donkey show said:Isn't L1+O heal?
It is, my mistake.
donkey show said:Isn't L1+O heal?
thetrin said:I didn't realize that. I wonder if this will help me out against Escort.
donkey show said:Isn't L1+O heal? Are you talking about the Release Move? I still don't know how to do that properly. I charge all the way up and then... what do I press to release before my aura runs dry? :lol
Kirashi said:what's wrong with escort? that's the first stage i tried, i didn't even knew hwo to switch between fist and bullet and still beat it lol. just don't get it and hit back, boss die with in like 15 min just by constant shooting.
tribal24 said:i got the wings from the triumple sqaure but how do you actually use it its not working hitting L3 while moving
tribal24 said:ohhhh ok no wonder
So glad I beat her. That biatch was definitely the toughest out of all of them.FrostuTheNinja said:Working on Forbidden Floor right now. Man, is she tough. I was able to handle most of them with relative ease, but this... Crap. One hit=armor break.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:How much dialogue is in the game?
donkey show said:^ Not tooo much. It isn't a very wordy game aside from the "intro."
So glad I beat her. That biatch was definitely the toughest out of all of them.
melchior_ said:How do you beat the flying fortress? It seems like the forcefield is always on after the halfway point. I got a counter once and that did some damage, but it hasn't appeared again.
Once you know the controls, you'll get used to it.distantmantra said:I have no idea what I was doing, but that was fucking difficult.
donkey show said:So came back home and started fighting the foughten fields boss again. I'm stuck. I break down the dude's body parts, keep attempting to drop the dude's force field, but I can find no opening. The counter only showed up once and I can't do shit. What gives?
He's my last one, so I need a fucking turbo controller for this shit. It regens so fast... it's insane.thetrin said:I dropped the shields spamming shot. Then again, I still think bosses get harder as you beat others, so that might not work.
thetrin said:Once you know the controls, you'll get used to it.
Using aura attacks and rationing your aura to heal and attack is a really integral part of the game.
He was my first :loldonkey show said:He's my last one, so I need a fucking turbo controller for this shit. It regens so fast... it's insane.
thcsquad said:Hmm, for the equivalent of ten bucks I might pick this up. Is eBay still the best way to get Japan PSN cards?
Don't forget you can actually end a fist combo with another weapon by pressing any other d-pad direction for a pretty nice combo ender after the first 3 hits, assuming you have the weapon.distantmantra said:I actually didn't know about switching to the fist attack. Whoops. :lol
thetrin said:He was my first :lol
I'm not looking forward to taking on Forbidden Floor as my last one.![]()
Flek said:how to switch of the stupid inverted camera controll ?
jling84 said:I just have to say I love the trophy descriptions. Especially the one for "No Guard":
"You've gone cleared a scene without any guard."
Sounds like someone from the deep south did the descriptions. :loljling84 said:I just have to say I love the trophy descriptions. Especially the one for "No Guard":
"You've gone cleared a scene without any guard."
Bebpo said:I tried this out and it looks nice enough and controls pretty smoothly but the stage I tried "queens something" the boss was an insane grind. I was hitting it nonstop with square shots and then aura (L1+square) from the back and it's life would barely drop. After 10+ mins of wailing on it and it still having 50% health left I gave up.
Am I missing something or is the whole game about grinding down bosses for 15 mins+ straight until they finally die?
Is that the one on the airship? Make sure you dash behind it and pummel it with your fists. Press d-pad down to switch. Also, remember you can end 3-hit punch combo strings with another "weapon" by pressing the d-pad after the 3rd hit while still pressing square. But you have to have the weapon to do so.Bebpo said:I tried this out and it looks nice enough and controls pretty smoothly but the stage I tried "queens something" the boss was an insane grind. I was hitting it nonstop with square shots and then aura (L1+square) from the back and it's life would barely drop. After 10+ mins of wailing on it and it still having 50% health left I gave up.
Am I missing something or is the whole game about grinding down bosses for 15 mins+ straight until they finally die?
Bebpo said:I tried this out and it looks nice enough and controls pretty smoothly but the stage I tried "queens something" the boss was an insane grind. I was hitting it nonstop with square shots and then aura (L1+square) from the back and it's life would barely drop. After 10+ mins of wailing on it and it still having 50% health left I gave up.
Am I missing something or is the whole game about grinding down bosses for 15 mins+ straight until they finally die?
distantmantra said:Did you switch to the fist attack? I was doing 0.00001% damage until I switched.
Bebpo said:Oh, there's a fist attack? Ok, that's what I was missing. Didn't do the tutorial, just jumped into the stage. Thought the whole game was shooting stuff with lasers.
Ouch. Delete and redownload.Flek said:Oh wow looks like the game has a giant bugI played it a bit earlier today, but now i tried to start it and only get to the "press start screen" but every time i press start nothing happens. I can reconect the controller, reasign it, use a nother one > nothing
Wtf should i do now?
Synless said:Wait, is this game in English? If not is it coming to the U.S.?
Fuck....thetrin said:Not the important parts, and no.
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:I'll be curious to hear what shidoshi and co have to say about this after hearing them gloss over it on the last WAHP.. Still love you guys so no tears!
But man this game just bleeds everything I love about JPN games. Wish I could understand the story stuff tho.
This is only available on JPSN? How would I go about getting this if I've never purchased anything on that before?
This is only available on JPSN? How would I go about getting this if I've never purchased anything on that before?