If you have a beefy PC go for that for max settings, MP is kinda bad and not too many people are playing regardless of version.
If you have a beefy PC go for that for max settings, MP is kinda bad and not too many people are playing regardless of version.
Ugh. So much visual clutter with the numbers.I prefer to know what type of weapon I need to use at different enemies. And how many bullets I should use. This knowledge is something Doom builds up so well throughout the campaign.
When the action kicks in, you are constantly swapping weapons, thinking of ammo, prioritizing enemies, and moving into right positions. Or else you die instantly. At later levels the BFG is pretty much essential, and ammo is scarce. So you are thinking about when the best time to use it is. Failing one shot may ruin everything.
Shadow Warrior is a decent game, but it fails to evolve the genre in the way Doom did. It is so refreshing to have Id back, and upping the game another notch.
I really like the game but I doubt it's in my top 5 of this year. I found it to be 'go into room, pull out heart thing, kill all baddies that appear, get key, move into next room, pull out heart thing...'.
I know that's what a doom game is, but it didn't really click with me as much as I hoped.
Still yet to finish it.
This does change.
Really? I found the repetitiveness only got worse as the game went on, albeit there are boss fights in the second half.
Really agree with that in particular. I wish more games had their difficulty adjusted with this mindset. I am so very tired of hiding to regen health. Then again the contrast it offers is part of the reason DOOOM resonated so well with me.
There's nothing about the end stretch that's designed in such a way where that method is the (encouraged) primary course of action, even on the highest difficulty.Only loses marks because the end gets tedious as hell since it becomes all about spamming the siege mode with the unlimited ammo rune.
You can charge it up just fine whilst jumping, so you can technically still keep moving with minimal speed loss if you choose your moments.I used the Gauss Cannon, just not in Siege mode. Forgot to type that.
Sieging up in a game like DOOM just sounded like a terrible idea, so I never even tried it.
Enemy animations are so good. Imps are one of the GOAT cannon fodder enemies.
I'm finding myself immensely bored with it, even on Ultra-Violence. Shoot, GK, shoot, GK, rinse, repeat. I'll try again later.
hi I just bought you on sale on Steam80 gigs total, last time I checked
Never heard of it.
we are peers in this.For weapons my go-to was always the Super Shotgun. Loved that thing - especially with the upgrade that allowed me to fire twice before reloading. I switched plenty of times, especially to Rocket Launcher and BFG, but jumping into a horde of demons with my trusty Super Shotgun just felt sooooooo good.
they are literal demonsseem a little too demonic
I keep hearing this, but I'm worried I won't be able to get into it because the subject matter won't interest me enough. And the creature designs just throw me off also; seem a little too demonic. And for some reason, if it isn't a jrpg of some sort, I won't come anywhere close to that sorta thing.
I only started playing this last night. Just finished mission 3 (Meltdown), and I'm pretty impressed. At this point a 2016 top 3 for me with Ratchet and Clank (like you) and Overwatch.I'm not even exaggerating when I say this game is not only my GOTY for 2016 (tied with Ratchet and Clank),
If I had to point to an individual game that most dramatically "isn't a JRPG of some sort," I am hard-pressed to do better than DOOM...I mean there's no harm in trying the game if it's cheap on sale or something. I mean if you don't mind me saying, my TLR does an ok job in summarising the main selling points of the game. If that appeals to you then go for it-- you never know, you maybe pleasantly surprised.
The enemy designs and encounters are actually pretty fun if you can look past the theme. If you want to have fun shooting stuff and not be necessarily invested into the story, then hey, go for it. The opposite also works!
I only started playing this last night. Just finished mission 3 (Meltdown), and I'm pretty impressed. At this point a 2016 top 3 for me with Ratchet and Clank (like you) and Overwatch.
If I had to point to an individual game that most dramatically "isn't a JRPG of some sort," I am hard-pressed to do better than DOOM...
If I had to point to an individual game that most dramatically "isn't a JRPG of some sort," I am hard-pressed to do better than DOOM...
i dunno, it seemed more like he came and posted to summarize his disinterest?I know the guy said that but you know....he came and posted in this thread and showed some level of interest, so I tried to set his expectations, and you never know -- he might end up liking it! You'll never know until you try it.
ooooh I see. I misread it. I thought it was "I only play JRPGs of one kind or another"I think he means he only likes games with demons in them if they're JRPGs, like SMT or something.
Fucking GOTY, nah more like GOTG.
Honestly the one game I've had so much fun playing.
My 2016 GOTY
Yeah but not enough Puzzle solving for me. I still prefer the Doom 2 in my head with its expansive Hell levels. That game was amazing. New Doom is good but its pales in comparison to its Older sibling.
To each his own. Personally I probably would get annoyed if I got stuck trying to solve some puzzle when I could instead be facing down a Baron of Hell and his horde of pals. Haven't beaten the game yet, but I like how there's just enough down time to recover from your last combat encounter before diving into the next one. I love how quickly the game gets you back into combat, which is fitting for a game with such fast traversal.
As for complaints that the game gets repetitive, I personally have a hard time calling gameplay repetitive when I enjoy it a lot. I did feel the constant onslaught of combat could get too intense and overwhelming if I played too much in one sitting, so I decided to play at a pace of 1-2 chapters a night which felt like just the right amount of Doom for a day.
To be fair DOOM II was not an experience I would ever classify as tedious or "was getting stuck in puzzles too much, I need to fight more" (I did not mind getting lost and having to really explore the environment at times), but combat is one thing that DOOM II did extremely well and was extremely fast with tons of enemies which you could not really predict where they would be... beside some more exploration, I think the only gripe some people have is the fact that you will always be triggering consciously the next big fight when you destroy the Gore Nests for example. In the old DOOM games you would be actually be surprised at finding a nasty group of enemies at times... exploration for secrets could be punishing. I would like a bit more of that back that's all.
Still, although I was totally negativene on this game before it came out and saw more single player play throughs... and got it on PS4... wow, what a game. It is definitely in my Olympus of great games. Thrilling core combat + super awesomely fitting music (I really like the pause menu even
) + level design (I was surprised at how big and intricate some levels were, mad props id).
Sure. I never played Doom II so I don't know how it worked there. To me, figuring out how to do some of the rune challenges and how to take down bosses were enough "puzzles" for me. Guess I wasn't really looking for anything more than that in this game.
Guess I wasn't really looking for anything more than that in this game.
Lol...Doing an ultra nightmare run and I fell through the world geometry... 2 hours lost lol...Dayum, first time that bug has happened to me too. Somehow managed to laugh about it.
hi I just bought you on sale on Steam
(played and loved on PS4 moons ago)