Smiles and Cries
disconnecting too much today 
I think I spotted it, the rooms are inconsistent, basically there's like too many players, and a mismatch between what each people see in the waiting room is different, on my screen I'm so sure there was a player that only existed on Donkey's side. Basically 13/12 player limit = can't start race.
If you're in Donkey's room then prepare to get an error, he's cursed.
Communication Errors: The Stream.If you're in Donkey's room then prepare to get an error, he's cursed.
OT 2? Is that another tournament?I'll catch up soon!
Also, total time so far.
was that even a race
It seems like it's giving a connection error almost everytime someone does not select a track :S
It seems like it's giving a connection error almost everytime someone does not select a track :S
Hopping on to the GAF Tourney with my brand new Pro Controller right now. My body is ready.
fucking hate that clock stage and anyone who picks it should feel bad >_>
how i can attach a banana behind my kart?
fucking hate that clock stage and anyone who picks it should feel bad >_>
I was just hit by a Blooper, a red shell, and a green shell going down the hill on the last lap or Toad Harbor...
you guys get further and further away each race
Good news everyone. I'm coming in 😅