There's a Boo in each Mission to find, but I don't recall seeing any such things. There are silhouettes for thethough.Polterpups
really? Thanks!
There's a Boo in each Mission to find, but I don't recall seeing any such things. There are silhouettes for thethough.Polterpups
Anybody else notice that clicking the D-pad during the last mission (might be the last couple of missions I'm not sure) makes Luigi say. This thread has too many pages for me to look through and check if this was already posted. Either way it made me smile. Love this game!"Marioooo" like in the original?
Do you think Nintendo will do DLC missions/mansions?
Game's hit #5 in the UK charts, pretty impressive for a platform exclusive (on a supposedly struggling platform).
Still haven't got past the second mansion myself, pacing myself with this one, and it's delightful. I don't want to rush it in the slightest.
finishing up the 2nd mansion, Those stairs, FUUUUUU.
In the beginning I loved this game, but now it seems like its just going through the motion, anyone else not get the fun they were expecting?
Overall people really like it, a few outliers, and a troll called noffles.
I may be a bit trolly about some things, but I'm genuine about Luigi's Mansion 2. Severely disappointed by it.
Game's hit #5 in the UK charts, pretty impressive for a platform exclusive (on a supposedly struggling platform).
Sorry to hear it's not your cup of tea. =(
My wallet is more sorry than you are.
Just sell the game off and see if you can get back some money for it.
What is the highest rank you can get? Three stars?
I can't do that, sadly. Games are like my babies. I could never part with them.
If that's true, you should be a good parent and learn to like the game.![]()
Bioshock Infinite is my favourite child. Luigi's Mansion 2 was a mistake.
well that explains a lot
In the UK the 3DS is practically dead.
I was entertained by your posts below in the review thread. Next time you should trust your inner voice...My wallet is more sorry than you are.
This isn't a meltdown, this is a protest. I'm refusing to buy the game on the grounds that Nintendo took 12 years of development time and came up short by giving it to an American studio with no talent.
Who's with me?
Why bother? Nintendo already desecrated Luigi by giving it to these American idiots.
What are you woahing at? Next Level fucked it up, pure and simple. Why should I even entertain the idea of removing my avatar just because the game is shit?
Fuck this thread, fuck this game, fuck Nintendo.
Seven. Out. Of. Ten.
How are you not getting this?
i knew nintendo should have developed it in house its all the americans fault
25 floor normal mode tomorrow evening around 9pm EST folks?
Dark Moon has even the advantage that in latter missions certain elements can have changed in past rooms, something that didn't happen in the first one.
What are you, a girl?
(are you? i mean that would be cool i think girls are cool)
25 floor normal mode tomorrow evening around 9pm EST folks?
Multiplayer has so many bugs though. I'm starting to dread each next floor, waiting to see which one of us will get cursed. It was me 3 times today, a different bug each time :lol:
Oh? What other bugs have people encountered?
The only one I've encountered is the Red Coins remaining on the map after collection on some player's screen. (Leaving me running around a room looking for a non-existent coin)
Well I had :
-game freezing
-game crashing and bringing me back to home menu
-a player not moving during the whole floor. At first I thought they were doing something else and let the game turned on but I had the bug today. Black screen, only the Luigi quotes and the sound playing.
-a player beginning the floor outside the map, eventually being disconnected. Also happened from my point of view today
-the usual Nintendo Network disconnecting
-once a ghost didn't appear in a room, we eventually found out it was a violet goo one glitching and almost invisible since fused with the floor.
-also once we couldn't make hidden objects fully appear and ended up losing as one probably held the key. Might have been lag, though.
I think that should cover most of it.
People reported missing keys but I have not yet experienced that one.
Only glitch I found so far was the mission music cut out once. All sound effects like doors opening and items clinking worked just fine. Actually made it even more eerie.
I had a glitch earlier where my game just completely froze and it kicked it me out to the 3DS home screen and said it was going to restart the 3DS. First time that has ever happened.
What a coincidence: I was just about to tell a friend about that one awesome piano theme from the library. I intended to search for the theme on YouTube after finishing reading my RSS feeds when I saw this in my YouTube feed: The aforementioned theme played by Martin Leung, the Video Game Pianist
Love it.
The first was so short it ended way too soon for me to really judge it. It was like a really cool demo.