shit. A huge flaw, but it is what it is.

The level designs are pretty poor, and the visuals shocking, but there are some in there that make the trip worthwhile, trust me. At least make it to No Man's Wharf and if you aren't feeling it there then maybe drop it.

I've noticed a lot of this too. If you play Bloodborne and then just go straight into Dark Souls 2, you're probably not going to like Dark Souls 2.
I've talked about my dislike for DsK2 in the past so I'll be quick here. SimpIy, I didn't like it either. The combat, controls, level design and boss fights (that I saw, which wasn't too many, to be honest) all felt off to me. The game didn't feel right after Dark Souls (1), a game that I loved dearly, poured 300+ hours into over 5 characters and saw everything.

With DkS2, I gave up soon after reaching The Last Bastile, which I know isn't very far, but it was 10+ hours for me which is enough to know if you want to invest further. I came away thinking that I was playing a different game to everyone else. So yeah, wasn't a fan.

I am interested in Dark Souls 3, but I'll be waiting a while to read up on what people think before jumping in Day 1.


I found Adaptability at 14 to be just fine for my dodging purposes. It took me a while to adjust to the new tracking enemies vs. Dark Souls (and some are still bullshit and I will only fight them at range, like Heide Knights), but I'm about 2/3 the way through the game now and I'm quite enjoying it.


I've noticed a lot of this too. If you play Bloodborne and then just go straight into Dark Souls 2, you're probably not going to like Dark Souls 2.

I played the hell out of Bloodborne before Dark Souls 2 and I'm loving it. It's not as good as Bloodborne, but it's a damn good game.
This idea of From Software being split into two is idiotic. Bloodborne was made by Japan Studios lead by some key FromSoftware guys, while everyone else at FromSoftware was working on Dark Souls 2 and later 3. I think we'll even find that Bloodborne is using the same engine as The Last Guardian, which FromSoftware gets to use in Dark Souls III as part of their deal.

It's wrong. All of it.

FromSoft not making or owning the engine?
Japan Studio developing BB with minimal assistance?
The Last Guardian using the BB engine?

I would ask you where all this conjecture springs from.


When i first started criticizing the animations in DS2 people called me crazy. Me and a couple of others posted gifs side by side with DS1 gifs to show the downgrade in the animation department and people still refused to see it. Some even said that the animations in DS2 were superior to those of DS1 or Demon's. That was near DS2 release and seriously it was as if GAF was infested by Namco's marketing people disguised as GAF members defending the shitty animations.They also really fucked up the parry/riposte mechanic.

With that said i ended up really liking DS2 for what it was.Especially the PvP.In that department the game was so much fun to play,experimenting with so many different weapon movesets and playing Fashion Souls with the biggest variety of armor we've seen so far in the series.Also God i loved so much the animation cancels in PvP, which offered an extra layer of immersion and quality in PvP combat.This is something i really miss in other Souls games and in Bloodborne (and unfortunatelly i'll also miss in DS3.)However although the PvP in general was so much fun they still found a way to fuck it up with the stupid Soul Memory system.Still i must say that i enjoyed PvP much more than i did in other Souls games or Bloodborne.

To be fair SOTFS fixed many of the issues the original game had (although again they found something to fuck up and that was weapon durability) and IMO DS2 SOTFS stands side by side with the other 2 Souls games (mostly thanks to PvP) but is definitely a few steps below them.


I don't disagree with anything you said OP, and you haven't seen the worst of the hitboxes yet. However there are some areas and bosses that are a cut above the rest. One boss in particular is one of the best in the series in my opinion. But, there's a lot more bullshit too.

Fuck your get good attitude. I did beat it SL1, in Company of Champions too, and without any kind of cheesy throwables or DLC stat boosting items. Can I say adaptability sucks now? You need the iframes more in this game than the others because the hitboxes are shit, and because enemy attacks track you to an insane degree. You know the black phantom outside Executioner's Chariot? I've started rolling past that guy as he initiated a jump attack, and he I SHIT YOU NOT turned almost 180 degrees in MIDAIR to track me. Dodge that. (He wasn't making a u-turn, he wasn't moving as hit hitbox was rubbing up against me for the entire jump).

The same thing happens in Dark Souls 1


No Man's Wharf is ridiculous but the game gets better after that. It's probably the cheapest part of the game. Later on, you'll have to kill a gigantic dragon that has massive health and kills you in one hit (it also kind of messes up the camera).


You haven't even seen the worst yet, OP. Not even close. No Man's Wharf is a level design masterpiece compared to some later levels like Tseldora or Earthen Peak.

DS2 has some unique strenghts but overall it's by far the worst Souls-game. It misses the mark on so many aspects that are essential to these games.

To be fair SOTFS fixed many of the issues the original game had (although again they found something to fuck up and that was weapon durability) and IMO DS2 SOTFS stands side by side with the other 2 Souls games (mostly thanks to PvP) but is definitely a few steps below them.
I'm currently playing SOTFS for the first time because I haven't seen the DLC yet and while they improved some aspects, they fucked up others (besides weapon durability). I really like what they did with the Dragon Shrine but levels that were fine before, such as Iron Keep and Heide's, are garbage tier now with the new enemy placement. And WTF is up with the constant NPC invaders everywhere?

That said, I just finished the main game and diving into the DLC now for the first time. I'm somewhat used again to the lackluster mechanics of DS2 amd I'm a bit excited to see new Souls-content.

This idea of From Software being split into two is idiotic. Bloodborne was made by Japan Studios lead by some key FromSoftware guys, while everyone else at FromSoftware was working on Dark Souls 2 and later 3. I think we'll even find that Bloodborne is using the same engine as The Last Guardian, which FromSoftware gets to use in Dark Souls III as part of their deal.
Uhm, how about "no"?


I played the hell out of Bloodborne before Dark Souls 2 and I'm loving it. It's not as good as Bloodborne, but it's a damn good game.

This was me exactly a few months ago.

Dark Souls 2 felt pretty clunky after Bloodborne, and I wasn't too keen on some of the animations, but anyone describing it as a "bad" game is chatting it.
It was proper solid and a lot of fun.
I was LTTP and just finished it the other day (still need to do the DLC areas though).

I can't say I noticed weapons feeling off, but I did notice the extreme lag when picking up items and the like, getting your ADP up to 20-30 gets your roll and estus drinking times to a normal level though, which I had by like 2-3 bosses in.

The bosses though, my god. I one shot around 75% of them, just utter trash design with no creativity put into them. Most are just larger humanoid enemies that basically have the same movesets as trash fodder.
And yeah, the enemy design is way too full of just waves of enemies coming at you, and it just isn't fun.

And the world isn't connected, at all. You pretty much just choose a path from Majula and it's a clear straight progression from zone to zone, and there aren't any shortcuts to find around the world.

I still had fun with the game because the formula is just so good, but it isn't near the masterpiece the other games are.


OP is apparently useless without the overpowered insta-dodge from BB. Gotta time those i frames now, son. Can't just skip around like a dandy in a ballroom.

And the wharf is hard? That's a valid complaint now? That's how low these threads have sunk. The non-expansion content from DS2 is fucking stupidly easy with the possible exception of the Darklurker as a melee build.


( ≖‿≖)
We're going to keep getting "DS2 has dumb problems" threads as DS2 has dumb problems.

Any complaining is better spent getting down on your knees to The Old One that DS3 didn't inherit those dumb problems like I am.

Enjoy your literal monthly "LTTP Dark Souls 3: [opinion]" threads.


If you're still at No Man's Wharf, you haven't seen nothing yet.

Anyone remember Brightstone Cove Tseldora? Me neither.

Or Drangleic Castle, that area sure was exciting. I love sprinting through a literal corridor of enemies every time I died to the boss.

Or Iron Keep, the lava level floating in the sky.

Or Black Gulch, another boss corridor with poisonous puddles.
I died enough times in the first part of IK to make everything stop spawning before I killed that stupid boss. I died far more to them than to the boss itself. It's a thoroughly annoying place that highlights how horrendous enemy placement in DS2:SotFS. Black Gulch made me wonder how people were paid do to something that bad. Yet, I made pass them eventually.

Then I get to DS1. I only made past Catacombs because I stumbled upon someone's tip about bringing a divine weapon (that I had to go find; first what it meant, and then where one could be find), otherwise I'd have immortal skeletons chasing me to this day. Later on and find myself between Tomb of the Giants, pitch black with enemies designed to either smash you in two hits or knock you back and skeleton dogs just because, and New Fucking Londo, with no bonfire and ghosts literally coming out of the walls.

And apparently I'm yet to find the worst zones? Just thinking about it makes me not want to go back to it.
Then I get to DS1. I only made past Catacombs because I stumbled upon someone's tip about bringing a divine weapon (that I had to go find; first what it meant, and then where one could be find), otherwise I'd have immortal skeletons chasing me to this day. Later on and find myself between Tomb of the Giants, pitch black with enemies designed to either smash you in two hits or knock you back and skeleton dogs just because, and New Fucking Londo, with no bonfire and ghosts literally coming out of the walls.

And apparently I'm yet to find the worst zones? Just thinking about it makes me not want to go back to it.

The necromancer enemies in the catacombs resurrect the skeletons, and once you've killed one it never respawns. Basically you have to make a mad dash from necromancer to necromancer, it's a really well designed area.

Bloodborne even reused the idea.

And you can carry a lantern for Tomb of the Giants :p

New Londo ghosts were pretty annoying though, I'll give you that.

Or Drangleic Castle, that area sure was exciting. I love sprinting through a literal corridor of enemies every time I died to the boss.

What do you mean? Both of the bosses there were complete pushovers that I one shot :p
Which was terrible, seeing progression wise they were basically equivalents to O&S.

Or Iron Keep, the lava level floating in the sky.

I loved this.

*at top of a building*

*take elevator up*


Didn`t finish first Dark Soul or second one, but i got very far in first one. Second one is even more difficult for me. Making game more difficult does not make it necessary better in my opinion. Especially if it is made more difficult in the way that DS2 does.

One day i will finish all souls games though, one day...


thanks for this op. everything sounds awful. now I can stop looking at this game contemplating whether i should get it.

It's not awful at all. From someone who has put well over 100 hours into all souls games it's no where near as bad as op says. The only bad thing about it os the far too many number of humanoid bosses.


The hyperbole when it comes to Dark Souls 2 is fascinating.

I can understand people who like it less then the rest of the Souls game. But calling it a straight out bad game seems so strange since they are all so similar.


I recently replayed both games in preparation for DS3. It reaffirmed my belief that DS2>DS1. DS1 is an excellent game, it starts so great, the world is interconnected everything just clicks but then you beat Ornstein and Smough and the quality drops. Gone are the interconnected areas, gone are the cool areas aswell. Instead you go to boring and frustrating areas like the area before the bed of chaos, to fight frustrating enemies until the game ends. It is so obvious that Miyazaki and From run out of time or money at the end and attempted to finish their design ideas as good as they could.

On the other hand DS2 doesn't have the starting quality of DS1 but it maintains it's quality throught the huge game. It never drops on quality, can't think of an area where I felt bored. And at the end the vastly improved DLC with art direction through the roof and interesting bosses like sihn the dragon, fume knight and the ivory king. The DS1 dlc was also good but having replayed it recently it simply isn't as good as the DS2 ones. The bosses are very good yeah but the areas nah not so much. The first area of the dlc is just a big forest with no paths or anything just a piece of land with enemies inside.

In conclusion if DS1 ended in anor londo then it would be DS1>DS2. But this is a marathon and not a sprint so DS2>DS1 in my opinion at least.

Oh and I don't agree with the OP especially on no man's wharf being bad. That is one the best areas of the game especially on SOTFS with all the torches you need to light, the stalking enemies and monsters in the dark, the ghost ship, the many secrets it holds, the difficulty with only one bonefire. How can someone hate this area is beyond me.


( ≖‿≖)
The hyperbole when it comes to Dark Souls 2 is fascinating.

I can understand people who like it less then the rest of the Souls game. But calling it a straight out bad game seems so strange since they are all so similar.

Constant LTTP threads have to differentiate themselves from the previous hundred, so the views have to keep getting more extreme.
Bosses are a joke too, I always expected the real boss to show up but it never did, it get better near the ending though.
Level design is pure shite, world is badly thought out.
Mobs should compete in the winter olympics skating disciplines. Still an enjoyable game but quite a mess indeed.

Lux R7

Play the game OP, it's the best game of 2014.
I know it has flaws, many flaws, but there is a huge amount of content.

However, my main problem with the game is character movement. I mean, i'm not talking about rolling, i'm talking about walking, running and direction changes. It feels just off with a big imput delay.
The same game with DS1 controls and movement would have been far more amazing imho..
I convinced myself it was great at first, but now I really don't like DS2. It's an ugly game, and is nowhere near as good as Dark Souls, or Demon's. So much thought went into the original in terms of level design and enemy placement. DS2 feels so basic and cheap by comparison. Like OP says, it's really only the strength of the mechanics it inherited from Dark Souls that make it worth playing.


I think most of us agree that ds2 is probably the weakest entry in the souls series including demons and bb.

But it's still a very cool game and way better than most. I really liked the PvP in this game and spent many an hour hosting or taking part in fight clubs, or going around invading people. During the fight clubs you would see many different builds which is really cool as it must of been a proper pain to balance this game.

So yeah a 8/10 for me.
I love sprinting through a literal corridor of enemies every time I died to the boss.
That sounds like the Souls series in a nutshell, though Dark Souls 2 broke that trend a lot--drawing the ire of those who thought that that made the game too easy--and had bonfires that were right by some bosses.
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