Reegar and Harrier are OP crutch weapons!
Really I just got bored of using those

I still use the Reegar on my Warlord. It pairs too well to pass up.
I can't really disagree, I don't use them too often anymore either. The Harrier only really goes on my Ghost, which is of course where it is the most broken, because the only reason I bring that character out is to turn on easy mode when trying to survive crappy pug games. I actually don't think the Harrier is much beyond 'good' on classes other than infiltrators, without the cloak bonus its damage is merely solid, and the lack of ammo can actually start to be a problem when it actually takes more than a few rounds to kill something.
The Reegar is actually the much greater offender, its dps is so far off the charts that you almost can't even tell the difference that a cloak bonus makes except against bosses. It's kind of astonishing that it hasn't taken any nerfs to its damage. You could cut it by 20% and you wouldn't even notice except against armor.
Is anyone having success with the Arc Pistol? The Executioner has taken its place alongside the Talon as my go-to pistol. I tried the Arc Pistol a while back and hated it. Maybe I need to give it a third try. I may even give the Suppressor a run. Just looking for the perfect pistol to use on my Asari Huntress.
Right now for pistols I use:
1. Acolyte (Primary for Geth Trooper and secondary on almost everyone else.)
2. Executioner (Primary for Asari Huntress)
3. Talon (Primary for any class that needs to apply ammo powers such as Soldier/Slayer.)
I use pistols with Power Amps and Heavy Barrels almost exclusively. I can swap out the HB, but on most kits the Power Amp is not optional.
Really not a fan of the Arc Pistol. It's weird because I see people on BSN singing it's praises with some degree of frequency, but my most recent experience with it is slapping it on a GI (who can make any gun passable) to grind through the challenge for it. My pistols of choice are mostly similar to yours, though I don't really like the Executioner that much. It's fine, but most kits that I'd run it on feel better with the Talon, I think. I do sometimes like to run the Scorpion as a secondary on kits that lack good crowd control options, it works wonders on the Turian Soldier for stagger-locking phantoms and hunters. I also had some success with it on the Collector adept, to give him some crowd control between those long cooldowns, but said cooldowns make it tough to justify on him, as it's too heavy to run along with a second gun while keeping a near 200% cooldown. The Scorpion is super weak on armor, and the Collector's biotic explosions are too weak to pick up the slack.