Just so we're fool-proof, how many hours from now is it midnight in Translator Man timezone? Or uh, the timezone he's most likely to be in.
The sex is pretty light and tame.
Except for some of the middle chapters.
And the recent arc (which is about a guy turning into a girl to have sex with random dudes for popularity or something?).
I regret typing that.
She flat out fucking disappeared. Not that I mind, though, Chihiro wins out eventually. Except not sure how I feel about her as a guy.
I post more than survivor in one thread and suddenly he's rebelling
I don't think I've ever come across a really good collection of short yuri stories, but this was probably the closest so far. I prefer it when the stories are all interrelated rather than when it jumps around to a different setting/characters every time. Art was decent too. 4 lilies out of 5.
Funnily enough, I largely lost interest in the series at that point!She flat out fucking disappeared. Not that I mind, though, Chihiro wins out eventually.
Ippo 1002
I feel like if Volg was going to lose, he would have already.
I skipped all the chapters after Sasuke freed Orochimaru or whatever, and read the last 2. So Sakura got shafted big time or what? She is on par with Ten-ten at this point in terms of relevance to the plot, maybe once Sasuke is back in the picture but man she got shafted big time. Deserved, though, I hated her character ever since the fake confession.
How's the current arc in Bleach? I need to catch up, and in One Piece too.
whoa new Vinland Saga chapters, too.
Or he's going to die.
Or he's going to die.
Or he's going to die.
Ashita no Joe homage incoming?
It is kind of surprising no one has died in the ring yet.
I don't know if you missed the Pain arc (Sasuke is barely in this manga anymore, so I can't tell when he did what), but I wouldn't put my hopes too much on this. Hinata almost died once protecting Naruto, told him that she loved him and Naruto never gave a meaningful response.
tbf apparently when she saved him in the Pain fight, after going kyuubi he didn't remeber what happened. not like the last 2 chapters, where he saw her dedication to him in first person and she was the one that knocked some sense into him when he was about to, for the very first time in the whole manga, go back on his word and ninja motto or whatever. he realized then she's been there the whole time for him, Sakura is fucked.
unless kishimoto decides to kill Hinata for whatever reason, which would be absolutely stupid at this point.
Neji sacrificed himself for the Naruto/Hinata ship, how fucking sad. One of the best characters in the manga :sigh
Yea the whole thing is just freaky. I'm a bit shocked it hasn't become a smutgaf flavor of the month yet.
Funnily enough, I largely lost interest in the series at that point!
So yeah, I couldn't get past the first few pages of Molester Man.
The art is simply atrocious.
So yeah, I couldn't get past the first few pages of Molester Man.
The art is simply atrocious.
Empoleon = Sachiko ending.
So yeah, I couldn't get past the first few pages of Molester Man.
The art is simply atrocious.
It's pretty bad, but try to look past it. It's worth it.
Full Metal Alchemist 32-65
Do all monthly manga pack so much content into each chapter? Honestly this series has been a blast to read though so far another series I really shouldn't have waited so long to experience. The relationship between Ed, Al, and Roy is the highlight of the series, and how the plot is beginning to tie all the secondary characters into the main plot is great. Bradley makes a great villain, allowing both the brothers and Roy to continue pursuing their objectives while keeping them in permanent check is pretty spectacular.
Not a big fan of Ling becoming the 2nd Greed, then again I'm not a big fan of Ling's character at all. Compared to a lot of the well written supporting characters like Hawkeye, Barry The Chopper, and Havoc I feel the whole plot line with the east continues to go nowhere fast outside of introducing a convenient way for Ed/Al/Roy to power up their alchemy.
Fullmetal Alchemist is special.
I realized that awhile ago lol, the FMA animes have sky rocketed on my list of "what to watch" because of how good the manga is.
It gets better too.
Still not as good as Kurosawa.
Just marathoned up to the latest Oyasumi Punpun chapter...
Molester Man better have a good ending or its going to be depression city![]()
So over the weekend I ended up finishing up Reborn and it ended the way I thought Reborn would end. Now to catch up Molester.
I still miss reborn, and get a bit sad whenever I see fan art for it. Cant wait for her next manga.