Rez said:the 'dumbed down' elements in ME2 are great, I reckon.
the guys behind the game obviously realised what most people were playing the game for, and it wasn't for the shitty item management and in-depth leveling systems.
Im not even talking about this. Im talking about stuff like:
- the gimping of biotic skills. Both in their effectiveness (charge? dont make me laugh) and in their number (Id love for someone to give me one valid reason why we've had the number of skills we can research drop from about 15 down to 5). Biotics are woefully underpowered in ME2.
- the complete removal of the mako and the side planets. Goodbye, sense of exploration. I cannot believe people hated this but accept something as terrible as the planet scanning crap. Oh yes, this is lots of fun, spinning a planet around and firing probes. In ME1, despite the cut-and-paste style of the side planet bases, you at least had that feeling of visiting uncharted and isolated planets. Now, that is gone.
Yes, they removed things that were shitty and needed removing, like the inventory system. But then they kept on slashing and removed shit they had no reason to whatsoever. The mako and the side planets didnt need removing, they needed to be addressed and brought up to the standard of the rest of the game.