I don't know if you're the only one, but it's the first time I read this opinion.
Seems like I really am, no one else has said anything! DeS was the same way with the hub and I loved that as well. Ah well!
I don't know if you're the only one, but it's the first time I read this opinion.
I'm more comparing it to the other two games. But those enemies in Bloodborne you bring up don't always attack you right away a d they don't have many variations. If that were DS2 every enemy on one floor would chase you and attack you at the same time. Not to mention Bloodborne is just faster and more responsive so it isn't necessarily unbalanced if you're fighting multiple enemies.
No Man's Wharf is one of my favorite areas in the game because it's feels quite different than any area in Dark Souls 1 (whereas a lot of other areas in DS2 just feel like copies) and has a strong sense of place that many of the DS2 areas lack. Yeah, it's pretty cheap at times, but that's a general failing of the game as a whole.
But it's like every step you take. How the levels are designed with tiny corridors. Like space it out a bit instead of jamming as many enemies into the tiniest spaces.No they wouldn't unless you rush in.
For the record, my favourite areas of the series are, in no particular order: Painted World, Blighttown, Sen's Fortress, New Londo, Oolacile Township, 3-1, 5-2 (yes lol), 1-1, 1-3, 4-2, No Man's Wharf, Lost Bastille, Shulva, Brume Tower, Frozen Eleum Loyce, Iron Keep, Old Yharnam, Central Yharnam, Nightmare Frontier, Fishing Hamlet.
I bought it last week and played about an hour. I want to get into it, but I just can't do it for the life of me. I don't know if it's a bad build or what, but I broke all my weapons on walls, can't find new ones, and progression just feels more frustrating than rewarding like in DS1. I want to push through though because I've heard great things about the 3 DLCs. I may start with a new build tomorrow.
I feel absolutely confident in this statement:
Dark Souls II is the MGS4 of the Souls franchise.
This idea of From Software being split into two is idiotic. Bloodborne was made by Japan Studios lead by some key FromSoftware guys, while everyone else at FromSoftware was working on Dark Souls 2 and later 3. I think we'll even find that Bloodborne is using the same engine as The Last Guardian, which FromSoftware gets to use in Dark Souls III as part of their deal."B TEAM"
Haha I knooow I was like, hey, Frozen Eleum Loyce did it, why can't next-gen game? xDThe biggest crime committed by Cainhurst is the fact you don'l leave footprints in the snow. It makes me sad![]()
Yeah never had any major issues like that either. If anything I'd get swarmed far more easily in BB. Especially chalice dungeons with those swarms of red spiders, or hordes of eleventy rats. >_<No they wouldn't unless you rush in.
Hah, if you mean the Iron Passage, I didn't count it in Brume Tower really. Nor did I count Frigid Outskirts as part of Frozen Eleum Loyce. That said, I kind of learned to like Frigid Outskirts if I have a very specific build for it (something that stunlocks the horses really, red iron twinblade FTW) in a way, but yeah it's annoying in most cases and not my favourite by any means.*High five*
Yup. Blighttown, Valley of Defilement and Nightmare Frontier are the best. No Man's Wharf is by far the best early game area in Dark 2. Rest of that list is super solid as well.
(Though I do have some serious reservations about certain parts of the Iron Crown dlc, gauntlets I find downright unfun unless I change my build/respec specifically for them... and then it's fun.)
I'll agree... to disagree. Dark Souls II is fantastic, especially the DLC. I wasn't a fan of it at first either, but it grew on me.
This idea of From Software being split into two is idiotic. Bloodborne was made by Japan Studios lead by some key FromSoftware guys, while everyone else at FromSoftware was working on Dark Souls 2 and later 3. I think we'll even find that Bloodborne is using the same engine as The Last Guardian, which FromSoftware gets to use in Dark Souls III as part of their deal.
Oh christ another of these threads.......really. I dont want to try to reiterate whats been discussed in like 500 other threads looking to gain ground by being purposely controversial.
Good luck and I hope you get some answers.
The real hyperbole starts here!
It will never end will it. :\
We've had multiple insiders tell us BB was made entirely by From. Japan Studios provides producers and the like, but the actual game development was all From.
Also the last part of your post...what? Youre making stuff up at this point. Unless you know something we dont?
If insiders said so, then I'm wrong, so never mind then. First I've heard of this. It's just unusual that Japan Studios is credited first. Everyone always just seems to assume that FromSoftware did everything and that they split into two with all the best guys working on Bloodborne when I don't think we know exactly how they were split.
The engine is speculation on my part, since the games look very similar in many ways. Could maybe explain how From has been able to crank out so many games in the last few years too.
This makes no sense when only MGS1 & 3 aren't devisive. 4 is in good company.I feel absolutely confident in this statement:
Dark Souls II is the MGS4 of the Souls franchise.
I feel absolutely confident in this statement:
Dark Souls II is the MGS4 of the Souls franchise.
DS II is 2x goty then. pretty fitting, because it's a good game, especially with the kickass dlc![]()
After the likes of Artorias of the Abyss and The Old Hunters, I really find it hard to believe how highly people praise the Dark Souls 2. Its almost as if it being slightly better than the main game makes it used as justification to prove the "good" qualities of Dark Souls 2. I bet if we had Dark Souls 2 DLC for Dark Souls, we would all say how its a step back and not as good as the main game.
DS2 dlc is better than Old Hunters, even more so when you consider its pricing. The 15-20 hours you get with them are up there with the best content of any of the other games.After the likes of Artorias of the Abyss and The Old Hunters, I really find it hard to believe how highly people praise the Dark Souls 2. Its almost as if it being slightly better than the main game makes it used as justification to prove the "good" qualities of Dark Souls 2. I bet if we had Dark Souls 2 DLC for Dark Souls, we would all say how its a step back and not as good as the main game.
Artorias of the Abyss had a recycled area (which people attempt to justify via the "lore", as if that excused it) and a half-baked last dungeon with boring enemies, but you never, ever, ever hear anyone say that because it's a sacred cow.After the likes of Artorias of the Abyss and The Old Hunters, I really find it hard to believe how highly people praise the Dark Souls 2. Its almost as if it being slightly better than the main game makes it used as justification to prove the "good" qualities of Dark Souls 2. I bet if we had Dark Souls 2 DLC for Dark Souls, we would all say how its a step back and not as good as the main game.
I'd say almost on par with some of those. Personally I think 3-1 > 3-2, anyway, and Cainhurst is kind of overrated. It looks cool and the boss is great, but the enemies are annoying and really not fun to fight (and other than the blood ticks they aren't even hard, just annoying), and the loot you find is underwhelming (not counting post-boss rewards like the Chikage) so exploration isn't that rewarding. Its biggest upside is the boss, and just the coolness of the secret, but as an area itself it pales compared to the Painted World, and yes I do think NMW is a far better area.
For the record, my favourite areas of the series are, in no particular order: Painted World, Blighttown, Sen's Fortress, New Londo, Oolacile Township, 3-1, 5-2 (yes lol), 1-1, 1-3, 4-2, No Man's Wharf, Lost Bastille, Shulva, Brume Tower, Frozen Eleum Loyce, Iron Keep, Old Yharnam, Central Yharnam, Nightmare Frontier, Fishing Hamlet.
DS2 dlc is better than Old Hunters, even more so when you consider its pricing. The 15-20 hours you get with them are up there with the best content of any of the other games.
DS1 gets worse in its last quarter so something like Sunken King would be great. And I bet if Demons Souls came out now people would be whining about literally everything.
The farther removed I am from having played DS2, the more I dislike it in hindsight. I used to think DS2 was a bad souls game but a great game by any other metric, but now I think I was being too charitable. I don't think I enjoyed it very much at all :/
It's like the Devil May Cry 2 of the Souls games. I tried to convince myself that that game wasn't all that bad at first either, but I was deluding myself.
Oh christ another of these threads.......really. I dont want to try to reiterate whats been discussed in like 500 other threads looking to gain ground by being purposely controversial.
Good luck and I hope you get some answers.