No luck. Trying with Garruks as i type, i almost defeated it just with Garruks Companions. Dumb as shit a Creature can exalt itself.
edit: did it with Garruks, i got lucky: i had first turn, Nefarox barely summoned creatures and i have Garruks Companion with that 1+1 for each forest you control enchatment. So Trample with a 7/6 enchanted creature won it for me.
Dude, where my weekend went?
Long story short: Never played Magic, I was always curious about it but I don't think I know anyone who plays and I had the idea that it was intimidating.
Given I'm trying stuff for the ipad, I give it a go, buy the game and woah, hours, and hours, and hours. It's surprisingly easy to understand and so deep (and I guess I'm experiencing Magic Lite, because I guess the real decks have much more variety, right?)
Completed the campaign (only had problems with Hydra and few more). I'm now advancing through Revenge, that is quite more difficult. And starting with online, is so much fun, it's really funny how many tricks you can see. I have unlocked most of Garrus Deck, I'm getting my first solid victories.
My most satisfactory victory was with a guy that seemed experienced. He beated me 3 times in a row, but I managed to beat him the fourth one with a fast combination of Blanchwood Armor + Primal Below on a Primal Huntbeast.
Liliana, Chandra, and Talrand should destroy the exalted deck pretty easily. Problem is, is that Liliana and Talrand kinda suck balls if they arent fully unlocked. Havent played Chandra yet (dont like red spell decks)
Dude, where my weekend went?
Long story short: Never played Magic, I was always curious about it but I don't think I know anyone who plays and I had the idea that it was intimidating.
Given I'm trying stuff for the ipad, I give it a go, buy the game and woah, hours, and hours, and hours. It's surprisingly easy to understand and so deep (and I guess I'm experiencing Magic Lite, because I guess the real decks have much more variety, right?)
Completed the campaign (only had problems with Hydra and few more). I'm now advancing through Revenge, that is quite more difficult. And starting with online, is so much fun, it's really funny how many tricks you can see. I have unlocked most of Garrus Deck, I'm getting my first solid victories.
My most satisfactory victory was with a guy that seemed experienced. He beated me 3 times in a row, but I managed to beat him the fourth one with a fast combination of Blanchwood Armor + Primal Below on a Primal Huntbeast.
But since I'm not very experienced with the game, I wonder how representative the decks and cards in the game are to the true potential of competitive Magic. Yugioh had this problem where their premade decks at stores were just a mere shadow of what competitive Yugioh had to offer. So much so that it actually created bad habits.
What percentage of the cards in the decks in Magic 2013 are used in competitive play? Are equips used often? Is burn viable? Matt Rorie said on Giantbomb that dual color decks are the hotness right now. Is that true? If so, count me in on those DLC decks. I just hope that wizards of the coast doesn't assume I don't want to see the game at its most hardcore in an effort to avoid scaring me off.
I've been a Yugioh player for a long time and I got into Magic about a year ago with a friend and his crappy starter decks. I messed around with Magic 2012 a couple months ago but have really gotten addicted to Magic 2013.
But since I'm not very experienced with the game, I wonder how representative the decks and cards in the game are to the true potential of competitive Magic. Yugioh had this problem where their premade decks at stores were just a mere shadow of what competitive Yugioh had to offer. So much so that it actually created bad habits.
What percentage of the cards in the decks in Magic 2013 are used in competitive play? Are equips used often? Is burn viable? Matt Rorie said on Giantbomb that dual color decks are the hotness right now. Is that true? If so, count me in on those DLC decks. I just hope that wizards of the coast doesn't assume I don't want to see the game at its most hardcore in an effort to avoid scaring me off.
The_Technomancer said:One of of us...
If you ever have any questions about cards or strategy feel free to ask here or in the official GAF thread:
Piecake said:best piece of advice youll get is to make sure you trim your deck down to 60. It helps a ton
Wait, wait, so in real Magic you make your deck as you want mixing thousands of possible cards? *mind melts*
Thanks! I actually figured that myself (total newbie but I have put a stupid amount of hours on it so far). I have reduced the number of creatures in middle tier and focused on fast growing to reach my most potent summons faster. Two blue mages managed to mill me out of my deck though.
best 60 card deck set ups?
Its designed exactly for a person like you.With that said, for someone who's not really completely knowledgeable about the series, is this still possibly worthy of a purchase?
Its designed exactly for a person like you.
Oh good! I'm going to try the trial out now to see how I like it, but I'm guessing I'm going to pick it up. Is it still worth it without online-multiplayer?
I stole this from GameFAQs and beat the Revenge campaign on Plainswalker difficulty without dropping a single game.
24 Land
2 Goblin Arsonist
2 Goblin Bushwacker
1 Goblin Fireslinger
2 Goblin Grenade
1 Goblin Guide
2 Raging Goblin
2 Shock
2 Ember Hauler
2 Goblin Piledriver
1 Goblin Wardriver
3 Krenko's Command
1 Warren Instigator
1 Blisterstick Shaman
3 Gempalm Incinerator
2 Goblin Chieftain
1 Goblin Warchief
1 Clickslither
1 Goblin Goon
1 Goblin Ringleader
1 Krenko, Mad Boss
2 Reckless One
1 Siege Gang Commander
1 Voracious Dragon
I stole this from GameFAQs and beat the Revenge campaign on Plainswalker difficulty without dropping a single game.
24 Land
2 Goblin Arsonist
2 Goblin Bushwacker
1 Goblin Fireslinger
2 Goblin Grenade
1 Goblin Guide
2 Raging Goblin
2 Shock
2 Ember Hauler
2 Goblin Piledriver
1 Goblin Wardriver
3 Krenko's Command
1 Warren Instigator
1 Blisterstick Shaman
3 Gempalm Incinerator
2 Goblin Chieftain
1 Goblin Warchief
1 Clickslither
1 Goblin Goon
1 Goblin Ringleader
1 Krenko, Mad Boss
2 Reckless One
1 Siege Gang Commander
1 Voracious Dragon
Goblin Deck
How important is unlocking decks prior to playing online? It seems like unlocking them is going to take awhile!
I wonder if it works online?
Really hope they port this or 2014 will pop up on the vita.
Playing the iOS version - and haven't unlocked the full game yet, so not sure if that is the issue or not.
But playing a red deck and for the life of me cannot figure out how to pump mana into a creature that has the ability to do so.
For example - flying creature that gets 1/0 for each red mana you pump into it but I sooo don't see how this can be done.
Zoom in on the card and tap the ability? That's how it works in the PC version.
can I block & sacrifice? like I'm defending against a 2/2 with a 1/1 that deals 1 additional dmg if you sacrifice it.
No. If you sacrifice a blocker before combat damage is dealt, the sacrificed blocker still blocks the opposing damage but deals no combat damage itself. There used to be a mechanic where you could sacrifice a creature in response to the combat damage it's dealing but Wizards removed it a few years ago.
This is actually quite dangerous.While it seems like you want to increase the odds that you will draw a massive threat, you'll find that it's actually worse to have a deck where those expensive cards languish in your hand for a bunch of turns while you wait for your land base to build up. You'll often hear Magic players talk about their "curve" - they're making sure that you have action every turn. When playing a creature deck, you want it built so that you're more likely to drop a creature every turn, rather than being more likely to draw your expensive fatty in your opening hand that doesn't do you any good until turn 7 (remember, you've got 6-7 turns to draw one of your 7-drops - you don't need a ton of 'em in your deck to have a good chance to draw one!).
EDIT: Maybe I read it wrong - it sounds like you're trying to "ramp" into fatties (where you don't play creatures early on, just spells to get more lands into play). That is certainly viable - just ensure that you still have enough early game action to survive the aggressive decks (like the goblins).
The old mechanic used to make one of my friends very annoyed in paper magic. I used to play a deck with tons of bounce tricks, "put damage on the stack", and come out ahead in combat every time. I'm glad they tightened it up though. Having combat damage use the stack always seemed a little off to me.
I'm kind of frustrated with multiplayer. I'm new to Magic and really enjoying the game so far. I have probably played around 5 multiplayer games so far and finally look like I'm about to win my first game. I was absolutely dominating the guy and he left the game with two health. Instead of me getting the victory because he conceded I am then forced to play against a random AI opponent the rest of the game who proceeds to use that damn life building white deck to beat me. It's kind of frustrating that I was not given the option to accept the win once my opponent left. There was a reason I was playing multiplayer, I don't want to be forced to play AI once my opponent bails on a loss. I guess I'll get my first victory another time![]()
If it's like 2012 it should show if they have AI takeover enabled or not, just don't join games that have that checked, or host them yourself and leave it off.
Talrond's deck is really hard to get used to. Just doesn't get rolling quickly enough, it seems. And when it does the drakes never really hit hard enough. Unbuffed deck, but still.
Milling has always been a terrible strategy. Its simply too slow.
Just finished the 8th challenge.
God damn. That was tricky..