Most team ups so far don't even have powers per se
Falcon - no power
Hey man, she could steal his power to talk to birds.
lol I've always thought Falcon was a lame comix character, just like amadeus cho
The way Gaz is implementing Rogue in this game is all the reminder I need of why I hate her character. A complete mess of an idea that has never come together in comics.
One of the most powerful mutants of all-time, capable of stealing basically anyone's ability. Except when she's wearing gloves. Or when Marvel wants her to be able to do the down and dirty with someone, so they retcon her to be in complete control of her abilities and no longer swip someone's memory. Also, skin contact is cool now.
Also, her victims lose their own abilities while she possesses them. Except when they don't. And sometimes they are unconscious or weak. Except when they aren't. And the absorption can sometimes become permanent. Or maybe not. And sometimes she has Pandemic's death touch and instantly kills whoever she touches or puts them into a coma. Except when she doesn't. And aspects of her victim's personality manifest themselves in her as a sort of split personality. Except when they don't.
Bottom line: NOBODY knows what the fuck is going on with Rogue's power set at any given time. Different writers just make stuff up on the fly to fit their storyline, leaving her as a terrible mess. Remember when she had to run away from her dad after her powers began to manifest themselves? Only later she said she had never known who her father was....
Her name has been established as Marie. Then it was Anna. Then it was Anna Raven. Then it was Anna Marie. Get the fuck out with this garbage.
Comics are a confusing and twisted world. Consistency is often an afterthought. Rogue is one of the worst examples of this.
Put it behind a link in case people haven't seen all the Marvel movies. Spoilers.
Bro, that's Captain Falcon America to you.
The way Gaz is implementing Rogue in this game is all the reminder I need of why I hate her character. A complete mess of an idea that has never come together in comics.
One of the most powerful mutants of all-time, capable of stealing basically anyone's ability. Except when she's wearing gloves. Or when Marvel wants her to be able to do the down and dirty with someone, so they retcon her to be in complete control of her abilities and no longer swip someone's memory. Also, skin contact is cool now.
Bro, that's Captain Falcon America to you.
Put it behind a link in case people haven't seen all the Marvel movies. Spoilers.
ughh don't make me puke, I heard about that
Going with the list:
Luke Cage looks like a thug.
Something about him with Jessica Jones doesn't feel right.
Black Captain America makes you puke.
There were more, actually, I just forgot.
my problem with rogue is she can have like a skill bar of stolen powers, and they are ofocurse gonna have to balance this. which in some case when they do balance it (for instance her using certain skills with another skill) they wernt originally planned for that state just the skills on ex hero. so when it comes to balance not only will rogue get a nerf it will affect the heroes power too
The preliminary balance is that you can't have more than three of the same time (no more than 3 passives; no more than 3 area; no more than 3 movement, etc.![]()
I main Luke Cage in MH. But that's purely for gameplay-fun reasons haha
Comix-wise... well we can get into that on the off-topic comix thread. I think it's weird that Dagger is with Cloak (besides the name association)
Except that they're basically having a symbiosis and complement each other. Cloak's cloak is a portal to some other dimension and basically hungers; and the only "food" is either transporting victims to that other dimension. However, it also can be sated with the energy that Dagger produces. Since Dagger has the tendency to overcharge with that light energy, she can direct that overcharge of energy into Cloak's portal.
It's a perfect circle - Dagger produces too much energy that keeps Cloak's portal fed and prevents him from having to essentially kill people.
So what was Cloak doing all those years before they met? Because I believe they didn't meet until they were adults, (but I have read very little of their comix)
Cloak wasn't Cloak when he first met Dagger (who wasn't Dagger), and both were in their teens then. They developed their mutant powers when they got injected with a drug by the Maggia.Originally they weren't mutants and that drug gave them their powers, but that was retconned later.
I'm down. I don't have any doop portals but I do have some of both Cow Portals I can contribute.Cloak and dagger are mutants? Huh? Didn't know that
So who's down for some doop portal runs tonight! (I have 11) plus maybe some cow runs and I'm gonna pop my loot chests from the galactic event, gotta take advantage of those boosts
I'm down. I don't have any doop portals but I do have some of both Cow Portals I can contribute.
What's the recommend level? I'm going to try and max my Wolvie tonight, but I have Jean at 60 if need be.
So what was Cloak doing all those years before they met? Because I believe they didn't meet until they were adults, (but I have read very little of their comix)
Cloak and dagger are mutants? Huh? Didn't know that
So who's down for some doop portal runs tonight! (I have 11) plus maybe some cow runs and I'm gonna pop my loot chests from the galactic event, gotta take advantage of those boosts
I'll join whatever. Doop runs are great for coins right?
I'm also bursting w/ Cow Portal keys. I've never run it as I never had a group to do so.
BogartandMinerva in game as well.
my problem with rogue is she can have like a skill bar of stolen powers, and they are ofocurse gonna have to balance this. which in some case when they do balance it (for instance her using certain skills with another skill) they wernt originally planned for that state just the skills on ex hero. so when it comes to balance not only will rogue get a nerf it will affect the heroes power too
Cloak and dagger are mutants? Huh? Didn't know that
So who's down for some doop portal runs tonight! (I have 11) plus maybe some cow runs and I'm gonna pop my loot chests from the galactic event, gotta take advantage of those boosts
I'd love some Doop/Cow runs, but your "tonight" is my "like 3 AM in the morning", so I can't really.![]()
Hey guys, just a tip. Officers in the Super Group can change the message of the day with the command /motd. If you are organizing runs or something it might be useful to let others know times and stuff when logging in for the day.
Ok moon knight is sick.
Shame about the cape model though.
ffs Kepow.
No, I'm in Europe
doomsaw said on stream he expects people to roughly get 50 of these for the week depending how much they play MM.
these drop in MM starting tomorrow with midtown madness and are a random drop from any enemy there. they said they drop fairly often
OMG!!!! the guy in the right corner is a good ingame friend of mine!! that is hilarious!!!
its all week by sounds of it
they got this too
doomsaw said on stream he expects people to roughly get 50 of these for the week depending how much they play MM.
these drop in MM starting tomorrow with midtown madness and are a random drop from any enemy there. they said they drop fairly often