I can't believe a dev can put out something as unpolished as Dragon Age, and then put out something brilliant like this... moral of the story: one game at a time.
It was extremely unpolished. The graphics were crap, the audio was in and out, the battles were insanely difficult one second and a cakewalk the next, unmarked environmental effects, the loot crap shoot.... Maybe the PC version flowed better, but the console version was a mess.
I've got a couple of quick questions (playing on PC)
What does it mean when on your cross hair, two white half circles start moving in from each side and then come together and disappear?
Also, how do you tell what your parties health is it? I see a grey cone shaped thing by their pic and sometimes a horizontal bar but those never change it seems.
Also, how do you tell what your parties health is it? I see a grey cone shaped thing by their pic and sometimes a horizontal bar but those never change it seems.
I've got a couple of quick questions (playing on PC)
What does it mean when on your cross hair, two white half circles start moving in from each side and then come together and disappear?
Also, how do you tell what your parties health is it? I see a grey cone shaped thing by their pic and sometimes a horizontal bar but those never change it seems.
The half circles are represent the your current cooldown rate. The bar underneath their icons show that they're on cooldown as well. The cone represents shield damage, the reddening of their icon shows that they're getting owned.
Well, with the Jedi, KOTOR I didn't have them doing too much beyond the rudimentary. Then again, the Jedi in KOTOR II might have been more stand-off-ish with the main character, but the Jedi in KOTOR II made some ridiculously stupid decisions all the same. Fereldan politics was just awkward at most points.
They kinda blew Loghain's shot of presenting a viable, alternate perspective on the grand scheme of things by sweeping most of his motivations under the rug.
With the council, I guess its just easier for them to represent a government that contains massive douchebags, making it difficult for most to even identify with them. Although, for every good counter point the Salarian or Asari councilmember made in both games, the Turian one always, always drove the hate train home.
True but then the whole point of KotOR II was to tear down the Jedi and the Force. Plus, you know, Atrius...
Of course, its not as if the movies didnt accidentally do the same thing with how incompetent they made the Jedi in the PT.
Maybe Jedi are just stupid and we should applaud Bioware for getting it right?
Not thrilled about hitting the "back" button to put your weapon away. I hate running around with my weapon drawn (dislike the camera angle), so it's kind of annoying that they've changed the way you holster your weapon.
Other than that, it's pretty good thus far...just very different feeling.
finally got all my regular edition, collector's edition and prima collector's ed guide
the character import is retarded...if the game completed profile is not your active career in ME1, then the import wont load up...I couldnt find any saves first, then I have to boot up my ME1 to check...
finally got all my regular edition, collector's edition and prima collector's ed guide
the character import is retarded...if the game completed profile is not your active career in ME1, then the import wont load up...I couldnt find any saves first, then I have to boot up my ME1 to check...
It was extremely unpolished. The graphics were crap, the audio was in and out, the battles were insanely difficult one second and a cakewalk the next, unmarked environmental effects, the loot crap shoot.... Maybe the PC version flowed better, but the console version was a mess.
Failed to initialise the physics system. Wont install PhysX due to some corrupt file somewhere. Wont uninstall for similar reasons. About to fucking strangle someone.
This is exactly what I was saying -- it affects certain little things... like "oh hey, wrex leads the urdnot tribe now because i didn't wax his ass" or "hey, i helped the rachni and the lady encountered the queen and i got a message", but with the way everything was touted, it sounded as if it would be like... there's a huge fucking battle at the end of the game, and if you save the rachni in ME, they come help you wreck shit... but if not, you're on your own -- or if you saved the rachni, you can go talk with the queen and do some quests that aren't available had you eradicated them... getting little emails and random character banter about past events is nice, but there's no impact. it changes NOTHING in terms of the actual story... you still do the same missions and things still play out the same. that's all I was getting at...
I am on the 360 for sure, but I hadnt had a single save popped up the first time
after I got the ME1 reboot then I got 4 saves to choose from...weird tho...
also the experience is not what I expected either
cerberus network logging in
then downloading the DLCs, and Zaheed DLC even refused to be down'ed!
well EA sux everyone knows this fact for a long time
It'll keep coming back too. Spread out your team. Spread them FAR apart. Knockdown the barrier - it'll keep coming back, but what you want to do is attack the armor underneath so you want to take out the barrier as fast as possible to give yourself more time to work the armor. When he comes down, make sure you're nowhere close, reposition yourself and prepare to take down the barrier again.
So what's the bullshit deal with this Cerberus Network garbage?
I started the game, prompted to make EA account, did so, then put inthe Cerberus code as it asked..
The laptop is still closed. I activated my EA account from the e-Mail, even went to Bioware scoial site and all. Now it claims my code is used, but the laptop never opens... so...
edit: btw to Bioware and EA - this shit is retarded.
*makes a bunch of crazy accusations and outrageous claims and demands that the people who are in charge of trillions of lives all over the galaxy do insane things that could endanger lives*
"Do you have any evidence of this? I mean, we'll do it if it turns out to be true."
*throws hissy fit about how they need to open their eyes, it's not your fault that all the evidence you touch ends up dead or destroyed*
"Well then we can't do anything. We don't live inside your head Shepard, we can't see the cutscenes you're in or the things you experience, you kinda need to prove these extraordinary things before we start a war or invest massive amounts of time and money."
*anderson and shepard sulk off and bitch about anti-human sentiment and them damn politicos and their sliminess*
Yeah, I thought the Council's actions in Mass Effect 1 were pretty understandable, and Shepard was usually being ridiculous. At the same time, they were pretty slimy near the end when they grounded the Normandy. There was no harm in letting Shepard continue to try and pursue the path he thought was best. Hell, that was supposed to be the whole point of the Spectres.
Yes. They don't have anything like immunity anymore. But they have access to all weapons, have the most health, and do the most damage. And since shooting things is generally the best way to take out enemies, they are probably the best class.
soldiers are good if you pimp the passive and dump a lot into the adrenaline rush ability... make sure you use it and you'll be pretty much unstoppable on lower difficulties.
I just started the game and wow, I can't believe how much better this runs than Mass Effect 1 on the PC. Sure the port was outsourced, but ME1 was one of the worst running UE3 games out there. Now Mass Effect 2, which looks better in almost every regard, is running at a constant 60fps with everything maxed at 1920x1200. I just went into the CCC and turned on maximum Edge-detect Super-Sampling AA (24x AA) and it still ran between 25 - 35 fps. I'm definitely going to turn the AA down until I can get a consistent 60fps, but the performance is still very impressive.
I've only played for about an hour, but I'm not sure how I feel on the changes. The combat and shooting definitely feels a lot better, but I think I am going to miss some of the more RPG-like aspects of the first game. I won't make any judgment yet, but so far the game has been a lot of fun.
Had it happen on the intro once.. Decided to just install Disc one, once I did ive played about 6-7hrs without any issues, and my Xbox is one of the Original Pros too.
To add to the general sentiment.. GOTY in January.
Don't believe the hype. Unless you're a major loot hound and you beat off to Torchlight, Titan's Quest, and Diablo (I mean that with love, I own them too), the modifications to weapons and armor are far more focused, interesting, and useful.
My only problem with the loot system is how occasionally confusing it is in comparison to ME1.
In ME1, you got an upgrade, equipped it, and you were better.
In ME2 I sometimes find it hard to know when I buy something how I'll actually end up using it. Some upgrades are party wide, some only you can use after you manually equip it... some upgrades are enabled automatically and some need researched and then equipped.
I think the new systems they've implemented have potential, but they need some more explaining up front. I've played for 10 hours and still don't feel like I have a grasp on them.
For example until recently I've never gone over 30k of any resource because I assumed when the green bar filled up I couldn't carry anymore.
I really wish the paragon/renegade options in coversation were not 100% guaranteed to give you a good result.. as a paragon if I choose a blue option I know it will fix the problem.. if i've got two guys pointing guns at each other, i'd like to pick a paragon option and it turn out that they both die anyway because it was the wrong tact to use.
Regarding the pre-order and ce bonus items: where can I actually find them in the game? After redeeming my codes on BioWare's social site (btw this whole shit HAS to stop) I noticed all these download links for my items. Do I really have to manually download this stuff? I got the Steam version btw.
Regarding the pre-order and ce bonus items: where can I actually find them in the game? After redeeming my codes on BioWare's social site (btw this whole shit HAS to stop) I noticed all these download links for my items. Do I really have to manually download this stuff? I got the Steam version btw.
Regarding the pre-order and ce bonus items: where can I actually find them in the game? After redeeming my codes on BioWare's social site (btw this whole shit HAS to stop) I noticed all these download links for my items. Do I really have to manually download this stuff? I got the Steam version btw.
It was extremely unpolished. The graphics were crap, the audio was in and out, the battles were insanely difficult one second and a cakewalk the next, unmarked environmental effects, the loot crap shoot.... Maybe the PC version flowed better, but the console version was a mess.
I just started the game and wow, I can't believe how much better this runs than Mass Effect 1 on the PC. Sure the port was outsourced, but ME1 was one of the worst running UE3 games out there. Now Mass Effect 2, which looks better in almost every regard, is running at a constant 60fps with everything maxed at 1920x1200. I just went into the CCC and turned on maximum Edge-detect Super-Sampling AA (24x AA) and it still ran between 25 - 35 fps. I'm definitely going to turn the AA down until I can get a consistent 60fps, but the performance is still very impressive.
No kidding! I have a pretty modest gaming PC, and yet Mass Effect 2 runs leaps and bounds better than the original. It's almost night and day. The first game had me expecting more 45 second load times, stutters and slow downs. I'm pretty damn happy with Bioware right now
and I'm almost ready to forgive them for Dragon Age.