Charging past a biotics primed target triggers the explosion, so there's that too I guess?
Maxed out the manifest after the 3/12 balance changes. Can't believe I've put this many hours into the MP.
I'm curious to know how many millions, or rather billions, of credits you've spent to unlock every URs, including those N7 weapons that were just changed into URs a few days ago.
I've been thinking about the idea of no more operations. While I find it hard to believe they would stop them, everything they did this week points to them stopping them immediately or soon. Obviously it's a no-brainer that they will not do them forever, but I do hope they continue to do them for many more months.
I know the recent changes look like they might be removing them, especially rolling N7 weapons into the UR pool, but my thought was what if Commendation Packs awarded a guaranteed UR now? If they continue the, double commendation pack, weekend events then it wouldn't take long to finish off the N7 weapons to X, but by added them into the UR pool and making the Commendation Pack reward a UR now instead it will continue to slow down the N7 weapon upgrade process. Obviously this applies to those who don't play as much, since you can now upgrade N7 weapons now through packs from credits/$$$.
This also could have been a scheme to roll in more $$$ with those who will buy packs to finish unlocking the rest of the N7 weapons. Would obviously need a good amount of $$$ to do this, but I bet there are people who do it...
Yeah we usually get the Operations details on thursday, so it's not looking good.I liked them, not just for the rewards, but also for doing something different once in a while.
Oh well, i guess one year was good enough?
Hopefully the multiplayer wont get the EA treatment of shutting down servers after 2-3 years. Although i guess it could happen soon after "ME4" is released if the multiplayer mode is even better and improved and if the ME3 playerbase take a big drop.
We are coordinating the largest-scale attack in the brief history of this war. N7 unit actions will pave the way for resistance and conventional forces trying to retake the population centers of our homeworlds. There is no retreat. When an objective is finished or a target destroyed, you will immediately focus on the next. Our assets will provide cover to network ships that will update your targets in real-time. Rally points are at your disposal in the event that all space assets meet with catastrophic casualties. From there, you will fight as your CO sees fit or until further orders arrive.
I cannot fully express my deep respect for all of you, the sapients of the Milky Way who serve together under our banner. When future generations look back on this war, they will see the courage and commitment it takes to change the fate of a galaxy. It has been a hard road, but at last: the end is in sight.
Finish it.
Hey all,
Sorry about the short notice but to answer some of the pings going around - No we're not able to get a challenge event up this weekend.
I regret not getting into the MP until this late
I hope it has some legs, but with support ending I guess it will start to die off.
Oh, avenger challenge completed. Now it's the turn of the geth pulse rifle.
So sick of the pea sohooters!
Sorry, the GPR is another pea shooter.
I really hope the next Mass Effect MP will have better designed weapons. Some of the current ones are just too damn useless (the Geth Pulse Rifle being the worst contender).
BioWare needs to do is to buff most assault rifles a bit. Hell, most weapons, so that they're more competitive with rares and ultra-rares.
All starters and other common and uncommons ones at least.
But that doesn't have to be done with simple base damage adjustment, instead adjust the damage modifiers, GPR could have a slight bonus vs health (in addition to shield/barrier), give Vindicator and Mattock a slight bonus vs armor and so on...
Yeah, well, it is boring without that godly sound from Mass Effect 2. ME3's sounds too weak, as do all weapons in it.The Mattock is good as is. In fact, it's great as is.
There's a reason some weapons are more rare than others.
It was usefulback in ME2
Yeah, well, it is boring without that godly sound from Mass Effect 2. ME3's sounds too weak, as do all weapons in it.
Just threw it there as an example, i don't remember what weapons are good and what aren't, i don't bother with others than Harrier if i use an AR (and not playing as Collector). Harrier is simply too good, low amount of ammo is inconsequtial, accuracy and power trump other things. I can use good ammo equipment to increase damage (and thus reduce ammunition use) and increase ammo supply with gear and equipment.
ME2: Eh, no. Henchmen do full damage with Incisor are very accurate with it, so for them it is better choice. For the player... Mantis. Fast enough, powerful enough, enough ammo. Or Widow, if you can, though i prefer Mantis still. Never saw much point in Viper, too weak, too slow, exposes one for too long (especially on harder difficulties).
Why they won't just answer everyone's question is beyond me... They have not 100% confirmed the challenges are done, but they just made this post earlier.
It does. But I don't recall their being a percentage specific to each weapon. I think it's universally like 60%?I don't know if ME3 has similar system
It does. But I don't recall their being a percentage specific to each weapon. I think it's universally like 60%?
I've noticed in lobby's people with like 500 or higher n7 rank but less than 50 medals... Is that from buying packs with money?
The sound was better in ME2 than it is in ME3. It was stronger and deeper in 2.
M-29 Incisor deals 100% damage when used by henchmen, either due to a mistake or bug. With Mantis, they deal 55% of Shepard's damage, and with Viper, 65% of Shepard's. Also, they were very accurate with it.
I don't know if ME3 has similar system, that squad mates deal less damage with weapons than Shepard but ME2 had such. Made some weapons absolutely worthless, namely those with low damage in the first place.
If you wonder where you got the weapon, PC Digital Deluxe or Aegis Pack DLC (i had all DLC for ME2).
That's a bug. I'm not sure if it's a blessing or curse though. It's really adas x makes no sound why is this?
I keep hearing the Falcon is better. Falcon doesn't give 50% DR vs Geth Primes and Rocket Troopers. If it gets buffed again we're right back to where we were with GI/Krysae.Mindlog rippin' it up with the Adas. Damn.
No they just might have promoted a bunch before they added the challenge system, and they havent played much since then.
Someone give me the quick and dirty for the Asari Inf pls
Someone give me the quick and dirty for the Asari Inf pls
This is my go to Platinum character. She tears apart things from a distance. Cloak and Dark Channel then Warp for Bio Splosion. During charge times shoot your gun.
Stay in cover because she is squishy. I usually only die to sync kills with her. 80% of the time I top the scoreboard with her. One of my favorite characters. I'm glad they didn't "fix" her and make her a standard inf.
My build.
This is exactly what I needed. I was thinking getting through some pistol challenges but didn't know which infiltrator to use.
The suppressor is alright. Tried it on silver matches with the Batarian Sentinel (was grinding out the 200 waves + Executioner), I had better results with the QFI. That gun needs more bullets, with the magazine upgrade you have 10/40, not enough IMO.
Because I'm on spring break, think Imma grind out some challenges lol.
Remember to aim for the head. The Suppressor has a 400% headshot bonus, so if you're good at head shots or if you bring a class that can stun/freeze enemies like with stasis then it should do a ton of damage and you won't miss.
I rememberRemember to aim for the head. The Suppressor has a 400% headshot bonus, so if you're good at head shots or if you bring a class that can stun/freeze enemies like with stasis then it should do a ton of damage and you won't miss.
Someone on BSN updated the Google Doc with Reckoning DLC and it said 4.0 headshot multiplier.where does it say about the headshot bonus?