THE GAME IS OFFLINE??? WTF was the point of the ultimate pack then??
What makes Thor so OP?
THE GAME IS OFFLINE??? WTF was the point of the ultimate pack then??
What makes Thor so OP?
I'm going to guess they give UP purchasers some extra something as an "oops, sorry." I mean, in reality, the value in the pack wasn't in the week head start. It's nice, and was promised, and should be made up for, but getting all the things was the real reason to buy it.
if you are one of those people that want to do world first, it is somewhat important
No, it was raised to 60 in the last content patch before they closed down the beta.
Ah ok, was there actual content to hit 60? The highest I got was 21 and was on chapter 7
@MMMSociety 1m
@RandomDutchGuy We plan on updating everyone on the status at 6PM PDT (35 minutes from now).
There are 8 story chapters, which carry you to around 30. Then there is endgame content - PVP, daily boss missions, and higher difficulty replays of dungeons, IIRC.
Don't quote me on that, though, because I only got up to 15 or so after the wipe of the Cable patch.
Yep, the level cap is 60. You keep getting new abilities up to level 30, but you still get points to raise them in rank after that. Last time I did the story I finished at about level 20, and they made the curve from 35-30 and beyond pretty steep, so getting to cap will be somewhat of a commitment.
I don't think I'll bother with going for cap, I'll just mix it up between endgame and leveling new characters.
Yep, the level cap is 60. You keep getting new abilities up to level 30, but you still get points to raise them in rank after that. Last time I did the story I finished at about level 20, and they made the curve from 35-30 and beyond pretty steep, so getting to cap will be somewhat of a commitment.
I don't think I'll bother with going for cap, I'll just mix it up between endgame and leveling new characters.
YES i don't like it at all...i have not logged back in and i will not....
There are 8 story chapters, which carry you to around 30. Then there is endgame content - PVP, daily boss missions, and higher difficulty replays of dungeons, IIRC.
Don't quote me on that, though, because I only got up to 15 or so after the wipe of the Cable patch.
Yep, the level cap is 60. You keep getting new abilities up to level 30, but you still get points to raise them in rank after that. Last time I did the story I finished at about level 20, and they made the curve from 35-30 and beyond pretty steep, so getting to cap will be somewhat of a commitment.
I don't think I'll bother with going for cap, I'll just mix it up between endgame and leveling new characters.
YES i don't like it at all...i have not logged back in and i will not....
So still down eh? Just got home. Oh well no big deal to me. I fully expected these issues. I haven't seen an MMO yet that doesn't have issues at launch making it unplayable or close to it.
Still, given that it's not really an MMO and had a lengthy beta period, this downtime is not exactly encouraging.
Usually MMO launch issues are a result of servers getting hammered, not last minute, game-crippling bugs.
Still, given that it's not really an MMO and had a lengthy beta period, this downtime is not exactly encouraging.
Usually MMO launch issues are a result of servers getting hammered, not last minute, game-crippling bugs.
Were you able to try out the cosmic sharded versions of the daily missions? I'm curious if they'll need a higher level requirement or will good gear + good teams be enough?
plus wouldnt u want to wait to see if they release new abilities later on?
Nope. I did get a key out of like 17 instances I ran, but it was too late into the last day of beta, so I never bothered.
From what I understand, the first green terminal is level 27 (Shocker, at the Avengers Tower) and each following one goes up by one level. The red terminals (the ones that require the key) are the same level as their green counterparts, but harder, so I suspect they'll be possible with a same-level group, but tougher by yourself.
I started doing them at 22 no problem (except for Magneto), but at 25 I hit a wall in the AIM lab and couldn't finish the first terminal.
I'm not sure they'll add any new ones, to be honest. I expect the bulk of the content will be new heroes and new maps/story.
@MMMSociety 1m
We've made good progress and we plan on getting #MarvelHeroes Ultimate Pack Founders in the game tonight. We'll update again in 2 hours.
Iron Man if the price is reasonable. If not, Cable and I'll wait for a sale.:|
Well, in the meantime, what hero y'all gonna start with? Maybe we can get a GAF party up 'n running once they fix the stuff... although I might be in bed at that time.
Iron Man if the price is reasonable. If not, Cable and I'll wait for a sale.
Anyone know if Nova will be ready for launch?
...and Luke Cage. It's in the OP ='(
So who is gonna make our guild? BTW the max guild size is now 100 players.
Sorry...and Luke Cage. It's in the OP ='(
‏@MMMSociety 4m
Evening all. We're still progressing, still moving forward, and we're still hopeful - but no ETA on opening #MarvelHeroes yet. More later.
@MMMSociety 53s
Rest assured we have made good progress (and more since 6PM) but we can't give an ETA until plans come together.
I get upset when people don't read my OPs too so I feel extra bad D:
I can see my sexy name on it!
Its ok. No one cares about Luke Cage anyway.
Saw this on Reddit:
I can see my sexy name on it!
Also, cant say I'm surprised that things didnt go smoothly. Havent been in many betas but its been a pretty rocky ride.
That...That is a lot of 200 dollar packs!
That...That is a lot of 200 dollar packs!
Thats what I thought aswell. Really didnt expect that many to have bought the UP.