ah I might have stopped in a few times I was stuck in the hospital with nothing to do.
but really missed a lot of new series it seems
Check Magi too.
ah I might have stopped in a few times I was stuck in the hospital with nothing to do.
but really missed a lot of new series it seems
Fuck Hikaru No Go and its.unsatisfying as fuck "ending"
It was good though.
Don´t be such a douche. Best art my ass. The manga is fucking racist, with very little to no substance, and the only character that´s worth a damn is Hiruma. The rest of the cast is garbage. But apparently you are such a douche that every time i say anything that does not suit you and some people here you go on the attack. I am sick and tired of you and other people´s character assassination of me.
Can anyone explain to me why Eyeshield is racist. Is it as racist as how Dragonball portrayed humans as inferior to the master race Saiya-jins.
Seriously though, it is as racist as Daffy Duck, a clearly black character always playing the second fodder to the white Bugs Bunny.
Can anyone explain to me why Eyeshield is racist. Is it as racist as how Dragonball portrayed humans as inferior to the master race Saiya-jins.
Can anyone explain to me why Eyeshield is racist. Is it as racist as how Dragonball portrayed humans as inferior to the master race Saiya-jins.
Seriously though, it is as racist as Daffy Duck, a clearly black character always playing the second fodder to the white Bugs Bunny.
The racism in Eyeshield (and Ippo for that matter) was always in some silly pseudo-science way and never hateful. It was always like "son, you are the weaks because you got no black muscles" - "darn, guess I gotta train some more". and that's it.
Ah, that.
Seems more like misinformation to me. Although there has been studies shown that African Americans have significantly more fast twitch muscles that have helped them having an advantage over some sports.
But not in terms of pure strength, since that requires more slow twitch muscles. Ah well. The mangaka just needed to research better.
It was her own fault, didn't think of the concequences, yes it was good to follow her dream, but she got got it out of being spoilt, selfish and spiteful.
Ah, that.
Yep. It is as racist as Naruto being inferior to Neji and Sasuke due to not having an advanced bloodline.
Well he does now anyway and is as strong/stronger than them LOL
It´s fun the first and the second time, but the joke stop becoming funny after a 100 know, people would stop "assassinating" your character (lol) if you learned to take a joke instead of getting your panties up in a twist all the time.
Boo hoo someone does not like one piece as much as i do and does not like perverted smut manga, i´m so butthurt so i´m going to cry in a corner
I hated when that happened. One thing that I loved about Naruto was that he was weak. He had to work in getting stronger.
Also that he can potentially heal Sasuke now by just having the dude to bite him. Seems like Kishimoto is just screaming for that as a yaoi doujinishi plotpoint.
I know, i know, there there little boy.
I was naively filled with hope and was excited for timeskip Naruto getting trained by Jiraiya, Sasuske getting trained by Orochimaru and Sakura getting lessons from Tsunade, "It's going to be the 3 legendary Sennin next generation" I thought.
And I got strung along to, Naruto's training sessions, the Pain arc, by time I became a cynical piece of piss about the series I was too far in.
Still enjoy the odd chapter when Naruto is busting chops and not talk no Jutsu'ing everyone.
Fuck that. Outside of the bloodline thing, I hated that Naruto was an idiotic weakling and one trick pony. Not quite on the level of Ichigo (who only has one attack), but still ridiculous.
Naruto sucks as an overall ninja. He has no actual skill, just the Kyuubi modes that give you the illusion he has more techniques than he really does. He has no diverse move set other than ZOMG RASENGAN!
If he were more like Kakashi, a whole variety of techniques, both original and elemental in nature, calculating, then he would've been much better.
But watching Naruto working hard and kinda succeding was still more fun than watching Ichigo spaming the Getsuga.
I can't believe how fun the first few chapters of Naruto and Bleach were. Especially Bleach had a lot more humor and I liked the "raw" art more as well.
I definitely preferred Kubo's more polished character art at the time I dropped bleach to the stuff he was putting out at the start. It was nice, but the characters all looked a little juvenile. Which was probably more suited to the theme at the time, compared to the "why me cry" seriousness on people's faces now.
Naruto's art is nowadays is totally sterile, but I don't think the rat-faced characters at the beginning are really better.
But shippuden did start out with all you wanted, though thankfully kishimoto didn't waste time delivering us with sakura screentime beyond the scenes of her getting in the way and "lying". To be the next legendary sannin, doesn't that imply Sasuke would need to have full it could still and most likely happen.
Pumpkin scissors vol 1
Is every chapter going to conveniently include a tank for the corporal to shoot at?
Fuck that. Outside of the bloodline thing, I hated that Naruto was an idiotic weakling and one trick pony. Not quite on the level of Ichigo (who only has one attack), but still ridiculous.
Naruto sucks as an overall ninja. He has no actual skill, just the Kyuubi modes that give you the illusion he has more techniques than he really does. He has no diverse move set other than ZOMG RASENGAN!
If he were more like Kakashi, a whole variety of techniques, both original and elemental in nature, calculating, then he would've been much better.
So it's "racist", but not racist racist. Also, Apollo was portrayed as a cigar smoking white power racist guy as well, mostly for comedic effect but it does leave a bad taste in our mouths as amurkans.
Fuck that. Outside of the bloodline thing, I hated that Naruto was an idiotic weakling and one trick pony. Not quite on the level of Ichigo (who only has one attack), but still ridiculous.
Naruto sucks as an overall ninja. He has no actual skill, just the Kyuubi modes that give you the illusion he has more techniques than he really does. He has no diverse move set other than ZOMG RASENGAN!
If he were more like Kakashi, a whole variety of techniques, both original and elemental in nature, calculating, then he would've been much better.
i will agree with the lack of a diverse moveset and thats really dissapointing.
The best oppurtunity for that would be the skip where the J man trains him but he learned jackshit (dude didn't even polish the basic ninjas skills :/ )
in before Grimace starts to complain about having no need for that diversity![]()
Japan is so silly with these kinds of things. It's somewhat entertaining to see mangaka freak out over these things without any sense of real perspective.I wouldn't say ES21 (and I assume Ippo) is maliciously racist, but it's pretty clear they make heavy use of stereotypes for dramatic effect, which could be attributed to the fact that Japan is a lot less racially sensitive than the U.S., and that their exposure to blacks is limited to imported media (where they're frequently portrayed as naturally athletic).
So it's "racist", but not racist racist. Also, Apollo was portrayed as a cigar smoking white power racist guy as well, mostly for comedic effect but it does leave a bad taste in our mouths as amurkans.
Because spamming the same attack over and over again is simply boring, Viking.
But that´s true for most character who are heavily shown in any battle manga. I mean seriously, take a main character from any battle manga, and see how their moves become old because they fight and spam the same moves all the time.
There's Molester Man 15.
Dark Air
Fuck yeah, Metal Maul in action.