
Platform played on: PS5
Difficulty: Jedi Knight
After waiting a year and half since launch I finally picked it up for $40AUD on sale, I was able to wait that long without spoilers thankfully.
Absolutely loved the gameplay, the new stances are awesome my favourite is the blaster stance which may come as a surprise to some.
The new puzzles however are left to be desired... had to look up walkthroughs a few times as it was not very clear at times even when using the interactive map for me anyway.
A lot of re-used monsters as filler as well which was a little disappointing at the start but gets better when you unlock more stuff.
BD-1's new abilities are a lot of fun though and still remains my most favourite Star Wars buddy character.
During some of the boss fights if you are against a wall or in a small spot, the camera can really screw you over.
My game only crashed once and it was during walking on the Mantis, I had to reload the game once after getting stuck in a room.
Boss fights that have 3-4 phases with cutscenes or gameplay cutscenes you couldn't skip really pissed me off though, Darth Vade and Bode (cause I suck) took me multiple tries.
I thought the story was okay, Tanalorr being just 2 places of exploration though along with the final boss fight being Bode was kinda disappointing, unless I am missing something.
I enjoyed a lot of the new side characters you meet and all the conversations you have at the Saloon.
Music was amazing and I always appreciate the transitions going from the Mantis to the planets.
Bode being a evil Jedi all the time caught me off guard and made me appreciate the story more.
Even after waiting over a year and half the PS5 version still has its problems.
Numerous T posing in the Mantis which I didn't mind which is funny lol but performance mode is still not a solid 60 FPS on PS5 and cutscenes were extremely buggy at times.
A lot of screen tearing as well which bothered the hell outta me.
Overall enjoyed the game a lot, puzzles and boss fights were annoying at times along with the performance. Gameplay and story was great for me, hope there's a 3rd game. 8/10.
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