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Making A Murderer - Netflix 10-part documentary series - S1 now streaming on Netflix


Had to stop watching for the evening. So mad right now.

I understand there is a lot of unjust things happening in the world but seeing it through the lens of the Avery family personalizes it.

Fuck the cops. Fuck the judge. Fuck the prosecutor. Fuck the media. Fuck the jury. Fuck Wisconsin. And fuck the Packers too.


Up to episode 4.

Brendan Dassey = Jessie Misskelley

Fucking Deja-Vu. I'm really getting angry again.

I'm fucking astounded that they are allowed to do it this way. And it's exactly the same situation as Misskelly. Talk about leading the witness.


Finished episode 1 and everyone is saying that I'm going to get angrier. I don't even know if it's possible but the first episode has me hooked.
Finished episode 1 and everyone is saying that I'm going to get angrier. I don't even know if it's possible but the first episode has me hooked.

It'll happen. The rage will consume you.

The one bit of solace a few episodes down the line for you is that the defense attorney sounds a whole lot like Saul Goodman. Savor that bit of seasoning trapped deep within the shit sandwich you're soon to eat.


At episode 5 atm, and holy shit this is pissing me off. Even if the dude did it, the investigation is done with just him in mind. They haven't looked anywhere else. I'm not going in to spoilers here but not looking at anyone except Steven.

As someone who reads alot about police investigations and investigation reports from the police, they would fire some of the detectives here in Sweden. Interviewing her ex-boyfriend and her roommate in the same room would get them fired and the case would be fucked.

Oh boy wait until you get to episode 6.

Don't say that haha, don't know if I could handle it.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I started watching this yesterday afternoon and next thing I know it's midnight and I'm through 6 episodes. That 6th episode, damn...

I'm a sucker for dateline type true crime drama's and this is like an entire season of one of those episodes.

I am wondering how there is so much footage. Even just mundane stuff like family members sitting in their homes talking. This must have been HUGE in Wisconsin. I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about this or maybe I did and have just forgot.


Goddamn it that boy Brendan man he has a low iq and being dragged into it so awful to see this and he doesn't understand it and says everything what they want to hear it :(


Goddamn it that boy Brendan man he has a low iq and being dragged into it so awful to see this and he doesn't understand it and says everything what they want to hear it :(

Yep. Some dumb 16 yo who just wants to get back to school to work on a project and so you tell them whatever they want to hear. Dumb ass doesn't even know what a weapon is.

No lawyer or parent present is next level shadiness.
I know this is kinda unrelated but I would feel bad for that Brendan kid if he were to ever watch this. Episode 3 is pretty much multiple people calling him slow, dumb and easy to manipulate.
Just got to episode 6, God damn is this is stuff unbelievable and terrifying!

The amount of shady shit going on from the police, juse makes me think how much this stuff must happen (especially if your black I bet).


Finished it and now I want to punch someone from Wisconsin in the face. Please fix your criminal justice system.

I know this is kinda unrelated but I would feel bad for that Brendan kid if he were to ever watch this. Episode 3 is pretty much multiple people calling him slow, dumb and easy to manipulate.

Wait till you get to his trial (or a particular phone call with his mother). That shit was hard to watch.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
I'm on the fourth episode and I feel really bad for Brendan. His phone call where he tells his mom he's stupid is hard to listen to. He's not stupid. People suck.
Goddamn it that boy Brendan man he has a low iq and being dragged into it so awful to see this and he doesn't understand it and says everything what they want to hear it :(

Some of the phone calls with him and his mother are just fuckin' crushing man.

The one where his mom is yelling at him after he's changed his story yet again under police pressure and he's just leveling with her saying "I can't help it, I'm stupid mom." The mother is being purposefully left out of the loop and has little to no options... realizing her son could very well spend life in prison. It's heartbreaking. They put a whole family through the wringer to cover their asses


Not from the US and this entire case was new to me. Watched all of it. Saddening, baffling and rage inducing.

Well yeah, although in this case you could argue it was sad he was ever exonerated.

I hope you watch this, I think you'll change your mind about that.

I live about 45 minutes from Avery's Auto Salvage so this hits fairly close to home.

My feelings are mixed, but I did start watching this tonight and am currently halfway through episode 2.

Since you're from the area, what are you feelings about him and his family, and how does the community feel about all of this now? Is this documentary making waves at all over there? This entire series makes it seem really clear that he and his cousin got majorly fucked over, and that they were basically robbed of their lives by (at least) one corrupt cop.
Watching it also now my heart crushed when hearing that..i am angry and sad at the same time.
Just listening to the excused juror say it's clear there was biased jurors on the bench and he thought it was wrong. Fuck sake, just depressing all around


I need to rest after watching it...2 more episodes need to keep it up. Fuck me why did this happen i am still in shock.

Just listening to the excused juror say it's clear there was biased jurors on the bench and he thought it was wrong. Fuck sake, just depressing all around

Just saw that part unfuckingbelievable...
Don't see how they can bring Brendon to trial since Steven was found innocent of mutilating the victim, since surely that invalidates his whole testimony?


Don't see how they can bring Brendon to trial since Steven was found innocent of mutilating the victim, since surely that invalidates his whole testimony?

That's what I'm confused about.
If Brandon's testimony, and the charges that were a result of it, were thrown out in Steven's case then what case do they have against Brandon? There's no evidence linking him to the crime scene and the entirety of the case is based around Brandon giving a statement with no lawyer present that changes every time he repeats it. I wish they would've gotten in to the reasons why they denied his request for a new trial.

Also, was anyone else a little put off by Teresa's brother's demeanor? He seemed to be looking for revenge more than actual justice during the entire process.
That's what I'm confused about.
If Brandon's testimony, and the charges that were a result of it, were thrown out in Steven's case then what case do they have against Brandon? There's no evidence linking him to the crime scene and all of the case is based around Brandon giving a statement with no lawyer present that changes every time he repeats it. I wish they would've gotten in to the reasons why they denied his request for a new trial.

Also, was anyone else a little put off by Teresa's brother's demeanor? He seemed to be looking for revenge more than actual justice during the entire process.
im pretty sure it was the ex boyfriend who killed her, reminds me of Tia Sharp who was killed in new Addington in the UK where you had the nans boyfriend leading the charge to find her and it turned out he killed her. Got the same vibe from the ex


im pretty sure it was the ex boyfriend who killed her, reminds me of Tia Sharp who was killed in new Addington in the UK where you had the nans boyfriend leading the charge to find her and it turned out he killed her. Got the same vibe from the ex

Well, they screwed up interviewing him as well due to him and Teresa's roommate being interviewed in the same room. Also, if he did do it, how did the key end up in the hands of the Sheriff to plant in Steven's house? I mean, the ex-boyfriend could surely plant the car and the bones, but what about the blood in the car and the key inside the house?


Since you're from the area, what are you feelings about him and his family, and how does the community feel about all of this now? Is this documentary making waves at all over there? This entire series makes it seem really clear that he and his cousin got majorly fucked over, and that they were basically robbed of their lives by (at least) one corrupt cop.

I can only say that my feelings before watching this were completely different from how I feel after finishing this show.

My familiarity with the case and family had been mostly limited to the narrative and info provide by the state and news outlets. By those accounts I could only come to an obvious conclusion of guilt. However, after finishing up all the episodes I'd be willing to say my opinion has changed completely due to the facts presented. Do I think he is guilty? I am not sure. I don't think we will ever know. Do I think his nephew is guilty? No. Do I think that enough questions were raised about how the case was handled to make a conviction questionable if not outright impossible? Yes. Is there evidence of corruption? Absolutely.

As I said I live about 45 minutes away so I don't really know what the "community" is feeling, at least not in terms of the residents of Manitowoc/Manitowoc County. There has been a lot of social media chatter and commentary regarding this release, but beyond that I haven't really seen much in terms of news/media coverage.
Well, they screwed up interviewing him as well due to him and Teresa's roommate being interviewed in the same room. Also, if he did do it, how did the key end up in the hands of the Sheriff to plant in Steven's house? I mean, the ex-boyfriend could surely plant the car and the bones, but what about the blood in the car and the key inside the house?
Maybe the cops found the key with the car and took time to clean it up (since the only dna was Stevens from what I remember) and planted it afterwards? I did miss some of am episode or two as I had to pop out while my wife was watching so maybe I'm confused. either way I really can't imagine Steven had anything to do with it, just too many inconsistencies and clear fuckery from the police.


Also, was anyone else a little put off by Teresa's brother's demeanor? He seemed to be looking for revenge more than actual justice during the entire process.

I think both Scott Tadych and Bobby Dassey are highly suspect in this case. Being really the only ones to corroborate against Steven Avery while at the same time being mutual alibis for each other? It makes you wonder. Especially when showing clips of Scott...he really shows nothing but disdain and hatred for Steven.

I mean if Steven didn't kill Teresa Halbach someone did. I really don't think the police played a hand in that (they just manipulated evidence to secure a conviction).
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