Anyone gonna be doing the purple challenge 1? I can never find anyone to group with, ingame name is makeamidget
A few questions:
Anyone else feel defense is completely worthless as a stat? 1 point = 0.2 reduction...
I have only found two different types of armor that have special item find and rarity boost. For Storm they are boots and head. Anyone find more than 2? Not including costume core, of course.
Is there no way to see what your damage is?
Do cube shard turn ins cap out at anything? So far I've had 3, 5 and now 10.
Also, I have a few ways to lame out a few of the endgame bosses with solo Storm. I will list those now
These all have to do with Storm with ball lightning, so not sure who else would be able to do all of them. Also, if you know any better way, please let me know.
I'm going to list them by the order they are, some are just obvious stuff; they are included just in case anyone is having trouble with them.

Not sure if any of these are spoilers, but just in case, I will refer to them as Green 1, Green 2, etc.
In general I never get touched by any of the bosses following these strategies(someone earlier in the thread helped out with Green 7. Also, if you get the Heals when injured modifier... That sucks.
Green 1 - Just run circles around him, when he attacks and you are behind him, spam anything.
Green 2 - Same as green 1
Green 3 - Run circles, when he pauses and raises his sword, get behind him and shoot ball lighting at the wall where he is facing, run circles until he does it again.
Green 4 - Just run around until he teleports, shoot ball lighting at the wall the furthest away from you, he'll run into them.
Green 5 - As soon as you zone in, he will make a big bubble, stand right on the edge of it and empty your spirit bar into ball lightnings. Zone out, get spirit back, zone in again, do the same thing. I have yet to see him do anything other than the ball(which does nothing unless you enter it) whenever I have zoned in.
Green 6 - Run circles shoot ball lightning when he does his dash move. Every 25% run out into the hall and kill the adds.(He will follow, so watch out for his attacks, the hall just makes it easy to funnel the adds into ball lightning.) When adds die, run back into his room and repeat until dead.
Green 7 - As soon as you zone in, kill every add you see. Then go to the lower right platform. There is a pillar at the edge of the slope, hide there. You can shoot ball lightning(It will barely hit him) from around the pillar. When he teleports away just stay there until he returns. He will die eventually, and will never touch you.
Green 8 - Pull him all the way down the stairs to the area with the door. Run in a square motion, using 1 or 2 Sirroco Rushes to put some space between you, then shoot a few ball lightnings. When he gets close to you, run straight at him and rush through him and out the door. Get spirit back and reenter the door, as soon as you zone in, rush down right and repeat the square.
Green 9 - Haven't tried him yet.