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Madden NFL '16 |OT| It's Madden Season


Yeah exactly, they still make a catch and run with the ball, but it seems like if you hold X for an RAC catch (Square on Playstation) that they'll turn their body to immediately run up the field. The risk is that you're less likely to catch the ball in a crowd with RAC.

I think it's fine, but I'm not used to it.

Right now my biggest issues with the game are with the slow down... It doesn't really effect game play during the play, but as soon as the play ends with a lot of guys tackling you'll notice some frame drops. Also the overlays especially draft champions mode overlay that flashes before a replay is running at a very low FPS... It's noticeable. Again this is kind of like extra stuff, but it does detract.

I'm not as stark as the other poster though. I'm willin to give the new playmaker controls (receiving, defense, passing) a continued chance. It took me 3 games to get used to it, but I like the new passing controls. If you hold L1 you throw a loft pass above/over the defender. High likelihood of missing the receiver, but very low likelihood of the pass being intercepted by the CB running your receivers rout better than the receiver.
Nice. Doesn't sound too bad then.


I'm getting an error that I can't connect to EA servers. Anyone else have this problem? I just installed it via the trial and am at the main menu.
i've played about 6 games against human opponents and disagree with some of the impressions in the thread.

+ I actually like the new WR/CB catching controls. It's kind of a middle ground between having no control and having cheesy control (controlling WR's in years past). sometimes i think it's a bit slanted towards the offense but i've seen quite a few plays where the DB makes a really good play on the ball to knock it away. I need to test it out more as i haven't really gone through the catch/defense tutorials since i dont want to waste the 10 hours

+ ball physics on knocked away balls are great. i've had the ball knocked up and kind of float in the air on contested catches which ended up being picked off (ala dick S tipping that ball up in the nfl title game.... it still hurts) http://www.twitch.tv/frenchmovietheme/v/11959657 go to 39:40 to see an example

+ context sensitive receiving animations. some of these are absolutely incredible to me. i had a PA comeback route last night by boldin (http://www.twitch.tv/frenchmovietheme/v/11959657, go to 13:10) that i really liked. i've seen this type of thing here and there and really like it

+ inaccurate passes. this was a bit in the game last year but its been turned up this year. i've had a lot of bad passes with kap. i felt 2 years ago, 95% of the passes were either caught, picked or knocked down. last year i'd say that number went down to about 80-85%. its looking much lower than that this year (QB pending of course!). i like that a lot

+ seems that speed isn't the only thing that matters in RB this year. last year i had multiple near-2000 yard rushing seasons with lemichael james. why? cause he had a 95 speed and a 97 acceleration. in my time so far (again only 6 games!) it is much tougher to get loose. the ends set the edges well and you really have to poke and prod to get that space. still some issues (to talk about in a moment)

+ back to the new receiving controls, this is important to me for a few reasons. i'm sure people from both madden leagues here on gaf would attest to the fact that last years game become somewhat of a chore defending slants and drags all fucking game. why were slants and drags run all game? because you would not dare throw a deep fly, even in 1 on 1 coverage, unless your WR had 5 steps on the CB. the reason is there was about a 75% chance that ball is picked. not good odds. there are issues with the new catching mechanics but i feel that it opens up at least the possibility to take some shots, to throw some outs, to throw some comebacks on crucial downs because you have a fighting chance to come down with that ball. this (presumably...) opens up more variety on what you will see against your opponent

+ Online franchise mode menus are so much better and quicker. Take your roster... it's all on one page now! you can easily select adjustments there. ALSO, and this is a huge one for me, when you look at a players stats in franchise mode all of their important stats ARE ON ONE PAGE (like a player card) where you can easily see them (rather than scrolling left/right). For instance, i checked out Gabberts states. It has all the important QB stuff: speed, throwing power, accuracy, etc. know whats not there? pass blocking, zone coverage, etc. because who gives a shit! This makes it nice and easy to comb through FA's you might want to pickup or see where some of your players may be lacking

+ Another great addition is the scouting. Again the menus are much faster! even better is the prices for scouting are more reasonable and the scouting method itself is much smarter. I tested it out and simmed to mid-season. By that time i had 320 scouting points. I checked out the incoming rookie class. scouting NOW works that you can unlock their best 3 attributes for a total of 15 points. I was able to unlock a safeties best 3 attributes for 15 points and it says after the superbowl his combine stats will unlock. fantastic time saver vs. last year scrolling through all the menus of all the positions, choosing the guy you want to scout then randomly picking what you might want to know about.

+ THANK FUCK you can now reset any player who is under 50 confidence back to 50 confidence. I wish you could set ANY players (above or below) back to 50 but this is a good step. It just wasn't fair last year because if you got in a hole and had a guy with 15 confidence it would basically be impossible to get him back to even.

+ DRAWING PEOPLE OFFSIDES WITH THE HARD COUNT! fucking finally seems to work this year so these dickbag cowards who just play D-lineman and sit back in cover 3 all game can #getrekt (you know who i'm talking about!)

- Hurry up still seems too fast. i think it should take you at least 10 seconds to come up to a line in the middle of the field, maybe a little less if its a goal line hurry up since everyone is already there

- running seems to be extremely tough but i haven't practiced too much with taking the handoff to see if that improves. although i like the improvements (stated above) i think its still slanted a bit too much for the defense. "getting skinny" context doesn't always happen when it should.

- Framerate is very inconsistent. I only play online so i'm not sure how this is in singleplayer but i've had some slowdown and issues with the framerate. Hoping they fix it or its better on ps4 (where i'll be playing)

- No substitution packages. WHY!? why the fuck is this so hard EA? really makes the depth on your team kind of meaningless because i'm not going to go in every game and manually adjust shit in each package. i don't have time for that when i'm concentrating on my opponent

- for all of my optimism with the new catching controls, i have seen instances where a guy "aggressively" catches the ball with 3 defenders there that he has no business catching. i get that sometimes this happens in real life but it is still kind of frustrating. we'll see over the long haul. i can live with it here and there but iff that's happening multiple times a game that is frustrating

+/- on the injury front i dont know. i have seen a few injuries, and i like that they happen, but in 6 games i haven't seen one injury to an offensive or defensive lineman. this has been a problem for years with madden and again it makes depth on your team meaningless. keep 6 lineman on your roster since you know you'll never see an O-lineman injured

- penalties. weren't there supposed to be more? hard count mentioned above aside, the only penalties i've seen is the stupid ass glitch encroachment (where you're coming out of the huddle and get the flag, wtf?)

? - i don't give a shit about presentation so i'm not going to comment on it. i will say i enjoy one aspect of the presentation and that is now your weekly goals in franchise are shown on screen during gameplay, which is a good thing. commentating still sucks dick "WHOA WATCH OUT FELLA LOOKS LIKE A BLITZ MIGHT BE COMIN'!" thanks for tipping him off you dumb motherfucker phil simms

anyways those are my impressions. i dont anticipate i'll call the game great this year. it's alright, not much different from last year but the additions are definitely a good thing and i will enjoy it. if you were kind of meh on madden last year you'll be meh on it this year. if you enjoyed it last year this is more of the same with some good improvements but nothing mindblowing
I downloaded this since I have access and was able to get through just under a quarter. It feels like the same old Madden that I haven't enjoyed since the PS2 era. Everything since the engine change on 360 I haven't liked.

Another pass for me. 2K plz...


Can someone explain what the fuck the point of the Steelers/Cardinals SB is with half the players not even being on the teams when that SB happened.

Like what the fuck was EA thinking with this shit?
Can someone explain what the fuck the point of the Steelers/Cardinals SB is with half the players not even being on the teams when that SB happened.

Like what the fuck was EA thinking with this shit?

It's not supposed to be That super bowl. It's for this year in 2016.
Okay, so I've played a good amount tonight, 3 full games, some practice mode, and some more Gauntlet.


  • This game is much more balanced than Madden 15. It's not as big of a step from M25 to M15, but that's because M25 was crap and M15 was generally a good but flawed game. THis is now similar to M15 but much more balanced.
  • I played games against the CPU, not other humans, but on all pro, 10min quarters, and it was a good, challenging game... Basically all pro was harder for me than all madden with tweaked sliders last year. THis could easily be because I got used to last year's All Madden gameplay quirks and CPU weaknesses and I'm not used to that this year.
  • Very pleased that crossing patterns and flats have been tweaked so that defenders can cover them. In M15, if you called a drag you were virtually guaranteed to get yardage unless you - the player - messed up by throwing too late or into coverage. If you threw a drag at the right time in M15 you were guaranteed 8 yards, but more than likely would get 12 - 18 yards. Not so in M16... Drags are decent routes but they're not money routes like last season. LBs can actually cover dragging and slanting WRs now, thank god. Most good WRs still have a step on a LB, but it's a quick catch + tackle, not an automatic 8 - 15 yards like in M15.
  • New CB / WR controls take some adjustment but they're fine. There were at least 2 times in my last couple games where I said "Oh cmon!" on a 3rd down where a WR caught an aggressive pass against my DB on a 2nd or 3rd and long... but... that happens in the NFL, and it's not something that happened in Madden '15. You *never* saw a WR, 1 on 1 with a CB, out play him for the ball in M15... Ever. You do now. This is a good thing, but it also radically changes how Madden vets have played the game because no longer is a 1 on 1 an advantage for the defense (where, 75% of the time it'd be incomplete, 20% of the time it'd be an INT, and 5% some freak reception). THis is more challenging and players will have to consider how to defend talented WR's on the outside instead of just doubling and playing a TE on an out or a slot WR on a drag.
  • Corner routes are defended better. Yes you can still do a WR drag / stick with a TE out with a talented TE (like Gronk) and generally get a completion, but this was a money play for even the stinkiest of TEs in M15 and it's not in M16. A bad TE won't separate as much from an LB, and a nickel back will adequately defend this play.
  • The LE has been balanced. Thank god.
  • Ratings matter more. In M15, you could do fairly well with low-rated WRs and QBs. In M16, it's mch more challenging. I lost to the CPU on All Pro with Tennessee against San Diego. It was a damn challenge. My WRs did not get separation and I did not have any dominant receiver to throw to.
  • QB scrambling has been balanced. THere's a ~0.5 second delay from when you decide to scramble from when your QB tucks and runs with the ball. In M15 you could scramble with a fast QB out of most troublesome situations. You can't in M16... Unless with very, very nimble QBs. Even with Mariota, I got nailed more than I escaped through the tackles on an impromptu scramble.
  • The Gauntlet is much better. It's randomized, which is good. First time I got a 34... and I haven't broken 25 since. Goddam, seems like that first time was the easiest and since then I've had really tough boss battles around round 20.
  • I wish that Draft Champions was 5min or 6min qtrs versus the CPU . Basically means no mistakes. Each team gets 4 possessions and whoever scores on all 4 wins.

Those are all positives. The game is a good improvement to M15 and you have to be purposely ignoring improvements to think it's worse. THere is one key problem though, the framerate. The framerate is fine on 80% of plays, with slow down mostly coming in the post play ... but a solid 20% of plays or so have noticeable slowdown during the play. It doesn't break the game, but it absolutely needs to be patched and shouldn't have shipped with this slow down. I'm not even a slowdown maven, I can't really notice it in a lot of games, but I notice it enough in M16. Some plays against the CPU have felt like I'm playing online... only one or two out of the hundreds in the 3 games I played tonight, but enough for me to remark on it, whcih isn't something that I'd normally notice.

Still... M15 last year was a very solid game, and M16 improves in every way -- EXCEPT for performance. Still, it's a Madden game. If you've hated Madden for 5 years, you're not going to like Madden 15. If you never played NFL 2K5 but you're one of the hundreds of thousands who pine for the 2K franchise to come back, you're still not going to like Madden '16. It's not NFL 2K5, it's the sequel to Madden '15... WHich was the sequel to Madden '13 on the previous consoles (skipping Madden 25). If you hated Madden 12.. and 13... and 15, you're going to hate Madden 16. If you liked Madden 15, you're going to really like Madden 16.

But let's definitely hope that the slowdown is a pre-release issue with EA Access. It doesn't make sense because M15 ran really well, and M16 is not running as well in identical situations, so I'm holding out hope that M16's slowdown issues are related to the EA Access early release or they're going to be patched in a day 1 patch or something. It's still playable, but I don't want to have to play with this slowdown, even if it doesn't affect gameplay very much.

Some more thoughts reading FMT's post:

  • Penalties. The team talked about Penalties in a blog post... But I'm not seeing any more than the standard MAdden penalties which are just frustrating, CPU caused penalties. Holding, facemask, clipping, and CPU-induced offsides or false start. Listen, MAdden team, we all want more penalties... but we want penalties that we cause.. Pass interference, roughing, offsides (when it's our fault). We do NOT want our CPU partners to arbitrarily clip on a long run, late on the run. We DO NOT want our players to arbitrarily hold on a long kick off return. We absolutely DO NOT want our players to facemask for NO REASON on a solo tackle. We want PI to be PI. We want grounding to be grounding. We want roughing to be roughing. We don't want arbitrary penalties caused by the AI for no reason.
  • Playcalling is improved and CPU execution is much better... BUT... the CPU still doesn't mix in enough no huddle. At least 40% of NFL teams run the no huddle for major portions of a game. Specific teams.. New England, Philly, Miami, and others, run the no huddle for MOST of their offensive possessions. In Madden 15 and seemingly M16, You will never see the CPU run the no huddle unless it's the within the 2min warning and they're down in the game. WHY. You had this in NCAA '13. You had this in NCAA '14. It worked. It did not break the game. It added something different to teams that you didn't expect and made you play them differently. Not every team lines up, huddles, and slowly approaches the line. MOST DONT. Jesus it's been years.
  • Menus are better, anybody who says that they aren't is just lying. They're quicker, more responsive, and designed better. If you say they're the same, you're just lying to get attention.
  • No ability to make sub packages in the suggested plays. Well, no improvements to suggested plays at all. It's the same as M15.
  • SuperSim is likely still broken. It's been 7 years and this mode has been broken for 7 years. I expected nothing to be changed because it's been SEVEN YEARS, but the same errors persist. Inconsistent, incoherent playcalls. Inconsistent play time running off the clock. An incomplete pass with 3mins left takes 12 seconds; a 7 yard run takes 4 seconds. It's been this way for 7 years in your videogames. The mode, despite how much attention it gets now that there are "SuperStar" modes has been broken for almost a decade. I've reported this bug via twitter, email, operation sports, NeoGaf, and every other avenue that I can. You're just incompetant when it comes to user reported bugs in your videogames and I have to live with that. As a software developer working for a $1b company this makes absolutely no sense to me, but it's now your mantra. And I have to accept that. Still, I'll call you out for it.
Okay, so I've played a good amount tonight, 3 full games, some practice mode, and some more Gauntlet.


  • This game is much more balanced than Madden 15. It's not as big of a step from M25 to M15, but that's because M25 was crap and M15 was generally a good but flawed game. THis is now similar to M15 but much more balanced.
  • I played games against the CPU, not other humans, but on all pro, 10min quarters, and it was a good, challenging game... Basically all pro was harder for me than all madden with tweaked sliders last year.
  • Very pleased that crossing patterns and flats have been tweaked so that defenders can cover them. In M15, if you called a drag you were virtually guaranteed to get yardage unless you - the player - messed up by throwing too late or into coverage. If you threw a drag at the right time in M15 you were guaranteed 8 yards, but more than likely would get 12 - 18 yards. Not so in M16... Drags are decent routes but they're not money routes like last season. LBs can actually cover dragging and slanting WRs now, thank god. Most good WRs still have a step on a LB, but it's a quick catch + tackle, not an automatic 8 - 15 yards like in M15.
  • New CB / WR controls take some adjustment but they're fine. There were at least 2 times in my last couple games where I said "Oh cmon!" on a 3rd down where a WR caught an aggressive pass against my DB on a 2nd or 3rd and long... but... that happens in the NFL, and it's not something that happened in Madden '15. You *never* saw a WR, 1 on 1 with a CB, out play him for the ball in M15... Ever. You do now. This is a good thing, but it also radically changes how Madden vets have played the game because no longer is a 1 on 1 an advantage for the defense (where, 75% of the time it'd be incomplete, 20% of the time it'd be an INT, and 5% some freak reception). THis is more challenging and players will have to consider how to defend talented WR's on the outside instead of just doubling and playing a TE on an out or a slot WR on a drag.
  • Corner routes are defended better. Yes you can still do a WR drag / stick with a TE out with a talented TE (like Gronk) and generally get a completion, but this was a money play for even the stinkiest of TEs in M15 and it's not in M16. A bad TE won't separate as much from an LB, and a nickel back will adequately defend this play.
  • The LE has been balanced. Thank god.
  • Ratings matter more. In M15, you could do fairly well with low-rated WRs and QBs. In M16, it's mch more challenging. I lost to the CPU on All Pro with Tennessee against San Diego. It was a damn challenge. My WRs did not get separation and I did not have any dominant receiver to throw to.
  • QB scrambling has been balanced. THere's a ~0.5 second delay from when you decide to scramble from when your QB tucks and runs with the ball. In M15 you could scramble with a fast QB out of most troublesome situations. You can't in M16... Unless with very, very nimble QBs. Even with Mariota, I got nailed more than I escaped through the tackles on an impromptu scramble.
  • The Gauntlet is much better. It's randomized, which is good. First time I got a 34... and I haven't broken 25 since. Goddam, seems like that first time was the easiest and since then I've had really tough boss battles around round 20.
  • I wish that Draft Champions was 5min or 6min qtrs versus the CPU . Basically means no mistakes. Each team gets 4 possessions and whoever scores on all 4 wins.

Those are all positives. The game is a good improvement to M15 and you have to be purposely ignoring improvements to think it's worse. THere is one key problem though, the framerate. The framerate is fine on 80% of plays, with slow down mostly coming in the post play ... but a solid 20% of plays or so have noticeable slowdown during the play. It doesn't break the game, but it absolutely needs to be patched and shouldn't have shipped with this slow down. I'm not even a slowdown maven, I can't really notice it in a lot of games, but I notice it enough in M16. Some plays against the CPU have felt like I'm playing online... only one or two out of the hundreds in the 3 games I played tonight, but enough for me to remark on it, whcih isn't something that I'd normally notice.

Still... M15 last year was a very solid game, and M16 improves in every way -- EXCEPT for performance. Still, it's a Madden game. If you've hated Madden for 5 years, you're not going to like Madden 15. If you never played NFL 2K5 but you're one of the hundreds of thousands who pine for the 2K franchise to come back, you're still not going to like Madden '16. It's not NFL 2K5, it's the sequel to Madden '15... WHich was the sequel to Madden '13 on the previous consoles (skipping Madden 25). If you hated Madden 12.. and 13... and 15, you're going to hate Madden 16. If you liked Madden 15, you're going to really like Madden 16.

But let's definitely hope that the slowdown is a pre-release issue with EA Access. It doesn't make sense because M15 ran really well, and M16 is not running as well in identical situations, so I'm holding out hope that M16's slowdown issues are related to the EA Access early release or they're going to be patched in a day 1 patch or something. It's still playable, but I don't want to have to play with this slowdown, even if it doesn't affect gameplay very much.

play me right now you coward!
Can someone explain what the fuck the point of the Steelers/Cardinals SB is with half the players not even being on the teams when that SB happened.

Like what the fuck was EA thinking with this shit?


So, starting in M15, they started doing intros of possible exciting moments for this upcoming season. Last year, they had a Panthers vs. Seahawks playoff game which obviously didn't happen in real life because the Panthers best defense player threw his girlfriend on a bed of guns and told her he was going to kill her if she ever ratted on him for kicking the shit out of her, BUT GENERALLY Madden doesn't predict when a player is going to commit domestic abuse.


In M16, they envision Super Bowl L -- Super Bowl 50 -- which the team is going out on a limb and saying it's going to be the compelling matchup between the most exciting 2014 Offense vs. the Most exciting 2014 Defense... The Steelers vs. Arizona. They're using the 2015 rosters as we known them today... So, who knows, Big Ben could rape someone, Patrick Peterson could drown his grandmother, Antonio Brown could be caught deflating footballs and sucking the air out of them to get high. But as far as we know, RIGHT NOW, those will be the rosters, and so EA is making a fun, though unlikely, prediction that these two teams will be in the Super Bowl this year, and as a videogame player you're supposed to suspend disbelief so that you can enjoy this fantasy, hypothetical situation and win a super bowl with Antonio Brown.

Hopefully that explains it.
play me right now you coward!

I am drunk and my fiance wants me to come to bed. Let's play tomorrow. Same XBL as the olden days...
. Also, I get up at 7AM EST so if you're not on then, then I will consider you a fucking coward for not showing up.

PLUS fuck I don't even enjoy playing you. Back in MaddenGaf league I dreaded playing you in the playoffs, but that could also be because I had the Arizona Cardinals when Emmit Smith was the star RB.
+ DRAWING PEOPLE OFFSIDES WITH THE HARD COUNT! fucking finally seems to work this year so these dickbag cowards who just play D-lineman and sit back in cover 3 all game can #getrekt (you know who i'm talking about!)

Come at me bro!

I'm going to get rekt so much this year.
can two players play on the same together in a season?
Online not on the same team. Two players can control different teams in the same season/owner mode. It's a hallmark of the series.

On the same console I'm not sure. They introduced coop a few years back and I think it still works but I'm not 100% sure

Quite the opposite actually...

League has a reputation for very arbitrary rules that are hastily applied. Gaf talks my man, word gets around.
Played some more this morning.


First and foremost, the framerate issues have to be patched. I'm hoping that it's an issue with EA Access and the early release of the game, that they have some patch. It's worse in some stadiums more than others and I just played a game in Arizona that was really terrible, noticeably bad, and it affected a lot of gameplay... Some plays felt like I was playing online in terms of input lag.

The slowdown must be a bug introduced late in development or something related to the EA Access service running in the background because here's a clip from E3 (Xbox One) and the game is definitely not stuttering and slowing down like it is right now:


To compare apples to apples, here's a clip from E3 in Arizona and it's running fine:

In the game on Xbox One right now, even things like the Xbox dash are slowing down... When I do "take a screenshot" the spinning Xbox logo that accompanies it in the upper right is running noticeably slower than usual.

SO... I'm reserving hope that these slowdown issues are related to EA Access timer running or something like that. The slowdown wasn't present at E3 even in the same scenario as what I'm playing at home.

If not, the game absolutely has to be patched immediately. It's not retail ready if this problem is there on Tuesday.

SECOND though back to gameplay. The gameplay -- when it's running smoothly -- is much, much better than M15. It's way more balanced. I just got blown out by Cincinatti as Arizona on All-Pro... And I loved how inaccurate Arizona's backup, Drew Stanton, was especially on deep passes. Missing guys by 5 and 10 yards. IT's something you've never seen with any reliability in a Madden game before where QBs are actually inaccurate when playing against their strength. The new receiver controls are not overpowered at all, and I had plenty of "Aggressive' catches that were correctly dropped/batted down/defended when throwing into coverage.

So far, very happy with the gameplay changes, but this slowdown better be a bug.


Reportedly from Operation Sports:

clean the cache on your xbox one will stop frame rate drop
I played some more of it last night and it's starting to grow on me. Maybe tone some of my hate down and write another impressions post in a few more hours.
Can confirm that the frame rate issue on Xbox one can be resolved by clearing the system cache.

What I did was turn off the system (long press on power button), unplug the power supply from the wall, wait a couple seconds and tap Xbox power button (sounds crazy but do this), plug it back in, boot up.

Joined a game in Arizona again and Madden runs basically the same as last year, which is very good. I'm gonna put this in the op.
For those mentioning the lack of penalties are you playing mostly online game modes?

I remember reading something that the penalties were not going to happen much in online FUT and VS matches to not upset the casuals
For those mentioning the lack of penalties are you playing mostly online game modes?

I remember reading something that the penalties were not going to happen much in online FUT and VS matches to not upset the casuals

yes, only online ranked/head to head so far. hopefully this doesn't extend to connected careers for our league!
Can confirm that the frame rate issue on Xbox one can be resolved by clearing the system cache.

What I did was turn off the system (long press on power button), unplug the power supply from the wall, wait a couple seconds and tap Xbox power button (sounds crazy but do this), plug it back in, boot up.

Joined a game in Arizona again and Madden runs basically the same as last year, which is very good. I'm gonna put this in the op.

Xbox One
Unlike Xbox 360, the Xbox One does not have a menu option to clear cache on the console. Instead, follow these steps to clear cache on an Xbox One:

Press and hold the power button on the front of the console until it powers down completely.
Unplug the power cable from the back of the console so that the power brick in not connected to the console.
Press the power button on the console three or four times. This will ensure that any remaining power in the battery is drained, clearing the cache on the console.
Plug the power cable back into the console.
Wait for the light on the power brick to change from white to orange.
Turn on the console using the power button.

uhhhh.... alright
Aggressive catch isn't. You usually get one or two a game from what I've seen... I've had most of them dropped / not caught. Tried a lot of them with the Cardinals when I Was down big in a particular game just to see. There are a handful of times when it would beat a good coverage, but I don't think it's too bad. I haven't played online yet though.

I just had one of the most competitive games against the CPU ... Arizona 42, Bengals 38, and I won the game on a freaking kick return for a TD with 30 seconds left.

Once I got the stuttering/slowdown fixed, this game became awesome. Really enjoying it, excellent balanced gameplay, CPU is tough as hell on All Pro. Play calling is very good by the CPU thus far. I'd like to see more hurry up obviously, but generally, the play calling decisions are inventive. Love how difficult it is to try to run in from teh goal line too. Also I never try it but succeeded wih a fake punt pass as well.
Yep. Stud WRs are studs with the aggressive catch and when the QB can get it there. But, even with Fitzgerald from Palmer, I probably caught 1 out of like 4 attempts, maybe fewer.

One thing that's good about it is that if you get that reception, the play is over usually because you're down on the spot.

SO far really enjoying the balance and the variety of the game.

Just uploaded the final 5 mins of my CIN @ ARI game which was one of the best 2 minutes Ive ever had in a Madden game. Long unexpected TD, my horrible defense gives up a TD, and then very unexpected 100 yard kickoff for a TD:

With the graphical update and new receiving/defensive controls, I think the game is much better than last year's version. I'll be getting it when it releases for PS4, will be interesting if I see any differences.


I really like Draft Champions. I got a pretty amazing team once. It's too bad I'm bad at the game and could not win the third match. Does anyone know what the rewards are if you win all games against cpu?


I really dislike people who go for it on 4th. It's he first quarter, 2 minutes into the game. 4th and 9 and guy this guy I'm playing online goes for it.

He completes the pass of course. Fucking douche.
Yep. Stud WRs are studs with the aggressive catch and when the QB can get it there. But, even with Fitzgerald from Palmer, I probably caught 1 out of like 4 attempts, maybe fewer.


Let's be honest, it's cause it was Carson Fucking Palmer....

I kid..

I really dislike people who go for it on 4th. It's he first quarter, 2 minutes into the game. 4th and 9 and guy this guy I'm playing online goes for it.

He completes the pass of course. Fucking douche.

you act like you never played a football videogame against someone else before...everyone does that shit lol
I really dislike people who go for it on 4th. It's he first quarter, 2 minutes into the game. 4th and 9 and guy this guy I'm playing online goes for it.

He completes the pass of course. Fucking douche.

Lol calm down , I do the same thing since I'm playing for fun

Where are the madden challenges? I remember that from last year and loved it
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