Hey guys, what resolution is this game running at on the PS3? Mine runs at 480p and the framerate is not too smooth
I beat that challenge. The rules went exactly as I expected them to.Play challenge 3/4 then let me know if I fucked it up.
If any of you bought the game and aren't interested in the actual card game, feel free to PM your promo code =) Active player and L1 judge!
I would totally just buy a game that was nothing but a bunch of Magic puzzles.As usual, the puzzles are the best thing about these games.![]()
For the record, fuck that encounter with the "Win the game" enchantment.
Oooh, Helix Pinnacle? Also, if you were trying to bounce Helix Pinnacle it has Shroud I'm pretty sure
omg both Whites decks are OP as shit. Odrics Peacekeeps is OP, he just keeps summoning all these little creatures and Crusader of Odric is strong because of all the pissy little creatures (*/* = touch and power equal to the number of creatures you control)
I just played 3 matches with Odric's deck against that deck. I can confirm that it can go rough. Though I would have won the first game if he hadn't top decked 4 burn/sweeper spells in a row while at 3 life. While my non land draws with an empty board were the white ring and an Anthem that would've been wonderful for making my dudes survive. Mumble mumble stupid Magic mumble.The starter red deck has like half a dozen spells that do between 1 - 4 damage to all creatures on the board. It *crushes* Odric's deck.
Wow thats a pretty damn big drawback.
I feel like this years PS3 version runs a lot smoother than last years, the UI is a lot nicer and the load times aren't as ridiculous. Maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me.
Played the demo yesterday and had a bunch of fun. For someone who knows pretty much nothing about MTG besides playing it a few times with friends, how easy would it be for me to learn via this game?
I'll probably end up buying it regardless
Played the demo yesterday and had a bunch of fun. For someone who knows pretty much nothing about MTG besides playing it a few times with friends, how easy would it be for me to learn via this game?
I'll probably end up buying it regardless
Played the demo yesterday and had a bunch of fun. For someone who knows pretty much nothing about MTG besides playing it a few times with friends, how easy would it be for me to learn via this game?
I'll probably end up buying it regardless
There's a decent summary here of a few of the bigger changes.
I don't understand why the load times are so long (360).
Nicol Bolas is super cheap. Power nine cards. Ultimatums. Are you serious.
Very easy, its basically released as a product to introduce new players to the game.Played the demo yesterday and had a bunch of fun. For someone who knows pretty much nothing about MTG besides playing it a few times with friends, how easy would it be for me to learn via this game?
I'll probably end up buying it regardless
I'm really enjoying the game on my iPad, but the Encounters are boring as fuck. I don't see any reason to include them outside of filler. -_-
Unrelated, how does multiplayer work on iPad? Do we add friends and such, or is it all random? It would be a lot of fun to get the iPad owners together for a GAF challenge.
Encounters seem mostly valuable as a means of unlocking stuff fast. The aggressive decks at least can really quickly blow past most of them.
It has Gamecenter support for adding and playing against friends. Or you can play against randoms. For a GAF list it might just be better to utilize the already existing spreadsheet in the iOS Boardgame megathread: They've added a column for Magic to it.
Does the game have enough features for someone that already plays MtG online/locally? For me the biggest appeal seems to be the M13 cards, but I can get those next month.
I was a MTG player from years beyond (think Alpha/Beta/Unlimited/Arabian Nights era) and I haven't touched the game since Alliances.
Now that this is available on the app store for iPad I'm considering dipping into it for old time sakes....but what I want to know is this:
Are all the cards, from all sets, available to make decks with or is it only based on whatever the latest/most current cards are available?