i was playing some dota and the controls were fucking horrible. my mouse was jittery and struggled to move. so i was thinking it was the batteries and put some new batteries and it does the same shit. wtf
clearly a sign that you aint about dat dota life
He is playing bots so we cant watch. We need to help him not hurt him!
Can't we do both?
lol you guys would just laugh at me, i dont know what im doing. i just buy the items that are recommended in the corner and then follow my creeps to kill other creeps and then get killed by the bots....
Did you play the tutorial?
yeah i did a long time ago and i get the concept and whatever but whenever i play i just dont get any kills. even against the computer i level up a bit and then when i go to fight, the CPU guy has some awesome skill that just rapes me to death and i aint got shit!
don't worry the game is trash it's not your fault
Pro tip: This is what happens when you join Bob's D3 game and try to help him out.
ok i think i found a guy i would like to learn.... venom or venomancer or something. he's a snake guy that spits acid. reminds me of my boy gnaw from awesomenauts!
Lol posted out of context Ferny butt hurt.
GG rinse. One of these days I will stop turning the ball over.
Yeah because you ran off on your own fighting elites without us.Out of context? Isn't that literally the first things you said?
dang, the truth comes out
dang, the truth comes out
Eh, I ain't even mad. It was more tongue in cheek comment but as soon as the elite fight was done Ferny left. I think I hurt his feelings. D:
Isn't the vance tomorrow night? What's the rush?!
Isn't the vance tomorrow night? What's the rush?!
Sometimes people do stuff on the weekends
holy fuck i suck so much at dota. so i followed this guide that CB sent me with tips and what not how you're not supposed to kill the creeps and wait for the last hit to get the money and so on and so on. so i do this and i am getting some cash and im getting some XP. i build up one of my powers to like the 3rd level and i have the other powers just on the first level. i bought some items but nothing incredible just what was recommended.
so then somehow my middle area pushes to the tower, i guess because my bot friends are helping to kill the creeps and whatever, the line was moved. so the tower is almost destroyed and of course well im going to help to destroy it, only needs like 2 more hits. so it gets destroyed, cool. now as we're moving up a bit, here come like 3 other guys from the other team.... and with what seemed like 2 shots i am dead! some guy did some electricity thing and then another guy got me with some giant ice glacier or something.
so wtf was i supposed to do? i have my guy built up ok i guess but should i have just let the creeps and my other bot friend venture up towards the next tower and not follow them? just seems like my guy is always under powered no matter who i pick or what i do! rabble!
Supports will be squishy most of the game for the most part. But its hard to say without actually seeing it. You need to get into a game with some of us (with our smurfs!) o we can guide you a bit.
What you should do is get into a team game against bots so someone can show you exactly what to do. And in that instance, you shouldn't have pushed so far. You probably had no idea where the other team was because of the fog of war and tier 2 towers hit harder than tier 1 towers.
[edit]Also, there are built in guides that tell you what to buy and what to skill. When you level up, the skill the guide wants you to level will be highlighted.