rallyart said:Hello. I'm having the strangest problem when AA is enabled via nHancer (aa 4x multisampling, AA compatibility: 00,000,045: AA & HDR), if I talk to any character in the game my fps drop to 30 and in any other situation, whether it is fight or a giant stage, are stable at 60 fps. Anyone else happens something similar???
My rig:
i7 920 stock
xfx gtx 275 oc
6 GB ram
playing at 1680x1050
sorry about my english but im from chile.
Try a thing called triple buffering.
To do this, use a program called D3DOverrider. It's included with the RivaTuner package. I think what's happening is that you have v-sync on, and anytime the framerate drops below 60 it will half it down to 30. It's a common complaint, but triple buffering can fix it.