Juggernaut is such an exciting character that Gaz didn't even bother posting teasers. :lol
Plot Twist:You had the Galactic Guardian boost active
so whats the word on how to get the armor tech event thingies? drops, tied to dailies, what?
So they actually come from a lot of places, here's the big list -
LOL achievements are still eight weeks out. Goodness gracious.
Damn.. Been going on a while now.
Hope they have some good perks when they do finally arrive.
Are there perks? I figured they'd just be meaningless bars to fill up.
That's what I'm thinking of, but hmm, the last screenshot preview doesn't have the Odin mark things, so maybe it's gone.
Some sort of reward would be nice. Otherwise, meh...
One of those was credits, so if there are rewards I hope it's diverse.
The plan was to continue our Wednesday night raiding tradition...then only four people showed up. We typically have 7-8 folks ready to go and have to bring in a couple of extras from outside the super group to form the raid.
In the past, we've done two raids on Wednesday nights, then another run or two on the weekends. Times aren't set in stone, but the first Wednesday raid has tended to start at 2000 Eastern Time, with the second one starting at 2200 Eastern Time. Those are intended to accomodate our Brazilian/Canadian/USA players. In the past, Sblargh or someone has led the first run, and I usually shoehorn myself into leading the second group. We don't really need anyone leading them anymore, but it helps to explain fight mechanics to new players and narrow down group selections.
Good evening,
I hope everyone is well.
Here's the schedule for the next two weeks:
Tomorrow (Friday, October 10th) - ARMOR Incursion Event begins for approproximately one week. Several other bug fixes are also in the patch.
Monday, October 13th - Midtown Madness Monday also occurs. If all goes well, this will happen every Monday and will even extend to the Industry City Patrol when it launches in a few weeks.
Monday, October 13th (probably earlier) - The very big patch with Nova, Cyclops 52, Psylocke QOL, Ghost Rider QOL, Surfer QOL and Star-Lord QOL will open for public testing.
Friday, October 17th (possibly Thursday) - The big patch will launch, along with Cosmic Chaos!
Friday, October 24th - Halloween two-week event will begin (no currency attached, just various flavorful drops).
Likely that weekend - Juggernaut open for public testing.
We shall!
Wait until you see the Loot Vaporizer next week. It's another game changer.
Is there any method to quickly level in this game?
I'm doing Midtown madness atm and while it seems much quicker it is still kind of tedious
Legendary Quests
I will google that when I get out of work thx!
Currently only lvl 18 though
Ooo looks like a new power or just updated art for an all ready shown power, that icon wasn't in the earlier power tree spoiler nor the datamining. The one bound to the "F"-key.
For those playing Psylocke, what legendary do you use?
I would like to raid with you guys like I used to a month ago, but since I started my new job, I actually have to work nights, so it's a no-go for me, until a couple weeks and my schedule changes up.
Wow these iBoosts are legit
Where do you get em?
What's your in-game name??
Part of the Mac Packs in the store.
new rig aquired, 1 game and 1 game only goes on the SSD. Guess which game![]()
Psylocke is my "main" and I've got her in full level 66 gear with almost all top end artifacts (still no Gem of the Kursed, but RNG is what it is).
The top choices for her legendary:
1) The Power Cosmic. No question. You are talking +1,500 health, +1,500 physical damage rating, +1,500 mental damage rating, and +2 to all her attributes. All of that will have a 100% uptime, and gives her a massive damage increase along with lots of health. Hybrid itemization in this game is ridiculous right now. Psylocke is very well balanced between the two damage types, and they've said her QOL will not affect current itemization. With her uniques getting reworked and the more defensive psionic barrier mechanic, I'm convinced the Power Cosmic will remain the top choice if you're looking for maximizing damage and raiding.
2) Gungnir. If you don't have a Power Cosmic available (most players have one, tops), Gungnir is the way to go. With top end gearing and artifacts, my Psylocke has right at 49% critical hit chance. Gungnir would up that number to 52%ish, but more importantly it adds +2,000 critical damage rating. That's a massive boost to critical damage, and can't really be replicated in any other gearing slot, since almost everyone takes all four costume affixes as critical damage regardless of other gearing choices.
3) Excalibur. This is a good general purpose legendary for melee, but I don't think it's optimized that well for end game cosmic terminals or raid content. The +1,000 defense means very little when getting hit by a raid boss. Congrats on taking 10,400 damage instead of 11,000! You are far better off with the +1,500 health instead. The +1,000 to melee powers is great, except it pales in comparison to the +1,500 physical and +1,500 mental you get from the Power Cosmic. It's important to note that while Psylocke is primarily a melee character, at least two of her most commonly used damage abilities have a ranged tag on them. So what you're left with is +500 critical rating (worse than Gungnir's +800) and regenerating 200 health on hit. The health on hit thing isn't terrible, but not something that is going to keep you alive in any of the harder content in the game.
TL;DR - The Power Cosmic >> Gungnir >>>>> Excalibur
can you get them on PC version of game??
New Code: HRBGO
Just an FYI for those trying to farm ARMOR drives as quickly as possible, do Red Terminal Magneto. He's currently dropping three drives (instead of two), and he's quick and easy to farm.
game is messing with me, rare instance I am home without the family and it is downloading a patch that is taking forever.
Are the boosts n real time or played time?
edit: lol patch has failed on me 3 times now and says i need to run a repair. It's a sign to go drink
As long as you're happy with your money going to Steam instead of Gazillion, sure.Are you on the Steam version? If not, I suggest you completely uninstall and use the Steam one
As long as you're happy with your money going to Steam instead of Gazillion, sure.
As long as you're happy with your money going to Steam instead of Gazillion, sure.