i've been begging for over 5 years.
If you're on now, I can go.
stream it. i'm bored
If you're on now, I can go.
I found some footage of a game between Madden...2011? 2012? I'm uploading it to my channel now!
are you getting ROS or not
I said I needed to play d3 2.0 first to see if it catches me again
KingBrave: getting sleepy. I'll be back on later. I think around 1 pacific.
[edit]Maybe Dotes can keep me awake T_T
sorry, I was playing ROS and not paying attention.
s'aright. When is a good time for you?
Anytime, I have no life.
Let's do it now so I can nap forever!
Eznark is apparently not on Ted thompsons levelIs eznark still on AP and refusing to play because he has no wide receivers?
Smokey, would you like to play our game tonight?
I suck. I got one user sack and a pretty nice run from Johnson so that makes me happy. You still let me score!
I didn't let you score. I blew an assignment.You saw it pretty clearly and also beat the blitz.
Or you just guessed lol Either way, I fucked up not covering that space.
The sad thing is, I hit the wrong button.
Pheeniks let's play fifa
Remember when they touted that there would be no more suction grabs?
About that....:
Also, using the ground for a reception.. smh
can you imagine the butthurt if madden called PI's, late hits, helmet to helmet, catch/no catch, illegal contact, etc. like they did in the real NFL?
i wouldn't personally be butthurt but the average fan would. i wish tiburon would have a simulation mode where these things were taken into account but that is a bit unrealistic to expect
can you imagine the butthurt if madden called PI's, late hits, helmet to helmet, catch/no catch, illegal contact, etc. like they did in the real NFL?
i wouldn't personally be butthurt but the average fan would. i wish tiburon would have a simulation mode where these things were taken into account but that is a bit unrealistic to expect
You'd be butthurt if they started calling intentional grounding.
I like when GIantbomb does quicklooks of the Dynasty Warriors. Reminds me of how fucking insane bob is.
Clubs which just us two wouldnt be fun
Ok I'm back. What happened to crow? How did he let our game get simmed? Oh well I am still in it for the playoffs!
I don't know, it worked out for me either way.Crow is still in this league?
Amazing franchise. I like watching their quick looks too even though they don't even understand all the mechanics.
Crow is still in this league?
Crow will play if you track him down on DOTA but won't actively look to play
Crow will play if you track him down on DOTA but won't actively look to play
And even when he does play
He's playing DOTA at the same time
That was only when he was playing AZ