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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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1st confitmrd case in Poland. One 46 year old dude went yesterday to a hospital feeling sick, he came a few days back from China. They tested him and confirmed it. He's being transported to a medical center in KrakĆ³w. So the first case is from my region šŸ˜

Edit: time to stock up for two weeks of food

Edit2: NOT YET CONFIRMED. Our media are a bit oversensitive. Guy is still tested
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At least Australia tries to handle this responsibly.
People evacuated are flown to Christmas Island (christmas everyday) ((offshore detention centre)) for 2 weeks.
No evacuation and letting the vectors lose on the mainland here.

Only australian citizens are allowed to return on flights from china and will be quaranteened.


The pozzed globohomo stans are saying dont worry! No one outside of China has died yet! Oh by the way your rascists for suggesting closing borders!

Ya but do you realize that almost every infected patient in a western country is getting the absolute best care at the moment? (Yes some patients seem to be recovering at home under quarantine) IV fluids, analgesics, antipyretics, bronchodilators, continuous o2 if needed, chest physio, incentive spirometry, constant monitoring by doctors and nurses.

You add 5000 people to that same hospital and suddenly only a small percentage get all those goodies, thats when the death rate skyrockets.

In that possible situation, its actually better to be one of the first to get the coronavirus. So your healthy and out of the hospital by the time the diseased black friday crowds push through the front door and run over security.

Karma Jawa

The pozzed globohomo stans are saying dont worry! No one outside of China has died yet! Oh by the way your rascists for suggesting closing borders!

Ya but do you realize that almost every infected patient in a western country is getting the absolute best care at the moment? (Yes some patients seem to be recovering at home under quarantine) IV fluids, analgesics, antipyretics, bronchodilators, continuous o2 if needed, chest physio, incentive spirometry, constant monitoring by doctors and nurses.

You add 5000 people to that same hospital and suddenly only a small percentage get all those goodies, thats when the death rate skyrockets.

In that possible situation, its actually better to be one of the first to get the coronavirus. So your healthy and out of the hospital by the time the diseased black friday crowds push through the front door and run over security.

Apparently you can be infected by it again after recovering, so getting it early wouldnā€™t necessarily help.

Not that Iā€™m particularly concerned right now. We get these ā€˜end of the worldā€™ virus events every few years. The newspapers certainly got a lot mileage out of Ebola and SARS. Anyway, thereā€™s so much misinformation out there that I simply donā€™t have the energy to panic.


Yes itā€™s a problem of quantity... if you manage to suppress the outbreak in your country ! You can ride it out ...

If not .. you have a big problem...

If you read what kind of care those patients need to get better ... individual cases get all the care in the world ... experimental drugs oxygen ....

Quantity... letā€™s hope it gets contained ..


Yes itā€™s a problem of quantity... if you manage to suppress the outbreak in your country ! You can ride it out ...

If not .. you have a big problem...

If you read what kind of care those patients need to get better ... individual cases get all the care in the world ... experimental drugs oxygen ....

Quantity... letā€™s hope it gets contained ..

Why all...the weird...pauses....


China has announced they are disappointed in the US for closing our borders to recent China travelers - ā€œthis is not helpful to the situation. It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill.ā€


My response to them would be "stop eating all of gods creatures that walk, crawl and squirm on land and sea motherfkers!"

In all seriousness they would do the same to us in a heartbeat, and thats without their own pozzed whiny neolibs screaming racism while they do it.

Their version of locking out the west if a virus emerged here would be cold, smooth, precise, without guilt, and maybe even cruel, as it should be for any nation thats give one iota of a shit for its people.


Iā€™m not paranoid about it, but Iā€™m also stocking up on water and things just to be more prepared. Numbers arenā€™t high in Beijing yet (out of a city of millions,) but who knows. I have nothing to do until the 17th, but it could be longer. Also if I did get it, and it mixed with my asthma, I might be screwed
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China has announced they are disappointed in the US for closing our borders to recent China travelers - ā€œthis is not helpful to the situation. It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill.ā€


We didnā€™t so it soon enough. Fuck china. Fuck ā€œgoodwill.ā€ Populations are at risk and what must be should be done to contain it with the fuckin quickness.
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Iā€™m not paranoid about it, but Iā€™m also stocking up on water and things just to be more prepared. Numbers arenā€™t high in Beijing yet (out of a city of millions,) but who knows. I have nothing to do until the 17th, but it could be longer. Also if I did get it, and it mixed with my asthma, I might be screwed

What? You haven't had a neighbor Wechat you that a person on the 4th floor of your building was taken to hospital because they might have the virus yet?



Noooope. Apparently one guy collapsed on the subway monday, but honestly, for all I know he had a heart attack and people freaked out. I'm just worried I'll have to drink this delicious, calcified, beijing tap water.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Iā€™m not paranoid about it, but Iā€™m also stocking up on water and things just to be more prepared. Numbers arenā€™t high in Beijing yet (out of a city of millions,) but who knows. I have nothing to do until the 17th, but it could be longer. Also if I did get it, and it mixed with my asthma, I might be screwed
Stocking up on water is good but I am pretty sure water will keep running from the trap even if this gets dicey. Food would be the first shortage, and if there is a bad storm (tornado season) you could lose electricity with no one to fix it.

Most towns have automated water systems these days I think.
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I was reading some claims about people killing their own pets in masses because of virus hysteria and fear

If true ( IF, read carefully ) we deserve extinction, but they deserve to burn before all of us

So many gullible idiots here.

Well in the first clip people are in shorts and skirts and tshirts and shit. It is winter in China right now, I doubt that would be the attire worn, unless the first clip can be verified im calling bs. The second clip was one of the first videos out and is authentic. My assumption is it was placed after the first video as some sort of way to add credibility.

There are enough offputting and authentic videos out there you could try linking before calling everyone here "idiots".

Edit: I just realized the irony of calling everyone else "gullible idiots" and yet you fell for that hahaha
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Lay off the personal insults and discuss in an adult manner.
You do realise that first video is from some kind of movie set? Doctors not even in full protective suits like in Wuhan hospital footage, people dressed like it's summer vacation. Is that even China? Who's gullible idiot here? :pie_roffles:
You are a fucking clown.
You are so gullible it goes beyond being a retard.
That footage is 100% legit.

Well in the first clip people are in shorts and skirts and tshirts and shit. It is winter in China right now, I doubt that would be the attire worn, unless the first clip can be verified im calling bs. The second clip was one of the first videos out and is authentic. My assumption is it was placed after the first video as some sort of way to add credibility.

There are enough offputting and authentic videos out there you could try linking before calling everyone here "idiots".

Edit: I just realized the irony of calling everyone else "gullible idiots" and yet you fell for that hahaha

I keep saying this! You are so gullible it goes way beyond being retarded.
You are only going to believe the facts when it is on CNN. Gullible idiot.
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So the new genes in nCOV specify cells the virus can bind and came from HIV.

Does this mean it can attack both respiratory cells AND immune cells?
That is not clear and I think also not implied in the paper. But that would be like the worst case scenario.
No they don't. That would be 1/3rd of their total GNP. He probably didn't convert from RMB to $.

Yes I did. China spends over $1 trillion USD equivalent on infrastructure EVERY YEAR. Should have clarified it was on everything (metro, energy grid, motorways), not just HSR. And their USD equivalent GDP was $14 trillion in 2019, so hardly a third. GNP (taking into account net income from trade) is even larger.

And lol at the 'doctors arrested' fake news.
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To be honest, I am far more concerned for the implications for the global economy and stability of the manufacturing supply chain than I am about a global epidemic. I can't see a case where every automaker in every country isn't line down in 4-6 weeks max if this doesn't stop and we can't get shipments out of China. I had to inform a customer yesterday that we would run out of stock by the 3rd week in February, and I am almost positive my company isn't the only one in this situation.
To be honest, I am far more concerned for the implications for the global economy and stability of the manufacturing supply chain than I am about a global epidemic. I can't see a case where every automaker in every country isn't line down in 4-6 weeks max if this doesn't stop and we can't get shipments out of China. I had to inform a customer yesterday that we would run out of stock by the 3rd week in February, and I am almost positive my company isn't the only one in this situation.
Yep, even if the worst has passed (I don't think it has) this will be a blow to China's reputation on the world scene. Who wants to do business with a country that doesn't exercise pandemic-prevention safety and spreads it to all their trading partners while it incubates?


Yep, even if the worst has passed (I don't think it has) this will be a blow to China's reputation on the world scene. Who wants to do business with a country that doesn't exercise pandemic-prevention safety and spreads it to all their trading partners while it incubates?

That's a long term consequence, but right now, the world's manufacturing industry is so deeply married to China that any sort of instability there could cause a massive depression. We can't just turn a switch on and replicate China's manufacturing capabilities locally overnight. This will potentially serve as the greatest proof of the failure of globalism as an economic system, as all of the capital that should have been spent locally went into the hands of the stock market and the billionaires that own most of it.
That's a long term consequence, but right now, the world's manufacturing industry is so deeply married to China that any sort of instability there could cause a massive depression. We can't just turn a switch on and replicate China's manufacturing capabilities locally overnight. This will potentially serve as the greatest proof of the failure of globalism as an economic system, as all of the capital that should have been spent locally went into the hands of the stock market and the billionaires that own most of it.
I'm not suggesting that countries would pull out overnight, but otherwise it seems like we are talking about the same thing.
11:00 pm Feb 1

Traces of the novel coronavirus was found in the feces of some confirmed patients in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province.


We'll be fine. It's delicate and dangerous but tech is advanced enough to understand and contain this kind of threat.

I bet all in all more people will die this year of heart disease than this virus.
We'll be fine. It's delicate and dangerous but tech is advanced enough to understand and contain this kind of threat.

I bet all in all more people will die this year of heart disease than this virus.

That kind of thinking is unhelpful.

Heart disease, while obviously serious, can strike anyone, anywhere. So far this is limited in scope (and hopefully stays that way). If everyone in the world was exposed to this, it would be catestrophic.


That kind of thinking is unhelpful.

Heart disease, while obviously serious, can strike anyone, anywhere. So far this is limited in scope (and hopefully stays that way). If everyone in the world was exposed to this, it would be catestrophic.

I agree but not everyone in the world is being exposed. That's why steps are taking place to contain.

Being careful doesn't mean one can't be optimistic. Panic doesn't help at all. Much less throwing blame around or making it a political topic.

In other words: dangerous != catastrophic. It does have potential but as usual it's being abused by media to make money and by conspiracy theorists to push their ideologies.
I agree but not everyone in the world is being exposed. That's why steps are taking place to contain.

Being careful doesn't mean one can't be optimistic. Panic doesn't help at all. Much less throwing blame around or making it a political topic.

In other words: dangerous != catastrophic. It does have potential but as usual it's being abused by media to make money and by conspiracy theorists to push their ideologies.

True, though with the... Questionable accuracy of the info coming out of China, I'd prefer the powers that be be extra cautious whenever possible, until we know more.


People of East Asian appearance will now be able to clear waiting lines, seats on public transport, and restaurant tables by simply simulating an aggressive cough.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
China has announced they are disappointed in the US for closing our borders to recent China travelers - ā€œthis is not helpful to the situation. It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill.ā€


China remember that time you completely disregarded an International court's ruling on your thieving of the South China Sea... went something like "China's Foreign Ministry said that: China solemnly declares that the award is null and void and has no binding force. China neither accepts nor recognizes it."

Not great, not terrible.

Reminder this is just one part of China, we'll get another update in two hours with the rest.

The new cases is the highest yet, which is bad, but the deaths are not yet spiking, which is good.

If the national update shows Hubei like numbers all over Chiner then we're in for bad times at the OK Corral.
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