how rare is a matrix of unbinding and can you craft it or is it drop only??
Not sure if they drop, I know you can get them from fortune cards though. Doubt you can craft them.
how rare is a matrix of unbinding and can you craft it or is it drop only??
how rare is a matrix of unbinding and can you craft it or is it drop only??
I'm pretty sure it's in the consumable tab for the crafter.
not to make, only to consume.
So in my raccoony adventures I found this little combo:
The magneto medal's efficiency bonus applies to ALL abilities including my shield and BFG, neither of which proc the self damage. When I need to autoattack or use Tactical Destruction, the oculus heals for more than twice the damage I take from the Magneto medal (I only have around 3500 hp). Spirit consumption is a serious issue for Rocket at high level because you need to refresh your shield every single time you take a hit, since it just gets eaten instantly by anything. I've also been grabbing whatever +spirit and efficiency gear I could, as a secondary priority to +skill points.
Story, Limbo, Terminals or all the above?Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but if you bodyslide after killing a boss, you can body slide immediately back in to fight him again. 2X kills for 1 runthrough.
Story, Limbo, Terminals or all the above?
I haven't played Endgame yet so IDK how it works 100% yet.
Oh yea, forgot to mention...
Green Terminals.
I kinda wanna try red terminals. Just to see.
Has anyone at Gazillion said anything about the prices of the four upcoming heroes? I want Squirrel Girl and Nova and need to save some of my Gs. I'd like to know how much.
Any suggestions for how to build scarlet witch?
I assume it's like in other f2p games where you don't get a respec and you end up wasting points on skills you'll never use after the early levels.
There's an item that drops(you can also pay $3 for it), retcon device , that allows you to respec. I wouldn't buy one as it drops more than you should need it. I have around 6 or so now, and I'm only level 36.
You also get one around chapter 6, I think, as a quest reward.
Edit: Nevermind, post above says Chapter 3.
Edit 2: It's actually Chapter 4, quest is Corruption in Blue.
I'm looking to try the game, but unfortunately I can't buy 80 packs. Can I still get good content in the free version?
I'm looking to try the game, but unfortunately I can't buy 80 packs. Can I still get good content in the free version?
Absolutely - and the 80 packs you are speaking of are poo. Get the free game going, play a bit, and if you decide you want a certain character, just plop down a little monies for him/her. Cheaper and more efficient that way at this point.
Thank you. My only problem is I really love Cable and Wolverine in the comics. But I don't want to pay 80 euros only for two characters.
Is the GAF supergroup up and running yet?
Just got back from my early morning duties. As soon as I finish updating I'll make it.
Yep, just invite Hamchan whenever the supergroup is up. Don't know if i have to be online to accept invites or not.
Well, hello there:
Supergroups are up. I can't invite you if you are not online, but if you are, just send me a tell ("/t inky [message]") and I'll send an invite your way.
I'm actually doing some other work stuff right now, but I'll be "on" to read your tells and invite you guys asap.