I think Hinata is actually the most useful female in this manga now. Granted that's not saying much, but still! Even if all she ever does is renew Naruto's confidence, it would still be one of the most useful actions since it would prevent crying Naruto from reappears constantly.
Seriously. I've already said it, but she's done more (important things) in this chapter than every other female character put together.
After the war arc is done there will probably be a cooldown chapter or two before the Sause's shit goes down. Sause is final villain confirmed.
The World God Only Knows 01-213
This is awesome, blah, blah, I know what's everyone's waiting for:
Yui > Shiori > Ayumi > Chihiro > Haqua > Elise > Tenri > Sumire > Kanon > Kusunoki > Tsukiyo > Mio > Jun > Hinoki > Yokkyun > Minami > Nora > Nanaka
Fuck Hinata. I feel like a villain losing.
Well, since Sakura became meaningless since good knows when. I guess she'll be back as soon Sasuke comes back too.
I'm hoping there is another timeskip between this arc and the final Sasuke arc. I'd prefer a Hokage Naruto defending the village from the powered up renegade rather than teh Sauce showing up to destroy the already destroyed village.
No one likes Sakura. Not even the author. That's why he sabotaged her long ago in order to make Hinata the heroine/most popular girl.
I wouldn't mind that, but I'd like some chilled out chapters as well. It's been all big fights and serious business since Pain's invasion so a lot of the big moments haven't felt all that big because there's been no real lull in the action.
Naruto 615
I'll be damned if this actually goes anywhere, but I'm pretty sure not even Kishimoto would try to kill the same character twice (even if the first time didn't count).
That said, my inner NaruHina fanboy is going berserk right now.
One Piece
One Piece
Did........did a named character just die in the present in One Piece?
Monet not being dead would be the biggest Grade-A bullshit since Pell. There is no way you survive even a small cut to the fucking HEART.she's not dead
i'll bet my account on it
Obito's a goddamn sadist, and Naruto actually almost lost it. Good thing the Hinata Bitch slap woke him out of his stupor. That cliff-ender was a bitch, I want to see what happens next T-T
No one likes Sakura. Not even the author. That's why he sabotaged her long ago in order to make Hinata the heroine/most popular girl.
Wombs vol 1
This is a weird one.
On the planet Hekiou there is a war that's been going on for a long while between two generations of colonies, dubbed "First" and "Second".
The First are humans, while the Second are more monster like. The Second are also shown to be pretty strong, enough to have taken a lot of terrain from the First.
To face against the Second, between various strategies, a certain military unit was also created: a unit formed only by women who are able to use the power of teleportation thanks to the implantation in their wombs of organic tissue from the Nibas, alien creatures from Hekiou. So yeah, they basically get pregnant with these alien thing all in order to teleport troops around.
I was finding this whole thing a bit hard to swallow, especially given certain aspects of the book (it's a military setting, so there are certain aspects of the military represented that can be annoying -asshole dude making sexual remarks toward them, or dropping a porn magazine featuring military teleportation women on the path the girls usually take- especially when it concerns a unit of only women and the way certain male military cadets act), though reading the first volume I learned (thanks to a very quick flashback), that there are worse things that can be done/were done to the women of the colony in this war by their own people.
When one of the female cadets gets her instructor angry -she talks back to her about possible problems with the implants and people not being suitable candidates-, the instructor shuts her up telling her that if they aren't found suitable for the unit, they'd be sent to a place worse than where they are now, a place where they don't even have human rights so she should hope everyone will be suitable.
This part is expanded upon in the flashback: Women were thrown from airplanes as human bombs, something that's supposed to be in the past and something the women in charge of the unit don't want to go back to.
So yeah, the first book deals with the training of the unit and the protagonist, the cadet Mana Oga, being all intent on becoming a great teleporter.
As I said it's a weird book, but I'm kind of interested in seeing how it progresses, in spite of feeling some distress reading it.
"Did you think this manga WASN'T about me, Lord Aizen?"Molester Man 18
This fucking chapter guys! This fucking chapter!
Molester Man 18
This fucking chapter guys! This fucking chapter!
Molester Man 18
This fucking chapter guys! This fucking chapter!
But at lewast i will Luffy go all out after the timeskip if the confrontation happened. He´s probably blue walking over the ocean.
Monet not being dead would be the biggest Grade-A bullshit since Pell. There is no way you survive even a small cut to the fucking HEART.
She's not dead. Just resign yourself to it.
I expect Luffy to lose if there is a confrontation.
Molester Man 18