Not to be critical, but your last point about it being fun is the only point I didn't consider negative!
Agreed. I'm all for opinions, but that final one threw me off after a barrage of negative comments. Odd!
Not to be critical, but your last point about it being fun is the only point I didn't consider negative!
Not to be critical, but your last point about it being fun is the only point I didn't consider negative!
Pretty hard for the Professor not to speak too much - for the first couple of hours he's the only character with a speaking role!
Well I guess it's time to bail out of this thread until the PALland launch Yes that will mean no Luigi avatars from me until then unless someone makes a Year of Luigi thread for them.
My limited impression after about 1 hour and 2 missions.
-It's fun.
-The controls are responsive and effective. Gyro takes some getting used to and I'm sure some will hate it, but the buttons work just as effectively as replacements. I never really felt the lack of a second stick.
-Frame rate is a bit jumpy and does seem to vary on the size of the room. Never so low that I feel it's a problem though. It's more noticeable when everything is suddenly faster than average rather than slow-down.
-The lighting works. Some say it's bright, but dark colors don't mess well with 3D unfortunately.
-Speaking of the 3D effect, it works well, creating a 'doll house' effect.
-Anti-aliasing in 2D mode is nice, but nearly as nice as Paper Mario's and it weirdly doesn't seem to affect vertical lines.
-The reversible cover is cool, as is the Boo art on the 'manual'.
-The Prof. speaks a lot via the DS, but I assume this is mostly due to it being the start of the game.
-The first two missions took me about 27 minutes each, taking my time and searching for secrets. I like that it will record your best score.
-I get the feeling this is just the beginning and I'm going to enjoy putting Luigi through mental trauma.
What is gyro used for, looking around like in OoT? Does the 3D automatically turn off?
What is gyro used for, looking around like in OoT? Does the 3D automatically turn off?
My limited impression after about 1 hour and 2 missions.
-The first two missions took me about 27 minutes each, taking my time and searching for secrets. I like that it will record your best score.
I imagine it creates blur then? I know OoT did for me. Such an unfortunate downside of 3D. I'll probably just use the buttons. I remember (E3, I think) Nintendo showing gyro use to look up at the rafters of a room, which was a cool idea.Gyro is used:
1. To look around in first person mode when looking through windows. This works fine, in my opinion, for what it is.
2. To move the strobe/flashlight/vacuum up and down when in use, but you can use the X and B buttons to the same effect. Some people will probably prefer the buttons to the Gyro.
Personally I haven't noticed 3D turning off when using it, or the effect being reduced at all.
Yeah, the gyro doesn't turn off the 3D nor makes it less noticeable.
However, I'm using Y and B to look up and down rather than the gyro. It makes things easier to control.
Oh, and I'm on the second mansion now. It took me a while to notice a certain spot so I was stuck wandering around for like 15 mins, lol!
Sadly, you can't turn it off, it's always active even when aiming up or down with the buttons.
I read that as "mansions" and I got scared for a sec!
Weird... you sure about that? I have tried it right now again and spent a few minutes, and yet I cannot notice the difference... :/3D depth is automatically reduced when you turn the system horizontally while gyro-aiming your flashlight or vacuum. I like gyro for looking around in 1st person, but for aiming in 3rd person view it doesn't work for me. Sadly, you can't turn it off, it's always active even when aiming up or down with the buttons.
I will most likely be using the buttons, too. It wasn't bad for slingshots and arrows in OoT, but if I'm not in a first person perspective, it'd seem kinda odd to me. Plus if I"m laying down, I don't wanna do that. Glad it's an option.
Weird... you sure about that? I have tried it right now again and spent a few minutes, and yet I cannot notice the difference... :/
Any chance a couple of you JP and Spanish folks could try and get an online game going? Still wondering if the multiplayer is cross-region.
LEt me guess: no CPP support for 2 analog goodness?
Going back and looking at a few trailers from the announcement and E3 2012, the changes (for the better) in this game's environments, animations, and location of battles (based on where I am in the game so far) seems quite significant.
Yes, you are correct, there is no CPP support.
I'd say this is probably one of the only games where I can safely say CPP support would add nothing.
Aiming up or down with the X and B buttons (I think?) is perfectly fine and you don't really need to be spinning around constantly either. It also makes using the strobe a bit tenser as you can't turn while using it, forcing you to think about what you're doing.
Such a waste of a great optional control method...
And i think it would add a nice free torch control. Anyway - why not include it?
going back to button-look?..sigh
Because it's not part of the 3DS system. It's an optional add-on, as you said yourself. They designed the game around the 3DS, have by all accounts made it very pleasant to play and should be commended for that. Therefore, there was nothing to waste.
It's a good thing that some developers design the game around the system AND add some extra controller options. I'm not bitching about the game not having the extra support, but I'm just saying it could have been added.
but then you had to change the's not like camera control here, allowing second analog changes the aiming completely
I have a Japanese copy and I played with someone from Spain yesterday. ^^
the main theme is fantastic and when luigi sings it you can't do anything but smile![]()
Awesome. Nintendo seems to be stepping it up on online multiplayer.
Whateva. Even though I think it will be ugly, Luigify me!
I want to have my Megadrive Luigified. Plz.
Need my ava Luigified.
Edit: can someone luigify my avatar?
There was just a lot of attention to detail things such as luigis reactions, luigis humming, his expressions, environment interactions and the ghost gallery that you seemed very excited about when all of these things were present in the original game.
From your impressions since you've played the original are their different special ghosts that have backstory/personality and have a unique way to capture the ghost.
Gyro is better for me.
Aaaaand the drawing is gone, because my Wii U froze as soon as I clicked submit. My body is no longer ready.
gyro kills 3d though