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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Airbus Jr

Let's hug it out.

The nice thing about this sea of stupidity is how easily the more informed ones stick out from the masses.

You're labeling facts as conspiracy theories and crying foul when proper context is added, I think your interest in the truth has been made loud and clear.

You keep putting doctors, health workers and people who followed health guidelines as enemies

Im gona have to ask you to stop doing that

And youve been proven wrong by calling this virus as nothing but a government conspiracies, consistantly advocating people to go to public gathering and describe the virus as an amalgamations of tumours flu and cancer

Someone needs to call you out
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Joe T.

You keep putting doctors, health workers and people who followed health guidelines as enemies

Im gona have to ask you to stop doing that

And youve been proven wrong by calling this virus as nothing but a government conspiracies, consistantly advocating people to go to public gathering and describe the virus as an amalgamations of tumours flu and cancer

Someone needs to call you out

A collection of sources recent as of this month briefly summing up the problem with the PCR tests keeping this pandemic alive, in case you ever want to open those blinders:



Knifey Spooney called off.

You ready for some UK strain Aussies?


You keep putting doctors, health workers and people who followed health guidelines as enemies

Im gona have to ask you to stop doing that

And youve been proven wrong by calling this virus as nothing but a government conspiracies, consistantly advocating people to go to public gathering and describe the virus as an amalgamations of tumours flu and cancer

Someone needs to call you out


Joe’s conspiracy theory batshit is one thing, but that’s just plain stupid. Maybe he realises that was an error and would like to retract?



What does "adjusted for testing level" mean though, exactly? There are many possible ways to do that.
Simply normalizing the positive tests to the total number of test does not give you a useful metric, because when more tests are available the criteria for administering those tests also change. Early on you could only get a test if you were symptomatic, now almost a year later I've gotten tested three times without displaying symptoms, simply as a precautionary measure.
Apparently having covid is a set and unchanging attribute like if your car is red.

the simplest way to think about this is imagine counting red cars on the highway. you cannot count them all. there are 10 million cars. 500k are red. 5%. if you sample 100k cars, you get 5k red ones.if you sample 200k, 10k. so "raw" doubles. but prevalence was identical.
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Airbus Jr


Joe’s conspiracy theory batshit is one thing, but that’s just plain stupid. Maybe he realises that was an error and would like to retract?
He did said that ( covid is not a virus but amalgamation of tumour, cancer and flu) and continue to persist and refuses to acknowledge this mistakes

You can check his post history if you want to see it

This is also the same guy that advocate people to embrace social gathering and stop hiding behind the mask
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What does "adjusted for testing level" mean though, exactly? There are many possible ways to do that.
Simply normalizing the positive tests to the total number of test does not give you a useful metric, because when more tests are available the criteria for administering those tests also change. Early on you could only get a test if you were symptomatic, now almost a year later I've gotten tested three times without displaying symptoms, simply as a precautionary measure.
I don’t know the method they are using here, but there were obviously way, way more people with covid last spring than we have numbers for. What we should be doing is using the number of deaths as a relative measure for the number of positive cases because deaths are absolute.

There is some variability due to our increased ability to successfully treat patients now compared to 9 months ago, but it’s a good rough estimate. The 7 day average for deaths peaked somewhere around 2300 people dying a day last spring. So far this winter, we have peaked around 2700 a day. That’s obvious worse, but not so much worse. The virus is also far more widespread than it was then, whereas most of the deaths last spring were concentrated in the northeast.
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What does "adjusted for testing level" mean though, exactly? There are many possible ways to do that.
Simply normalizing the positive tests to the total number of test does not give you a useful metric, because when more tests are available the criteria for administering those tests also change. Early on you could only get a test if you were symptomatic, now almost a year later I've gotten tested three times without displaying symptoms, simply as a precautionary measure.

Because of the false positive level for COVID testing and since they call everything COVID now (lol they say the Flu doesn't exist) if you test more that will always mean more cases.
What does "adjusted for testing level" mean though, exactly? There are many possible ways to do that.
Simply normalizing the positive tests to the total number of test does not give you a useful metric, because when more tests are available the criteria for administering those tests also change. Early on you could only get a test if you were symptomatic, now almost a year later I've gotten tested three times without displaying symptoms, simply as a precautionary measure.
The total number of positive tests with the current testing methodology doesn't give you a useful metric either.


Serious question. Especially for those pushing the idea we all need the vaccine....

I am someone who is 50/50 on whether or not I want to get it. I think it was rushed, am not an anti-vaxxer and get my flu shot every year. But have concerns with this vaccine.

The argument I am seeing is that everyone needs to take it, even if you aren't part of a vulnerable population. My question is why? The point of a vaccine is to trigger a response in the body of the person taking the vaccine so that the immune system develops a response to the virus and can therefore fight it off if they contract it in day to day life.

If I have a .01% chance of dying from this, that tells me that my body is likely going to be naturally capable of fighting this virus off without a vaccine. The same cannot be said for the elderly and/or the immunocompromised. What good does it do for me to take the vaccine at that point if those who truly have a higher mortality risk have taken it? They are protected.

What am I missing here in this argument? This is a serious question and not an attempt to be dismissive because I simply don't follow the logic.
Why do you take a flu shot then?


Unconfirmed Member
There was a chance of it happening (although it's not guaranteed, mutations and their consequences are random). But because something has chances of happening doesn't mean we shouldn't worry about it. Anybody could tell you that major pandemics can and will happen, even worse ones than covid-19. "It's nature". The point of our civilization is that we're able to protect ourselves from the threats of nature.

Mutations are random individually but not collectively. Imagine virus with 1.0 transmission rate. Then take mutation M1 which reduces transmission to 0.7 - that mutation won’t spread as rapidly as the main branch so it’ll eventually die out. Then consider mutation M2 which increases transmission to 1.3 but kills its host every time, rapidly. That one will spread rapidly for a short time with each host but won’t get the time to properly spread, which means it won’t be so successful. Mutation M3 has 1.3 transmission rate, but doesn’t kill its host. That mother fucker is going to outcompete the original and become the dominant variant.

That’s how viral evolution works, and that’s why we should be careful how we influence its evolution.
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Unconfirmed Member
"A million people died yesterday"
"Well, did you adjust it for the increased testing for a pulse to determine death ?"

You really think that’s equivalent? I guess that shows your level. If we tested everyone for flu and used similar sensitivity and reported numbers every day while classifying every death as a flu death if someone tested positive in the last 28 days we’d see results not a million miles away from COVID. We don’t, because that would be insane.

You seem to be under the impression that people are saying that we shouldn’t test. Nope people are pointing out that the positive tests aren’t useful because they are showing non-infectious people with instructions viral load to experience any impact. People are pissed off that the media is emphasising absolute case numbers without context, instead of deaths which, while flawed (deaths WITH COVID are not deaths OF COVID), are still much more useful as a summary of population impact.

What’s worse is that the phobics are ignoring science and treating the rona as some magical virus that is somehow different to every other virus ever and not subject to the normal rules of biology and viral evolution.

The final straw is that arrogant attitude and general trolling, laugh reacts, straw-manning, arguing with an imagined point rather than what people say, etc. That’s why those of us who follow science are fed up with the phobics.
You really think that’s equivalent? I guess that shows your level. If we tested everyone for flu and used similar sensitivity and reported numbers every day while classifying every death as a flu death if someone tested positive in the last 28 days we’d see results not a million miles away from COVID. We don’t, because that would be insane.

You seem to be under the impression that people are saying that we shouldn’t test. Nope people are pointing out that the positive tests aren’t useful because they are showing non-infectious people with instructions viral load to experience any impact. People are pissed off that the media is emphasising absolute case numbers without context, instead of deaths which, while flawed (deaths WITH COVID are not deaths OF COVID), are still much more useful as a summary of population impact.

Your WITH OR OF caveat means any deaths statistics will be decleared useless just as much as testing by the deniers. But let's look at deaths, the deaths of what the CDC classifies as 'Influenza and pneumonia' were 55,672 in 2018 and this year, with some lag in reporting, the number of pneumonia deaths alone was 281,303.
Those are not 'results not a million miles away' but a pandemic that kills more then five times as many from infecting far less then the yearly flu victims.
Uh oh. So unlike the """UK VARIANT""" this is actually cause for concern. It's not peer reviewed just yet but they just found some mutations in India that can just straight up bypass antibodies and reinfect... Fuck...


Papers, please.

I seriously don’t understand what the problem with this is. I want to travel again as soon as possible, and if this allows me to do it after a vaccine, then great. What possible paranoid bullshit can people come up with for claiming these would be a bad thing?


He did said that ( covid is not a virus but amalgamation of tumour, cancer and flu) and continue to persist and refuses to acknowledge this mistakes

You can check his post history if you want to see it

This is also the same guy that advocate people to embrace social gathering and stop hiding behind the mask

Absolute lunacy. How can anyone who says stuff like that claim to have any credence about their opinions whatsoever? How the hell can a virus (foreign microscopic organism) have anything to do with a cancer (abnormal human cells)? You might as well say Covid contains broken bones or bottled farts.
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I seriously don’t understand what the problem with this is. I want to travel again as soon as possible, and if this allows me to do it after a vaccine, then great. What possible paranoid bullshit can people come up with for claiming these would be a bad thing?
I mean the argument that a government should or could be requiring private health information of people who are going to be allowed to travel is pretty dicey. It opens the door to all kinds of things. I don’t think it is so much this specific requirement, as much as it is about what it means for people going forward. People who don’t remember flying prior to 9/11 have no idea how much the world changed 20 years ago. And here we are again.

Airbus Jr

Absolute lunacy. How can anyone who says stuff like that claim to have any credence about their opinions whatsoever? How the hell can a virus (foreign microscopic organism) have anything to do with a cancer (abnormal human cells)? You might as well say Covid contains broken bones or bottled farts.
We need to ask Joe T about that..

He often ridicule medical expert opinion and noble prize winner like dr Fauci..

When it comes to Covid 19... always trust Joe T advices...😆
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I mean the argument that a government should or could be requiring private health information of people who are going to be allowed to travel is pretty dicey. It opens the door to all kinds of things. I don’t think it is so much this specific requirement, as much as it is about what it means for people going forward. People who don’t remember flying prior to 9/11 have no idea how much the world changed 20 years ago. And here we are again.
Private? It's have you been vaccinated or not yes or no not your browsing history or sexual fantasies. Really not invasive.

Joe T.

Absolute lunacy. How can anyone who says stuff like that claim to have any credence about their opinions whatsoever? How the hell can a virus (foreign microscopic organism) have anything to do with a cancer (abnormal human cells)? You might as well say Covid contains broken bones or bottled farts.

That's how covid deaths are reported, they include almost everything you can think of including cancers, and those numbers are used to fool the ignorant into thinking the virus is so much worse than it really is. You've been made aware of this many times and keep trying to pretend like it isn't happening, so once again:

Quebec health authorities classify deaths as from COVID-19 even if the deceased who tested positive died from cancer or another disease, Quebec Director of Public Health Dr. Horacio Arruda told the media last week.

“Anytime, in Quebec, someone dies from cancer or another disease, if they have COVID-19 it will be counted as COVID-19,” Arruda was quoted as saying. “That’s not necessarily the case everywhere.

And Premier François Legault also told the media that his government chooses to overestimate COVID-19 deaths. This all calls into question exactly how many Quebecers, and people in other jurisdictions, have actually died as a result of COVID.

The truth hurts and this one appears to be burning you to the core.
Hard disagree but regardless actually answer what is so bad about "hey did you get vaccinated?"
I mean, like I said, it isn’t so much this specific thing. It’s what it means going forward. Because it’s never one thing. The people who pretend the “slippery slope” is a fallacy are fools. It’s not always true, but it’s important to consider the implications of these things.

I think we should seriously consider this before we start making people second class citizens.
I mean, like I said, it isn’t so much this specific thing. It’s what it means going forward. Because it’s never one thing. The people who pretend the “slippery slope” is a fallacy are fools. It’s not always true, but it’s important to consider the implications of these things.

I think we should seriously consider this before we start making people second class citizens.
Fair enough. I respect your stance.


Uh oh. So unlike the """UK VARIANT""" this is actually cause for concern. It's not peer reviewed just yet but they just found some mutations in India that can just straight up bypass antibodies and reinfect... Fuck...
That's been the case since the beginning. SARS-Cov-2 can penetrate T lymphocytes. (that article has been retracted, there is another pre-print on this matter but until it's peer reviewed it isn't worth much https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.28.225912v2)
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Has it? So no need to freak out? Thats a relief if so. You should check out the article I linked though and let me know what you think. I'd love to get your take on it.

Well, just realized I misread your first comment and my answer had nothing to do with what you said, and looking for the article to link it to you it appears the study that claimed SARS-CoV-2 coud infect T lymphocites has been retracted. There is another study which indicates that but it's not yet peer-reviewed. Sorry for that.

As for the article, I gave a read at the pre-print and this kind of mutations, like the article says, are expected, they also most likely don't change anything when it comes to vaccines since vaccines train your immune system to look for the Spike protein that SARS-CoV-2 uses to infect cells, and that's not likely to be affected by this kind of mutations. Like they say, it's important to keep monitoring things but no cause for alarm yet.

You mean closing restaurants didn’t fix their problems? I’m blown away. Why won’t people just lock themselves inside and never see friends and family, like we told them to? Why can’t they just FaceTime? Isn’t that enough. Isolate yourselves. For your own good. Visiting family means you want to kill your family.


That's how covid deaths are reported, they include almost everything you can think of including cancers, and those numbers are used to fool the ignorant into thinking the virus is so much worse than it really is. You've been made aware of this many times and keep trying to pretend like it isn't happening, so once again:

The truth hurts and this one appears to be burning you to the core.

So, because one newspaper report from fucking Quebec says cancer deaths have been mistakenly classed as covid, covid has cancer in it? Because that’s what you apparently said... that covid is a mixture of tumours, cancers and viruses. Or did you just mean erroneous death reports? Of which you’ve found a single example from the ass end of Canada.
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