Oh shit the patch is tomorrow?? I thought it was Friday like usual. Glad I did the final push for Power Cosmic earlier then
Gotta try to get enough for Power Cosmic, since the consensus is that it's the Legendary of choice for Rogue.
Raid in 30 minutes if you'd like to come!
Raid in 30 minutes if you'd like to come!
Blank you seem to know shit, has there been any word if the stash pets work for the Cybernetiks system? They go on the pet tab afterall. Has this been discussed at all or did someone check on TC?
Thought I saw someone ask and yes. Anything equipped in that slot works
Raid was pretty fun. Thanks for taking me along!
she hulk. She's incredibly bad
Fixed that for you. She Hulk is the worst.
since TragicComedy doesnt care about Rogue he can be our toy when it comes to trying out different hero powers
Fixed that for you. She Hulk is the worst.
We have repackaged all of our audio files into smaller "chunks". The end result of this is that future patches will be smaller for the life of the game since you will not have to download giant audio packages for small changes (which often cause our patch sizes to be bigger than they should be).
Arya Stark, is that you?
No way...
What has been seen...
cant unsee >_<
I noticed that immediately. Wake up, noobs.No way...
What has been seen...
I noticed that immediately. Wake up, noobs.
On another note, I think I'm gonna have to buy Rogue with real money. I just can't save up 600 splinters. It would take like 75 hours or something insane, which for me is almost 2 months. Man do I regret buying the last 2 random hero boxesDupe city
I noticed that immediately. Wake up, noobs.
On another note, I think I'm gonna have to buy Rogue with real money. I just can't save up 600 splinters. It would take like 75 hours or something insane, which for me is almost 2 months. Man do I regret buying the last 2 random hero boxesDupe city
if Arya Stark was She Hulk Ned would of never died
she would of just crushed Jofferys head with a boulder
That was a really close raid. It was fun, but I got some pretty disappointing loot from it.
Arya Stark, is that you?
Seriously, the current run of Pulido on She Hulk is laughably bad.
Then again, this is She Hulk we're talking about, and it's not like anyone reads it to notice. Hot garbage.
is this fan art?!?
Who is better, Kepow? Javier Pulido or Frank Quitely?
Dude's Catwoman is his Lex Luthor with a mask on.
man oh man
can't I choose Liefeld instead
I like the more cartoony / anime style guys like Joe Mad (still my favorite X-Men artist) or...err I forget his name, he does a lot of the loading screens, something Campbell?)
edit: J.Scott Campbell is who i was thinking but its not him, I didnt even know he did x-men stuff. I do like him tho.