Smiles and Cries
I for one refuse to serve crow to all of the 'just a flu bros'

Is there a way we can bioengineer a deadly contagious virus that specifically targets bats, rats, mosquitos, ticks and just unleash it into the wild so we can get rid of these useless disease-carrying species that serve no purpose in this world other than to be a danger to us?
Why would you want more disease carriers running around?
That is how this got started in the first place - just a few weeks ago the media narrative was that "This was just the flu!" and "Why is mean racist Drumpf keeping the yellow people out?" That selfish hag and spoiled doctor on the cruise ship were whining about being prevented from spreading coronavirus.
We should have quarantined all travelers from the initial infection zones involuntarily.
Good question, but I think it could well be significant numbers just with milder symptoms that then get spread to the elderly who are more vulnerable.
testing missiles full of COVID19 cases insideWonder what's going on in North Korea.
His response was literally only showing concern about the numbers of infected going up.
My county has thrown in the towel after ten cases and are moving towards mitigation. We are also only capable of testing 20 times per day. It looks like I was better off staying in China with this sort of response.
I'm also in an argument with my wife because sick relatives keep coming over to our house that is made up of me a 36 year old with type 1 diabetes, my wife whom is pregnant, and her mother who is over 60. Her niece got sent home for coughing so much she threw up, and they keep coming to our house.
Somehow im being a hypochondriac. "If you are so concerned why don't you self isolate, telework and ill bring you food." How about we don't constantly surround ourselves with sick people while a deadly virus that we are vulnerable to is circulating our community?
Why Sacramento County is moving from 'containment' to 'mitigation' to control coronavirus
“You kind of give up on containment and go to mitigation,” said Sacramento County health chief Dr. Peter Beilenson told
Oh shit
Because more infected means more infections, and people have proven themselves incapable of self-quarantining.
Yeah, for some reason my wife just seems to be under the impression that i'm not at risk because i'm not old and I have my sugars under fairly good control. They are just writing her dry cough off as "just allergies" and I don't think i'm asking a lot by suggesting they stay away while sick and while this is going on, but apparently that is just too much.Man, take care. 39yr old T1 here and we (me and wifey) are just doing everything possible to keep from bringing it into our home. Can't see how anyone would even want to put their loved one in that situation, we are in for a struggle if we get it (You or I).
The safe states are rapidly disappearing.
Ya so far it seems that the elderly/vlunerable are at risk the most and need to be paid more attention. I mean going by Canada's numbers about 7 people under 40 got sick, and I bet at most 1, but probably 0 went to the hospital for it.
MONTREAL -- Quebec health authorities have announced that one of the Quebecers who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 took the bus and metro to and from the South Shore and Montreal on Feb. 24 and March 6.
The safe states are rapidly disappearing.
That's 1 Dakota too close to me....I'm doomed, it's beginning to surround me
You need some toilet paper to wipe your tears?After watching that guy on rogan, this is no longer funny :/
They are just touting their technology, they don't even have a prototype vaccine for testing yet.
When your first cases are announced with a death, you know things are bad.
Stay safe type 1 friendthat's my biggest fear, local reports don't say much as far as tests in ND, so for all I know is it's been here spreading around, cause It'Z JuSt Da fLu.
Pretty sure both me and my wife are sick with something as is, fevers, pains, the usual business, but now with the worry that this is out here spreading...
The thing is you won’t know until she has symptoms and then it’ll be too late, because you’re a carrier long before.We have now 14 cases in alberta.
7 or 9 in my city.
Will have to lock my wife out of the house if she gets it at work
Would hope they test her in the hospital after being exposed to her patients.The thing is you won’t know until she has symptoms and then it’ll be too late, because you’re a carrier long before.
So the obviously solution is to lock her out now.![]()
Enjoy hell![]()
Pope Francis Urges Priests To Refrain From Molesting Children Over Coronavirus Fears
VATICAN CITY—Stressing that ensuring the safety of all clergy members remained the Holy See’s primary concern, Pope Francis issued a statement Monday urging priests worldwide to refrain from molesting children over escalating coronavirus fears. “During this trying period, we are recommending
So the principal from my daughter's school today called and left a message that one of the students had been sent home to quarantine due to coronavirus fears. They just returned from abroad and the students father has been diagnosed with it. They wouldn't give any other info and said it is up to all of us whether to send our children back to school tomorrow or not.
Didnt say anything about even what grade the child was in or if they were deep cleaning the classroom. How is anyone supposed to make an informed decision about what to do with their child with this kind of info? This is an elementary school. Grades k-4 through 5th.
Well, knowing how shit the Nursery system in Sweden is since years, the healthcare would collapse if these nurses went into sick leave.
Maybe we're the rubes and it'll turn out TP was the cure all along.
Shit that's tough. My daughter is only in Pre-K, but after a few people mentioned that we might want to keep her home as I have Multiple Myeloma (currently on a clinical trial in my 2nd year, numbers are great, it's suppressed). We finally decided last night to try to get ahead of the curve and keep her home for the foreseeable future.
My wife has chrons and the medication comprises her immune system so she too is at greater risk. I'm not too worried about my daughter contracting and fighting off the virus but rather my wife.
Also we both work full time and dont have the kind of jobs we can work from home or just take days off on a whim much less weeks.
I work in a big manufacturing plant and am secretly hoping we shut down for a few weeks just so I can keep my kids home without fear of losing my job...
Obviously a better scenario would be for this thing to go away though.