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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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You're either unaware you've been played or you're fully aware and pushing the lie. I'd love to know which it is and always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, but to get straight to the heart of the problem let me explain why the PCR sensitivity you cited as its strength is really its weakness: you're catching people with a tiny genome fragment that is not at all infectious. When your test is up to 45 Ct, as it has been in various parts of the world, up to 95% or more can be false cases.

A case should be defined as someone that is currently infectious and may spread it to others, that's why they're told to isolate. Instead a case is currently defined as anyone that tests positive. That is the fraud underlying this pandemic.

You do realise that in case of doubt about how recent the infection is we use antigen and antibody tests to figure out if the person is stil contagious or not.

Joe T.

You do realise that in case of doubt about how recent the infection is we use antigen and antibody tests to figure out if the person is stil contagious or not.

That would be beautiful if it were true in 100% of cases. It's not at all how this testing process has worked. Governments have instead gone in the complete opposite direction and have even determined that anyone that came into close contact with a person testing positive is automatically deemed a case as well. This is as true in liberal Montreal as it is in conservative Texas.


well look like Germany has gone completly stupid.

We now have a law that does not allow us to move from a certain radius of 15 KM if the certain Place you live goes over a certain level of infections

You can still go 50KM to work ina Full train
This of course only is active for people living in these areas. So they can not leave but others can still go to them. So basically my friend can not visit me but i could visit him
Menawhile we want toopen schools again in a week so yeah...

Fun this was already active in Sachsen but it did not work at all. The number in sachsen went even further.

I think a toast has more intelligence than our current Government

Meanwhile it has been like 14 days since we started the vaccination process. So far less than 300k People got their first shot. And we are already struggling with not having enough XD

Isreal for example has already done 30% of their population.
Until a test is devised that can reliably indicate if a person is infectious or not you err on the side of caution. No current test can do that, they can only provide some probabilities.
Vaccines work in trials that's why they are used on the general public, that is the case for every vaccine.
I realize that. I got this one. But I want to see it work. Trials are nice but this thing needs to have a real, definite impact on the spread of the virus in a large population. I’m not saying it won’t. I just want to see it happen.


There many young people around the world died from covid 19

Plenty health workers and doctors under the age 40 are dead

Youre too fixated to Canada data ( a rural country that barely have 40 million population)

Well I live in Canada so of course I am going to be fixated on it.

Our government is doing a shit job. They keep doing the same thing over and over again and it isn't working.

But hey I get to continue WFH for probably the next 6-12 months so in the end I can't complain. Maybe its a bad attitude to have while others are going broke, losing a year of their lives, and dying from the effects of lockdown. I made another post where the excess deaths for those under 45 is not covid related. There was like 1300 of em, and only 50 were from COVID.

People are going to die, just like people die from AIDS, Malaria, and the Flu. Thats life maybe its cold to say that but its reality. We aren't gods we can't control nature. What we ask is our leadership do what we elected them to do and keep people safe, and in Canada they are not doing that. So why should I continue to listen to people who are clearly idiots and don't know jack shit. We even had a health minister say themselves she doesn't look at her papers and just reads what other people wrote for her.

So ya if these measures were actually doing anything I wouldn't complain, but they clearly aren't.

Joe T.

Until a test is devised that can reliably indicate if a person is infectious or not you err on the side of caution. No current test can do that, they can only provide some probabilities.

$1,500+ fines for not wearing a mask is not erring on the side of caution.
Arrests for visiting a friend/family member's house is not erring on the side of caution.
Mass disruption to the lives of billions, tens of millions of which have been thrown into severe poverty, is not erring on the side of caution.

Double checking the findings of a positive test is erring on the side of caution.


CA hospitals are collapsing. They're turning people away. Two of them should be in the ICU, but the hospital sent them home with inhalers and said good luck.
Which hospital is collapsing.
Cuz it aint the foothills.

I know for fact. Wify works there.


Gold Member
After Vitamin D, next thing get an CGM and make sure your blood glucose is healthy. Mine was shit, managed to bring it to optimal in the last 2 months.
Results: Of the 11,312 patients, only 2128 (18.9%) had diabetes and 2289 (20.4%) died during hospitalization. The in-hospital mortality rates were 15.7% (<140 mg/dL), 33.7% (140–180 mg) and 41.1% (>180mg/dL), p<.001. The cumulative probability of mortality was significantly higher in patients with hyperglycaemia compared to patients with normoglycaemia (log rank, p<.001), independently of pre-existing diabetes. Hyperglycaemia (after adjusting for age, diabetes, hypertension and other confounding factors) was an independent risk factor of mortality (BG >180 mg/dL: HR 1.50; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.31–1.73) (BG 140–180 mg/dL; HR 1.48; 95%CI: 1.29–1.70). Hyperglycaemia was also associated with requirement for mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mortality.

Conclusions: Admission hyperglycaemia is a strong predictor of all-cause mortality in non-critically hospitalized COVID-19 patients regardless of prior history of diabetes.

Admission hyperglycaemia is a stronger and independent risk factor for mortality in COVID-19.

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Joe T.

After Vitamin D, next thing get an CGM and make sure your blood glucose is healthy. Mine was shit, managed to bring it to optimal in the last 2 months.


Controlling your blood sugar is good health advice, but the issues described here with covid are identical to the flu. The silver lining to covid's 24/7 coverage is that maybe a few more people will take notice of such details and take better care of themselves, not that I've seen a great deal of that yet. "But losing weight takes months!" they say as we're nearing a year into this mess.

And because I know the resident, fact-averse trolls get triggered by the comparison to the flu:

Persistently increased blood sugars can affect the immune system and increase the frequency of flu infections. Patients with diabetes are at higher risk of serious influenza-related complications, hospitalizations or even death. These can include complications such as bronchitis, worsening of chronic heart disease, pneumonia, and sinus and ear infections.


But didn't you see Cosmos cover? Being fat is healthy now. Don't let anyone tell you being fat is bad for your health there is no evidence of that.


It's not SARS anymore than it's the common cold. It certainly isn't remotely in the family of deadliness as SARS was.

Disease name:

Covid 19 (coronavirus identification 19)

Virus name:

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2.

It is SARS.

It‘s far more deadly than SARS CoV or MERS CoV because its transmissibility is waaay higher. Far more people die of Covid 19.
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Disease name:

Covid 19 (coronavirus identification 19)

Virus name:

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2.

It is SARS.
It’s SARS in classification. But notice the “2”. SARS refers to a specific virus from over a decade ago. That virus was significantly more deadly but less infectious.


It’s SARS in classification. But notice the “2”. SARS refers to a specific virus from over a decade ago. That virus was significantly more deadly but less infectious.

More deadly on an individual basis, virtually harmless on a mass basis due to its lack of transmissibility.

Evilore was correct when he called it SARS. Covid is genetically very closely related to the 2003 disease.
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I have four family members right now who are under 30 who have no underlying conditions and are having a very very very hard time with it.

That sucks. My very best wishes to all of them for a speedy recovery. I have three friends with relatives in hospital right now, one (43 years old and otherwise healthy) who required life saving measures due to severe blood clots on the lungs. I am eternally glad none of my family live in London with me.
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Gold Member
That sucks. My very best wishes to all of them for a speedy recovery. I have three friends with relatives in hospital right now, one (43 years old and healthy) who required life saving measures due to severe blood clots on the lungs. I am eternally glad none of my family live in London with me.

Shit. That sounds terrible. I managed to escape London early December. The numbers and news I am seeing from there look absolutely mental, although I need to remind myself that media was probably the reason why my family was much more freaked about me being in London for lockdown than I was.


I have a hard time deriving any meaningful information out of single anecdotes from anons online, particularly ones that are unique with respect to the data (it simply is not proving to be very dangerous for the non-elderly with no existing conditions)

Sorry to hear that but it's not changing the larger picture

My god. What an incredibly douchey post. Even for you. ManaByte is one of the best-known and most prolific GAFfers he has no reason to lie to you.


Shit. That sounds terrible. I managed to escape London early December. The numbers and news I am seeing from there look absolutely mental, although I need to remind myself that media was probably the reason why my family was much more freaked about me being in London for lockdown than I was.

Yep, it’s pretty awful. You did well to get out. I’m not particularly worried for myself as the chances of me getting a severe case are low, but I’m being careful, because I would still rather avoid the risk. A lot more young people are getting hit hard with this variant.
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Gold Member
My god. What an incredibly douchey post. Even for you. ManaByte is one of the best-known and most prolific GAFfers he has no reason to lie to you.

I have about 9 family members and extended family members with it, most are having the worst time with it. And then I've lost count of how many co-workers are out on leave with it. A few just came back and described the nightmare having it was, and another person in the company at a different location in the area died from it.

I'm double masking this week and continuing taking D3, C, and Zinc and just being as careful as possible.
My god. What an incredibly douchey post. Even for you. ManaByte is one of the best-known and most prolific GAFfers he has no reason to lie to you.
ManaByte has no reason to lie, but the people who are telling his family they have COVID-19 have a lot of reason to lie, not the least of which is that the test is so sensitive it will detect COVID where it doesn't really exist.

His entire family could be passing around a severe flu and nothing changes, but they aren't checking for the Flu right now, because COVID. In fact it's more likely to be the flu if they are all young and having problems with it, because as we now know the Flu is more dangerous to younger people than COVID is.
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Gold Member
ManaByte has no reason to lie, but the people who are telling his family they have COVID-19 have a lot of reason to lie, not the least of which is that the test is so sensitive it will detect COVID where it doesn't really exist.

His entire family could be passing around a severe flu and nothing changes, but they aren't checking for the Flu right now, because COVID. In fact it's more likely to be the flu if they are all young and having problems with it, because as we now know the Flu is far more dangerous to younger people than COVID is.

This isn't the flu. They lose their sense of taste and smell, and have trouble breathing to the point where they can't sleep. Again, they say it's like an asthma attack that won't end.


What happened to this thread? It used to be about data and numbers. Now, it’s straight shit
How long have you been away? It’s been like this at least since May 2020... The topic attracts Covid deniers and conspiracy theorists in the same way fecal matter attracts flies.
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I have about 9 family members and extended family members with it, most are having the worst time with it. And then I've lost count of how many co-workers are out on leave with it. A few just came back and described the nightmare having it was, and another person in the company at a different location in the area died from it.

I'm double masking this week and continuing taking D3, C, and Zinc and just being as careful as possible.

I'm so sorry, bro. I wish the best for you and your family.



Los Angeles County has been so overwhelmed it is running out of oxygen, with ambulance crews instructed to use oxygen only for their worst-case patients. Crews were told not to bring patients to the hospital if they have little hope of survival and to treat and declare such patients dead on the scene to preserve hospital capacity.

Hospital officials in Southern California said they were running low not just on ICU beds but also on ventilators and morgue space. But perhaps the direst shortage is now of oxygen. Because covid-19 is a respiratory disease that attacks the lungs, most hospitalized patients require oxygen. The sheer number of patients has placed such a strain on oxygen systems that some hospitals are struggling to provide adequate air pressure and flow into patients’ lungs. There are also shortages of portable oxygen tanks in ambulances and ones that are sent home with patients, making it difficult to discharge some patients even as hospitals run out of capacity.

In a directive Monday, the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Agency told EMTs to conserve oxygen by only giving it to patients with oxygen saturation levels below 90 percent. To ease the backup at hospitals, county officials also issued a plan to set up tents just outside hospitals to create temporary “ambulance receiving spaces.” Officials hope that makeshift system will free up ambulances now sitting idle outside hospitals because their patients can’t be admitted.

“We’re no longer a wave or surge or surge upon a surge. We really are in the middle of a viral tsunami,” said Robert Kim-Farley, a medical epidemiologist at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
I’m sorry, but that’s a fucking joke. What the fuck kind of health system do they have? For anyone who isn’t aware, large hospitals have a large supply of liquid oxygen that literally will be millions of liters of O2 when it is dispensed at room temperate. Also, many people are sent home with O2 concentrators rather than tanks these days. Tanks are generally only used for transport because concentrators need to be plugged in. There could be a shortage on concentrators.

However, tanks are easily refilled and it takes no time at all. If there are actually hospitals running out of fucking oxygen, it is not hard to get massive amounts wherever and whenever you need it.

This is either bullshit or incompetence on a scale I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

Seriously. Hospitals have so much O2 that they waste thousands of liters a day in leaks or flow meters not being turn off all the way. That article is trash.
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Gold Member
I’m sorry, but that’s a fucking joke. What the fuck kind of health system do they have? For anyone who isn’t aware, large hospitals have a large supply of liquid oxygen that literally will be millions of liters of O2 when it is dispensed at room temperate. Also, many people are sent home with O2 concentrators rather than tanks these days. Tanks are generally only used for transport because concentrators need to be plugged in. There could be a shortage on concentrators.

However, tanks are easily refilled and it takes no time at all. If there are actually hospitals running out of fucking oxygen, it is not hard to get massive amounts wherever and whenever you need it.

This is either bullshit or incompetence on a scale I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

Seriously. Hospitals have so much O2 that they waste thousands of liters a day in leaks or flow meters not being turn off all the way. That article is trash.

Mayor Yoga Pants
Mayor Yoga Pants
This would fall more on hospital administrators actually. And it’s just complete horse shit. That article is at least 40% made up garbage. I don’t care if it’s the Washington Post. It’s shit. This:
Several Los Angeles hospitals have turned away ambulance traffic in recent days because they can’t provide the air flow needed to treat patients.
Is fucking not a real thing. They may be turning patients away for other reasons. But “air flow” is not one of them. Oxygen is used for all kinds of industrial purposes as well. It’s easy to get massive quantities. If any hospital in the US were actually unable to take patients because they were running out of oxygen, every single administrator should be fired immediately.
LA: We've run out of oxygen
Me: just breathe lmao
It seriously just blows me away that would be printed in a major newspaper. I can’t get over it. Anyone who knows anything about how oxygen works would know that’s insane. Like if that were a real thing, the story wouldn’t be covid. The story would be that the hospital this is happening at is run by fucking chimpanzees.


Dude, they are literally flying in military technicians to increase the capacity of their oxygen systems.

On Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced a statewide plan and a team of officials focused on bolstering California’s oxygen supply. The Army Corps of Engineers has also been called in and is sending crews to update oxygen-delivery infrastructure at several aging hospitals — five in downtown Los Angeles and two in San Bernardino. Separately, state emergency teams have been deployed to refill oxygen tanks at 42 medical support units across the state. The state is also leasing mobile oxygen systems to bolster supplies and looking to order several hundred oxygen concentrator units. The overarching goal, Newsom said, is to reduce the stress placed on hospitals’ existing oxygen systems so they can maintain adequate air pressure for patients.

Also here is a link to said EMS directive:

Dude, they are literally flying in military technicians to increase the capacity of their oxygen systems.

Also here is a link to said EMS directive:

That is the delivery system. The pipes in the walls of old hospitals. Not the oxygen itself. When you’re expanding bed capacity, you’ll need to build more pipes to supply those beds. No one is running out of oxygen. Period. Refilling tanks is a man power thing. It’s not hard and just requires people.

The article is crap. There is no shortage of oxygen anywhere in the US. A liter of liquid O2, which allowed to evaporate and depressurize to around 1atm is like 857L. These hospitals have thousands of liters of liquid 02. California may need to fix a few old hospitals or fill up some tanks, but there is no oxygen shortage.
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Gold Member
It seriously just blows me away that would be printed in a major newspaper. I can’t get over it. Anyone who knows anything about how oxygen works would know that’s insane. Like if that were a real thing, the story wouldn’t be covid. The story would be that the hospital this is happening at is run by fucking chimpanzees.
It’s LA so sounds right
That is the delivery system. The pipes in the walls of old hospitals. Not the oxygen itself. When you’re expanding bed capacity, you’ll need to build more pipes to supply those beds. No one is running out of oxygen. Period. Refilling tanks is a man power thing. It’s not hard and just requires people.

The article is crap. There is no shortage of oxygen anywhere in the US. A liter of liquid O2, which allowed to evaporate and depressurize to around 1atm is like 60,000L. California may need to fix a few old hospitals or fill up some tanks, but there is no oxygen shortage.
seems like the sort of thing they could have worked on when there were practically no cases in the summer, but they were too focused on browbeating old boomers into wearing masks

in general it just shows how insane this all is when you have hospitals crying about this shit when they were talking about this “second wave” as recently as March or April
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China as blocked the World Health Organisation from entering wuhan again after initially agreeing to let them investigate the source of the virus.


I cant see this ending well, it's starting to become more reported that this virus was made in a lab.

This does seem the direction the world is being compelled to go into. China knows exactly what happened, what they did, and that they are now in a position that almost makes them untouchable. They are the world's bully working on a 100-year world domination plan that will have many casualties along their path to victory. Very few academics understand this, which does not bold well for politicians that lack the knowledge, wisdom, and historical insights required to discern what China is doing.


I have about 9 family members and extended family members with it, most are having the worst time with it. And then I've lost count of how many co-workers are out on leave with it. A few just came back and described the nightmare having it was, and another person in the company at a different location in the area died from it.

I'm double masking this week and continuing taking D3, C, and Zinc and just being as careful as possible.
Ok i'll bite.... In the past year I haven't heard one person in real life that had more than what they thought might be something like the flu they think. All the people in my shop that tested positive had no symptoms at all or minor dry throat/headaches whatever. I talk to people all day on my route, and we have about 70 employees at the shop that all go out in public each day. No one has had a hard time with this and we do talk about it.... because the whole fucking world is talking about.

No one in my family has had a hard time with it or know anyone who has that I have heard about as yes we talk about it because the whole world talks about it.

No one of my friends either and yes we blah blah blah....

The only place I hear about people "taking this hard" is on the internet or TV.
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China blocks WHO entry to Wuhan.

China has blocked the arrival of a team from the World Health Organization investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, claiming that their visas had not yet been approved even as some members of the group were on their way.

Pathetic that since July China has blocked the WHO investigation team. Beyond pathetic the world over isn't backlashing en masse about it.


COVID research updates: A vaccine works quickly to ward off COVID-19

An RNA-based vaccine recently approved by US regulators can provide protection against COVID-19 within two weeks of the first dose, according to the results of a large clinical trial.

Genomic evidence for reinfection with SARS-CoV-2: a case study

Genetic discordance of the two SARS-CoV-2 specimens was greater than could be accounted for by short-term in vivo evolution. These findings suggest that the patient was infected by SARS-CoV-2 on two separate occasions by a genetically distinct virus. Thus, previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2 might not guarantee total immunity in all cases. All individuals, whether previously diagnosed with COVID-19 or not, should take identical precautions to avoid infection with SARS-CoV-2. The implications of reinfections could be relevant for vaccine development and application.
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I cant see this ending well, it's starting to become more reported that this virus was made in a lab.
I am by no means a conspiracy guy but I've been tracking this beat for beat since March and have done ample research. I would not rule out the lab thing. In fact if you were to ask me I would say thats the most likely answer. Only wrench in the theory is they found traces of it in Europe and America as early as last November. I think I read that somewhere.


Ok i'll bite.... In the past year I haven't heard one person in real life that had more than what they thought might be something like the flu they think. All the people in my shop that tested positive had no symptoms at all or minor dry throat/headaches whatever. I talk to people all day on my route, and we have about 70 employees at the shop that all go out in public each day. No one has had a hard time with this and we do talk about it.... because the whole fucking world is talking about.

No one in my family has had a hard time with it or know anyone who has that I have heard about as yes we talk about it because the whole world talks about it.

No one of my friends either and yes we blah blah blah....

The only place I hear about people "taking this hard" is on the internet or TV.

Will make sure to tell my patients to suck it up because some anon on an online board says it's just the flu.


You guys surprised with China's reaction? Of course they're going to be blocking any investigations, arresting their citizens trying to speak up on the subject and most of all spending millions (billions?) on the misleading propaganda. 5-10 years from now people will not even remember the Wuhan name.
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